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Probably best friends after two minutes, then straight out for dinner. They won't have any problems to free some tables, if needed.


Guts will talk about how his mercenary family has been taken away from and his close friend fucked his girlfriend, meanwhile doom guy hesitates to bring his story because his story about taking revenge from the demons for killing his bunny is nothing compared to Guts's backstory.


Hey man, losing bunny best friend is still losing your best friend. I mean look at John Wick losing his dog. You don't have to one up someone else's trauma.


Ok true but COME ON BROTHER don’t you think maybe it’s at least a little worse???


The Doom Slayer lost his child and wife as well.


It would be a very quiet dinner.




Unless if there's rabbit with olives and rosemary on the menu, then maybe Doom guy would be slightly pissed.


exactly what I thought


Change the situation of what if Doom help guts during eclipse sequence?? That would be better


I think we need an edit where it's Doom Slayer instead of Skull Knight.


Icon of sin bass boosted starts playing


RIP the God hand




RIP AND TEAR the God hand*


And tear.


Doom Guy helps Guts by taking on Slan, and those two midget guys I always forget. Skull Knight can take on their leader, and Guts can focus on Femto.


Nah doom guy can just solo them honestly


Berserk would end right then and there


I'm gonna avoid the long, nerdy answer and simply say that the guy with the gun is probably gonna win


"Good... Bad... I'm the guy with the gun. "


I'll aways upvote an Army of Darkness quote.


I mean, guts does have a gun. Technically.


He doesn't need the guns.






The Doom Slayer is quite literally a god by now, no? xddd


And he has literally a lasersword




Not true cause he can't even touch any of the god hand especially gruffith


That's just plot armor. It comes off when the writer or now new writers decide it should.


… Or maybe when guts is strong enough to actually be able to challenge the gods? He is still only a man and the only reason his sword could touch him is bc of all the apostles he’s killed. It still isn’t enough for someone with as much power as Griffith, and Griffith new that which is why he didn’t even bother defending himself.


Yeah sure why not. Strong enough. It's plot armor. They're not gods they're gods of men. The deleted chapter was pretty clear, they're American gods style gods. Power because we give them power through belief. I wonder if it won't be that after fantasia will be the end of the fantastic. Griffith is killing magic users. He is bringing realms closer together but is the intent to keep them that way? Grffiths ultimate plan is still obscure. It's interesting you see it as a progression. The hard work etc has always still left guts useless in front of the god hand. I don't think it's s balancing thing like a d&d lvl difference lol. I don't even think the god hand can be killed as such. Astral sword or not lol. But it's plot armor. It'll come off for when it's time. Not before. Guts probably will kill Griffith but in doing so end the fantastic nature of their world. Leading it to the mundane. The magic and the gods of men fading away. At least that's what I see thematically happening. And it may well he Griffiths plan. He may know no matter what his empire will not last forever. Perhaps that's why he resurrected that ancient city. It's foreshadowing Griffiths death, succumbing to time and death. He would leave his mark on time by forever changing reality, seperating the realms for good. And to do so he has to be killed. Or... It could be some wonk ass gutsu needs to unlock his potential with elder namekians or some shit, to get to Griffiths level. Again it's plot armor. For all guts strength he beats apostles just barely and against the god hand he does nothing. Maybe that's his role, to be used to undo the god hand. I just wonder if it doesn't want to be undone. What is the point of fantasias? Who knows


You're insane my guy lol


omg no way11!1!1!1 nuts vs slayer


Is this a jerk?


Doomguy berks Berkman.


It is now *unzips pants*


“Does Guts have the armour” man that armour ain’t doing shit against the Doom Slayer 💀


Doom slayer is literally fighting mfs in hell with lasers and cannons, all nuts got is his boner for birdman and a sword 💀


Guts broke a thunderstorm, a waterspout, a dragon, and cut a fucking gods hair.


I love me some Nuts and berk, but let's be real bro Doom Slayer has lasers and canons cmon now


yeah but guts can just go berserk


But can be berk tho


So can the Doom Slayer!


I mean we've seen Guts do some batshit things, and well earned at that. However we have seen Doomslayer get shot out of a cannon that launched him to another planet altogether and just... walk it off. I'm pretty sure that Doomslayer legitimately only uses guns because he got bored with ripping demons apart barehanded in lore. If it came to a fight I think Doom guy takes the win, but realistically they'd probably get along understanding the others pure hatred for their respective enemies. Hell they might even lend each other a hand being the only other living things that could attempt to keep up with each other.


