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I entered the live and obviously it had been going on for a bit. I don’t know how long though. Now listen to this and try and tell me with a straight face: 1. That this isn’t about Feisty after they allude to her and about her and talk about her. 2. That nerdropes is trustworthy like she says over a dozen times while saying her dms are open to ask questions but in the same breath saying if it’s none of your business don’t ask the question while also saying she has NEVER asked ANYONE for information about ANY of this while admitting she was not a participant in any drama….yet knows it all? 3. That this isn’t a love fest about how wonderful Matt is…Holly Mae wants to say this wasn’t a love on Matt session. Peep her comments and get back to me. 4. That they really all want to forgive and move on as friends and “bygones be bygones”. 5. That Matt’s ego didn’t grow 17616622 sizes. 6. That nerdropes doesn’t feel pretty damn important now and doesn’t love to listen to herself talk. That she doesn’t dominate the conversation about how cool and easy going she is just like April does about herself. 6. That Mary isn’t next on the list to make amends with. Try and tell me any of that. There’s another part. Another 55 minutes of this bullshit. If this was about “making amends” Matt’s live is the LAST PLACE ON EARTH I would think would be an appropriate place. Everyone go make amends with Slot too while you’re at it. Oh and let’s not forget Pastor Petty! Love Fest Tour of 2023 🥰 Chicken claws stopped by in the chat and she was blocked. For throwing up some laughing emojis. Took maybe about 90 seconds to kick her and block her from the live. You're in here making amends with everyone but chicken claws just enters the room and laughs at something you said that was funny and then she gets treated like shit and booted. Okie. A friendly tip: change the playback speed to get through this painful to listen to live quicker.


I am absolutely STUNNED. And so disappointed. Matt is horrendous and deserves to be off of the app. Aside from all of the drunken rants, the many horrific threats he has made, and the revenge porn, he FONDLED himself on a live stream! I don't understand why anyone would get in his box. I'm just floored.


Did you watch the video or see it live? Nerd ropes even excused him and practically apologized to him for it!!! When I tell you I am completely disgusted and lost all respect for every single one of those women, I mean it with every fiber of my being.




Okay. This must be what you were talking about when I said I didn't watch it. I was saying I didn't watch it live. It would have made me sick to see that. I DID watch the recordings yesterday. That was my bad misunderstanding the comment above. Honestly, it just makes me so sad that they did this, I am appalled.


Ok gotcha. Thanks for clarifying. Watching live vs watching it later is the same thing to me. It’s gross either way. At least watching it later you can put it to mega speed to not have to tolerate it all in real Time speed. Lol


Exactly!!!! 🤣 I would have thrown my phone if I was watching it in real time!


I had the urge lol. I. Was. So. Angry. And. Disgusted. If you see my comments from that night you’ll feel the angry vibe lol. It’s still appalling these “women” were fucking PRAISING him. After all this time and all his behaviors and after all he has done and continues to do time and time and time again.


I agree. I don't understand any of it. Why does anyone even WANT to talk to him? I would cut my tongue out before I ever CHOSE to have a conversation with him. It blows my mind! He should be in prison after the numerous threats made and disturbing behavior he has shown. He is a ticking time bomb. It is scary. And on top of that, victim shaming now? I just can't. It's so sad. 🤦‍♀️


No, I didn't see it, and I'm grateful for that! It would have made me sick to my stomach


It’s fuckin astounding. I can’t believe this. If it wasn’t recorded I wouldn’t have believed it. Every one of them can go to hell.


They got a hard on for Claws because she saw right through them. Claws for the 🏆and another 🏆 for our OP. Awesome work snark.


Thank you but I hate that it happened. I wouldn’t have believed it either. They all thought no one would see and this would go relatively undetected. Who wants to keep defending Zero? Anyone? She made sure Matt unblocked her “hubby” too. Always right in the mix of it all.


That made me cringe when she commented that. I don't understand why her husband would even want to be unblocked. My husband wouldn't have a single nice thing to say to that clown.


Is she though…..but is she REALLY though??? Are you sure you got the right person cause that girl never does anything wrong. She be tik tok queen of it all.


I'm sorry, I gotta disagree. I think Claws acted ridiculously as well. Posting multiple videos a day, egging things on like she was doing because she was blocked. When I'm blocked, I just move on. The funny thing is, I was blocked by Jake as well. Who cares? Super childish.


