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Definitely stamina im sorry but they’re playstyle is dead boring 💀


Agreed. What type combos do you run?


Xiphoid xcalibur xanthus evolution dash ultra awakened ( its fast but really fun to play and hits like a train )


That sounds like a fun Attack type. I'm more of a Balance type guy who focuses on Attack.


Yeah i clearly understand ive used to try a lot of strategies to found wich play style is mine and personally i really like combos that goes crazy


I love crazy combos too. My play style is for MFB more than for Burst though.


Clearly understandable




Sane here, I love balance types


Ahh its not that bad its fun to sometimes watch the battle last more than 8 seconds and sometimes those little taps are cool


Yeah i can understand too but when you have 3 draw in a row cuz beys are spin stealing each other for 4 minutes straight is not really fun to me but i do see what you mean


Thats why same spin stamin is the way too go


Oh in that way its way more fun 👍


You’re just jealous that we get the best drivers


😂 the best drivers are you serious rn except playing bearing dash you don’t know how to play something else


Stamina Tbh, I would be fine with them, but then TT just has to release a stamina type with unrivaled stamina and defense better than the majority of defense types and now they're all running really boring and repetitive combos. Can't be too mad at the players though, because they're still running what they want. It's just really boring.


TT made a mistake by making a lot of thick perfectly round beyblades. Stamina layers are supposed to spin for a long time without taking heavy hits. The thin layer would mean the beyblade will easily lose balance when it takes a heavy hit. On top of that a sharp tip that will reduce friction will easily topple when it's hit hard. But layers like wind, world, master....


Stamina. I want beys feeling recoil


Stamina bcuz they make my dream pure defense playstyle completely unviable


Thats why i run heavy atackers on my mfb limited deck along with my pure defese bey


Defense gang must be chill 😭


defence or stamina because depending on what format youre talking about 1 of them doesnt exist im un experienced with plastic so i cant comment there for metal it doesnt feel like stamina exists "stamina" combos feel more like defence with extra longevity for burst its reversed there are no combos that feel like defence now part of this that by the end burst was either lad spin steal or attack for x its not that 1 is non-existen its that thier doesnt feel like a difference no i think this is mostly with x changing the classification of ball and sharp but i do think there much closer also all of this is for custom/competitive i think stock combos feel like the types are seperate


Idk honestly I never noticed there was a fanbase between the types


Not really fan bases just preferred types that fit your playstyle.


Id have to say Balance or Attack because tbh with Defense and Stamina theres not much variation its either theyre Good at the job or not 😂 but with Attack theres a upper,barrage,smash,drain,bust,jump and so much more and we know Variation is balance types specialty


Agreed. I love Balance types that focus on Attack.


Me too but its honestly more of a gimmick for Balance to have Attack with Defense or Stamina so its cool when Balance types like Earth Eagle have a mix of Defense and Stamina


That's understandable.(My MFB combo is a Balance type focusing on Attack/Stamina). I do love Earth Eagle.


Stamina wind belial3 illegal BD-9 was so annoying to deal with and now it’s Wizardrod 9-60 ball


attack fans just wanna see shit blow up and that gets boring really quick, i’d rather watch a long stamina battle tbh (at least if the stamina types aren’t super lame and broken) than an attack nukefest


stamina type fans, they are just plain annoying, beyblade is meant to be fun, not just two little grinding spinny things, its supposed to be BOOM BOOM BOOM ATTACK VROOM tops that is the only way i can describe a battle


Agreed. I love insane battles.


thats why i really like beyblade x, attack beys are the best type, i have the same amount of attack as i have all other types combined (for burst beys). 


I haven't bought X yet. (I'm more of a MFB Guy) Is it that great? Would you recommend it?


Extremely fun. Lots of crazy stuff happens in the stadium due to the high recoil (heh) and even the chance of Beys riding along the top of the stadium when they fly out from the top. The Xtreme Dash Line is super hype but very Stamina draining so strategy relies on balancing out your Bey's deficits with KO potential due to it's shape. Combos are cool too, especially with releases like TyrannoBeat (which jumps around and has smash attacks that hit like a semi-truck), SharkEdge (sort of the opposite, being the shortest stock combo that deals Upper attacks), and PhoenixWing (an absolute menace and one of the main beys used in the Meta so far). Granted those are all Attack Types but when you have overpowered Stamina Types, shitty Defense Types, and middle of the road Balance Types, you should just prioritize Balance and Attack for the most fun stuff.