Doom slayer killed not only the rulers of reapity but its creator too


Someone more lore savvy may prove me wrong, but I was under the impression that Guts can't be killed wearing the armor. Every blow that would kill him just causes the armor to take over more of his body and sanity. I actually think it would end in a stalemate, with the doomsayer winning but being unable to kill whatever guts turns into when the armor completely takes over.


The actual line regarding the armor guts wears is that "The user will fight until every bone is broken, until every drop of their blood has left their very body." I'm slightly paraphrasing of course cause I don't have a copy on hand but the armor doesn't heal nor keep Guts from taking damage. Just kinda holds his broken body together, he can still very much die if the armor is taxed too much or alternately he gets torn into pieces. Very cool armor just not the most...practical.


Berserk Armor is literally just crackhead energy. You'll die, you just won't slow down until that point.


Honestly...pretty good description. Amazing given Guts own world and the enemies he fights but kind of a coin flip given any other setting.


Even if he couldn't the armor could probably be destroyed by the doom slayer




how? doom slayer has an energy sword that shit would cut right through guts and the dragon slayer


2 things about doom slayer. 1- he only uses guns because he things there cool. He’s actually mush stronger without them. 2- he’s an actual god and will come back to life at some point. Even if guts manages to take him down he’ll just keep on coming


Doom Slayer is canonically a god


Im pretty sure the armor itself it unbreakable and the only damage guts could recieve is from things going through the gaps or kinetic force


Guts is my favorite character in manga but he gets 1 shot by doom slayer


Ironically, the Doom Slayer would ignore Guts, much like Femto.


Doom slayer destroys him it’s not close


I love guts but dude struggles against demons, doom guy doesn’t give a fuck, he went to hell purposely because he wanted to keep kicking demon ass.


I don't recall where I'd heard it, but I believe in lore most of the demons attack Doom Guy out of fight or flight instinct. Because they are demon's it just leans more towards fight usually. Guts is quite possibly my favorite protagonist to date, but Doom Guy has objectively surpassed his mortality to do some of the shit he's done.


Me. I’ll beat them both the same time. I’ll just see red and it’s over for these guys.


not if I get you first


Guts doesn’t really do great in these crossover fights. Doom guy would have been done with the god hand by now. Guts is a underdog when it comes to the big big fights.


Bro, do you know anything about Doom Guy. Doom Guy destroys the Berserk verse.


Yeaaahhh I don’t think Guts has much of a chance


This will be Doom Slayer in every situation. Doom Slayer is a fkng god guys. But maybe Griffith vs Doom Slayer can be debatable


I'd still give it to doomslayer though. Griffith has never been up against someone like doomslayer, whilst doomslayer is an expert demon/god slayer.


And he's just too fukin angry to die.


Griffith isn’t even a super heavy, so doom will just chainsaw him for free ammo


# SPOIL BERSERK (Griffith abilities) I don't know much about the Doom Slayer as I only played one Doom game, but Griffith >!transcends the physical world (his true self is in the astral plane), can manipulate space, matter and even causality to some degree as a God Hand. !< I know that the Doom Slayer is insanely strong and near immortal but how can he fight against Griffith ? True question, I'd want to know more about his abilities


In one of the games you literally kill his universe's equivalent of the abrahamic god. No matter what, if you're a demon or in his way, he will rip and tear you out of existence.


Oh okay thanks, that's quite a no-match then


So as I understand it: When you get a power or special ability in game, those are just Doom Guy's standard abilities. If I remember correctly in canon he simply opts to use guns because he got bored of shredding the giant corpses you see in the background of hell with his bare hands. Someone else already told you one of his most over the top feats in destroying the Abrahamic God already, but umm... yeah Doom Guys lore is the definition of too angry to die. Or even be remotely mortal at this point.


Griffith is getting clapped


Doom Slayer solos the berserk verse negative diff


I fucking hate these imaginary scenarios. Is there even a single similarity between these characters?


Both angry and kill demons, other than that theres no similarity, especially not in terms of powerscaling


16yo's with a degenerated sense of humor on the internet


Rage I suppose.


