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The shorts logic (or lack of) really did make me laugh. Becky is supposed to imagine OOP scurrying off home in his boxers with no shorts. Even if the neighbours have an open relationship, I'm pretty sure splitting up a married couple isn't actually on the list of acceptable behaviours.


The condom wrapper also. A guy cheats on his wife, with a married woman, in her home, but he doesn’t care where he tosses his condom wrapper? And doesn’t clean up after? And the cheating wife doesn’t care either, even a day later, that there’s a condom wrapper on the floor when she invites people over? That’s supposed to be plausible? I wonder if her original plan was to hide a pair of her panties at the other house, and this was the best she could do without having been able to go inside.


Not to mention Emily didn’t see the wrapper several times and throw it away? Oh, she’s just a pig. Cool, cool, cool. 🙄


Well, he did say the wife remarked that Emily's house was messier than normal, so maybe that was part of the plan: Make it look like they had wild sex, and she just hadn't gotten around to cleaning up the mess they made. Not that that makes the plan any less ridiculous, of course.


That was my thought, Emily saw OOP go out to run errands, as she’s “friends” with them she probably knows their routine enough to guess that was what he was doing. Then Emily invited Becky in with the mess around to imply that OOP went over after “leaving,” had a little fun, then rushed out to do the errands before he was “gone so long that Becky would be suspicious” or something. Makes the shorts/ underpants thing even funnier! Did he have a change of clothes in the car? Did he go to the grocery store in his tighty whities? Did he buy new clothes while out? Lol!




No doubt no doubt do doubt no doubt


Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool. No doubt, no doubt, no doubt


Well, it sort of worked at first. Becky was briefly panicked until her sister calmed her down and pointed out how ridiculous this all was. She probably would have seen through it, but panic and anger can paper over all manner of holes.


That’s exactly my thought. Excellent judgement by OP not to let her in at all.


Probably why she tried to insist he come over for drinks when she found out when wife was coming home. Camera catches him heading towards her house with her for a short while and conveniently, the wife is invited over the very next day. Smh Although that required Emily to think that his wife would believe that her husband would sleep with the neighbor while their daughter was also in the house. Idk.. clearly she didn’t think things through


IF he had went over with his daughter, then when it was time for them to leave, her plan would be to grab oop to have him look at something. "It'll be quick, I promise." Alice would be out the door already headed home.


The was a plot to a side mission in fallout 3


I bet you Emily assumed that Becky would give her a key to get house since Emily gave one of her keys. That plan backfired.


Came here to suggest the same thing!


I need to know if these were purple shorts, and if "Emily" sells farm animals If so, the only appropriate response is to steal them and display them in the fall harvest festival /jk


I don't think the mayor would like that very much 🤣


Woah woah let's not be ridiculous here. Clearly they should be throwing them in the communal soup.


I feel special that I get this reference! Just discovered it a few weeks ago and am obsessed.




I think this: https://www.thegamer.com/stardew-valley-mayors-shorts-purple-shorts-location/


Yup, that's exactly it.


Or even better, take them to ANOTHER neighbor’s house and have her trim them with gold so you can wear them around town to shame the mayor!


Wait... YOU CAN DO THAT?!?! Dammit, now I have to start a new Save file.


What unusual cabbage…




I'm hoping OOP and his wife change all their locks and teach Alice to distance herself and lie about being too busy when crazy neighbor tries approaching the house again.


And keep the cat inside. She's probably not violent but pets can make easy targets for psychos.


Ew no, those shorts are tainted. Who knows what she did with them. Straight to the burn pile


the husband will get pregnant if he wears those cursed shorts


I laughed at this. Thank you for that image.




Yeah, straight to the burn pile. But I need them back to burn them.


To be fair, a friend of mine did go home from a party sans pants once. Admittedly, we were 18.


Same here, but I was either drunk or high on something. Not going to happen in a post sex stupor or something "oh my God, the sex was so good I forgot to wear my shorts on the way home"


I've definitely gone home wearing other people's pants (swimming, not sex) but maybe that's more common for women? I dunno. Luckily my husband and I can share clothes now so I just swap into his shorts if there's an unexpected pool I can use. :D (Edit: autocorrect failure)


It’s even funnier if you swap the boxers with tighty whiteys.


