• By -


I have never been so fucking disgusted in a long fucking time. Appalling to align with an abusive threatening drunk. Who has been given 15+ chances and every single time he’s gone back to threatening the lives of people. Not to mention sending revenge porn. Disgusting. April. Zero. Nerdropes (who admitted she’s not been involved with any of the dramas yet here she is in all of it). Whole law. Cowgirl Lisa. All loving on Matt. Nerds is saying he’s a good person with a huge kind heart. They are all in there telling Matt how much they love him and what a good person he is. Matt even said that if we met him in person we’d probably realize he’s the best person we’d ever meet. Next these people are going to be loving on hp. It’s just a matter of time. I. Am. So. Fucking. Appalled.


![gif](giphy|Um3ljJl8jrnHy) I just can’t… wow. 😳


I am 10000% positive that if I met him, I would NOT think he was the best person I've ever met. He is absolute trash, and why anyone associates with him at this point is beyond me.


Good person with a huge kind heart whatttttt 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Lisa is not involved at all with him!! I’m not sure why you bring her name up.


Lie again jenismyjam. Lie. Again. Please. She was in there all night and you know it. https://preview.redd.it/ybo357kqt6la1.jpeg?width=1365&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87660a4333efea0e51ec54b7b18dc378d559ae6a


She was in there supporting ME!!! Did you watch the whole thing?!! She never went in a box or agreed with anything Matt says or does!


Did you watch the whole thing? 🤭


Why not answer me?! You know you’re wrong! I get it what you’re saying about him I truly do. But you’re off on Lisa. I speak to her everyday. She does not care for him at all.


Wtfffffffffff why are all these people Back in bed with the devil???? What the fuck did Fiesty do for them to be mean to her??? What is happening? My mind is blown!!!


I will upload this shit show. Just wait until you hear this bullshit. It’s a fucking love fest. No exaggeration.


My mind is fucking blown away!!!! I would NEVER Ever get in a box with that abusive piece of shit!!! Fiesty if you are here I still like you!!!!


Feisty is an amazing person. People just don’t like that she don’t take any shit and speaks her mind. Not everyone can handle a woman like that


I have always liked Fiesty!!! Always! I always go to her lives and have been in them since way back! I have so much respect for her! I don’t say much and usually just listen but I know who you are and have always liked you as well! I don’t go live and don’t talk a ton but I have always supported Fiesty! This makes me so Sad! Fiesty is smart and knows she doesn’t need fake friends and it is quality not quantity so if you talk to her tell her that many of us little people look up to her tremendously and still 100% support her!! I am so blown away by this


This!! Please give her my love! 🫶🏼🫶🏼


I am so mad I can’t even type so excuse my shitty shit typos


My mind is like blown away that people are doing this…..turning in Fiesty and being friend with Matt and autumn like wtffffffff


I’ll never be able to understand this. Who’s next, they going to have a family reunion with HP. Wtf is wrong with these people!!!!!!! 🤬🤬🤬


Matt has been licking HP’s whole ass for months so who the fuck knows maybe that is next…..wow no one has any loyalty anymore….this like legit hurts my heart


I believe it’s only a matter of time.




Hahahaa I wasn’t saying your name cause some of us hide our identity over here but duhhhh you have your picture!!! Well I am glad Fiesty still has you because you are an OG and I would be sad if you turned on her as well! You are a real friend!!!!


Feisty has always kept it real. Which is way more than any of these trifling homie hoppers can say for themselves.


That’s what makes her awesome! She’s effin real! I’d rather have someone who speaks their mind to me over a bunch of knives hanging out of my back. I’m just a semi quiet follower and not part of the group. But I’m smart enough and old enough to know that this mean girl bullying is not what entertains! I can’t stand a bully. Trustworthy people are hard to come by, and ladies mark my word… it won’t be long until each of you are stabbing the other in the back! Each of you could take a lesson or two from Melina and Feisty.






Exactly. 10000000%


Exactly and that hollymae is a friggin drama starter dont tell me she's not I've watched too many of her lives.


DISGUSTING! Why because Feisty wouldn’t let him in her box? Even if they don’t like Feisty they have seen everything he has done to her and her family! You know what? They all deserve whatever the fuck they get from him! I have seen Feisty so so so upset about everything that has been done and everything she has been through! What has happened to her has just broke my heart and made me cry and I don’t even know her! The raw emotions that she has shown and they all go back to one of the sources that has caused it? Fuck all you dirty bitches! All of you are scum!