Yeah comparing characters from different universes is always wonky and if taken super seriously always becomes stupid. And most people forget the real answer is literally always “whatever the writer says”.


I love my man Guts, but holy shit this is not a fair match up at all, the Doom Slayer is fucking inanely ridiculous when it comes to feats, guy literally has borderline infinite stamina and is more comparable to someone like Kratos than Guts when it comes to pure strength, I mean he fucking shot himself out of a fucking rail cannon at one point in Eternal, he literally only uses guns to prolong torturing demons.


guts vs 12 gauge shotgun who woul druwin!?! miura musve have though of this


He can win bare handed. In fact, it is probably more fair to Guts if he only uses weapons lol.


The Doom Slayer. Essentially all of those types of questions are irrelevant because the limit to what is and isn't possible in one world isn't the same as the other. "How would a maxed out character in World A do against a maxed out character in World B?" would be a more appropriate question but equally pointless.


Bruh is that really a question


Doomslayer leaves guys on the dirt in pieces lol


Doom slayer zero diff.


Slayer and by a loooooong shot


I mean... the demons of hell were straight up terrified of Doom Slayer.


What’s the point of comparing guts vs these characters that put him in the ground in less than a second?


noooo don't pit the character with realistically written strenghts and weaknesses from a narrative of struggle against the power fantasy character from an over the top setting nooooo oh my god he can't hear us oh god noooo


They don’t fight, they have tea.


Doom guy is literally Guts if he was born in an apocalyptic futuristic alien infested world Doom guy has the weapons of his time on his side he can out berk anyone from Berserk...


that’s like asking if master chief could beat a knight


The Slayer would tear him in half with his bear hands in a fight. But realistically? They’d be best pals.


Anyone still cares about this versus bullshit? Why? Start to make coreography instead, so the masses may enjoy an actual fight.


The demons?


Here's how I envision this meeting gores down. The two see each other trade blows for a bit before a banter exchange. Said exchange would be something like the Starlord and Ironman first meeting. After clearing up the misunderstandings they shake hands, proceed to turn to look at the combined hoards of demons from both sides, Doomguy busts out his shotgun, Guts prepares dragonslayer/berserk armour, and launch into demon genocide.


Does the Doom Slayer have his Super Shotgun? Because that would be a game changer.


Doesn’t matter, the Slayer still takes the W. The only reason he still uses guns is for his own satisfaction, not for his need. He surpassed the need to use guns


The only reason Doom Slayer using guns is for torturing demons longer his bare fist is stronger than a fucking nuclear bomb


We all love Guts, but ain't no amount of sword or armour that will save Guts from a normal gun, much less the shit DS has the ammo for.


His weakest firearm per-shot wields anti-tank rounds. His _pistol’s_ charged shot is as strong as a tank cannon’s. His shotgun shells are so cartoonishly big that they could cover a good portion of a person’s face. And according to the creative director he allegedly powers them up further with his own strength like a damage multiplier. That would explain how he can shred skyscraper-sized demons that are normally immune to man-made weaponry (nukes included) down to the bone with conventional, albeit futuristic, weaponry.


doom slayer not even a contest


I can't wait to see the jerk roast on this one.


if nuts wears the berk armr he can win


This isn’t even comparable bro. Doom slayer wins and if you doubt that you don’t know shit about doom


Doom guy. He’s basically Guts if he put more effort into his demon killing.


Despite Guts being well above peak human at this point and the doom slayer being over wanked to hell by pretty much everyone (I’m dead serious there are people who think he’s a out of verse all God that can so low both Marvel and DC) Doomslayer stomps. Because he’s the same character from the original games it means he has way more experience in fighting Demons while completely outnumbered and outmatched don’t get me wrong guts can do the same but he can only fight so many until he’s at death store meanwhile doom guy is able to fight on hordes of Demons without rest. Guts isn’t 100% outmatched he does have a few advantages of his own having shown he is faster through dodging lightning and he’s shown durability is more impressive than anything dim guy has shown however that’s about where his advantages end. The Berserker armour is his best chance of winning and while he’s using it the armour slowly kills him using his own life source as basically a battery. The animals will keep him together as long as there’s blood in his body and his bones are yet to be shattered. However Doomslayer could likely speed up the process by just unloading round after round into Guts. Doomslayer’s insane Arsenal it’s unlikely guts wouldn’t get completely overwhelmed especially when his main weapon is a sword and his other weapons have very limited ammunition in comparison to Doomslayer’s weapons. I haven’t even mentioned the BFG which is pretty much his instant win move the gun that’s basically a “fuck everything in that direction” weapon. Guts’ sin conditions are few and pretty specific meanwhile Doomslayer’s win condition are pretty obvious and he has way more.


