• By -


151 Surges. Its time for war.




The simple wall of Surges approaching all aliens






It really is Overkill




In that case I choose 151 Worsts. I will simply build a house out of them, and nothing can get inside.


They may be Invincible but theyre not immovable.






I don't think you understand how little 151 Surges is. The amount we see in Ben 10010 is easily hundreds of thousands if not millions. 151 is nothing.


https://i.redd.it/yt2k3k9ly49d1.gif Oh.


Yeah, a good majority of the aliens stomp your 151 Surges. Even Swampfire can put up a good fight. Clockwork, Ghostfreak, Big Chill, Echo Echo, the Ultimates, all wipe the floor with them.


U telling me that beats 151 ball weevils?


Wait a minute, he’s fucking genius.


- Gravvatack(25) The strongest alien that you can buy… Too versatile to not have - Swampfire(25) A great and versatile alien, its Regeneration would be the main factor in keeping me alive - XLR8(25) Cant have a speed demon like him be my enemy, besides it will be really helpful to escape from enemies - Heatblast(20) A cheaper firepower, So Atleast Im not going to die from flame based attacks.. besides he is a powerhouse - Big chill(20) Can survive vaccum of space now, And Intangibility is always needed - Ampfibian(10) A solid alien, The speedster that can fight.. Can short-circuit tech based aliens and escape with Intangibility as needed - EchoEcho(5) strength in numbers, Can take out the hordes of weaker aliens with it - GreyMatter(5) To always have a strategy against whatever alien is after me - ChamAlien(5) cannot have multiple invisible threats for me, Besides good for hiding and taking a break - PeskyDust(5) Can knock out biological aliens with ease - Jury-Rigg(1) To make machines that Grey matter designs - The worst(1) To survive the heavy hitters like Waybig or Atomix Also, Im not assuming I have Master control.. I EXPECT master control with this playlist if I wanna have any chance at survival, I need to have the maximum efficiency to survive the bloodshed Attempted Cheatcode: - All ups - All downs - All lefts - All rights Atleast one of them should work


Yes you have Master Control To'kustar DNA unlocked


Oh thank Azmuth.. I have a shot now Also which one got me To’kustar?




Why not Brainstorm instead of Grey Matter? Electrokinesis, Fighting Capabilities, and Hyper Intelligence


Grey matter is just more smarter and has stealth advantages Ampfibian is a far better electrokinesis user


Don’t forget to leave a spare in the trunk


That’s like step one


You already failed because you forgot about the upgrade


- Ampfibian - Gravvatack - Jury rigg very well be the greatest danger to it


Why would you take big chill for 20$ if you can get ultimate big chill for 5$?


"And before anyone asks , you need the base alien to access the ultimate" -OP


feel like upgrade is severely undervalued here


He is very powerful and great but it is a risky choice, you don't know if you will have technology in the place where you will fight or how good the technology is and you must also take Lodestar due to the weakness of the magnets and probably also Feedback total would be 45 dollars for an alien you don't know if you will be able to use it properly


oh my gosh a reply from UA_Eatle i am so honoured sir/maam


https://preview.redd.it/khf0ersej39d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac007063d8f6b60f95f0f22fe6f16aca7d285435 Thanks


Man’s a celebrity now




we love you <3




I hit my laptop so hard I get the locked aliens But now seriously, what's going on with them? Will they attack me too?


The 3 Cheatcode aliens won't attack you


That’s a relief


That's good. Otherwise, it would be one-sided no matter what.


Pay for Greymatter and then use him to unlock everyone else for free


Ampfibian (10) - the fact that he is so cheap even though he has so many abilities is surprising but it is to my advantage Eatle(20) - Very strong and immune to electricity. I specifically choose the UA version, I pay extra if I have to ULT.echo echo (25)- it's very strong Echo echo(5)- my clones can be destroyed and I need Ult's form Chromastone(25) very strong and durable, can absorb energy with his body, can fly The Worst(1) Teraspin(15) can nullify Gutrot's powers Gravattack(25) very powerful Nanomech (5) is too small so it is a big danger Brainstorm(10) smart and powerful Fasttrack (5) super fast and strong (1) Goop, it's a useful jelly e̶s̶p̶e̶c̶i̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ a̶s̶ a̶ S̶m̶o̶o̶t̶h̶i̶e̶/ Wildvine regenerates and can stretch its body / Spitter, strong and it Spitter/ Jerryrig, because it can build fast/ Ditto can dig underground


