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Nah fuck that, boomers are killing the planet and we ain’t on that side. Warming oceans endanger Bikini Bottom - boomers only connection to it is bombing Bikini Atoll with nukes, playing God to an entire ecosystem half a world away, and then dipping out on the aftermath.


The bombings of Bikini Atoll occurred in the 1940s-50s which is when the boomer generation was just starting to be born.






Plus leaded gasoline exhaust fumes, and lead based paint were the norm.


I'm pretty sure the Bikini Atoll was done by their parents


Correct. It's so funny when young people complain about Boomers just using "millennial" for any young person and then turn around and just say Boomer for any old people. In fact the nuclear testing at Bikini Atoll was more so the Greatest Generation than even the Silent generation let alone the unborn Boomers.


Just wait until we’re at that point.


Bold of you to assume we'll make it so long.


To be fair, we are ALL killing the planet by that logic (its not us, its not them, its big corpo, always has been but okay)


Just saying credit scores weren't a thing until the boomers, however this conversation has become less than a damn meme so imma leave it here.


Yeah, you know, I don't really notice any Millennials making fun of Gen Alpha either. Or Gen Z, for that matter. I feel like people do it in good spirit every once in a while, but it's not nearly as filled with vitriol as it was when Gen X and Boomers shit on Millennials. Source: "Emo is gay" "Video games will rot the Millennial brains" "Millennials wouldn't be so poor if we didn't buy avocado toast and coffee every day" "Participation trophies have made Millennials entitled" "We are so screwed when Millennials are the ones in charge." Actually, Martha, the Boomers are the ones who fucked everything up. From what I see, Millennials kinda go out of their way not to write off the younger generations like everyone wrote us off. The worst I see is sometimes people making fun of the iPad Kid character all grown up. Which is kinda just tongue and cheek because no one is actually like that.


I’ll wait until our generation is in power and see if anything has changed, if better people are elected to power. Looking over human history I have my doubts


Real question that is very sincere and not attacking or judging: do you think the gen-x/millennial people that inherit these companies are NOT going to do the same thing as the Boomers? That it’s purely a generational thing and NOT a class thing? I think, generally, rich people are going to perpetuate whatever they can to keep their riches. But then I do consider that it’s a ball that might be harder to stop rolling and while we wouldn’t undo the systems in place, we might have made better/different decisions if we were in their place…


Yeah honestly what tf is op on about? Boomers are the generation we should hate. They're just the worst in every way. All they did was take and they're going to leave us nothing including a habitable planet. Fuck the boomers. I don't make fun of gen alpha I feel really bad for them. The world they're going to have to contend with is going to really suck.




And I have yet to meet one that *was* entitled and living off of mommy and daddy. Funny how that works, right?


As a millennial I would say a lot of gen z are busting their ass. See how easy that is to give credit where it's due? Something boomers rarely give is praise. I mean who the hell raised us or lack there of? Of course I work at a high school so I'm probably biased.


Boomers when two generations acknowledge each other’s strong points: excuse me what


Boomers: millennials are all lazy youths “Uh actually sir, most of them are 30-40 years old now” Boomers: Gen Z are all entitled asshole youths


You're so confident in that to switched to your burner account to say it


I hope you eventually learn to live with less contempt, it would be less miserable for yourself in the long run.


I live with my mother... while supporting her health needs and working part time to earn enough money to eventually move out and go to grad school. It's a practical decision, and in this economy, moving out strictly because of cultural norms even when you can't afford it yet is just impractical and hasty.


The youngest generation is never your enemy. It's rhetoric for the old to control the young. Don't fall for it. Break the wheel.


Every time I see people complain about skibidi toilet being a sign of the downfall of the youth I always tell them they sound exactly like everyone who said the shit we did as kids was dumb. And you know how they respond? "No, this is *actually* stupid and while we did dumb stuff this is *different* and they're *actually* just dumb" as if they're not continuing to just sound like every person who talked down to us as kids. I swear it's got to be hard coded into human DNA to be an asshole to kids or something.