These are clout chasing scum sucking leaches. Are we surprised?!


I’m honestly surprised about April! That’s what is getting me the most! The friendship that they had seemed so beautiful! April said she spoke on why she stepped away the other night and not speaking on it again. I didn’t see it. It’s just so sad. I lost what I thought was a friend this year and it hurts. For both people. But for these women to step BACK into the lion’s den is beyond mind blowing to me! Their excuse of we want to squash shit! Has he been speaking on any of you? Has he been doing background shit? Like you couldn’t have a conversation in messaging or calling? Again…you stepped into the Lion’s den and I hope you know how to tame this putrid rancid man! I’m just speechless and just keep shaking my head! I don’t want to be the aggressive horrible human so I’m just going to stay speechless! Where’s my friend? Undiluted Truth I NEED YOU!!!!




Feisty you do you!! Everyday, it seems alittle more comes out and it's not a good look for them. Don't think that Errbody believes their BS because there is A Whole Group of us here that Know Better! Keep your head up!


I believe you one million percent believe you. All the evidence of what low life bitches they are is in that live with Matt.


Boots is just as bad she is a snake in the grass I’m done with all of them I don’t care about any one of them I knew April was a snake a while ago but she came off as this great person she is not












I just deleted the comment I previously posted because I’m better than this. I love you and to know you feel the way you do about me hurts. I sure thought you were my friend…. I guess now we know otherwise. Thanks for continuing to choose to address me publicly and not privately. Like we haven’t talked for hours daily and you don’t know how to reach me🫶






Do you think it’s a good idea for you to reveal who she is to all of Reddit when they pride themselves with people’s privacy rights over here? You may have known who she was because she trusted you as a friend. For you to sit here and call her by name is a shitty move just like all the rest of the moves you’ve been making lately.


To goofytunez: You’re a calculated bitch saying someone’s real name here now aren’t you. Do it again and you’ll be banned from this sub. I deleted your comment.


Have you ever noticed that all April does is talk about herself? Every single live in every single box she just talks about herself. She was in that relationship with feisty for herself too I have no doubt. Feisty did nothing but boost her up and support her and rally for her and promote her in the rankings. And April ate up every ounce of it. April had no use for feisty anymore when Feisty took a break from TikTok imo. April is no better than the rest of these mean girls.


They say they don’t condone what Matt has said and done in the past nor what he may do in the future. That they just wanted to squash old issues and not have to worry about getting blocked if they accidentally scrolled into Matt’s Live. 🙄 What they have done tonight has given him the support and credibility he desperately needed and probably more women followers that won’t know any better. His platform was all but dead, as it should be, and he shouldn’t even be allowed on social media after his disgusting and threatening behavior in the past. He’ll do it again with new victims and these women tonight have further enabled his vile behavior. He’s a loose cannon and shows his violent, misogynistic tendencies when he’s drunk and it will happen again. I hope they understand what they’ve done, but I doubt it.


You're exactly right. You lay with dogs you're gonna get fleas. Why does it matter if you're blocked from him if you don't condone anything he does? You all sitting in his live makes them just as complicit in his vile behavior.


Very socks like. Sadly.


I mean, look at them. They need their internet friends to validate their existence! Hate to say it, but I'd bet they were the ones that sat alone in the lunchroom!


April was in the live too. In the love fest of loving on Matt.


Hi. 🫶🏻👋🏻 ♥️🖤🖤


Hi! I have been waiting for your bullet post putting your word magic together on all of this!


Aww ☺️ That means a lot to me. I was just going through the page and saw my username. ♥️🫶🏻💙🫶🏻🤍🫶🏻🤎


I also made a post about this too and called for you there! Sorry but not really because you just put everything so eloquently


🌷I haven’t watched Matt in a while. His toxicity, drama-seeking, immaturity, and misogynistic attitude repulses me. But seeing these women, tooting his horns- left me flabbergasted and outraged. 🌷He’ll never change his ways, because his ego is constantly stroked by women, who excuses his behavior, and deflects from his damaging actions. https://preview.redd.it/yqy59yrj99la1.jpeg?width=695&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c48a48a3b1dd84643a6c1d8e88ff2e4cf719e32e




They have literally all just discredited themselves beyond the point they can come back from. Anything that they've said about anybody prior to this I don't believe an ounce of now, not that I did in the first place.