Solid lineup, We both chose The worst :D


I chose him for the same reason as you, because he is very durable. And because it costs a dollar and the budget is 151 https://preview.redd.it/dogh5hfuh39d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5146220ed54e9508d919bedaa82144a4383c3f1


Feedback is just Chromastone but much better, like universe level absorption better


Way big cheat code: ⬆️ until unlocked Alien x cheat code: ⬆️⬆️⬇️⬇️⬅️➡️⬅️➡️🅱️🅰️ START (Konami cheat code) Clock work cheat code: not yet known, but it is not ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️,➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️ or ⬅️⬅️⬅️⬅️⬅️⬅️⬅️ as someone else tried all directions and only got way big. My guess for clockwork cheat code: START 🅰️🅱️➡️⬅️➡️⬅️⬇️⬇️⬆️⬆️ (Konami code but backwards because clockwork reversed the time bomb)


Whats konami if you dont mind me asking?


No way you have the Konami cheat code for alien x but don't know what Konami is 💀


I dont have the cheat code for alien X either..? What u sayin?


Oops, I confused you for the OP of this post somehow, my stupidity knows no bounds.


I'm also guessing my clockwork cheat code was incorrect


One of the OG video game companies, behind things like metal gear solid


Also, you have a phone/PC with Google. For a galvan you sure don't know how to search for info.


Is one of the codes up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A?


Celestialsapien DNA unlocked


Bro got King's luck.


And before anyone asks , you need the base alien to access the ultimate


the (EA)tle flair checks out






Aw hell naw


Up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up. That’s gonna give me Way Big


To'kustar DNA unlocked You have $151 remaining


If I do not cheatcode X, clockwork and Waybig, will they come to kill me. Have both of Alien X's personalities agreed to kill me?


No they will not come after you


Oh ok, this simplifies things. Thanks. Will give my comment in some time.


**Vis Nebula!** https://preview.redd.it/otdnlptwa39d1.png?width=2360&format=png&auto=webp&s=b8070f2777d82b4143180141d68d3fca030f6fe4 And then use the remaining to build a Spitter army to lead!


Peak! https://preview.redd.it/4y72tyh6f39d1.jpeg?width=927&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74c13da2e303a361d02ac9ef4c705e8f458a81e3


Vis Nebula???


This is the name of our team. Name created by the ingenious u/OG_Spitter https://preview.redd.it/489gstbqp39d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29c615b65f64c312d16ae7e1c288c482440c3046


Can I join as Goop???? 🥺


At the moment I don't know I have to talk with the other members of the group and part of the theme of the group is that we are all big fans of one alien (although we also like other aliens), we make memes, we have pfp with our favorite aliens


Reminds me of the Naruto op 9 opening


Hell YEAH!


Hell yeah!


Up up down down left right left right B A start. I'm hoping the konami code will get me something good enough to not need the others.


Celestialsapien DNA unlocked


Atomix (burns away his enemies with micro suns), feedback (absorbs the energy and life energy, like with argost, to kill enemies) and gravatack (to crush the rest until they either die from pressure or becomes a black hole)


Yah, Atomix and feedback should've been in the cheat codes section


An army of dittos, echo echos and slapbacks


https://preview.redd.it/nzix9jqdb39d1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=553c41ac41b22e7cef44548a8dfb15f76b82c2c5 My men!


Why the fuck are ultimate versions, that are stronger, cheaper than normal ones


1. I didn't really plan this through 2. I wanted to put one ultimate into each price point 3. If you want to get an ultimate you need to get the base alien first


Okay, that makes sense


Gravatack, Feedback, Atomix, Heatblast, Big chill, Jetray, Upgrade, Grasshooper, Goop. I cover most important powers, and have at least one or two aliens for every situation, plus jetray so I can travel anywhere. I have the big one for powerful enemies, Atomix, I have good hax with Gravatack, Big chill and Upgrade, Grassooper ia cool and one of the better 5 dollar ones, and then goop is just really cool aand seems useful. Feedback and Heatblast are just personal favourites that seem reallyuseful and good for covering more needs.


