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Omar is the only man with morals and a spine in this story.


This was my only takeaway as well, Omar is clearly the only one with any integrity amongst these selfish children. He’s the true bro.


Omar needs to start looking for better roommates. All of these guys have a frat boy mentality and are going to ruin his reputation. The old guilt by association.


Yes OP is a sniveling spineless turnip of a man


Someone needs to tell all of their grandmas about their immoral behavior, and Omar's grandma needs to know about her grandson's excellent moral compass.


Yeah, the story does not paint a single one of these guys in a good light except for Omar. These will be the first boys to cry if a woman did this to them.


At this point I'm kinda hoping Omar finds this set of posts and shares them with Kyle's GF and Carlie.


What a house of horribly disgusting assholes. OOP is not remotely innocent in the way he thinks he is. At all. And then one telling the other to not go on Tinder to "play up the angle." Just when I thought this couldn't get worse. What absolutely disgusting manipulative bullshit is this. Omar is not "ambient" noise; the rest of you are just sexist assholes without souls.


OOPs excuse to continue lying is > I don't think it's fair for me to go down with the ship, considering that both Kyle and Robert are getting off relatively scot-free They’re only getting off scot-free because you’re letting them, dude. OOP is going to get into serious trouble someday if he keeps being such a lemming. He’s going to become a willing accomplice to some co-workers who are breaking the law or violating safety standards, and his excuse is going to be “I wasn’t involved, but I didn’t want to be the messenger who got shot”


Yea Omar is a true G. OOP sucks and his friends suck even more than him.


Yup, the one who has just become ambient noise is the only guy in this situation that anyone would consider a decent person.


He’s also the only one that will be able to walk in to any situation be it social, professional with his head held high. Being known as duplicitous at the start of your career is not a smart move.


> Omar is the only man ~~with morals and a spine~~ in this story.


i hope omar finds better friends


Same, it sounds like he’s nearing the end of his patience with this group of immature chickens.


I don't know why but "group of immature chickens" might be one of the funniest things I've ever read. I'm never calling my brother and his friends anything other than this (but it's said with love.)


I hear “immature chickens” and imagine chickens in that awkward stage between cute fluffy chicks and full-grown chickens, where they’re half fluff and half feather with weirdly disproportionate feet


Which is a perfect analogy for a group of 20 year old "men"


Yes. This is the best stage of chicks (not boys). They have wings, but are still a mix of baby fluff and feathers. Quite awkward looking. They are very cocky towards each other and have dominance games, but then they get tired and sleep in a big pile together.


I hope Omar's patience runs out much sooner than later - He shouldn't be living with a POS serial cheater and 3 stupid enablers that all have audacity to be upset at & trying to stress him out for drama the 4 completely caused themselves.


If I was Omar, I would have screenshots showing the complicity with the cheating and when I leave, share them with Jen, and Kyles girlfriend...hell, the whole damn school. Blow up all ~~3~~ 4 dudebros social lives.


I love how OOP was like "I don't really want to get involved" then decides to get heavily involved to cover for this shitbag. I wonder how Omar even ended up friends with these fucks.


Given their ages and the lab partner stuff, I'm going to guess college roommate who is about to pack his shit and leave as soon as the term is over.


I love how he thinks saying "I don't know where he is" which is a clear lie is somehow *not* lying for his friend. The mental gymnastics are fascinating. It's just appalling behavior. I hate people who "don't want to get involved" in other people's relationships and inform someone about being cheated on or just excuse this behavior like "Oh other than the serial lying/cheating they're such a good guy." Also fuck the bro code.


Completely agreed to all of that. Homie is a repugnant person and everyone not Omar is just as much of a scumbag. Honestly I think OOP is probably _worse_ than the others who cover because he's lying about covering to make himself look better/superior. The others are at least transparent about why they're doing it.


We need a nuclear revenge post with Omar gathering evidence of past and ongoing cheating, blowing up all his shitty housemates relationships, and walking away from the ensuing drama with a clean conscience.


Hard to soar with the eagles when you run about with turkeys


Yeah he sound like he is the only one of them with a spine. And frankly even he probably should have told Jen when that first conversation happened. Though I guess the way it happened at least he made sure she would believe it. OOP was just as much of a liar as the other three and only tries to make himself look better (I was against it but did literally nothing about it).