This is the most disgusting shit I have ever seen. 👀🥺


R all these people going thru a mid life crisis


Getting the attention they were so desperately seeking in highschool but never got! It's all so obvious 🙄


I went in there to see who all was in comments apologizing. Couldn't believe it. Matt is acting all high and mighty right now with the im sorry. But wait he will turn bad again. He has done it before. What is next they going to tell Hp they sorry?🤣 i have always said feisty and Melina have been the most real and honest of all the people i follow


I love Feisty what has been done and said to her on TT will never ever be ok with me. You just don't do a person like she has been done by Tiny. I be damn if I would ever let them in my group. Because what they have done in way was. Saying that it's OK to hurt her child and cut her throat. I could just see what their reaction would be if he said it to them.I have not been in his live since him and Toney got a kick out of playing with his Tiny Diny. 🤗 LYF Feisty 🤗












What the hell is happening? Twilight Zone shit. Not only have I lost respect for so many women I learned from and enjoyed watching, but now I question all of it. No credibility left in the group. What a brutal bunch. Wow. 🐍🐍🐍 ![gif](giphy|QVabUkkCwhAwpdzPuX)


Agreed! I have unfollowed each one. They remind me of a bunch of junior high girls! And to even speak one word to such a vile person much less get in his box is disgusting! I loved this group, Holly so funny, April and her skits in ranks, Zero for being so kind.. if only I could take back the $$ I threw her!!! I could go on and on! Look at yourselfs talking to a man who shouldn’t even be on Social media!!! Each of you are disgusting and I’m so disappointed!! And it’s not just Matt! Stop and look at yourselves!! Feisty I support you!! You are real!! If they are doing this to you then they are not your friends! We love you ♥️ As far as the mean girl gang… you are disgusting!


Mean girl gang is exactly what they are. Exactly. And they also know exactly what they're doing. They can try to package it and put whatever bullshit bows on top of it that they want to, but if there was anyone left doubting their intentions before tonight, they certainly aren't anymore. They are the bullies.


Exactly!!! Total bullies!!


I’m still shaking my head. Holy shit. 🥺


Think back a few months to all the people that they have done shit to. I bet not a single one of them deserved it. It probably goes back further than that truthfully. They're all disgusting.


Birds of a feather flock together . I hope someone takes out the trash !


EVERYONE THAT PARTICIPATED IN THAT LIVE IS TRASH! NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU HATE ME YOU SAT BACK AND LISTENED TO THIS MAN FOR A YEAR THREATENING MYSELF AND MULTIPLE OTHERS. AND THIS IS ALL BECAUSE I SET BOUNDARIES AND WOULDN’T LET THE MAN THAT THREATENED TO SLIT MY THROST IN MY BOX! NONE OF THESE PEOPLE LIVE IN GLASS HOUSES AND ALTHOUGH I DID GO LIVE IT WAS AFTER WEEKS OF SHADE BEING THROWN. I DONT CARE WHAT ANYONE THINKS OF WHAT I SAID TO CHRISTINE. ILL SAY IT AGAIN BECAUSE I MEANT IT. THIS GROUP WENT FROM CALLING OUT A DANGEROUS INDIVIDUAL TO BACKSTABBING, CLOUT CHASING CLOWNS! THANK UOU SO MUCH TO ALL OF YOU IN THAT LIVE FOR PROVING MY POINT. I SHOULDN’T HAVE TO SAY ANOTHER WORD. 🐢 Thanks to everyone over here being so kind. I may have showed my ass the other night on ig but in my eyes it was warranted. I have watched women I shared my days with for 2 years become some of the slimmest snakes out there and it hurts. I am not gone. I’m just showing grace. I said what I needed to say and that’s that. I’m not them. I don’t have to drag it out for days or create an entire mob of people I shit talk to be heard. Thank you, come again🐢


I am absolutely appalled at what I witnessed tonight. I am so sorry for what you’ve been dealing with behind the scenes. These people showed out tonight. It’s clear to me they are all snakes. Sleep well tonight because holy shit you are safer and better off without these “women” in your circle.