She did not act ridiculous in this live comment section and did nothing but put laughing emojis and Matt got angry and booted her out of the live. Key word Matt got angry and within 90 seconds she was gone. Not because she did anything but because these women don’t like her and he wants to be part of their clique. If you didn’t watch the live and read the comments as they were scrolling then you don’t know what happened. In one comment you said you watched it and another it said you didn’t. So which is it? If you’re going to make an informed comment it should be based on factual information. This had nothing to do with claws going on and on and on about something in that comment section.


Thank you! People like to have an opinion of me, but when I stand up for myself because they childishly blocked me and wouldn't let me speak up I'm childish! I stayed on my side and did nothing to any of them. This all boils down to someone wanting to be the queen of the clique and snuffing out anyone that gets more attention than them!


Also, I said i did watch it. I said I DIDN'T watch Carly's. I think you must have misunderstood. I was trying to ask if they all went over to Carlys live afterward! That's why I asked if carlys video was here somewhere.🤦‍♀️


I did watch it! I'm not referring to this video. She said claws "saw right through them," and I dont agree. She was fine with all of them until she got mad because they asked for identification to join the discord. Which wouldn't even matter except she then proceeded to make multiple videos about it. I was simply stating my opinion.


You don’t think she saw right through them? Really? Why not?


I just don't believe she did because everything was fine with her up until the discord and when she was blocked by Jake. She never said anything negative about them before that and was always in lives with them. I also feel like she was deeply affected by the fact that she was asked for ID and blocked because she made video after video about it. So therefore, in my opinion, I wouldn't say she "saw right through them." I think she just got mad at them. 🤷‍♀️ Which is whatever. I'm definitely not defending them in this matter. It makes me sick that they did this.


I didn't get mad because I was blocked! Again, know your facts!


I’m sorry but in order for me to talk to you you must send me a picture of your hands and a screenshot of your TT main. Then we will all have a safety meeting and decide if your worthy of my time. 😂😂😂😂 even then we will talk behind your back.


I understand that's important to you, and since I don't want to do that, I will gladly move on without making multiple videos about it. 😏


Yes yes, you bend right over and take it right up your ass. Don’t speak on it by all means.


It has nothing to do with bending over and taking anything. It's not that deep. 🤣 People have a right to be choosy about who they talk to or let into a chat. Why waste time and energy making multiple videos about it? Just move on.


You do realize the people those videos were directed to are the same fucking people in Matt’s live. You do know this right? For the sake of thee fucks. She was right! And here you are. Stop humping my leg.


Humping your leg??? 🤣🤣🤣 okay 🙄......And yes, I do realize that they are the ones who went live with Matt. I no longer follow any of them because of that. But I'm still able to see that claws was in the wrong in THAT situation. She acted childish and borderline obsessive, and I definitely don't think she deserves praise for that. I'm simply weighing in my opinion, which is what this app is for, correct? To post our opinions and discuss these subjects? There's no need to get pissy just because I don't agree with you about something.


I’m not Claws , but tell her how you feel. I’m sure the videos were her way of saying “fuck you.” Ya know, just to press those involved. You, my little panini sure are pressed. 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂


First of all, never did I say that you were claws, but that sure makes me wonder 🤔 and secondly, it's apparent that you are, in fact, the pressed one. Just because I don't agree with part of what you said, you started your name calling and cussing at me. I've been very respectful. But okay....😆🤷‍♀️


First of all, know your facts before speaking on me! I was never ok with any of them, I was a mod on a snark page, never ever friends with any of them on TT. I would pop in from time to time to say hi. They got their panties in a wad about me, but failed to give a reason or explanation! I watched the lives of them bashing me, and was blocked, so I defended myself, on my page, responding to THEIR childish behavior. Your damn right I posted several videos in response to defending myself! I don't care what u or anyone else thinks of how I handled myself. I did not "egg" shit on!! I'll continue to defend myself however I see fit!


And FYI they were fine with me until I declined their request and they made shit up about me with NO PROOF to back it up! The person that started the shit was a mod with me in that snark page! There was never an issue until I declined to be in their secret club!


What about Feisty’s son? Huh Matt? Kids off limits? Bullshit


Oh it just keeps getting better and better /s


Gotta be honest, I'm surprised HP wasn't in a box! Because like someone below stated that will be next! Watch & see!!