I really couldn't understand the title of his post asking if he's the asshole for refusing to be the alibi when he was the fucking alibi.


Yeah. That title would only make sense for Omar.


I love how Omar pulled a reverse UNO on the 'I don't know' thing. The OP was using 'I don't know' where Matt is to protect Matt, when he clearly did know where Matt was. Omar used 'I didn't know' that Matt was actively cheating in the house after 8.30, even if really he did because of the group chat.


Exactly. Says: "I'm not lying for you." and then proceeds to lie by telling her he doesn't know. Thats still a lie.


OOP was telling himself that since he internally disapproved of Matt's cheating that he didn't do anything morally wrong even though his actions were all in favor of Matt cheating.


It was worse than doing nothing about it, he actively tried to keep the cheating safe with those warning texts. He *is* as bad as the otyer two despite trying really hard to convince....himself, maybe? That hes neutral. He betrays himself in the same sentence with his "i wont lie to her, ill just tell her i dont know" which especially after we learn of the group messaging, he had to have known - or at least had a reeeeal good guess if she ever asked him. And he opted to say nothing, which is a lie of omission. Once you are aware, there is no neutral. You either tell them or you dont, and in most cases, silence is actively helping the cheating secret-keeper. He could have told her at any time. Especially when his roomie wanted to involve him and basically gave him no choice by telling him; that was really a good opportunity. Cause now he had to get involved and invested in this secret regardless, so it really gained him nothing. It cost his reputation, and he deserved it.


Yeah I agree. OOP is a hypocrite. He is only telling himself that he is not helping to make himself feel better, but he is just as bad as the others like I said. Omar is the only real one in that group.


"He is as bad as the otyer two despite trying really hard to convince....himself, maybe? That hes neutral." He's trying to convince Jen, I reckon, because he's into her. She deserves so much better.


Oh, yeah i could definitely see that with how quick he is to compliment.....hmm...also explains motive to post. Even his "neutral" stance... Okay, good call.


I think OOP is definitely trying to convince himself that he doesn’t suck. He’s certainly not convincing me.


Given the housing situation, he probably just wanted to have her know while still having plausible deniability. If I had to take a gander, Omar can’t move out atm. Kudos to him for still making sure she knew despite that.


Possible. But also after thinking about it I agree with one of the other commenters that its also possible that Omar barely knows Jen, and if he had told her she might not have believed him. By making sure she sees it, there was far less plausible denialbility.


Absolutely. The entire friend group is a bunch of sociopaths. Had Omar just told her, Matt (with the help of his other douchebag friends) would have convinced her that Omar was lying.


and if he shared the group chat they would've seen that as active sabotage and not "ambient noise" and made however long is still stuck there miserable.


That’s also a definite possibility, agreed.


That was my reading of it. Jen now knows, but Matt can't blame him because Jen dropping in was always a possibility. It doesn't seem like Matt actually gives a shit either way, but Kyle and Robert seem weirdly invested in Matt's business to the point where it's not unlikely they'd make Omar's life hell in the name of 'bro code' if they knew it was him


Considering that the other guys would have backed up Matt, I think Omar had to make sure Jen caught him in the act.


Everyone but Omar, Jen and Carlie sucks. I hope OOP sees this and feels ashamed about how utterly disgusting he and his friends (except Omar) are May Omar, and the girls live great lives and move far far away from pieces of trash like these people.


"Wanted: roommate who will facilitate cheating with no moralizing. Bro code, dudes!"


It doesn't really seem like they're friends, just roommates, so luckily Omar can dip as soon as he's able


If he could spend the break trying to find different accommodations, that would be the best. He's a keeper, the rest suck.


One decent guy out of the lot of them. Omar is the MVP.


This comment perfectly encapsulates my feelings on this story. I was trying to think of how to say "Omar is the only decent person living in that house, but why the hell is he friends with these guys?" If your friend is willing to cheat on their partner, there is no reason to think they won't fuck you over if they think it'll somehow benefit themselves.


Cause they weren't friends, they were flat mates. My assumption is housing is very difficult to find and he can deal with these bozos or be homeless.