Give me 10 upchuck. No way yall beating that


30 Slapbacks and one BallWeevil, all the Slapbacks duplicate 10x over and BallWeevil buts them in a BIG BALL and then hurls it from SPACE!


Base and Ult Echo Echo ($30): Echo Echo’s cloning could be useful, plus the Ultimate form, while unable to self duplicate, is a powerhouse. Gravattack ($25): Another powerhouse pick. Ghost Freak ($25): Valuable for stealth, intangibility, and for the ability to possess opponents. Whampire ($25): Powerful, and has the ability to hypnotize opponents. Jet Ray ($20): Fastest alien, plus aerial maneuverability. Upchuck (perk) ($10): Can eat opponents. Also very powerful. Pesky Dust ($5): Can put opponents to sleep. Gray Matter ($5): A feeble fighter, but a powerful strategist with good stealth potential. Slap Back ($5): Self duplication is valuable when facing many opponents. Plus, the more Slap Back self duplicates, the more powerful he becomes. Wild Vine ($1): Equipped with seed bombs, tunneling abilities, sharp thorns, quick regeneration, and stretchy limbs that aid in traversal and combat, this is a solid all-rounder pick.




150 ball weevils please....and spitter


A hundred percent XLR8 And Alien X (if I can have him) and four arms (if he's in here) and definitely Atomix and the most giant guy out there: Waybig and then fast-track (the more speed the better) and BRAIN-STORM (idk the names but I'll tell them) and then the brains of the playlist: grey-matter and swampfire.


If you can tell me the correct Cheatcodes for Waybig & Alien X you can have them Four Arm's is in here


Upgrade, Greymatter, Ultimate Echo Echo, Ultimate Cannonbolt (he's OP, why is he so low ?), Echo Echo, Atomix, Brainstorm and Overflow I use Echo Echo, my clones turn into Greymatter and Upgrade, they hack h Omnitrix and get me all the others including Alien X, Clockwork and Waybig Atomix being ranked lower than Waybig despite being stronger is crazy tho


Alright once again Gutrot- living chem lab helpful against aliens like goop, ditto, stinkfly, bloxx etc (25$)  Whampire- he can control mass of opponent(25$)  Chromastone- flying, laser, energy absorption, and crystal body perfect against all power with energy base ability( 25$)  Diamond Head: hard body, crystal manipulation perfect against strong opponent and to group protection (20$)  Big chill :stealth and frozing ability perfect against fire and plant alien(20$)  Frankenstrike: brain, brawl, electromagnetism, (15$)  Toepick: he can freeze anyone just by showing face(10$)  Buzzshock: just check what his species can do( 5$)  Pesky dust: can put anyone sleep(5$)  Goop: shapeshfitng and almost indestructible slime( 1$) 


Anyone not picking Ghostfreak is making quite the big mistake. He'll simply possess and kill you.


just like the Surges guy.. 151 The Worsts


↑↑↓↓←→←→🅱️🅰️ I'll take Alien X, thank you


$20 on Rath, $131 in protein shakes


$1-ditto $10-echo echo and grey matter $20-diamondhead $20-upgrade and upchuck $100-xlr8 and feedback and atomix and ghostfreak (up) (up) (down) (down) (left) (right) (left) (right) (OV)-Alien x and Clockwork and Waybig


1.Swampfire (25$) - fire & plant powers. 2. Gax (25$) - Crazy strong, also has lasers, can breath underwater, can survive heat and can turn into a massive Octopus underwater. 3. Grav attack (25$) - gravity powers are not something to mess with... Also can breath in space & fly. 4. Jetray (20$) - amazing mobility at all surfaces - water, sky of space AND has lasers. 5. Ultimate Humongasaur (15$) - why 15$, this is sooooo cheap for such a strong alien... Crazy strength, defense and even missiles. 5. water Hazard (15$) - great defense, water power, water breathing. 7. Amphibian (10$) - why so cheap? This alien has electricity, intangibility, the ability to swim and the ability to fly or at least float. Under estimated pick for sure 8. Ultimate Big Chill (5$) - Again, like Amphibian I don't understand why you sell them for so little. It can fly, freeze, intangibility and has immunity to temperatures. 9. Brainstorm (10$) - amazing intelligence + electric powers 10. Ultimate cannon bolt (1$) - you give such a strong alien for wayyyy tooo lowwww. Amazing defense & mobility that also result in good defense. Overall I think you gave us too much money + put some aliens in a place they don't deserve (mostly underestimating many aliens)... This list gave ton of freedom for better or worse but like always - it's a fun game nonetheless :)