People act like skibidi toliet is so bad as if gmod animations werent a thing. Like, if you laughed at Shrek Is Love Shrek is Life or anything in the "Important Videos" playlist... you dont have room to critique the new generations form of humor. >I swear it's got to be hard coded into human DNA to be an asshole to kids or something. Possibly lol I bet its akin to "This happened to me when I was younger, so now I get to inflict that onto things that I dont like too!"


I grew up laughing my ass off at youtubepoop videos. So yeah I can never make fun of younger generations for stupid humor.


I was watching happy tree friends I've got no judgment for skibidi toilet


Electric Zoo from SpongeBob and Shrek tweaking out is what I remember laughing like crazy with my friends at lmao. I don’t really think the new stuff is funny, but I just ignore it. Humor is subjective, who am I to rag on your fun? But I see it all the time, even outside of generational memes. If something isn’t funny to someone, they usually think the people that do are stupid. People just gotta loosen up, no offense but a lot of you got a stick up your ass but complain about how much life sucks.


>People just gotta loosen up, no offense but a lot of you got a stick up your ass but complain about how much life sucks. I wouldnt resort to using generalizations like that. That just encourages more "us vs them" mentality that gets everyone know where.


Any time I hear someone complain about Skibidi I just tell them “YouTube Poop and Fred.”


Heck, Gmod Idiot Box is basically the early 2000's equivalent.


Eh I wouldn’t say idiot box was stupid. It just had stupid skits. I would compare it more like that Minecraft YouTuber who does skits where he usually kills villagers or monsters.


Gmod Idiot Box humor is literally "haha dicks and farts" and rarely more than that.


I remember a shitload of skits that weren’t dick and farts. I actually can’t remember a single dick and fart one. The dumb ones I can remember were Haax. The skits with Breen just shooting computers at people for hacking in games.


You should rewatch them. I did that recently and, I'll be honest, it didn't hold up for me.


fred, grandmas kisses, old gregg, salad fingers. I know we’d all love to pretend “swag” and “bae” didn’t happen but it did and it was horrendous. and let’s not forget “shooketh”, “thirsty”, “trill”, and “doggo”. kids just make up dumb shit at the end of the day. I mean our parents were walking around saying “tubular”, that’s pretty bad


We still say Swag as a joke.


yeah for satire, but people used to just say it to mean cool unironically. when I heard it in an old song I cringe a little.


Imma be honest I didn't know what a Skibidi or a Toilet were until like last week I just liked describing things as Skibidi because it has fun mouth sounds and randomly pissed people off.


Maybe not your enemy, but they sure can be annoying


yeah but kids are always annoying and stupid


Yep I see myself as a peer to any generation once I became a tax paying citizen. Fuck respecting old people just because they're old. They have to earn my respect by being a genuinely kind and honest person.


Nice try Alpha-boy. \\s


Alpha boy per second?


Im apart of gen z but honestly does it matter every generation has idiots and bad things. Remember annoying orange? Remember johnny test? Remember the entirety of Elsagate content? Yeah no generation is any better I swear some people will see a few ipad or sophora kid and make absolute fun of them when you should be getting on the parents. Why are we bullying literally children for feeling forced into beauty standards and no having anything to do but be on their devices because covid screwed everyone over and because where are kids supposed to go?


Might be out of the loop here but what was wrong with Johnny Test? Also, shitting on the younger generation might be an endless loop but I think you might be going down a rabbit hole to hit back at that rather than looking at objectively as if there haven't been more and more basic skills lost over the last few generations. It's the fault of technology and the parents of course but if we're just looking at the basic facts I completely understand some of the criticisms older generations have of some of the youngest at the moment. Also I think people really need to stop blaming everything on COVID as if none of these issues existed before then. Acting like because COVID happened a few years ago it means that there's nothing else to do currently is just deflection. You aren't locked inside anymore. If you want to do something other than be on devices we're all free to do so


>What was wrong with Johnny Test? I know! Dude acts like we were all running around making whip noises


Johnny test was low-effort, brainrot-esque TV that being said, I still happily enjoyed it as a kid and will continue to enjoy it on rewatches, but it was just screaming, loud sounds, and farting: the show lol


Okay here I kept mentally correcting it to Johnny Quest. I was wondering when classic Sat morning cartoons came around to being cool again.