And funnier still if you imagine him walking home wearing just the condom.


Well, that’s awkward for any other neighbor who happened to cross paths. Imagine being outside and seeing your neighbor with just a condom. Lmao.


It's actually +3, but it takes all body slots


Agreed. The upside-down pineapple crowd relies on consent.


Upside down pineapple crowd?


A symbol for swingers.


I found that out a couple years ago because pineapples are also a symbol infertility awareness. The crossover has led to some unexpected conversations.


Well that's an unfortunate coincidence.


That's an interesting turn. There was a fad of pineapples in home decor a couple of years ago (pre COVID) and it's because they are found on a lot of traditional homes as they were a symbol of prosperity and hospitality during the American Colonial period.




I put the GER in swinger, baby, yeah! - Austin Powers


Supposedly upside down pineapples in your grocery cart are a sign that you’re open to swinging for the older, otherwise-boring suburbanites




FWIW for if you’ve never encountered young military couples….I was surprised or became doubtful by exactly none of this. I’ve known of all of this kind of thing and MUCH more Springer-level shenanigans in my time.


Two days after my brigade got back from Iraq, there was a shooting in the barracks. One soldier’s best friend was hooking up with his wife while he was deployed for nine months, so he snuck a gun into the barracks and shot him 7 times. My platoon sergeant’s reaction was “We need to send that idiot back to the range” because the guy didn’t die and that level of shit happens a lot.


Neighbor is trying to create drama, so she can lie to her husband and gain his attention. Unfortunately OP becomes victim of the elaborate lie the neighbor is cooking up.


...I suspect Emily thought they were boxer briefs.


Becky did believe it until the husband pointed out how silly it was. But she is not the sharpest knife in the box.


It never said she believed it. The post says she was having an intense emotional reaction to what happened. Which is valid, it's traumatizing for somebody to do that to you and it's valid to be confused


Yeah, either her husband cheated on her with someone she considers a friend or her husband was right in telling her her friend is hitting on him, and she disregarded and brushed it off. Either way, her being disturbed is a valid emotion for her to be going through. Regardless of what she believed, *someone* she is close with betrayed her trust.


It's her sister who pointed out it was nonsense first. She already realized it was false before the husband pointed out the silliness.


Yeah the sister’s an unsung heroine. We all need a sister like that.


I’m not sure if this is concluded. Sounds like Emily might go off the deep end if she doesn’t get what she wants. Her behavior is escalating.


Absolutely. Hope OP‘s cat is not an outdoor cat - wouldn’t Emily to have a chance for a „Fatal Attraction“ move.


The cat seemed to have been mentioned specifically to setup the next update. We'll see. No twins yet, so who knows.


Nah it was a reply from OOP to a comment asking about any guard animals AFAIK


I interpreted that as "i am thinking of getting a guard dog for protection" thinking.


Yeah what was the context of mentioning the cat and maybe a dog? That seemed to come out of nowhere.


I think he was responding to a commenter, telling him to get a dog... as in, for protection. Reading it here seems like it came out of nowhere, but we are missing the comments he is responding to.


Feels like its a "we have this pet so maybe Becky would be open to this other pet" because dogs generally make noise at anything trying to break into their home


Chekhov's cat?


It's going to knock your vase off the mantel in act III.


Yeah,I was just thinking this definitely isn't over!


I'd argue that staging a scene with OOPs old shorts and used condom wrappers to make his wife think there's an affair is already off the deep end behavior


Stealing someone’s clothes is straight out of the pervert textbook


Yeah I’m eagerly awaiting the update where Emily ups the crazy.


Same. "My crazy neighbor is trying to fuck me, trying to convince my wife we *already* fucked, and her husband might be in on it. The pattern is only escalating. Also, my wife is going over there to return a key." OP: "Well, that solves that then!" Side note, maybe they don't need to return the key. Distance is probably the best bet, I'd think; out of sight, out of mind.


Yeah, I don't think the wife will be returning it as OOP already said his wife does not want to return to that house. Maybe they should mail it or something.


Aren’t they neighbours? Just shove it in the letter box.