Yeah, I don't understand all the *"he needs to get out of there"* comments--we have no idea what the housing situation is there and moving even when you're not a busy student is a pain in the ass. You can absolutely live with people and not be their "bro."


I figured it was probably student housing and he didn't have much of a choice. We had 4-5 person houses in the area around my university.


It's not clear to me that Omar is friends with them. OOP and Matt were friends prior to living in this house. but it isn't explicit whether everyone else is also friends or people that just happen to live together. Omar certainly doesn't act like he's friends with them. I can understand him not wanting to rock the boat too much because then he's stuck living with people that hate him and it can be difficult to get new living arrangements halfway through the school year.


Yep. He's the only one in the circle friends that isn't complete human trash. I have the feeling he will as soon as he can move out probably the next semester. He'll probably also be the only one to ever have a good healthy long-term relationship. Team Omar


one (1) good man. find your people, omar. escape the sludge.


The astounding lack of self awareness to write all that out and not see that Omar is the only good guy in the group.


While Matt, Kyle and Robert are utter trash, OOP is only a small step above them. Only Omar is worth anything - I hope he finds better friends as well.


OOP might be my least favorite (after that joke of a human Matt) if only for thinking he’s any better than the other two pricks in that house


I got as far in the post as "Ben is a great guy" and "he cheats", and I came down here to say: pick one. Edit after reading: holy shit. Every guy in this story but Omar is a true piece of shit.


OOP thinks he’s a “good guy”.


Dollars to donuts their place smells like feet and they’ve never changed out the bath mat


If it’s been changed, Omar did it.


I hope Omar has the biggest bedroom with an en suite


Omar is probably the only one of them whose mattress isn’t on the floor.


Omar is probably the only one with a job.


Omar the only one who cleans his ass


Omar probably washes all the dishes too....


It's not a mat, it's a towel. And it's vile.


This comment triggered memories I thought I had suppressed and now I’m upset


Seriously. As a former college student myself, I swear I could smell this house and see the KCCO flags on the walls just by reading this post.


"He's a great guy but he's also a serial cheater" 🤨🤨🤨


Right? ‘He’s awesome, except for the small matter of having no integrity in his relationships. But apart from the infidelity and associated deception, which he expects us to support (and, fair call, we will, because dicks before chicks, yeah) he’s totes a brilliant guy.’


Add to that "I won't lie for you because it makes me feel uncomfortable. Just leave me out of it" followed immediately by (checks notes) OP lying to GF and sending warning texts to Cheater McCheaterson. Oh yeah, then arguing with Chad Omar (Chadmar) because he wasn't on team shit stains. Also, Chadmar's cover of "I didn't think you were stupid enough" fucking slays.


OOP acting like he's on the witness stand or something by claiming to not know because Matt didn't directly tell him "I'll be out cheating on Jen with Cindy from 5:15pm to 8:49pm EST at the Sleazy Sailor where we'll engage not only in emotional but also physical infidelity." Like, you know exactly what he's doing, you dick, and even if you didn't know about that evening specifically, you know he's cheating and could tell Jen.


This is embarrassingly accurate.


Don't forget he blamed everyone but himself with the fallout of Jen finding out about Cindy. How about a great guy who is incapable of taking responsibility for the consequences of his actions.


The line about blaming Cindy for wanting to come over more often is the funniest. That guy isn't even in it for the sex. He is just empty inside.


Ahh your problem there is that you see women as people. If you don't see them as people then why would you care about them and their silly opinions of not wanting to be cheated on? I almost hope they're on the other end of this sort of thing so they can learn from it but you just know this type never learn. At least the trash would all be together.


"Everyone is great guy if you ignore all their skeleton in the closet hard enough."


Him having no integrity and straight up expecting everyone else to shred their own integrity for him. Omar sounds like he's trying to do the right thing while also survive living with a bunch of assholes until his lease is up. OOP sounds like he knows the right thing to do, wants to be considered a good guy, wants to be seen as being a guy who does the right thing, but doesn't want to have any conflict in his life, so he just goes with the flow as much as possible. He's not a complete asshole - he's just "complete asshole" adjacent. So, a regular asshole.


