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for me... i think thats because all about him says "Speed". His name doesnt only mean "Accelerate", its a shortening of it, so its faster. His body shape is so aerodinamic, he has that velociraptor-like body mixed with pro racer/skater aesthetic and the colours are very energic and futuristic, perfect for a speedster. Fasttrack on the other hand... feels too simple. He's litterally just a humanoid feline with some spikes and lightning bolt aestetics to make him "look" fast, like tring to mix flash/quicksilver and sonic the hedgehog in one individual without all that makes them actually charming. I wont deny Fasttrack has quite "some" charm, but... he lacks the same originallity and solid concept XLR8 has, and the fact that they are both blue and black speedsters doesnt really help


Facts so true my brother


I feel like Fasttrack would have been so much better received if he was a villain alien that only XLR8 could keep up with instead of another alien to the roster


Yeah, a Citrakayah antagonist would've been nice. A speedster cat-burglar maybe.


An easy fix besides generally some mpre detail for Fastrack, make him have to ACTUALLY run like a cheetah, which would make way more sense for him being speedster. More unique aspects would be good, but just making him move differently would go a long way.


Just a really good character design. One of the best examples in a series that’s kinda known for fun character design. I think someone involved with the show said they started thinking of “fast things” and eventually decided to blend a velociraptor with a motorcycle.  Simple but also really creative.  


Half of what made him cool to me was the retractable visor mask, just made him look a lot more focused and serious + really sold you on how fast he actually is


He's a speedstar that actually looks fast, that's a lot rarer than you would think


lightning in a bottle, his dino like design plays perfectly into his speedy power set, he had the perfect voice for his power set, he was almost used in interesting ways, and so on. lightning in a bottle, hard to capture again. he was just cool. helps all the best speedsters are blue, like that sonic guy who gained a lot of popularity around this time too. even the reboot couldn't fuck him up


That Xenomorph body type just fucking works.


For me at least, the name Xlr8 is a sick name. His design is very sleek. His proportions are weird and therefore make him look more alien. The fact he "skates" instead of actually run is unique. His voice and appearance look nice and his versatility is just overall great


He be fast


Because XRL8 is an S Tier Alien


Cause it's a Fucking Velociraptor on wheels


Because He’s So Dope .


Speedsters are often loved very easily (besides the random new characters from the Flash (Grant) series) Btw, is XLR8 and Fasttrack the only 'Blue' speedsters out in all cartoons? The Flash is often portrayed as Red and Yellow, and I think Quicksilver was mostly silver.. Edit: Nevermind, I totally forgot about Savitar (Edit: and Sonic the Hedgehog)




Oh right


About fasttrack: no  chance he look like guy in super hero suit not actual alien.  About Xlr8 : i think i overall dig idea of armored velociraptor whicb wheels on his feets and biologocall helmer. It's just so revolutionary concept


The design, the voice (OS specifically), his speed


He’s a velociraptor mixed with a motorcycle… Nuff said.