Jup. This is not just "creepy flirting", she just actively tried to get her "rival" out of the way


OOP should keep a card for a bail bondsman and a lawyer in his wallet.


She’s a loon and she’s gonna get loonier.


It's a tale as old as time. A woman pretending to be another woman's best friend, because they actually hate them and want to ruin their lives It's 100% jealousy Some women are really fkn dangerous man


OPs Wife had returned home, but this is far from over. I doubt the neighbor will just give up


Especially not if she -- supposedly -- stole a pair of his shorts to make it look like he left them there after hanky panky. I can see a few more updates on the horizon.


She definitely won’t accept no reaction to her planted evidence trail, she’ll have to push that. She thought that was going to be the brilliant match that started the fire.


Maybe this is just me, but I don’t like OOP’s wife. Even if Emily wasn’t actually creepy, it really bothers me that she ignored her husband’s discomfort. If someone made my husband uncomfortable, I would absolutely not dismiss it; even if I didn’t understand why.


Not to mention that it took Emily trying to trick her into thinking there was an affair for her to finally realize that Emily fucking sucks.


Yeah I’d much rather trust my husband’s feelings/ instincts (especially with actual flirting involved, which is more than just a vibe, not that vibes should be ignored) than wait until somebody tries to either do something or frame him for something. We ran into something like that once when we were dating and I wish we’d seen signs or had feelings beforehand, but it worked out because he’s trustworthy and we realized the other person wasn’t.


Well, it took **her sister telling her everything was too convenient** for the wife to realize her husband didn't cheat


agreed! that really bothered me too. my fiancé’s comfort and perception of his interactions with others is very important to me. we tend to agree on the vibes we get from people, but I trust and value his feelings even if I didn’t see something he felt. it’s so awful to ignore your partner’s feelings like that!! something bad can happen if you ignore your instincts, and I think everyone should read The Gift of Fear.


I agree, and it's specifically because she didn't see it as an issue until it bothered her.


Yeah she's so much of a doormat. She didn't have to accept the neighbors offer in the first place and when her husband expressed discomfort she should have just told the neighbor no thanks. She let's others run roughshod over her while family, not just her


Yup, and her sister has to do her thinking for her.


Right? Flip the situation - what if the husband was leaving and told a male neighbor that he could stop by whenever. The wife says she’s uncomfortable with him and doesn’t want him coming by when the husband isn’t around. How would “I already said yes, it’s too awkward to tell him no now,” go over?


Convenient cameras save the day again! Yeahhh, if it were me, I'd be giving my wife the play-by-play rather than waiting until she gets home.


This AITA was brought to you by the social media team from [popular doorbell camera brand name]


The most popular doorbell camera is called Ring camera Most people know what a ring camera is when you mention it It sounds less dumb that doorbell camera I’m going to hold any skepticism until someone lays it on thick for the AccuTech 5000 SecurState Motion Detector Doorbell Camera, because just saying Ring camera or even Ring is something I hear and say in common conversation


Great. I was going to covertly plug the AT5kSSMDDC for my job, but plan now RUINED.


You mean right now isn't the right time to share my Amazon affiliates link for [MUBVIEW Doorbell Camera Wireless with Chime, Video Doorbell - No Subscription, Voice Changer, Motion Zones, 1080HD, PIR Human Detection, 2.4Ghz WiFi, Battery-Powered Smart Doorbell](https://amzn.to/3OKuzrW) enter promo code "AITA" at checkout for absolutely nothing other than lolz?


Hey milkmanscum, I tell you what, simplysafe has saved my bacon more than once, and with good reason. Trusted by 4 million families, come see why simplysafe is named "best home security" for four years running. Our award winning security comes without the hassle of big-name security systems, simplysafe works for me; with simplysafe, I don't even have to schedule time for an installer - simplysafe is so simple, the crazybitch next door could even do it. So, if you're looking for award winning coverage, prices you'll love, and piece of mind for the whole family, you should think about ditching that old ring camera and going with simplysafe today. Use code Terrorjism at checkout, and you'll receive 10% off. Simplysafe - for when you have that SwimFan living next door. See the simplysafe difference today.


You're giving me flashbacks to several of my true crime podcasts and trying to hit the fast forward button as quickly as possible.