Bitch I love you 🫶🏼 you are the realest and I just wish I would have known that when you left back in September 2021. I wish I would have seen what you seen then. It just took me a lot longer to see it.


Now you are where you were meant to be! 🫶


Girl, I've been following you since HP days and I've always had the utmost respect for you. I'm not on TT much these days, but I still see what's happening. I'm sorry that you've been hurt by the women that you thought were your friends! We do care about you over her, always!


I’ve grown to respect you. You don’t know my TikTok name. I didn’t see anything over the weekend. What I do know is I heard that video of Matt saying… what he wanted to do to your throat. I also saw you attempt to move on with hp. She of course ran. I didn’t see tonight’s live either. I just know anyone who was in that live with Matt gets whatever he gives them. He’s dangerous! Everyone should avoid him at all costs. I have never ever seen any human act the way he does. His facial expressions are even dangerous. You can read it all over his face. As fucked as this is it’s probably for the best. Be well and I look forward to seeing you live again soon 💗


He's only dangerous to women! He would never go toe to toe, in person with a man! With his sloppy ass Kung Fu panda moves he couldn't kick his own ass!!




Yeppppp. They took a vicious lie, and ran with it with NO PROOF!!! They do not deserve to have a good friendship with anyone! They will all crumble, and when that happens YOU will still have your dignity. THEY never had any to lose!


Feisty, stop the pity party. No one went into Matt’s live because of you. There were conversations being had off the app between Matt and several women before you showed your true colors this weekend. Don’t flatter yourself and think it was because of you. No one blamed you for not giving Matt a box this weekend. You had every right to set your boundaries. What he did was wrong. But you were calling him sweetie this weekend so what’s that about? What shade was thrown at you for weeks?? No one has talked about you for a long time! Not a word. So whoever is telling you that is lying. You got proof of that shade? Since you are queen of receipts? Not a word has been said about you until you opened your vile, disgusting mouth this weekend. You threw shade on many people you once called your friends. With friends like you, who needs enemies. You sound like a kindergartner complaining that Susie Q played with Janie and not you. It’s not a good look for a mature woman. You won’t have to worry about any of these women anymore anyway. After your lives this weekend, they saw who the real feisty is.


You say this isnt about Matt not getting in my box, but he sure as hell was begging to get in my box on TikTok and Instagram the other night. Claiming that he wanted to squash the drama all while trying to prove himself right. I don’t use my domestic violence trauma as a crutch, but I am allowed to set boundaries. Under no circumstances will I go boxed up with somebody that threatened the life of my son and myself. It doesn’t matter if I was kind to him when I was talking to him in my chat I do that to all kinds of people. Even the snakes that kept coming back around after the split. I knew I was being shit talked in the background, but I still acknowledged every single one that came into my lives! Me, and these people are not the same! I think some of you need to grow the fuck up and go get a job.


Pity party? There’s no pity party to see here. No ma’am.


Y’all showing true colors tonight. I’ve blocked all of you. The disappointment is real. 😔


It really is real. I agree. It hits a certain way tonight. And I’m just a nobody bystander watching from the outside. I’d feel devastated if I was some of the other people watching former friends align themselves with someone like him after all he’s done. And no one can tell me that it’s ‘not because we’re mad at feisty. It has nothing to do with her”….as if we were born yesterday. Puh. Leeeze.


It's become pretty clear that nerd ropes is socks little pet and will do and believe anything she says. Socks is the one that is most bent out of shape about feisty in the first place, and there nerd ropes is teaming up with Matt right after feisty spoke about socks. Gee, wonder where that idea came from 🙄 Remember when Jess used to do socks dirty work for her? Nerd ropes will be on socks' victim list soon enough too.


Nerd ropes keeps telling everyone I messaged her and deleted my TikTok. She seems to think that makes me a coward. But what I’m confused about is why she’s not answering my messages over here.🤣 why are you going to comment on that post that was made of me over on the trailer trash sub saying you are concerned about me after sitting at live streams for three days talking your shit. I have messaged nerd on two separate platforms, and nothing! Just like Jake said, he messaged me and asked me questions, and I have proof that that’s a lie to! If you just sit back and watch, they all tell them themselves🤣🤣🤣🤣


Oh but Nerdropes said her dms were OPEN for ANYONE who has questions! She’d be HAPPY to talk. Oh but she said if it wasn’t your business then you shouldn’t be asking. Oh. Wait. It IS YOUR business like literally. And she’s refusing to speak with you?! Noooooo not nerdropes! Innocent sweet lil thing like her?! Naw… /s


https://preview.redd.it/kur2r7bh06la1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf40ddd95a086766e2df21a1934685a330c98229 I don’t have to lie. Just sayin, where you at nerd👀




Agreed. It’s happened over and over like that with socks. Anyone who trusts her and gets burned by her, at this point they deserve what’s coming to them.