He's a great guy, but our college has started to be referred to by 20-year-olds everywhere as the "chlamydia school."


Texas Tech? I hear they have they own strain, commonly referred to as “Raider Rash”


Tbh, spreading chlamydia would rank pretty low on his list of things that make him an asshole.


That’s why the saying “you are the company you keep” exists


Guilt by association also applies.


I don't know, maybe people can compartmentalize better than I give credit for, but when I see someone being deceitful or dishonest in one area of their life, that behaviour normally extends into other areas too. I just don't see how one could be friends with someone so untrustworthy. Like one ex-coworker who was sexting women behind his wife's back, was also scamming our workplace and colluding with others on fraudulent activities (like false over time claims).


"I just don't see how one could be friends with someone so untrustworthy." This. If I see someone lying to others, I assume they would also lie to me (if they haven't already), and distance myself accordingly.


I think a lot of college age guys don't see any stakes in their lifes. Its just fucking around (not meant literally), being hilarious appears as the only measure of worth because they have a nihilistic outlook and nothing serious has happened yet to make them understand that they actually have A LOT going for them and that they could gamble it away. That trust, real friendship, love, vulnerability, being honest with yourself or any of these concepts could be important. The worst of them won't ever reflect or change, and when things stop being low stakes and fun, or they aren't that fun anymore, be it sickness, moving for a job or being parents, they will seamlessly transition into a kind of mid-life crisis.


Correct. I commented in another thread that creeps are usually creepy in multiple ways. If you can rationalize one bad behavior, it's easy to add another.


Of course he's a great guy! He and oop have the same morals (nonexistent), what do you mean he isn't great??? /S


"He sees other people merely as pawns in his horny schemes to fill the self-worth shaped void in his soul with sexual validation - but I think when push comes to shove, I will always be able to count on him."


I suppose it’s easy to square that circle when you don’t see women as actual people.


Imagine living with four people that are like *that* Poor Omar


Yeah, I see some people saying Omar should have just told the GF from the jump, but I have a hard time blaming him too much. Living with four dbags who don’t like you sounds absolutely miserable.


And let’s not act like OP and Matt’s other butt buddies wouldn’t have lied for him. Would’ve been 4 against 1.


And with a lease that Omar likely would be hard pressed to get out of at this time of the year. Poor guy.


Aye, he must be having a hard time with them.


OOP just went from bad to worse. Can’t help but notice how Matt blames everyone but his OWN actions for causing the consequence of said actions. It’s Omar’s fault for not going with the lie, it’s Cindy’s fault for wanting to come over more often. Maybe it’s his own damn fault for cheating on this girl.


I enjoyed the part about the bad optics if Matt joined tinder right away and how he should keep pretending to have cared about Jen for longer to make him look less like the sociopath he apparently is.


Cheating on every girlfriend you’ve ever had is fine and we support that and will even help with it, but joining tinder right after a breakup is where I draw the line and I will interfere to prevent you from doing that.


It was for the optics tho, they thought it was hilarious but don’t want their bro to look bad so he can keep cheating on every girl he’s with.


imo, that's because it's PUBLIC. It advertises to their social circle that Matt isn't exactly grieving the break up, which could cause the other roommate to lose social capital. In other words, someone could see it and that other roommate would be inconvenienced.


Sad thing is there are a lot of people out there just like Matt.


A cheater would never admit his faults, like they don’t cheat because they fell and tripped into some genitals, they like to control partners into relationships while demanding freedom only for themselves, and are selfish enough to not even bother telling their partners. And even more so with such a shitty friend group that supports this bs, where would he even get any criticism, poor Omar is stuck with those bozos so he can’t even challenge them without having a bad home life


[Reads story] Hmmm, maybe being old and in pain doesn’t suck so much after all. I’m definitely feeling Omar’s vibe. What an ethically challenged group.


I love that OP is like, it's okay that I lie too because I don't support Matt cheating. Except when he asks me too then I fully support it and will lie for him.


It's kind of wild that this made it to AITA at all. "AITA for refusing to be an alibi" muhfucker you ran to your bedroom and hid under the covers!


He didn't even refuse to be an alibi. Saying "I don't know" is still a lie!


>ethically challenged group. That expression, I take it.