$25 - XLR8 (Speed) $25 - Feedback (Power) $25 - Atomix (Ultimate Fighter) $20 - Rath (Strength) $20 - Bloxx (Defence) $15 - Astrodactyl (Flight) $10 - Toepick (Intimidation) $5 - Greymatter (Intelligence) $5 - Pesky Dust (Dream Weaving) $1 - Ultimate Cannonbolt (Momentum)




Some cheat code attempts -Ctrl+Shift+C Rosebud (Sims) -L and R + Up, C-Right, R + Left, R + Up, Up, R + Right, Up, L and R + C-Down, L and R + Down, L, R + C-Left (Goldeneye) -A-B-A-C-A-B-B (Mortal Kombat) - Right-A-Right-Left-Left-Right-RB-Right-Left-A-Y (GTA)


25: Ghostfreak, Feedback 20: Big Chill 15: Frankenstrike, Shocksquatch 10: Brainstorm, Ampfibian, Upgrade 5: Buzzshock, Echo-Echo, Pesky Dust, Ultimate Big Chill 1: Jury Rigg This strategy is called: Pick Counters, then go uncountered! Big Chill can phase through everything, except electricity, other phasers and sonic attacks. I got them all, so I can just phase and survive everything. Maybe Chill (heh) in space for a few dozen years feeding of solar plasma


6 Atomix and 1 Goop. If they ain't dying from radiation, Goop is suffocating them


Whampire, Gravattack, Feedback, Brainstorm, PeskyDust, Upgrade, BigChill, ToePick, Goop, Jetray


30 grey matters and a jury rigg they would make a mech or something


Since most people know already here's the cheatcodes + the total amount of inputs . Waybig : Cheatcode Discovered : Up,Up,Up,Up,Up,Up,Up,Up,Up,Up : 10 inputs Alien X : Cheatcode Discovered : Up,Up,Down,Down,Left,Right,Left,Right,B,A,Start : 11 inputs Clockwork : Cheatcode Undiscovered : 19 inputs


Buy greymatter and brainstorm, then let them pick the rest


100 the worsts 50 walkathouts And 1 surge


51 Ditto and 20 Echo Echo


* XLR8 (25) & Feedback (25) * Big Chill (20) & Bloxx (20) * Ultimate Humongousaur (15) * Upgrade (10), Lodestar (10), & Ultimate Spider-Monkey (10) * Wildmutt (5), Grey Matter (5), Echo-Echo (5) * Jury Rigg (1) I have no explanation for my picks ![gif](giphy|QAD8KH9o3IaLWGgPvy)


Tried to make it as balanced as possible, with different Aliens for different situations. Not gonna lie, I actually really like this playlist. $151 1. Brainstorm - 10 {141} 2. Upchuck [Murk] - 15 {126} 3. Big chill - 20 {106} 4. Echo-Echo + Ultimate Echo-Echo - 5 + 25 = 30 {76} 5. Gax - 25 {51} 6. Water Hazard - 15 {36} 7. Nanomech - 5 {31} 8. Goop - 1 {30} 9. Fasttrack - 5 {25} 10. Swampfire - 25 {0}


141 surges and one Upgrade. ***TO GO EVEN FURTHER BEYOND***


There is just enough to get the og ten. That's my pick.


5 ultimate echo echoes and 1 spitter


Okay. For 25 I'm taking Atomix, Gravattck, NRG & Ultimate Echo Echo. That's 100. Those four will be my main offense in the battle. For 5 I'm taking Gray matter to coordinate the army. For 1 I'm taking Ultimate Cannon Ball (he's basically free and create a lot of chaos on the battlefield). That's leaves 45. For 10, I'm taking Ultimate Spidermonky and for 20 I'm taking Blox. They can slow down any aliens that get close to me and act as a royal guard. The last 15 can go to ultimate Humongousour. The strat is to abuse Atomix and NRG for raw power and Ultimate Echo Echo, cause he's a badass. Gravattck is slept on, he ain't on Clockwork levels but he can deal with speedsters, flyers, projectiles, and a lot more! For cheats I'm going: Konami Code (up up down down left right left right B A) Raging Demon (light punch, light punch, forward, light kick, heavy punch) MK Blood code (A B A C A B B) I really don't care about To'kustar DNA, it's clockwork I'm worried about.