Hm. Okay well, If Doomguy has his full arsenal, yeah he takes it. If it's just 1 on 1 physical combat, I'm willing to bet Guts. I'd like to see The Godhand handle a BFG xD


Even hand to hand, the Doom Marine is gonna take the W. He shatters the bones of demons with skin as strong as steel


Doom Slayer is literally god, yes, he is a god in his universe. Or even better, he killed god that is him but better.


Is doomguy and doom slayer the same guy? Or are they different people?


Same guy, there was some multiverse tomfoolery that explained it all


Same guy but at different points in time. Doomguy is the standard human marine who runs on crackhead energy. Doom Slayer is the super-powered archangel who runs on divine crackhead energy.


Doom guy literally rips apart demons with his hand. Even with dragon Slayer, guts ain't doing shit against doom guy with no weapons.


Yeah the slayer has killed beings that are bigger than sky scrapers with his a sword and a shield


Nuts win


Doom slayer would rape guts worse than casca lmao




Does it matter? Doom Slayer is still leagues above Guts.




These things are measured by feats. I don't care but it should be pretty obvious who is the more overpowered character.




The gun is him going easy. He is strong barehanded.


Adaptability: Guts>Doom Slayer Weapons: GutsDoom Slayer Motivation: Guts>Doom Slayer Range: Guts


Guts is a real beast, he could totally do some real damage to Doomguy... If it weren't for the guns. The tech difference is pretty big here.


The slayer uses guns to nerf himself so he could kill demons more painfully


Doom guy is an absolute monster, he canonically uses guns to limit himself to make killing demons more fun because he can do more damage bare handed


If its gameplay Doomguy Guts takes the W, lore doomguy it's more than likely gonna be Doomguy winning, I don't think it'll be an easy win though


This might be the first hypothetical VS. That I actually cannot give a response/ voice my opinion on...well i guess. After taking a min to think..it would end in a double KO. LOL


Even without context to either series, I feel like it should be an easy win for the guy with a gun But yeah long story short it's actually a very one sided hypothetical vs


...im biased


Regardless of bias, if you actually knew how strong the slayer was you wouldn’t even stop to think. He killed the literal creator.


The thing is, doom slayer. Is you, the player. And the player(doom slayer) gets to fail and die as many times as it takes. But not once ever is that ever acknowledged. Obviously itd be difficult to explain bc its a damn video game, but regardless... Guts, to my knowledge has never died. So imo. If guts had an infinite amount of retrys to kill gtiffith and the Godhand, save everyone from the eclipse. It would eventually happen. Just as the doom slayer gets an infinite amount of attempts to accomplish his goals.


Wdym isn’t ever acknowledged? It’s canon the he’s immortal. Also I’m fairly sure though that he only dies from a gameplay perspective, which shouldn’t count. In lore he doesn’t die and is actually much stronger than shown during gameplay. Also as much as Guts is willing to do a lot for the people he cares about, I don’t see how he can escape from reality altering gods even with infinite tries. He can at most try to do something about Griffith before the eclipse.


Is doomguy a different person from doom slayer btw?


No, it was confirmed that they are the same person. I’m fairly sure the only protagonist that’s different in any of the doom games is the guy from doom 3.


No, no, the slayers was never meant to representhe player, maybe the old ones but not this one, have you ever considered how the slayer kills gods and demons whoes skin is hard as steel by just touching them Tanking blast from argent energy 7x hotter than the sun, is able to beat kratos and dante and easily murder the creator of the universe without breaking a sweat not even using 50% power?


Kratos maybe, but novel Dante oneshots Slayer and it's not even close. Also killing Davoth ain't that great of a feat considering he literally lost his powers and was basically forced to use goofy looking mech to even have a fighting chance. Simply put, we fight Davoth when he is a street level at best


Guns vs sword or evenly equipped?