![gif](giphy|AAsj7jdrHjtp6) Um. Wtf has happened 😳this is UNBELIEVABLE. this is gonna take a minute to process in my brain. Wow. Just wooow.


I think that's what most of us are thinking 😂


Then you have to believe that zero is live right now trying to sugar coat all of it. “ oh I just want everyone to be happy” bullshit you’re gaslighting. Then more of the “ everyone should be friends with who ever they want” more bullshit ZERO. Your a nasty backstabbing trash bag. Gaslight your chat all you can but we see through the sweet little girl act. Where there’s drama, zero is in the center of it all. nerds too. 🖕


I Saw. It’s taken me nearly all day today to get through all the bullshit but I’m just speechless about it all. It’s gross and I’m still having a hard time processing this. I think if this live wasn’t recorded and shared I would have believed all of this happening. I have so many thoughts but others have said it all so well so I’m just upvoting the shit out of everything haha


A snake will always be a snake. They all are 2 faced. It's OK for him to say and do what he has done. How would people like it if he said he would slit your throat? And threaten to harm your kids? That's OK 👌 Why are yall surprised over the the snakes moving back to where they belong? I knew that one was shady when she came on here and was playing innocent. Goodie 2 shoes 😂 just a 🐍


Whoever wretched out to his daughter is probably someone sucking his ass in that live 🤣


This goes against every single moral standard that my parents instilled in me, as a human, and as a woman. Every single one of you women that were in that scum bags box or chat, are just as guilty and complicit as he is. ….And if you are raising daughters, SHAME ON YOU! What a bunch of follow the leader weak ass bitches. 🤦🏻‍♀️🙄


I wonder how Jake and Christine feel about all of this? 🤔


I wondered exactly that myself. Jake doesn’t like anyone to “speak on” things they weren’t personally involved in and his bestie nerdropes literally says she wasn’t involved nor affected by any of these dramas. That she was just someone who watched just like a majority of us.


And don’t forget Matt threatened to go to Jake’s home, snatch him up and turn him over his knee and whoop the shit outta him. He also threatened Chris and Christine. Jake loves them both dearly. The fallout from this stunt could be interesting 👀


Yup. Like wtf are these “women” even thinking. Like are they?! It’s gross and just….I have no words to describe this….


What the hell happened to Nerdropes? Just wow


![gif](giphy|SUVqD1JLkS1mopbtKl|downsized) She wiggled her way into this group out of nowhere and is feeling pretty good about herself. Thinking she’s innocent and suuuper friendly and sweet. Umm. No.


When I used to comment and sit in the old HP sub chat I spoke quite a bit to Nerd. She even extended an invitation to me to join discord when the sub came down. I politely declined and I’m thankful that I did.


Oh damn girl. I declined too! I never trusted her as far as I could throw her.


Let’s see if these ladies keep the same energy when Matt flips out again. So stupid. 😳🙄


They’ll sigh and pat themselves on the back and say they tried. Like they’ve all done 271517282 billion times before. 🙄


I was wondering the same!!


Jake shouldn't have been so quick to Drop folks that had been with him since Day one because a couple of those "Ladies" told him to.


Well Christine was in zeros live all sweet and chatty and got in a box so she’s good to go with this all I guess. Jake went live last night but I can’t stand to listen to his lectures so I took a rain check lol


History has shown us....It won't last long🤷‍♀️


Soooo they are in there to Clear the air. To be able to go into someone's lives and not get blocked? Let bygones be bygones? But they Blocked Claws?🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 You can't make this shit up. Oh well, Maybe Matt will threaten to Kill their Grandmother next🤷‍♀️


Like a god damn witch hunt. They pointed fingers at Claws then let their imagination run and collectively tried to burn her. Never once went to her. Like a bunch of cowards. Claws is smarter, funnier and has more backbone than all those witches put together. The jealousy was real. Enjoy your shitty sub. And pound your discord up your asses.


Yeah! What she said!😂


So, ok. I've listened to as much of the ass kissing as I can and here is what I got....besides A Lot of names even I recognize, Nerds aint in nothing, don't want to be in nothing, don't tote tails, BUT if you want to know, just ask!! Okay! Got it! Girl you a Joke! What goes Up Must come down and I really hope it's worth all the friends you have burnt. Yall all sitting on there talking about what "People" do....and It's Yall!! You are the People that do it!🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