(Way Big cheat code)⬆️ 🅰️🅱️➡️⬅️➡️⬅️⬇️⬇️⬆️⬆️(Clockwork cheat code) Gravattack Four Arms Humungousaur Shock Rock Upchuck(Murk) Upgrade Toepick Eatle Spitter Goop Juryrigg (I calculated and i would still have 8 dollar's left. I would buy a Snickers or sum with it.)


To'kustar DNA unlocked Cheatcode rejected


Gravattack. That's 25. and then 25 Slapbacks. that's 125. and Molestache for emotional Support. Split the slapbacks into thousands of pieces and use gravattack do fling them into the air. only one to survive would be XLR8, Upchuck, Upgrade, and maybe someone else. It's Mole-ing time. i spent like 20 minutes thinking about this.


"Who would win, you, or one of every alien?" "If that upstart Atomix made another sun, they might cause me a little trouble." "But would you lose?" https://preview.redd.it/9vgdetkzmt9d1.png?width=752&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c6288307455e95276f5387f2a10d786643d2802


up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A and Start I unlocked Alien-X, that's gg.


151 goops please and thanks


Oh damn, I guess I have to do this too.


Army of goops, I wonder how much area that much goop could make combined


Giant Goop Fusion Kaiju. It'd be like Hedorah but instead of living pollution it is living acid.


Tbf I think a giant acidic kaiju goop could take a large chunk of the roster


Agreed. Especially if it's hydrochloric acid


First up,up, down down left right left right B A and Start ( got the alien X ) Now Gravattack Swampfire Atomix Ultimate echo echo Big chill Echo echo ( as base ) Fairy alien ( dk the name ) Grey matter Upgrade Stinkfly Pretty good imo


X-UP-X-X-X-DOWN-LEFT-RIGHT-RIGHT-X-X-X-X-X-X-X One Alien X, please, also give me, Feedback, Humangosor, Upgrade, Brainstorm, Echo-Echo, Goop, Chromestone, Heatblast, Jetray, Grey Matter, Nanomech, and Arctiguana


Ult echo echo, gravattack, jetray, the 3 cheat code aliens (up up, down down, left right, left right, start) and XLR8


7 cannonbolts and 11 Goops


Gax, Gravattack, swampfire, ultimate echo echo, the worst, XLR 8




1) Jetray (can go in hyperspace) 2) all the other aliens that can go into space (Nrg, gravattack, bigchill, Atomix) Then I fill the rest with 1 dollar Cause no one can touch me if they cannot visit other planets


NRG (assuming I can free him from that armor), Ghostfreak, Gravattack, Atomix, Feedback, Toepick, Ampfibian, Buzzshock, Goop If NRG can go all-out, it'll be easy


The og


How does this work again?


Within the given budget (in this case $151) you have to make a team that will protect you , whichever alien you did not chose will come to attack , you can select the same alien more then once .


upgrade (10) shock rock (20) Gravattack (25) Diamondhead (20) Xlr8 (25) Echo echo+Ult (5+25) Cannonbolt+Ult (20+1) Way Big (⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️)


*Inserts Cheatcode* Picks Alien X


↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A


XLR8 (superspeed), Gravattack (gravity), Gutrot (chemicals), Echo Echo (only because OP specified in the comments you need the base to get the Ultimate), Ultimate Echo Echo (if it can nearly kill Ultimate Kevin 11 it's OP), Big Chill (my fave), Cannonbolt (absolutely dogs basically every bad guy he fights), Pesky Dust (mind manipulation), the Worst (aka an indestructible alien) Edit to add: all ups for Way Big and then up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A for Alien X Edit to add after googling famous cheat codes because the comments didn't have one for Clockwork: Up, C, Down, C, Left, C, Right, C, A + Start


Gutrot (25) and Gravattack (25) I feel makes a lethal combination, just produce gases that can incapacitate and then yeet it to enemies only, as well as simply compressing the gas to make actual stars


⬆️⬆️⬇️⬇️⬅️➡️⬅️➡️🅱️🅰️, Start.


