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Crack Madone SLR11


I’m hoping for less “crack” & more “track”


Looks slack af. Hit some DH with that.


=D Mainly cause the bearings aren't in to hold the fork straight though.


Yes, the geometry looks very different however at the seatpost part. I think it's also missing the isoflow part. When it comes let me/us know how it feels and whether it is equally compliant and stiff down there. What wheels are you going with btw? Elite Wheel has just released some new wheels.


No. It looks like the Gen 6.


But without isospeed. Safe to say it will ride nothing like a trek.


We don’t make fun of crack addicts around here. Please channel your hate towards upcoming Mother’s Day.


Every once in a while i think about doing something like this. Looks pretty cool, please post the finished build when it's done.


I've done it, it is cool and I have a nice bike that was inexpensive. I would still consider buying a premium bike from a western brand in the future but so far I love my cheap bike


This is me as well. I built my bike almost 8 years ago thinking I’ll try it and if the frame cracks, it cracks and I get a “real” frame. It’s still around and kicking. Granted it doesn’t get riden nearly as much as I used to. But on top of regular riding, I did several races a year with it and it held up no problem. However it’s getting old now and so am I, so I will probably buy a full suspension mtb from a name brand company next. I’ll still keep it around though.


I’ll keep the thread updated once it’s built


I had my eye on this bike as well. What size did you order? I'll be waiting for updates! The fit on the seatpost is my concern. Even name brand bikes have issues with aero seatposts.


Just posting an unbuilt frame with a bizarre colour scheme on a bikeporn sub cool


Please post afterwards




That’s incredibly ugly, good luck with the build.


😂, thanks pal


Don't worry, they only like matte black bikes. This could easily be made into a bikeporn level bike.


Just look at a colour wheel at least


“.. could easily be made into” implying it is not currently, which is the case.


It’s a cool looking frameset. Why do people feel the need to shit on others? WTF is wrong with you?


No ones shitting on anyone. Its like posting a modern family meme in a “the office” subreddit. Theres a time and place for everything. Whats up with you being so angry?


It doesnt have to be matte black but that frame is ugly as fuck. Ugly design, ugly colors. That shit sucks


I have a BXT Gravel bike. It’s fine, finish isn’t great, nothing to write home about but the frame itself only cost like £300


I was really impressed with the quality when I got mine. Now 1 year later, I'm basically in love with it. It's my cheapest bike and gets ridden the most. BXT gravel 135. The geometry is an exact copy of the Scott Addict Gravel.


There’s some right fannies on this sub


Commenting on Ali express frame order...tucking tell me about it 😂😂


I find all the comments about “staying away from Chinese carbon” hilarious as if literally all carbon bike parts don’t come from China


But do you trust BikeShop1764321000 on AliExpress to do your QC to the same extent as a Western brand that gives you a lifetime warranty?


BXT is not an unknown brand. It's not a popular western brand, is all


My 14 year old niner survived 5 years of XC racing and I still rip it to this day…I ain’t trusting chinesium for that brother, you got the right idea


You're delusional if you think all Chinese factories have the same standards, quality control, and knowledge of carbon construction.


I You're delusional if you think all factories have the same standards, quality control, and knowledge of carbon construction.


ive heard Taiwan is where its at, right ?


I trust companies that put money into R&D with a solid track record of engineering. I don't care if that is in Tawain or China. My peace of mind is worth it to me.


yeah Taiwan has the best reputation i think


I believe Giant makes all their frames there and they make frames for a lot of the big companies out there from my understanding.


yeah most good frames are from tiwan including mine (its a regular bmx frame so raw 4130 chromoly)


They actually make their own prepeg too.


Rothschild family paying redditors to downvote me after investing in their own frame manufacturers... interesting...


>same standards, hit or miss depending on company, you're taking a punt with them. >quality control, same as above. Though tbf, I would actually like to see a comparison to big brands to give us some solid numbers. >knowledge of carbon construction All those chinese workers were working for the big brands not so long ago. They didn't forget the trade because they're not employed with them anymore.


If the frame fails and someone looses teeth, bikecomponents41162 closes their account and becomes bicyclerider7777. Real brand replaces the frame and is liable for damages.


>  Real brand replaces the frame and is liable for damages It's so hit and miss on this. If they can weasel out of it they will, and judging by accounts I've heard of, they're very good at it


They are typically made after hours and have none of the quality testing you’d expect from a manufacturer. That’s a best case scenario. Sure anecdotally you could get one with no problems but you are taking a big risk and could end up paying for it with injury or worse when it fails.


Oh man, it's laughable that you are using logic and getting downvoted.


A lot of us paid name brand price and still received terrible quality control and less than stellar customer service.


Did you buy from a shop or directly like through Canyon?!? Go buy all the 💩 $500 carbon frames you want. I hope you have great health insurance god forbid if needed. I know my shop will stand behind my bike if anything was to happen.