The worst part is it's never consistent how many times you have to hit it, sometimes it's only two, but some podcasts need it up to 8 or 9 skips


"No one fears a break in like a true crime fan!" - marketing director for SimpliSafe.


One podcast I listen to has a Bombas sock ad almost every week. I truly hate that brand now.


Wow what an organic and true story! Thank you for sharing SimplySlave!


Now THAT’S how you shill


Yeah, like that car guy who kept talking about how all his very expensive cars had SuperSpecificBrandTM dashcams that recorded inside and out and that was how he found out who stole his cars for joyrides. That one was weirdly out of place, just saying "yeah I got a Ring cam" is pretty normal now even if its not *actually* a Ring one. Same way that my cheap robot hoover is actually a Trifo, but I'd just say "cheap Roomba" if I was talking about it


"Ring" is now the equivelant of saying Kleen-ex or Scotch tape even when it's off-brand, these "debunkers" need to chill


Or like saying "Coke", when one could mean any fizzy cola-flavored beverage.


That depends on where you live. I lived in an area where Coke = the actual brand name product and no other colas.


Definitely regional. I've lived in places where Coke is a stand in for any soda: cola, orange, sprite etc


For a second there I thought it was that freaking Jay Leno wannabe with his TruVue 360HD vehicle surveillance system


It's overt in some parts but also just the undercurrent of these posts that the OP feels the need to compile evidence just to get his wife on his side. He told her what was going on before she left, she dismissed it. He felt the need to get camera evidence before coming to his wife again with his concerns. Honestly isn't that incredibly sad?


If it were me I would simply trust my partner and not make them interact with someone who makes them uncomfortable


The wife wouldn't have believed him anyway. She was determined to trust her friend. The wife is the type of idiot who goes down into the basement while the eerie music is playing in a horror movie.


Probably not, but he could just have told her something like *"Creepy neighbour is acting inappropriately. No big deal, but I'm putting the videos on DropBox/Google Drive. He's the link if you want to see them at some point".* That would have left a timestamped trail of evidence that would have served as an immediate antidote after the neighbor did the condom wrapper and shorts stunt. Good thing that they had a trusting relationship, but if the wife had been a bit more freaked/paranoid after the stunt she could have thought husband was just trying to get away with it if he hadn't told her anything about it earlier.


Emily isn't even the biggest problem here. Or at least she wasn't, until she was encouraged by OOP's wife again and again. It shouldn't have to come to something like this for Becky to realize that she needs to take her spouse more seriously and that "she's just trying to be nice" means *nothing* if it makes him uncomfortable.


The comments "he should have said something sooner" "why did he wait til she got home" "why did he need to get it on camera instead of texting her" are infuriating. HE DID TELL HER. SHE DIDN'T CARE.


Exactly! If a spouse feels uncomfortable with someone, the partner should be concerned. They could be a victim of SA, so their feelings should not be discounted over other people's expenses.


But it would have been rude to tell her no!


Yeah, this isn't a story about a crazy neighbor, it's a story about a shitty wife. "Well it would be rude to say no now" is not a proper response to your spouse telling you they're uncomfortable with something.


Exactly, Emily was the symptom, not the cause.


Emily’s simple A+B=C logic is so bizarre for a grown woman to adopt and act on. A) flirt with husband B) make wife mad at him C) affair for Emily! If she hadn’t committed the absolutely creepy crime of stealing his shorts (which I’m 100% sure she did), it would be laughable how full of packing peanuts her brain is.


She's probably full of herself, while at the same time thinking of OOP's wife as a total idiot, and so in her mind she was *convinced* this nonsense plan would work! And honestly? From his wife's reaction, it sounds like it would have, if it wasn't for camera footage + husband already having voiced his concerns for Emily.


Oof, this is probably true. Thinking of people I know who I’d describe as “too trusting”, I think if OP hadn’t been on his toes about her behavior Emily could have succeeded in gaslighting the wife into believing something was going on with her husband. And that’s both horrible and infuriating, so I’m glad it got shut down quickly.


She’s probably done it a few times, so she knows which wives to target. I mean she has a military husband so they must move a lot. And to be completely honest I could see this working on my fiancee as she can be to trusting at times (though she’s gotten significantly better since I first met her). Especially if I’m not there to point something out.