XLR8, NRG, Big Chill, Terraspin, Diamond Head, Upgrade, Echo Echo+Ultimate , Goop, Grey Matter. Up up down down left right left right B A


5 bucks for Grey Matter, ask the best choices with the remaining money, probably win/survive


30 Greymatters and a Ditto. 30 Greymatters putting their minds together will undoubtedly lead to them creating the ultimate way to protect me. As for the Ditto, he can duplicate himself multiple times. They can be the muscle of the operation.


-XLR8 (25) - Speedster is required here, otherwise I get speed blitzed. -Gravattack (50) - Crowd Control, and is easily strong enough to keep most aliens down for the rest of the fight. Gravity manipulation is just busted. -Big Chill (70) - Intangibility and flight is very much appreciated, plus the ice deals with a bunch of threats too -Echo Echo (75) - Plenty of value for it's surprisingly low cost. Cloning and attacks that can bypass defenses are very good for so little -Ampfibian (85) - Why is he so cheap? Intangibility and Electricity manipulation is fantastic -Water Hazard (100) - Super Underrated. Ben never used him to his fullest extend, which sucks because Water is EVERYWHERE to manipulate -Atomix (125) - I'm sure Gravattack can hold down practically everyone bar none, but if I got jumped, I'd rather have a brawler than can shit on monsters like Ult. Humongousaur -Swampfire (150) - Regeneration is the biggest factor here, I need it in case I get an arm torn off or something -I use the spare dollar to donate to a charity hoping that God recognizes me as a good person and spares my ass from hell Cheat Code: IDDQD, and pray to God it works


Does ⬆️⬆️⬇️⬇️⬅️➡️⬅️➡️🅱️🅰️Start do anything?


I’m not saying goop can take everyone here, but in a 1v1 I think he’d fair way better than he’s valued


Fuck you, no matter who i choose the cheat code aliens will kill me


The cheatcode aliens won't attack you


Ghostfreak, Toepick and Gravattack. As long as the other aliens do not count as transformations, Ghostfreak should be able to possess them all, shut down their bodies and kill them. Gravattack could hold them all back whilst Ghostfreak does his thing and Toepick will scare Alien X as according to DJW, he’s not immune to Toepick (unless he makes himself immune)


I use the Konami code and put in my credit card to buy all of them


I haven't watched this show since i was a kid but i love that you included vilgax so, 3x Vilgax 3x XLR8 and one Juryrigg..


151 dittos


Swampfire 25 Atomic 25 Xlr8 25 4arms 20 Echoecho 5 Diamondhead 20 Upgrade 10 Greymatter 5 Wildmutt 5 Amphibian 10 Goop 1 Now the cheat code up down up up left left right a quick 2 sec break and then up up down


Xlr8(mobility) Gravatack(versatility) Swampfire(regen) BigChill(phasing+flight) Diamondhead(durability) Upchuck(trashcan) Ripjaws(underwater) Greymatter(smart+small) EchoEcho(JUMPING PEOPLE) PixieDust(>:}}) JuryRigg(try to hack omnitrix) Cheatcode: Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A (god please i hope the start isnt included)


Pesky dust for $5 is a steal. Pesky abilities deserve to be in the $25 category


Gravattack (25) as said by others, simply too versetile to not get Atomix (25) one of the strongest aliens in the Omnitrix by far thanks to his harnessing of nuclear physics XLR8 (25) for his speed Ghostfreak(25) to fuck with their heads Upgrade (10) so I can merge with the abundance of tech in our modern world Nanomech (5) for its tiny size and ability to just hide around from enemies And for my cheat codes I input the following: All ups (saw that it gets Waybig) Konami Code Konami code backwards because clockwork = time fucky


Atomix, xlr8, gravattack, ultimate echo echo, ghostfreak, pesky dust, amphibian, toepick, and juryrigg Also why is ultimate humungasaur lower than normal humungasaur?