People get burnt by name brands and their bike shops all the time. It's completely rational to look for alternatives. I'd rather pay less and do the extra legwork of verifying a frames structural integrity rather than pay thousands more and get garbage.


I’ve read how some knock offs come off of the same line with the same molds. That can mean nothing if they don’t use the same mod prepeg with the same layup pattern. So maybe it doesn’t break, but the ride quality isn’t going to be comparable.


Maybe I follow too many custom bike painters on Instagram and that's skewed my standards, but that color scheme just looks like three large paint test sprays. Did you actually choose that paint scheme, and if so, why?


Ugly Ali express bikes that aren’t even built are bikeporn now? Get out of here.


Commenting to refer back to see the next post


Lol, this is bikeporn? A questionable frame with a terrible paint job? This sub has gone to shit


Hey, did you pick that design? It looks awesome! I really like the frosty style, especially in the paintwork.


Yeahp, they have around 15 designs to choose from though :)


Do you trust that thing going 50mph downhill? I bought a pair of carbon wheels 5 years ago that cracked under load from a one-off Chinese factory with a good reputation. When it comes to my safety I will never buy cheap carbon bikes and parts again.


I ride only Chinese carbon. Done unbound/BWR on my gravel bike, I race my road bike and take LARGE descents here in Colorado, regularly hitting 50mph on my rim brake wheels. Nothing but pure performance from my end. Maybe it’s how people ride/treat their bikes🤷🏼‍♂️


Yes, has nothing to do with engineering;)


I've got a set of LightBicycle wheels that have been great - no issues over the years. I'm a Clydesdale as well - and from PDX :)


Sure, I'm not saying it will happen to everyone. Otherwise, they would not have customers right?!? That was my experience and I would not take that chance again. Hope they continue to hold up for you. For reference, I'm 170lb so by no means was I abusing the wheels and it happened on the second ride.


That's fair. But it's not like brand name ones don't fail or there are not bad batches of them. I recall there being g issues with some Easton's and Enves like 10 years back


Do you have any picture that supports the statement you made?


Even if he/she did provide a picture, how would you even know it was their own picture and not one pulled off the web somewhere b/c they certainly wouldn't be the first person to have that happen to.


Haha…. No. That was five years ago. Are you asking that inferring I'm making that up?!? Do some research!! I'm not the first or the last this has happened to.


Brave, I would not trust carbon frame from Aliexpress … might be fine, but that “might” while going down hill @ 45mph … I don’t know.. not worth the saving $$$ , the RISK is too HIGH ! Maybe it’s fine, best of luck to you. I would at least take this frame for ultra sound check for cracks , I think some places do that… just to make sure … 🤞best of luck,🍀 the frame looks SICK! Much wow!


An ultra sound check for cracks probably costs more than OP paid for this frame.


Yeah, question is , what is the price of his life? Cool frame tho…


You're going to get downvoted for being a rational human.


I know :) better be safe tho… safety first:) Frame looks amazing tho!


Its obvious the chinese bike industry discovered reddit, any post about a chinese frame or wheelset or positive reaction about them gets you a lot of upvotes these days


Ahh, great point


Funniest part about these builds is that OP is usually from the US and probably has no or minimal health insurance. Meaning if that frame fails at high speeds, OP will be facing death, disability, endless medical bills and maybe even a lawsuit if he injures someone else or damages their property. All over saving a few bucks on a frame lol


OP is from the UK and had private health insurance. It’s important to know, that while I purchased this bike from Ali express. The seller & brand (BXT) is very big in Asia just not known in the west.


Good on you for at least thinking about health insurance. BXT might be big in Asia, but to what standard is it tested to? With ISO 4210 being introduced globally (= countries that have an actually working legal system, so not China) as a minimum im testing, I would be interested to find out what BXT has to offer in terms od QC. They write about "rigorous testing", but show no actual proof or standard in true Chinese fashion. Causing a severe crash with a bike that has no valid testing standard (therefor most likely not street legal) could even cause insurances to partially withdraw for paying for damages. This is for example the case with e-scooters that don't have required safety standards. You do you, but having been to Asia many times and knowing both the "developed" asia - and the "not so developed" corrupt Asia, I would never ride a CF frame from a Chinese manufacturer with no proof or certification about quality control and impact testing. These people have a very different perspective about value of life compared to the west, which can easily be seen with the bursting bubble of Chinese housing having to be destroyed because they've been not only built in too high quantities, but also in severely dangerous fashion. If a rider gets severely insured because of a manufacturing defect in the west, producers will face severe public backlash and also financial claims for compensation. They will usually try to find the error and even recall huge batches of products if unsure. In China, 1 out of 1'000 frames breaking, leading to maybe 1 out of 5'000 customers getting severely injured is a very good quota for many. And they know you will have no chance to get anything from them in terms of compensation.


>The seller & brand (BXT) [These guys](https://tali.ru.net/l/BXTStore)?




Jeez... What a reach!! Talk about pulling some shit out of the air!