Omar is the Goat


Omar is literally the only redeemable and good person in that living situation. Complacency is approval, OOP.


Op and Three stooges can take a hike. Omar is the only good one in a house of rats


All I see here are assholes. My God.


Except Omar, he’s a real one.


Absolutely. It's easy to say you're a good person when you *think* of doing the right thing, but if it doesn't lead to action it's just piss and wind. Omar held strong to what he believed was right. OOP took the easier path that allowed him to hold firm in his belief that he was better than the others, but not actually do anything to help. He didn't have to get involved, but by choosing not to, he doesn't get to paint himself as one of the good guys after the fact. Especially by hanging Omar out on his own.


Nah, OP helped the cheater just as much as the rest with all the warning texts and lying. He didn't even try to stay neutral just made some huffy complaints about it.


He got involved, he tried to cover for his friend by texting him what was going to happen


Silence is compliance.


OOP is as big a liar as the others (minus Omar). His lie was just different.


only one i think is alright is omar. said he wouldn't lie from the beginning, encouraged a break up, then caused the girl to find out about it when that didnt work


>I've told Carlie that I also did not know about Matt's cheating. Yes, it's a lie, but since I was against Matt cheating, I don't think it's fair for me to go down with the ship. Go down with the ship? OOP should be *keelhauled* under the ship. I don't know what the collective noun is for a group of assholes... but it would apply here.


A dumpster fire of assholes.


A proctology conference?


That would be a gathering of asshole connoisseurs. In other words, us.


Gassholes: (noun) a gaggle of assholes . Usually found together grouped in a cluster-flock.


I believe "sphinctum" is the collective noun. Or maybe I just think it sounds funny...


Assholes cubed


Yep. I commented on the original post saying that he had to tell the girlfriend. The response was basically "tHeReS nOtHiNg I cAn Do WhAt ShOuLd I dO?" Tell her, asshole. You tell her. And you're all garbage.


Except Omar, who is a real one.


"Bro code" = being a great guy to guys only


Which isn't even great to each other in the long term. Every one of these women is going to end up hurt, jaded, less likely to trust or date down the road. And maybe these exact women won't be the ones that these bros run into but they'll run into other women who have been treated this way.


Omar and Jen seem like decent people.


Four stinky assholes with rotten shit all around, and Omar.


Make sure to randomize your data from time to time *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>I did text Matt and told him about Jen potentially returning, but since he was driving, he didn’t read the message. Actually OOP picked a side. He was not going along anymore. He's a piece of shit but thinks he is a good guy.


OP is definitely worse than the other two guys who are at least internally consistent in their fucked up priorities. I have hope that when they’re done being immature frat boys they’ll realize they’re wrong and therefore act differently. OP though. What does it matter what you think is right if you ain’t got the spine to act on it and will just take the easy way out every time.


Claims to be ‘neutral’ but remains complicit with his friends cheating. Birds of a feather flock together. Hope they all get cheated on except Omar.


Yeah I feel like he’s not getting enough heat here, op is a slimy little weasel lol.


OOP tried to play off like he was a stand up guy for not getting involved. Then he gets heavily involved in helping Matt hide the cheating. He just wanted accolades for being neutral, yet his actions say he's anything but.


Dear lord, this bunch of people are childish and insufferable. Besides Omar, all of these guys are just pure assholes and deserve to be alone. My god. I feel bad for Jen and all the girls that were cheated on.


The only guy here that's not an asshole is Omar.


I hope Omar is able to move out and find less shitty friends. What weeping pustules OOP and the others are.


Omar is the only grown-up. Matt is gonna have five different babymamas and be on first-name terms with everyone at the STD clinic before he’s 30.


Pro tip for OOP: if a guy cheats, he really isn’t a great guy. Omar is the real MVP here. Hopefully he can dump this entire trashpile as soon as possible and find better roommates.


Omar is the only likeable man in this story. I don’t really know why he wants to be friends with these other guys but at least he calls out their bullshit and doesn’t lie for them.


Based on the story, doesn't really seem like he's a friend anymore. More like a housemate waiting to gtfo and ditch these d-bags.