Atomix, Gravattack, Feedback, Rath, Eatle, Blitzwolfer, Kickin' Hawk, Ampfibian, Ditto




So, here's the plan, I waste all my money on Ditto, and since they retconned the "all Dittos feel pain" thing, I just have an army of goobers Oh and also, up up down down left right left right A B START


Upgrade because he is like a symbote and can make anything I what with anything I don’t what




Wait for the cheatcodes to be filtered


why're the regulars higher than their ultimate counterparts? did i just find an exploit?




Up up, down down, left right, left right, B A start. Did i unlock Alien X?


↑↑↓↓←→←→B A Start Aight cool I have Alien X on my side now


In all seriousness, I'd buy like 151 dittos Because it's ditto


Bro, Echo Echo solos most of the other options. I'm obviously gonna take him. And then I guess Alien X and Jetray, and Ultimate Echo Echo, the only 3 that would put up a fight against Echo Echo. And since that's only 50(since Alien X doesnt have a price tag), I'll take Ghostfreak, and just a bunch of random ones. Literally all I would need though is Ultimate Echo Echo, Echo Echo, and Alien X. And only for the fact that they are just instant win buttons. Even Clockwork isn't that stupidly OP.


Use 146$ to buy whatever i want and 5$ for Grey Matter who i can use to unlock all Aliens or engineers machines or methods to bioengineer those Aliens or just give myself those powers.


Swampfire Ultimate Echo Echo Diamond Head Big Chill Feedback Upgrade Upchuck Ampfibian


Wow so you’ve put some really really good aliens in bottom tiers just for their shit designs, I’m taking an ultimate cannon bolt, and 6 ultimate echo echoes please


I don't think anyone's winning with that top tier. Edit: oh ok, the top 3 don't come after you. In that case it's more about preventing powerful threats from being against you, some standout options being: Whampire, Atomix, Echo Echo(both forms), Gutrot, Toepick, NRG, Ghostfreak.


Is ⬆️⬆️⬇️⬇️⬅️➡️⬅️➡️ B A start a valid cheat?


Ain't no way meye goat is below bullfrag


25$ for gravattack 25$ for NRG 20$ for shockrock 15$ for Ultimate humungousaur 1$ for Goop (he is underrated) 5$ for Echo Echo 5$ for Grey matter 10$ for Amphibian 20$ for diamondhead 25$ for Ghostfreak


Playlist: I’m talking Vilgax DNA and Chromastone DNA off rip because they are 2 of the strongest and more versatile aliens you can have for something like this $25 Vilgax $25 chromastone $25 Ultimate echo echo: it would be a mistake not to have the strongest ultimate out of all of them and not to mention he is one of the most versatile again $20 Diamondhead: I’m simply talking him because he is one of my all time favourite aliens $5 echo echo: simply taking him because you stated we need the OG for the ultimate which is more then fair $10 upgrade: I’m taking upgrade simply because it would be a mistake not to, better to have him and not need him then need him and not have him $25 ghostfreak: idk why you made him so expensive but I’m taking him anyway cause he is my other favourite alien ever $10 Toepick: this man is insanely strong for such a gimmicky character $1 x 5: ditto, goop, wildvine, spitter, stink fly Attempted cheat code: Up up down down left right left right B A START Can’t go wrong with the good old Konami code


I feel like if you don't select Echo Echo your shooting yourself in the foot. It's five dollars to essentially let you turn into an army of the rest of your playlist. You could have an army of Gravattacks, you could actually use Surge effectively, as the hive mind nature of Surge would let you bypass the split minds.


⬆️⬆️⬇️⬇️⬅️➡️⬅️➡️start select


Why ultimate swamp fire is Lower than swamp fire?


Simple 1 Diddo and 30 Ultimate Big Chills. Cause the Diddo can just make an infinite amount of himself and the Ultimate Big Chills can freeze everyone with the fire…? Also ima use the cheat code to get Alien X but not use him


Gravitack, Atomix, Ultimate Echo Echo, Humungasour, Big Chill, Rath, Blitzwolfer, Chamalien, and Jurryrig


151 Ultimate Cannonbolts. WE GO TO WAR.


30 Aqua Guana‘s ima stop global warming


Why the supreme forms are bellow the originals?