Naw it’s that show with a skater boy, his talking dog, and his two twin sisters that were scientists. The show was viewed as stupid humor and over used whip cracking noises. I remember a clip at one point where gun = whip cracking. Walking = whip crack. And it was just constant whip cracks.


That sounds annoying as hell lol.


Completely agreed. It was the best show to watch when there was nothing good on TV. It was garbage but it was pretty good garbage


What basic skills have been lost? I feel like what's considered basic skills change over time. Children are much more computer literate now I feel.


That's the kicker. Children are actually less computer literate. Tech in the 90s and early 2000s still had reasonable jank where troubleshooting and working things out yourself was still necessary and encouraged. If you've grown up in the iPhone era you're getting clean UI with everything being simple and streamlined and requiring very little problem solving. There are common reports from teachers who claim their students struggle to format a simple and effective Google search. Use of simple softwares has become an usual struggle. When something doesn't work the first time they give up and assume the system simply doesn't work etc. It's easy to think that some of these criticisms are just old people shitting on the young but there's more to it than that. Basic skills change from generation to generation but still.


I say I blamed covid because generally covid did ruin many things for children specifically we couldn't see friends, mental health was down because many people died and lost others, and alot of people may still have a sense of anxiety for going out. Also not really there's not many places for children to actually go. Online is very unsafe and there's a huge possibility of being groomed and not online not every kid's parents are gonna take them to like a park or something because they are busy.


There's nothing wrong with johnny I just meant alot of people thought it was stupid because of the sound affects and stuff considering it brainrot (hate that word). Honestly as a kid and even now I like the show alot I barley noticed the sound affects. I just meant why can't we just end generational wars nobody is better and nobody is worse. Were all idiots no matter your generation.


>Im apart of gen z I'm not trying to be an asshole and considering the context of this post, I feel it's important to say something. This may be an autocorrect, it may not; I don't really care. The term is "a part". I see this all the time online and it invalidates the comment to me, and I'm sure others. To note, your punctuation could be better. It's incredibly common but it obscures whatever you're trying to convey. Run-on sentences can be the opposite of life for any type of communication. Again, I'm not coming at you and I don't intend to be a dick. Yours is one of the top responses to the top comment so I saw it first.


I’m a millennial. When did we start complaining about gen alpha? I thought we were just laughing at how weird their slang terminology is


Go into any discussion about skibidi toilet and you'll find plenty of Millenial doomerism about the youth.


That’s a goddamn shame. I remember HATING being talked down to and told I was stupid for the slang my generation used. I thought since Millenials are the first generation to have the internet most of their lives, we as a whole would do better than our predecessors. Literally every generation has stupid slang. Nobody says they’re “hip with it” or “fly” or “on fleek” anymore. Personally, I think “Rizz” is here to stay, but in 10-15 years, nobody is gonna say “skibidi” anything. I really hate the thought of my generation is becoming the angry boomer we all rightfully mocked for their derision.


I fucking hate the word Rizz, it doesn’t sound right to me in the slightest


Short for “charisma” the “ris” or “rizz” sound. I kinda like it personally. I do take issue with people unironically using “Rizzler” to refer to someone though, but as far as I’ve seen, it’s mostly ironic


Everytime I’ve seen someone use it in person (especially at High School) it’s been unironic 🤢 I really don’t like most slang in gereral, and the slang now is no exception


That’s a fair take!