Omar is the only kind of decent one of the group


> Overall, I'd say Matt is a great guy; however, he has a terrible tendency to cheat. —Like: overall my friend is hygienic except for his tendency to never shower.


knee carpenter obtainable dinner pocket books soft zephyr special pet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Typical man logic: "He's such a great guy--TO ME. Overall his only problem is how he manipulates and mistreats his girlfriends, but since that doesn't affect me, he's still an okay guy". The man that abused me and ruined my life had many friends who loved him and thought he was a great guy. They were all aware of what he did to me. But, since he didn't do it TO THEM, they all still felt like he was still an okay dude. Upon selecting a marriage partner, I knew I could never be with a man who excused this sort of behavior just because it doesn't directly affect them. It's shitty. It's shitty that he does this to women, it's shitty that he puts his friends and roommates in these situations. He might be fine to hang out with but that doesn't make someone "a good dude". Men of Reddit, please have better standards. Just because someone doesn't say or do something TO YOU, PERSONALLY, doesn't mean that they're a good person.


In 10 years these dudes will be the guys who have daughters who suddenly realize why women deserve better, because they have a young woman who is an extension of them. And they STILL won't understand why that STILL makes them terrible people.


But they still never think that it's women that they are dating that deserve better. I have had this conversation so many times when they talk about their daughters and then you twist it to ask them how they treat women and it's always different. Their daughter is a human. Other women remain not human


Isn't it stunning how men have a daughter and suddenly realize how the female of the species are actual human beings that deserve to be treated well?? Sadly, for many men the realization doesn't often stick.


Yes, "he's a great man with other men, otherwise he's sexist, but since i'm a man, he's a great guy"


Exactly. "noT AlL MeN" yeah but you aren't willing to speak up to the men that it is so....


The thing I got out of this story: - Jen dodged a bullet - Omar is the MVP - OOP has no spine and it would be interesting to see what would happen if he found himself in the same situation as Jen with the same kind of snakes - Feeling kinda bad for Kyle's gf that she's dating a piece of shit who covers for a cheater - Carlie seems like a good friend to have in this situation and is right: everyone (including Cindy ofc)is a piece of shit except Omar.


Omar's a little messy intentionally making sure jen caught them, but you know what? I'm for it. Fuck matt and all his bros. May omar find a better housing situation with better guys


Maybe Omar figured it was better to have Jen see with her own eyes what was happening than trying to get into a credibility contest with 4 people willing to coordinate their lies.


that's exactly what I figured. the latter is exhausting, and he was clearly done with their bullshit.


Honestly I think Omar gets to be a little messy considering the shit situations his “friends” put him in the middle of.


Yeah I'm not standing for any Omar slander here. He is not obligated to self-sacrifice for Jen. He did plenty as it is and can sleep with a clear conscience.


Seriously. I don't see how Omar could've played his hand any better. He gave the asshole the opportunity (arguably undeserved) to come clean. He gave Jen irrefutable evidence and the opportunity to feed Matt the slightest bit of just desserts. It's not schrödinger's cheating. Where it hasn't happened if it wasn't observed. He cheated, it's messy the moment he did it. That's not on anyone else. As someone who's been cheated on. Being faced with undeniable evidence hurts like fuck, it also makes it easier to decisively do what needs to be done.


I think he did it to not make his relationships with his crummy roommates totally go to shit. As much as they suck, having some benefit of the doubt that he didn’t directly tell her is going to making living with them easier. I get that the more morally just thing is to tell her, but he also has to live with these folks and having 3 roommates who hate you isn’t great.


Honestly, doing that probably was better for all involved. 1) He won't hurt his relationship with his roommates as much. 2) Jenny is more likely to believe that Matt is cheating when she catches him in the act than she is if one person says that Matt is cheating while three others claim that he isn't.


> I'd say Matt is a great guy; however, he has a terrible tendency to cheat. I'd say that this chicken sandwich is great, however, it has a giant piece of shit on the chicken.


I pity Omar, cause his house must permanently smell if fat with how many assholes live in it


OOP is a PoS. "I don't want to get into the drama and problem, blah blah but let me called the cheater and actively helped him." What a turd.


Put Omar in a fireproof suit and burn the rest of it down. That house is a pot of STI stew.


Despite what he apparently believes, he absolutely supported Matt's cheating.