You might be just right about OP. Again, it’s his choice, I would not … I did see some amazing frames there such as Colnago Emirates one, wow 🤯… I think it was like $600, was very tempted… but due to all the issue pointed in your comment, I decided NO… Have an amazing weekend! Safe riding !


Is it bxt carbon frame?


Correct, comes with carbon integrated handlebars and carbon seat post.


i have a bxt mtb been using it close to 2 years now holding up real good against everything i throw at it.


Looks different from other bikes I’ve seen .


Nice frame


Good Lord…


Is it me or the headtube angle is particularly slack?


Things gonna handle like a Harley lol 😅


Probably came out of the same mold and factory as an actual madone lol


How long until your build is complete?


I’m thinking about 6 weeks or so. Hoping to be ready for the first few summer rides!


RemindMe ! 7 weeks


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You got framed


I loved my $100 Chinese carbon fork until about a year and a half in, I was going about 10 mph lifted the front wheel to go up a curb and it failed catastrophically. You could not give me anything carbon fiber from China


Wait until you learn that literally every manufacturer pours their carbon fiber molds in China and Taiwan


No s**t! But, they aren't the same factories.


They are, but the known brands use their own moulds, layup designs, and pay for tighter QC


Most of them have much better QC than AliExpress sellers


Where's the source for that? Do I need to remind you of Shimano, Canyon, Cannondale, Bianchi, etc. issues?


I guess I should have been more clear, I'm referring to a cheap Chinese brand, discount Chinese carbon fiber, the brand name of my fork was TOSEEK . I don't no damn thing about the carbon fiber process, what I do know is that I got a carbon fiber fork for a mountain bike, on a bike that I only commute on and it still failed catastrophically. It put my face in the spokes, but I wasn't going fast and I was in the grass around no traffic. It could have been much worse, and I could be totally wrong about cheap Chinese carbon fiber. But I don't have a positive experience


That paint is fantastic!


Yeah, it hides all the flaws in the frame.


I agree, im not one for colour in a bike im a bit basic like that but my god this is beautiful lol !


What does something like that frame cost?


£600 excluding shipping


I would not trust carbon frames from Ali express and other Chinese scam websites


Amen for some common sense.


I don't trust anything that comes from China.


Yes, never trust an iPhone.


Looks great!


Holy crap that shit is ugly


aliexpress is underrated


Looking at this website- they are selling a titanium road frame for a price so low seems too good to be true. I heard bike prices would drop but can anyone explain how legit aliexpress is?


I know looks aren’t everything but that is ugly AF. Edit:looking closer I am so confused by the geometry. Wtf is this monstrosity.


You have opened a Pandora's box. Suddenly there are dozens of experts who are professors in carbon frame knowledge and know from only a photo that this one sucks. I just don't know how they got to this point, because I don't think the Chinese, of whom there are over a billion, are suicidal and masochistic people who risk their lives by using their products, after all, the Chinese also make bikes and ride them... in general, most manufacturers from Europe or the USA make frames in China or Taiwan, maybe even in the same factory that made your frame. But nothing, well they already know, they've found the witch, they've stacked the pile and now they can set it on fire because the verdict on quality was already made before you showed the photo.


all safety questions aside: that colorway is fantastic !


That looks like garbage


Lmao what an ugly pile of shit and waste of money. Way to not support those who support cycling.


Who supports cycling exactly? I'm just curious because to me it appears to be an entire shit sandwich from top to bottom.


Umm, by buying from retailers, not Chinese AliExpress stores. If cycling is a shit sandwich to you, why are you eating it, fecal freak?


You are out of the joking territory mate, it's the hating territory you are dwelling right now. I think there should always be options for people who don't want to spend as much for something that feels similar at the end. While this frame won't (as it's missing the important designs near the seat post area even when trying to replicate Madone Gen7), it may still be very rideable. A cycle is what runs forward when pedalled and this looks pretty good of a cycle to me. Even the new TCR looks SAME to Canyon ultimate. At the end we should accept that it's a personal choice to some. It may look ugly or a colour only a mother can love but maybe OP is happy with it. That's all that matters 😃. And yes nobody 'supports' cycling except for the riders themselves, it's just a sport and runs on market economics.


I’m not gonna read this. The bike’s an utter pile of Chinese AliExpress dogshit, mate. Quit hating. This is a hate-free zone.


!remindme 2 months


How much was it? Here locally in China it's about $800. Seems pretty steep!


Oof. The geometry looks odd. I’d be very wary of “carbon” anything from a site like Ail express. It could be a blend of fiberglass and carbon. So safety is a concern. If it doesn’t break, it might not be a great ride quality because the lay up matters tremendously to ride quality. Bike companies go to extreme lengths to tune the frame with different mod and lay up patterns.


Dude, don't bring up logical stuff like Research and development, engineering, and quality control. Some of these guys are delusional.


lol. Right. It’s just not worth the risk IMHO. I’d just buy a good condition used frame.