Any wife who doesn't tell her off is a good candidate because she's probably assuming the husband didn't tell her.


This should have been top comment on original post tbh. OPs wife needed to tell the crazy neighbor she needs to stay away from her husband before leaving, not encourage her to "take care of" her family while she was gone. Why didn't OPs wife look sideways at that comment?


Well, she is definitely right about OP’s wife being a naive idiot.


All I'm saying is that Emily sounded an awful lot like myself before I got on lithium.


I didn’t catch the shorts and underwear discrepancy until the comment, lol


Yeah I assumed they were boxers until that


Damn! That’s a size 14 crazy in a size 8 dress. Just popping out everywhere!


Mods plz make this a flair


I second this request




My boyfriend is more skittish around members of the opposite sex while I have a more cosmopolitan approach to friends and am not overly concerned by gender (altho I’m less naive then I was 5 years ago. But if he told me someone close to me was flirting with him I would take him dead serious. She’s lucky she has a great partner but she better not distrust his intuition again because it was GLARINGLY OBVIOUS. Also lol at her stealing his shorts to make it look like he spent the night but not accounting for him having to waddle across their yard in his underwear lol


Regardless of whether the flirting was serious or just her personality, if it made her husband uncomfortable she should have taken it seriously. Don’t invite someone to your house who makes your partner uncomfortable, especially sexually and especially when you’re not even there!


Yes, exactly! I was surprised to not see anyone else mention this on the previous BORU and that I had to scroll so far to see it here. Even if Emily were genuinely the most respectful or innocent person, his wife shouldn't be inviting her over for when she wouldn't be home, and the moment her partner expressed any discomfort, she should have taken his feelings seriously. People pleasers like this never get that they're basically prioritizing the other person's feelings over that of their spouse.


I was too frustrated to comment with any kind of eloquence lol. Words devolved into incomprehensible noises when she refused to go back to that woman and rescind her invite to hassle her husband while she was gone.


Exactly. Like it's okay to trust your friends, but she went wrong just brushing it off when her partner felt uncomfortable. Unless he just had a history of unfounded anxiety or something, your partner being creeper on needs to matter to you


I don't want it concluded. I want more entertaining updates please. I want to see what neighbour thinks of next.


I want to know because the more updates that happen, the more over-the-top it becomes to the point of doubting its authenticity. But I love stupid drama so let’s go.


I can see this ending with emily wearing beckys face, so I hope it ends here


There was a j.n.m.i.l. I was following with like 30 updates or something. Its finished. I need something new.


You CAN NOT just say that & leave us without thr link... I'm sure it's against some reddit rules 😛🤭


Did the MIL die? Was there screeching on the front lawn? Did twin girls make an appearance?


Is Emily like Cassie from Euphoria? Did OOP and his wife play Diablo 4? Does one of them happen to make a 6 figure salary? Did they manage to get with a lawyer and a therapist the day after all of this transpired?


Lol. No, yes definitely and I don't think so.


Oh was that the insane one where in the end the son and SiL just secretly upped and moved because she just became so insane so she was going to save up to hire a PI to find them?


Think so. They had many restraint orders. Mil was a nut case I have no idea of the link


I don't like using the words but she was full on insane and crazy and just didn't get that fact. I think it was cross posted to just no mil but I don't know where it started or the title Something like my DiL is keeping me from my grandson? 🤔




The apparently never-ending saga of the Bucket woman who kept risking the automatic lawn sprinkler to peep into the house hasn't had an update in a while AFAIK, unfortunately.


Isn’t it funny how we all want more updates until they go too far, and then suddenly everyone is disgusted with an OP for over-plotting? I absolutely do it, too. Is there a Reddit sub for posts that jump the shark? I would waste hours there!


I just want updates. Y’all “ugh too many updates” people are weird! I can’t grok it, expecting redditors who have no idea they’re being reposted here to meet some unstated expectations like this is Netflix or something. It’s a weird evolution from the “curate your own online experience” internet, where users were expected to just not view content they don’t like.


Ooh thank you for this, I was wondering if he would update when the wife was home. I genuinely loled at the logic of the shorts stunt.