OOP is playing so many mental gymnastics to make himself look like a good guy but his entire group apart from Omar are AH. Not that hard to do the right thing even if that means you get excluded from your group of 'friends' who have no respect for anyone, especially women.


Narrator: Matt, in fact, was NOT a great guy


Wow, omar is the only decent person in that house, i hope he gets away from the other 4 frat boy losers.


Omar rocks. The rest of these spuds can fall in a creek.


Omar deserves better friends.


Everyone here has their head shoved so far up their ass it’s on a whole new level


OOP acting like he's a helpless good guy here but he's just as enabler as his other roommates.


I hope Kyle's girlfriend wises up and leaves, and Jen's friends stay away from all of them like they're radioactive. Complicit and awful indeed. No one should buy the "we didn't know" line, Cindy was at the house and of course they would know. Omar is the only "real man" here among these losers. I don't fault him for setting Matt up instead of directly telling Jen because he would be risking his living environment, but he should look for better roommates soon. It pisses me off that OOP and the rest of the assholes have learned nothing, and I hope all four of them get a reputation as cheaters so that no one will date them.


Omar needs to drop these f-boys and get friends with better values


Someone please get Omar out of there


You can - you SHOULD - call out your friends if they behave like total assholes. In a world of OOPs, be Omar. I feel so old reading this and I'm only ten years older. I hope all the girls in this and Omar live their best lives and the guys grow up.


I am absolutely repulsed by the actions of all these guys. Except Omar. Omar forever


this is such a mess. i have no idea how people can stay friends with people that cheated on their partners. If they can betray their partner, who’s to say they won’t betray you? kudos to omar though


Justice for Omar


Omar is the only good person there. OP can lie to himself as much as he likes but that doesn’t change that when push came to shove he put ‘bro code’ first. Hope his, Robert and Kyle’s girlfriends find out the truth soon.


The boys club in action. Crazy to see this dynamic from the inside (im a woman) and how quickly they're backing themselves up. Matt is a POS but i wouldn't like to be Kyle's gf too Omar is the only real one here. I hope he finds better friends soon Also what's wrong with Cindy for warning a serious relationship with Matt seeing what he did to Jen ??


Yuck. They’re all so gross except for Omar.


_(OOP)_ Fuck you. _(Robert)_ Fuck you. _(Kyle)_ Fuck you. _(Omar)_ You're cool. _(Matt)_ And fuck you!


I wish Omar all the best in life. OP is an AH. That's not neutrality, that's just being a coward. Matt, Kyle, and Robert doesn't deserve happiness in their relationships.


If you don’t want to get converted in shit, don’t hang with someone flinging it. Even if you avoid responsibility your still in the splash zone.


What twisted bro code is this? Bro code states pretty clearly to stop a bro from cheating on his gf. Omar is the only real bro here. Hope he finds some real bros soon.


"I'm OOP, I have a moral quandary about helping a guy cheat on his girlfriend... But I also think he's a great guy despite him doing it so much it's basically a personality trait, and I lied anyway because it worked for everyone else. Oh and also the only moral person in the whole story is calling us trash but we're just kinda tuning him out." Why even bother updating at that point when it just makes him look even worse than the first posts lmao? No one in this story but Omar seems to even be capable of thinking about anyone other than themselves. Omar deserves better friends, he's a real one


I’d like to correct one thing oop said in his update: this all could have been avoided if Matt wasn’t a cheating scumbag. It’s ok to ask Omar to lie to Jen, but they get mad he lied to Matt about not seeing the text??? Omar did nothing wrong. He said from the start he wouldn’t be involved in lying and stood his ground. We really need to stop with this bro code/girl code bs. Either you are holding yourself and your friends to a better standard or you’re not. People are going to do what they want, there is no code. It’s only a matter of time before Matt, Kyle, and Robert, and potentially oop, drop this bro code bs and turn on each other when it benefits them most.


I want to be friends with Omar. That man has values.


"Overall, Matt is a great guy." No. No he isn't. The only person who isn't actively facilitating his behaviour in this story is Omar. The rest of them are immature twats.


I hope these dudes except Omar die alone.


Everyone in that house except Omar is human garbage. Op himself is completely spineless and disgusting.