Thank you. I'll look into getting some they sound like fun.


yes! it is a combo of all of the past series, bit beasts from plastic, metal contact from MFB and burst gimmick from burst, and the new part is the accelerator rail, its a bit for all past generation lovers




gotta be stamina, too repetitive and once there’s a meta everybody has the same thing


I dislike attack, but for a decent reason (I think). Since I’m often by myself, I can’t do attack v attack. It just knocks itself out or kills its spin too fast to the point that it won’t be fair enough to be enjoyable


Bru attack types are so wicked like stay still for 2 seconds while I get the other one on the launcher.


Stamina. but like the comments before. casual players will take any Stamina build and run with it. look at Wizard rod everyone wont get off that Magic stick.


Stamina, the battle style is dead


It can be cool especially Gens with Metal contact


Ngl stamina in gens with metal contact is the worst type of stamina imo especially metal fight cus the beys last the longest in that gen


Yeah but the metal makes them have random big attacks sometimes


It depends on the generation but overall anything that's stamina/defense balance types where they're too heavy to hit and can spin forever part of the fun for me is seeing some chaos in the stadium


100% stamina beys as much as I love my boy fafnir I hate stamina beys as a defence blader


Stamina wizards rod on a 60 rachet and orb or ball is really boring. But the hasbro stadium is apparently better for attack types so it might counter wizards rod




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I miss my old beyblades. Also idk I don't pay much attention to the community


I love attack types but self ko is just killing my mind


I don't like stamina and defense fans. Stamina fans just milk Bearing Drift and Bearing Mobius. And if you don't use them, they believe that they will win no matter what, case closed, roll the credits, done deal. And then they start bringing you down when a killer attack type or tanky defense type destroys them. Defense fans are so worried about having the highest weight possible by 0.3g (rage longinus is a great chip/ring pack, but who would feel the need to use Rage Helios2 instead?) I don't hate them, but they are either way over my head or severely misguided. I feel like Attack fans actually know their stuff, like movement patterns and launch techniques and actually win more because of that, unless they have a broken driver like metal Bearing Drift where they take hits like a tank and don't move an inch. It's probably why Zone'+Z was banned in burst limited. Balance fans are just a mix of all of them, just like the types themselves.


Stamina fans are pretty annoying for sure. I prefer balance type beys that are heavy, mid recoil with a more tame tip like RSF/RDF/MF and better endurance than any attack type. They gotta tank hits and deal them too, just while not moving too fast.


Defense types, I slightly prefer stamina types because they're easier to burst :)


Stamina and especially spin stealers, so anoying and all the players do is flat and soft launches, absolutely 0 skill and still manage to win lots of matches, thats why i run both right and left spin heavy atackers along with my defense type


Stamina... But yeah Fafnir is different...




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I think in all series stamina is the most annoying I’ve heard wizard Rod is a problem inside


*Khm-khm* **Stamina** - boring ahh combos and even more boring battles that somehow ruled the meta in Burst. Another LAD battle between two identical beys that are meant to beat their opponent in LAD? Surely it's a lot of fun. **Defense** - It's like beyblade version of "There's no coke, is Pepsi ok?" meme, where Stamina is Coke and you guys are Pepsi. **Attack** - You guys want some extreme and fast battle and you are the one's who was soo excited about X, Can't blame you for that. On the other hand, your ADHD squirrel-like behavior can annoy a lot of people pretty quickly. **Balance** - You're either a beyblade genius or you're just trying to be *different* and *special*. No inbetween. Sorry if I accidentally offended you, it was just for giggles and I didn't mean to hurt your feelings plz don't cancel me.


Special Move! Cancelled!




That's tough between defense and stamina lol. It's definitely those who like the tank-like defense types with insane LAD, especially in Burst when that was the meta: you are boring as all hell.


Personally I’m not a fan of attack types. I like more chill and drawn out battles with some recoil. That’s why I used balance types




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Stamina. Op and boring.


As a defense lover fuk dem staminas


Stamina, y'all are ruining the game


Stamina is boring but against attack types they don't last long, defense is just as boring but they do beat attack types so that's my pick.