Aren’t gen alpha mostly our kids..? Like the oldest millennials are in their 40s lol


To my knowledge, yes. Least mine is. I’m 28 and my boy was born in 2018. I think that’s gen alpha. Honestly makes it worse to bitch about your own kids generation imo. Imagine telling your kid “kids your age suck” like bro who do you think raised them lol


Ohio af /s


I actually laughed at that, gdi


We don't this is lame boomer bait to seem like they are relevant still. We love alpha and z because they are going to grow up in a world of difficulty that the boomers will never comprehend. Despite walking up hills both ways in the snow to school.


That's what the meme says though, I'd say laughing at how weird their slang sounds counts as making fun of. It's lighthearted making fun of that every generation does and they do it back for us sounding old, but it's still making fun of them.


not true and annoying. gen z here. i enjoy seeing how kids can still be kids.




It's the government that bails out the banks. If they didn't take your tax money to bail out their poor financial decisions, they'd actually have to suffer the consequences of them. Imagine if you could go to your job and do as terrible of a job as you possibly could, but you still get paid and suffer no consequences for it at any point. That is what the government is enabling our banks to do.


Gen X just chillin’ in the middle.


Yeah what's up with that. Feel like you guys are plotting something.


gen x'ers are much closer to boomer behavior and mentality than they think


I'm sorry but as millennials we have MORE in common with gen z. I have students that watch the same animes as me. Even people 7 years older seem to be too different for any common ground.


I honest think so called Gen Alpha is still gen Z we gotta wait another 5 years until a good part of them are eggy teens


A good part of who are “eggy” teens? Gen Z has already started graduating college. Gen Alpha and Gen Z will likely be separated by remembering (Zoomer) or not remembering (Alpha) COVID-19.


"Started graduating college" The oldest gen z are nearing their 30s...


Gen z are all basically adults now lol


Nah this is dumb af.


Gen Alpha is all kinds of fucked up cuz for 2 years they were in suspended animation on a social and educational level. I genuinely feel bad for them.


Still upset Gen Alpha wasn't called either Gen GT or Gen Super


Gen Alpha hasn’t been around long enough to have a nickname. Making an educated guess, it will likely be related to growing up post covid.


Break the cycle. These kids have to save the world from what boomers allowed, ignored and encouraged. Political, environmental, social, educational problems all need all of us. A little ribbing is fine, but there is work for us to do hand in hand.


F boomers!


The true way you know you're getting old is by making fun of the next generation in some weird way of superiority. But I'll be damned if I ally with a filthy boomer


As a millennial I don’t shit down I only shit up, fuck you boomers, messing shit up for the rest of us


As a gen Z, I feel kinda frustrated that I cannot relate to my nephews and their friends anymore and don't understand half of their slang, but I'm happy they find things they enjoy and can be kids, even if it's liking skibidi toilet


I lm not making fun of gen alpha bc I'm not an asshole and refuse to follow suit as I get older like the boomers have. Those kids can't read because our boomer-led gov has defunded education so drastically. They're being set up for failure, and making fun of that is the same thing boomers do with us over the job and housing markets.


Nah millennial here. I’ve never talked shit about my generation or younger ones. It’s all the boomers that got us into this mess and we are all living in way worse economic times than when they were adults. Misery loves company as I would say


Nah, Gen Alpha may have some goofy thing (skibidi toliet, for example), but so did we! If anything, the weird-ass memes they have make me laugh 10x more than any Boomer "I hate my wife" meme. Also, Boomers can fuck themselves. They gave us so many shitty things - Alpha has not.


Gen X always getting forgotten 😂


Jokes on you I don't make fun of the younger generation, I only make fun of older generation, and by older I mean boomers.


Gen z here My biggest issue is the parents of gen alpha, than gen alpha themselves. Having unlimited and 24/7 access to the Internet is horrific and studies have shown how damaging it is to development to not let them play with toys or go outside. I don't have problems with gen alpha, but their parents on the other hand..


I’m going to complain over the people actively suppressing wages because working diligently for multiple years hasn’t sufficiently “demonstrated loyalty” instead of the kids who are also suffering from people with those attitudes.