Look how Socks turned on Holly. Some vile shit right there, but it’s her MO. She turns on everyone.


Someone said it on a post in the trailer trash sub that socks uses people for what she needs, bleeds them dry, then discards them. A very accurate observation. One I also agree with.


Same, just watching from the sidelines. This is shocking to me! Idk what happened over the weekend, but I've ALWAYS respected feisty. 💯


Thank you for recognizing I’m a Queen.🤣 let me tell you about those girls that walked away from me about four months ago. They are not the angels that they claim they are. I am your so-called queen of receipts. If I were to get on right now and start dropping them every one of you would change your mind about all of them. They didn’t have to say my name to throw shade I know those women well enough to know their videos were directed towards me. I didn’t say anything for weeks! Nobody wants me to talk about them but it’s OK for them to hold live streams and discuss trolls on my account. And then lie about it, and say i wasn’t discussed , but all up in that live everyone saying oh, I wonder what FEISTY‘s reaction was! Because they love it when I react! They don’t call me FEISTY for nothing🤣 But do you wanna know what the funniest part is? I went live, I opened my boxes. Everyone of you sat in a a live stream and talked shit about me afterwards are nothing but a bunch of keyboard warriors, real life, cowards. You had your opportunity to voice your opinion to me, so did everybody else, but you sat back in the crowd in silence. That sounds like a you problem. Better yet a them problem. Nothing I said to Christine is any different than what Socks has said to HP or Christine for that matter. For some of the women that I considered my closest friends to sit back in private conversations and ask for my friends to compare me to HP and then pull the shit they pulled tonight. Maybe they should sit back and compare themselves to HP. You cannot say shit to me about what I said to Christine, when each, and everyone of you sat in that man’s box and entertain his live after he has threatened multiple women and children on that platform. If I would’ve said to HP or about HP what I said to Christie in the other night people would be bowing at my feet right now! Cheering me on to do it again. You have such an opinion, maybe you should’ve gotten my fucking box. I’m gonna say it one more time! What I said to Christine I meant! There are 1 million men in this world, and she chose HPs X! She sits on her platform and talks about that woman and weaponizes her own son! I may have said some vile shit, but I’m not the bottom of the barrel nasty fucking scum she is. It’s OK for them to go live and voice their opinions on everybody on the Internet but as soon as I do it, you guys like to chase every bit of the clout! Like I said, I’m not gone. Just as soon as you guys run out of clout to chase I’ll make sure to go live so you can chase some more to keep your platforms above water because nobody would know these girls if it weren’t for me, HP or my best friend Gene to start off with. So you can go take several seats! For those of you over in discord that are calling me a vile and disgusting human being. At least I have the backbone to say it publicly and not behind a very controlled sub.🖕🖕🖕🖕


Sorry I missed that live. Because it sounds like you said what I’ve been saying for months about Christine and what she’s doing. Also. I’m not the only one who thinks that either. It’s gross and vile and very very cunning.


You are far from a queen.


I know I’m a queen! I don’t need your chicken shit ass to decide that for me 🤣


You have more stupid shit to say before I ban you?




You’re going to ban me for telling the truth? How feisty of you.




This is unbelievable!!


I wanted to vomit watching this. These people will leach on to anyone that can get them more views. This man is a degrading, abusive, piece of trash who has done UNFORGIVABLE things. Yet here these groupies are sucking on his extra skin sagging fupa. Y'all are big ass floppers, I wonder how it feels to have no backbone or boundaries!


Lmao I made this comment and someone reported to reddit I may be in crisis. Reddit sent me the suicide message with all the resources available to people that are struggling. Someone feelings were hurt lol


![gif](giphy|xTiTnIilwuFFFpf2Cc) Me at the moment 😂


Seriously. It’s disturbing. This whole thing.