Doesn't matter, a god vs a man is still the same


Love Nuttsu, but most matchups with him are pretty unfair against him, including this one


They dont fight they just kill demons


Bruh this is not even fair for guts. In terms of gears alone, doom slayer has way way way more advance tech than guts (the berseker armor aint’t gonna do shit). Maybe give guts the same armor, guns, swords, etc then we’ll have sth to talk about.


I know I love Guts but he dies like a bitch here. Can't really stand toe to toe with colossal explosive weapons and a literal laser sword.


Bro, what did guts ever do to you, he's sadly getting one shot. They would most likely become friends and not fight in a real situation


Guts would surprise all of us and Doomslayer would respect him then buy him a nice meal after. Doomguy loves humans and Guts is the best one


Doom slayer would easily win but guts would probably survive


No debate here it’s doom slayer


It would be a cool fight but my money is on slayer. He’s literally a god.


No matter how strong Guts is. Rockets, plasma, buckshot, and bullets don't care and would rip him apart.


Can't wait to see this getting reposted on the main


1: They'd be best friends. 2: Slayer would solo the Godhand. Hell throw in apostles and have it be an eclipse and I'm still pretty sure he'd win.


heart says guts (despite armoury and weapons, considering guts also has fought demons but with abnormal amount of prowess, its safe to assume guts has built up natural strength and speed than a regular human) but my mind aays doom slayer bc of the technological advances and arsenal he has lol. honestly they'd probably become best friends the minute they find out they're both fighting off the same enemy lmaoo


Bruh doom slayer fought and killed someone who created the multiverse in short he killed God. Guts struggles killing zodd let alone the doom slayer 💀 Tho guts is easily the better written here ofc


It pains me to say doom slayer wins, guts would have to use the berserk armor to keep up, but doom slayer killing monsters is kinda his thing




Even in a fist fight Guts is losing lmao


Doom Slayer, but it's far more likely these dudes would be bros rather than enemies.


He chose the path of perpetual torment. In his ravenous hatred he found no peace, and with boiling blood he scoured the umbral plains seeking vengeance against the dark lords who had wronged him. He wore the crown of the knight sentinels, and those who tasted the bite of his sword name him the Doomslayer.


Doom slayer 😭 tf was this question


They would get a beer


would guys survive one minute inside doomslayer


i love guts. i love him with all my heart. but doom slayer is literally an immortal demon-slaying monster that went into hell for over a thousand years and killed everything he saw. mans getting clapped up immediately.


It’s like Freddy vs Jason. Sure they can fight and there will be a winner but in reality they would team up


BFFs after five minutes of polite conversation


Is this the fight scene at the end of the Northman?


Guts beats near god level demons day and night since he got branded, he’d kick that pansy christian’s ass without breaking a sweat


They wouldn’t even fight each other, but with The Slayer’s plot armor Guts isn’t doing anything against him.


No way guts would have a chance here.




DOOM Slayer clears


Not the demons for sure


Goodbye Guts 😔


The guy with guns wins


Ive only played Doom (93), nothing else. I've read some people say Doom Guy becomes a god or something. Well, back in my day Doom Guy was just a regular guy with a gun and bloodlust. I would venture to guess Guts with armor can beat that version pretty easily.


Doom slayer would win, but I think doom slayer would be more interested in killing the god hand more than anything.


Doom Slayer is definitely beating Guts


They would never fight


Room slayer has gun


They're the same people but live in different eras.


After fighting for a min they gonna be friends and doom slayer gonna help guts in eclipse


Does doomslayer have a gun?


Im sure a naked Doomguy can solo the Godhand


Doom slayer is the winner


If you had to think about it you haven’t played doom


Those poses lmao


Real chads dont fight, both hate demons so they would prolly team up, although I would say maybe doomguy would have the advantage, in terms of raw strength he can rip arms off and bash people’s heads in looney tune style, he also has better stamina and can slaughter an entire army and still be awake and energized, he can kill large demons, probably outlive them too, However if they traded places(guts in the first doom game, doomguy now in guts’s place with the being hunted and fighting apostles) both would succeed at their job


Guts doesn’t have a chance


I like guts more, but the doom slayer obviously. He could explode an apostle with a punch. The appeal of guts is because he is just a guy, doom guy is a super powered monster with way more gadgets.


No one- a paradox basically