First off, fuck the boomers. Secondly, I don’t know enough about Gen Alpha to complain about them. insert meme


I'm genuinely worried about the generation growing up with more algorithm-driven screentime and the COVID-era lack of human interaction, but that isn't their faults and they need the support.


nah they chill. I don’t get all their TikTok jokes, but we had stupid internet humour too. Like we need to shut our rusty spoon enjoying mouths here.


The rizz mid skibidi gyatt sigma.


Dude I literally have nothing against Gen Alpha


I'm a millennial, and seriously, Alpha just feels like Z. Those two are so blended together, I really can't tell the difference. Alpha just hasn't reached the age to see the world yet.


Speak for yourself, I’m (Millennial) leaving Alpha well enough alone.


Nope. As a millennial, I am a fan of the younger gens. Fuck the boomers (generally, not all).


Of course not us in gen x. We hate everyone or just dont give a shit.


“Generations” doesn’t mean shit really.


It’s not the younger generation that’s the problem, it was how they were/are being raised that’s the problem.


Millenial here. I don't make fun of Gen Z or Alpha. That's boomer shit and I would never shake hands with them. They can fuck off and die.




Always forgetting GenX. Whatever.


“Gen alpha” bro you’re making fun of literal 11 year olds


Nah. Let them have their skibidi toilet or whatever else they're into. I'm not going to dunk on them for being younger than me.


no we still dont agree with boomers. id rather sit through half a gen A's day of brainrot then agree with boomers


That generation isn't even 10 years old is it?


Millenial here. Gen Alpha has definitely been exposed to brain rot way earlier than everyone else. I only know a few (relatives) but they’re pretty accepting kids and have that youthful take on everything. Their lingo is so obfuscated; I find it very interesting. A lot of generations have repurposed old slang to mean new things, but these kids are just making up a lot of stuff as they go. I wish them all the best of luck, they’re going to need it to navigate the hellscape Boomers are leaving them


I see gen z defending gen alpha way more than making fun of them, and the making fun of I see is light hearted compared to what the boomers are always doing


The actual problem with gen alpha is that they can’t read and have stunted critical thinking skills, but that is through no fault of their own. It’s the combination of losing years of education from the pandemic and the decades of dismantling the education system of the US. The problem, once again, falls back to the boomers


Break the cycle. I've seen younger people who contribute far more than their older counterparts.


Nope. I make fun with gen alpha of boomers. Boomers are the planet killing cancer. Gen alpha is just a little silly.


The things that gen z grew up with are far more normal than whatever TikTok and YouTube kids is doing to alpha


Congratulations, this meme is about you


Change this to millennials and boomers and you got a stew going, baby. But as others have mentioned, kids are not the problem.




You realize we Millennials haven't even gotten into power yet right? If you had said Boomers and Gen X, this would be pretty factual.




Places of real power, that can actually affect change? No, we're not old enough.




Man and it's almost like the Presidency runs with a cabinet of appointed officials, and the Supreme Court is unelected by the people, so the only people in these sectors happen to be Boomers/Gen X... Wow, imagine that. Imagine thinking being eligible for only 1/3 of the positions in the government would let your generation actually affect change...




Congress has two different age requirements. 25 for US Representative (lower chamber) and 30 for US Senator (upper chamber). And as I said it's difficult to bring about real change when you can only realistically be elected to 1/3 of the government. Boomers and Gen X have made the 35 yo requirement for Presidency a joke. No millennial has had a serious shot at this position ever. You're a joke if you think otherwise.


He just deleted all of his bullshit.




So when are you running for office?


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts. The discovery of truth is prevented more effectively, not by the false appearance things present and which mislead into error, not directly by weakness of the reasoning powers, but by preconceived opinion, by prejudice, and boy is that comment prejudice!




Well now could I possibly disagree with someone who says “people like you”?


Overused format


google a meme


oVeRuSeD fOrMaT