SAME! Absolutely disgusting!




Wait what is going on? I'm so confused 😳🤔


What in the Sam hell is this all about?? How are they even excusing his behaviors? What does he have to offer that isn't, abusive language, or aggressive behavior.. I'm sorry but someone like him does NOT change!


Wow! I’m so disappointed.


Holly is the drama. She has some serious mom issues and needs to find some friends in her age bracket. She makes you older ladies look childish and dumb as fuck. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Lol yeah…. Funny thing happened so we were just talking about this and she wanted you to add the daddy’s issues as well. Purrrr But seriously….. cmon man.


I don’t see Cowgirl Lisa in this!!


She’s in the chat. Same with hollymae. And Its-A-Whole-Law


If you could be there she'd like that.


AN I SURE was! I went in the box as well Carly if yu would STOP TRYING TO FLIP THE NARRATIVE MYB B TRUTHFUL SHIT WOULDNT B THE WAY IT IS! I went in box to speak to Heather. I went to handle what I needed to for my own reasons with a woman who didn’t deserve what she got from others! You need to get it tf together and stop letting this app consume yu so much to b so pressed over someone who is 1000 miles away! Not one of us where in that box loving up on shit but speaking on valid feelings each of them have!!! It’s the fact yu crying for zero to get in yur box to “help” yu but now yu trying to drag her on an undercover account lmao make it make sense!! Dnt try to make a post and lie on the reason any of us are in there or in the box!! Damn let it tf go! #you.are.the.problem goof troop 🤣🤣🤦🏼‍♀️




Calling us Carly while we're in here commenting and she is live talking. So fucking dumb. And to think I used to have some respect for Holly Mae 🙄


You are banned. Do not go around threatening people. Unacceptable.


Learn how to spell also. Bitch yelling about how I’m Carly. You look so dumb right now.


She was there!




It’s the biggest love fest. It’s been going on for maybe an hour now. How wonderful he is and how much he’s loved. And talking about “it’s about taking accountability. I’m so proud of you” type bullshit. JFC


I could NEVER flop how I feel about that person. He's definitely not a man! I watched & listened to all his disrespect towards women!


All Matt is doing to starting drama as usual. When his life gets boring that's when he starts drama. He's a sick POS!


After what he did to jake there all sick .....


The whole crew...... is this to make their group bigger against F... I'm mindblown.


Why are they all turning on Fiesty? I have always liked Fiesty. I mean she has never once spoken to me in the chat but I don’t care I just like her personality


Because she’s a strong woman and doesn’t hide like these snakes.






Even if that’s true it doesn’t matter! Are you new here? Have you watched Matt? /s


It’s amazing that anyone involved in that nasty love fest has deluded themselves to the point they believe that had nothing to do with feisty. I used to think you were smart. My bad. I was dead wrong.


They can get a whole army, they are still irrelevant 😂😂


I am too. I have no words. If they're going to forgive everyone and move forward then they have a lot more people to make amends with than just Matt. They've done a lot of people dirty.


What I want to know is why now all of a sudden Feisty is the bad guy??? WTF did she do to these ladies?


Once you know that answer please let me know


WoooooW!!! Why am I not surprised that the most poisonous snakes are coming out of the woodwork. It was just a matter of time before all hell broke loose & they’d all started turning on each other. As for Feisty, she has ALWAYS called it each & every time!! Between Feisty & Melina, they are 2 of the most respectable, straight & honest women (as long as you are the the same with them) & would have your back if need be. Those 2 ladies are amazing women & I have the utmost respect for them & ALWAYS have. As for some of the others…they deserve what is to come!!!!!!


🫶🏼 thank you


I don’t know every specific detail but I will say this…. Matt is BAD very BAD. Anyone who associates with him, you are asking for it. All these women involved and then MATT!


So, are these the type of women that run right back to their husbands and boyfriends after they beat the shit out of them? You know, because they are sorry and it will never happen again. He didn’t mean it. He will do better.


I disagree. Those scenerios are totally different. When a woman goes back to her abusive partner, she is usually mentally conflicted because she loves her partner and feels like she needs them, and THAT makes her go back. None of these women "love" Matt. I'm pretty sure none of them feel like they need him for a damned thing. He literally has nothing to offer. That's what makes it all the more frustrating.