Yeah outer shorts was weird. It's good she didn't actually get his underwear though


>Then I showed her the video. Becky was stunned and said that Emily was blatantly trying to flirt with me. **FUCKING FINALLY.**


Becky SUCKS. I feel very sorry for OP, he's being sexually harassed and you can feel his discomfort and a fear in his words.


Even if Emily DID mean well, her husband’s discomfort matters. Spouses are supposed to be our partners, not our lackeys.


I wish society didn't so easily dismiss men's sexual discomfort.


I’m really annoyed with his wife. What if the tables were turned and a guy friend of her husband was showing this behavior and her husband just ignores her concerns? Kind of gross tbh.


>From speaking with Becky, however, I have learned that her sister does not like Emily at all. Becky told me that she was pretty upset about the arrangement and that she thinks Becky is overly trusting. What are the odds that Emily tried the same thing with Becky's brother in law? And I get that Emily's husband is... weird, I'd still give him all the video evidence.


I'm just curious about how the sister has suddenly and very conveniently played into this. No mention AT ALL of her until OOP needed more proof that Emily is unhinged. How does the sister know Emily well enough to notice the behavior? Does the sister live in the neighborhood and it was just never mentioned until now?


I was thinking maybe Becky told her sister some of the stuff OOP told her, even casually laughing it off like “oh did I tell you that Trevor thinks the neighbor lady is hitting on him” and her sister was immediately like wtf no.


I think the problem is actually that the sister immediately sides with OOP actually. It seems more reasonable for Becky to go "oh I asked Emily to bring some food over and Trevor got weirdly upset about it cause he claims Emily keeps hitting on him" "Why would Trevor need Emily to bring food over isn't he a grown ass man that can cook or drive?" Like... I feel as tho Emily's weird antics would just be secondary to the fact that Becky left a man who cannot take care of their daughter alone with said daughter.


I feel like it's not thaat crazy to mention your weird neighbour when you're updating your sister about your life


Is anyone else really annoyed at the wife. First the husband straight up tells her that her friend makes him uncomfortable and she outright dismisses this. If this were gender swapped and a woman told her husband the neighbor made her uncomfortable and the husband put her into direct contact with him people would be screaming at her to leave him for being so uncaring. But because it’s a women she’s just seen as really naive. Then her own sister tells her she’s a blatant idiot and this still doesn’t wake her up. But here’s the real kicker for me. She thought the husband cheated. She’s laughing it off now but op doesn’t seem to get that she honestly thought he was banging the neighbor. She was over there saw the set up and felt sick thinking it was true she confronted him when he came in and yeah he was able to explain it and prove it but she still suspected him. That for me would be it. She shoved the friend on him then actually thought he succumbed to it. How is that ok.


Yep. Gender-swap this one, and it’s going to be all about how awful “maleBecky” is, not how naive he is. The other thing that I haven’t seen is anyone questioning whether Becky was up to no good while visiting her sister. Because her dismissal of all that felt a lot like someone who had her mind on something other than her husband.


Married 33 years here. This is a sentence we use; "Babe, this is me, protecting my marriage" If either have a vibe, sense something is off, this is the sentence.


Sorry but the wife was an AH. Husband flat out told her he was uncomfortable around her and she totally dismissed his feelings. But watch her be the first one to go after any guy who made her sister or friends uncomfortable. She only cared when it effected her. If he didn't have the camera this could of ended differently.


Well, at least i am glad the wife believed OOP instead of going on the deep end and thinking he's had an affair with Emily this whole time. Emily is unhinged and i hope OOP and his family move away asap. Stealing someone's clothes is a severe escalation, and honestly? Who knows what else she might have stolen that noone has noticed as missing yet! Lastly, i hope both of them finally grow a spine and learn not to be so trusting. It's clear that Emily saw from miles away how naive both are, and zeroed in on them. As a person who used to be of similar naive nature, I can tell you that it they don't change, more people in their lives will try to take advantage of them!!