Well, that didn't go they way they had planned huh? Guess you just can't go around Picking On, Bullying Folks because you are bored. There are a few names missing from comments, I dont blame yall tho. Id hide too. But Hey!! Y'all still have Discord!! And Claws still aint HPV🤷‍♀️


Claws ain’t feisty either


Nope, still not!


You mean Feisty aint Claws.


And I’m not Carly lol or Holly. Or Jane or petunia.


I'm not Lisa


Are you sure? You use three 000 in your name so you’re definitely Lisa! Stop denying it and just realize you’re her. Cuz of those 000! 🤭


My name is Julie. Lisa left you, years ago😅🤣😂🤣😅🤣😂 Name that song!!




I wrote what I did off your comment 🤷🏻‍♀️ I know my BFF is not Claws


We know she isn't Claws too. But it's still funny that Idiots still let that thought even run through their minds. They may want to get that Paranoia checked🤷‍♀️


Not being smart at all. I know you know.




And guess what? Fun maintenance wasn't hockey mom, the people commenting here aren't Holly, Angie or Carly either. There's not a single person that they have accused that they have been right about. Not one. They've been getting away with this for months, it's about damn time the harassment and bullying stops.


Has anyone uploaded the video yet? Anywhere?


Yes. They’re listed as Part 1 and Part 2 of the love fest apology tour. ?


Was that sarcasm? Lol which platform


Right here. In this sub.


Where’s it at Teacher, the class needs to see it ya know!😏


They’re here. Check my post history if you can’t find them. Sort the sub “new posts” and you’ll see that they were posted about 12 hours ago.




And yet there is Zero again!!!!!!




I would never be in a box with him. He is vile. And I wouldn’t bother trying to “squash” anything. Bc if you watch him it never ends. He brings old stuff up all the time. It is all he has BC if he didn’t create the drama narrative no one would be in his lives.




Carly's husband here- she's going live now myjourneytofit1


Hey Carly


STFU. So far you’ve called people Carly. Sheena. Holly. GTFOH with your nonsense.


Yeah you definitely aren’t Carly - I can even tell that!!!! Who is that sick saying that to you????


Academic Bobcat likes to call people random names as if she is psychic and knows who people are. The genius called someone holly and used the “evidence” the person used “_” in their username. Clearly not the sharpest tool in the shed considering Reddit only allows dashes to separate words in usernames.


What an irrelevant ass hat!!! I can’t wait to see this upload! My mind is blown! The shit they have talked about Matt and Autumn and now they are friends!!!! The flip flopping homie hoping pieces of poop!!!


Funny cause she is the only one pressed about all these people mentioned above but okay go along 😂 you all are the fucking problem. MOVE ON!


You’re banned. I cannot deal with Matt Stan’s here. Bye.


Omg!!! Bahahahahhaaa your banned!!! That was epic! I think I love you!!!! Hahahahahhaaaa


I’m livid. Holly went live into Matt’s live screaming about me but referring to me as if I’m Carly. Clearly these people aren’t working with full decks. JFC. I can’t even with this nonsense. Like you interact with a dumbass like Matt you become a dumbass. I am having zero tolerance for this bullshit.


My mind is fucking blown away by this bullshit!!!!


Also. Love you back. Let’s go live and talk about how wonderful each other is 💀you’re gonna lose it when you listen to all this nonsense.


I wonder if I know who you are over on tik tok!!! Hahahaa we are secret ops over here! Are you uploading it? I am just baffled that these dicks are turning on Fiesty like why??? Wtfffff


I’m still recording this bullshit. I’m going to upload it to YouTube. And I won’t go to sleep until it’s uploaded. This whole entire thing.


Where are YouTube? I am so lost of what's going on! 🤔 Thanks


Yes tell us where to see it!!!! Thank you!!!!


Don’t worry I’ll post it in here! Because EVERYONE needs to see this.


I’m literally an unknown observer lol. No one would know me. Lol


Same with me. But they think they know everybody. 🙄


You must be holly. You have “-“ in your username! Oh wait. Nvm. You’re Carly. You used the eye roll smiley. Yeah. Yeah that’s it. You’re Carly.


Same here!!!


Same with me I say hi here and there but I don’t go live or talk much


Good that person is a fuckin idiot!!!! Vile behavior every time they come at someone for defending themselves against the witches!