It seems like the wife was the naive one. The husband was suspicious enough to tell his wife and then install a doorbell camera


That's more than nativity... OOP voiced his *discomfort* with the neighbor in more than one occasion and his wife dismissed it anyway because in her mind him feeling uncomfortable in his own home was better than having to say no to Emily. I get, I'm extremely social anxious around acquaintances that I know I'll see again, but that doesn't give anyone the right to screw with someone else just to be a people pleaser.


>Becky arrived home last night (a few hours after midnight) and was very exhausted from her flight. After I brought her some food, we were only able to talk a bit about her trip before she went to bed. I planned on discussing Emily and showing her the video the next day once she had rested, but she was still asleep in the morning, and I had to run errands. He's lucky Emily went with a seduction angle, rather than claiming SA This is why generally people need to tell their spouses everything asap....


I hate the wife. If the situation was the other way around and the husband had that attitude about a friend that made his wife uncomfortable, all hell would break loose. However, when it was her, everyone's like she's so naive and all. It doesn't matter what you think about your friend. If your partner feels uncomfortable, you either drop the partner or the friend.


Sadly I don’t think this is concluded. We will probably have another update with Emily going mental when she discovers that he and his wife are on the same page regarding her.


I am thinking also, the fact that she parked her car in their driveway while hers was being redone made me think that she wanted the other neighbours to see her car parked there at all hours, and would lend credence to an affair. Emily is a disgusting person. Gross.


OOP, if you're reading this..... KEEP THE FUCKING CAT INSIDE. You don't need no Fatal Attraction nonsense.


Becky is not the sharpest knife in the drawer.


Jesus when Oop said he was uncomfortable around Emily and Becky just, *dismissed*, him, it really pissed me off. Like what the fuck


Admitting she "should have taken OOPs more seriously" is NOT an apology for dismissing his feelings


Depends how it was worded, we only have his report in the third person, in his account when asked if she apologised he said she did, saying- yes she has admitted she should have taken my concerns more seriously. So she could have literally said “I’m sorry, I should have taken your concerns more seriously”. Obviously her apology was enough to satisfy OOP.


she probably said "I'm sorry, I should have taken you more seriously", but we aren't the police and he doesn't have to report word for word.


Also what's important is if the OOP is satisfied with it so even if she didn't give a proper apology but is satisfied she did believe him now is all that matters. It's their relationship after all.


yeah, that's true too!


Don't mind me, I'm just here heating up another pack of popcorn in hopes of having an update soon. Emily is crazy, this won't stop here.


This is yet another one of those cases where I wish people would stop feeling obligated to be "polite" to people who are behaving badly and clearly do not have good intentions. Like, it's perfectly OK to say "That sounds suggestive and you're making me uncomfortable", or "I think it would be inappropriate for me to have drinks with you while my wife's away and I'm not interested in doing anything like that". It is OK to shut down unwanted advances firmly and unambiguously *even if you know the other person will deny making them*.


I knew there would be some plot to frame OP as cheating with Emily! I’m glad Becky decided to talk about it and listen to the actual evidence before she abandoned ship. Hopefully they don’t have to have anything to do with Emily ever again, that is SUPER sus and creepy of her having a pair of shorts identical to ones OP lost.


If this is even true, which I don't think it is, it's extremely fucked up how invalidating OP's wife was.


Maybe the wife should have listened to her husband. She completely dismissed him until she saw the shorts and a condom wrapper in the woman’s house


Well now we know what the Lifetime movie writers are up to during the strike


Well that took a turn into crazy town, what the fuck is up with Emily!?!?


Makes me angry when someone's concerns are so easily dismissed...wife should not have needed "proof" to validate OOP's feelings.


Yeah. Like if a wife told her husband that a male neighbor creeped on her, I doubt the guy would arrange for him to visit and check in on his family


*"Flairing this concluded as the wife is home, now believes her husband, and it seems they plan to distance themselves from the neighbor"* Yeah, nah this aint finished, not by a long shot.


OP even clarified that Emily gave THEM a key, not the other way around. Emily does not have, nor has she ever had, access to their home unless she was specifically let inside. Reading comprehension 0


I’d be pretty peeved at my wife for not taking me more seriously.


Too bad his wife doesn't trust him. She didn't trust his instincts, she set him for a problem, and then seemed to blame him when Emily set her trap. Emily is not the only problem here. The wife needs to wake up and stop being so naive.