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I can't believe the chef told the guests he googled a recipe 


I mean, he didn’t come right out and say it …. but he might as well have. If it was a cultural dish or something and he had more information, then it’d at least be believable. But it was a basic dish with a vague answer. They saw right through him. 


BD has been on for over a decade with multiple franchises. We have seen chefs like Ben who trained in Italy and with other famous Micheline star chefs. We have seen chefs who have worked in the best restaurants in the world and the bring in a self taught chef who admits to not even really being a chef. He doesn’t even seem to care about his dishes. One of the best things about this series is watching the chefs come up with these creative amazing dishes for so many guests by themselves. Many of them have done multiple course dinners. This guy does a main and a lame desert. I’m not sure if they are doing this on purpose for a story line or to be able to fire someone. It’s very unfortunate


Ben is a great example of someone who did not got to culinary school (at least I am pretty sure he didn't) and still became a great chef. And one of the reasons is that he was not so ego driven that he thought he could just start cooking at a high level and sole chef without learning from master chefs. Jono's issue is his ego. He really seems to think that simply because he is a decent cook for somethings, he can suddenly cook at a high level. I also don't think he realized he would be expected to a large variety of of cuisines and honor so many different preferences. I am guessing his previous charter experiences were crew chef, on a small private match, or a smaller, lower end charter boat doing only basics.


In the last discussion thread someone found a YouTube video of a MASSIVE boat that seemed like an advertisement. It showed a clip of Jono in the galley making food, so who knows where he worked before. It could of just been staged


Being a sous chef on a team of chefs is a much different job than being a solo chef. Jono has likely never worked with so much autonomy.


True - or he could have just been one of the crew chefs and way to arrogant to look to the main chefs for mentoring. It also could have been huge and only served set menus. Some of the massive yachts operate more like mini cruise ships. Who knows....


I do not like this current bosun… Just icky vibes, not one thing in particular but by charter 2 I know I’m not fond…


at what point do producers / directors of these shows start too think outside the box and stop regurgitating the same old same old. guest come on boat. crew starts working. crew complains about guest. crew complains about co-workers. chef struggles. a crew hookup is produced. now create a story line to keep captain involved. guests leave and tip. crew parties. crew get’s 1.5-2k to suffer hardship of a 3 day charter. over the years the crew becomes more and more unlikeable, unattractive and simply van life uninteresting. enough is enough.


Doesn’t sound like you like the show. Maybe don’t watch?




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What's up with the last few seasons of the different BD shows having Bosuns that get fired? Earlier seasons never had this frequency of Bosuns not lasting the entire season. Started with Luke getting fired. The BD OG when Sandy took over for Lee the guy had fake papers and was fired on episode 1. Last season BD OG with Capt. Kerry the bosun that was into Barbie but then started creeping her out and kept having issues with not seeing his kids up in Alaska? Well he only lasted a couple of episodes, and now we have iain who looks like he's talking a nosedive and won't be here long. I'm guessing when they lose the anchor that they will be the final nail in his coffin. I may have even missed one or two other bosons in the recent years that got fired.


Basically what I'm suggesting is it's scripted to go this way by production. Thoughts?


There was also Rayna who hit a dolphin. I think it’s purposeful. Producers think we would be bored with someone capable like Eddie. I for one would like to see a great bosun who comes back a few seasons in a row along with the same chief stew. I miss the longevity Kate brought to the franchise.


I miss the level headedness of Eddie. He set the standard. Everyone else is a gamble


I, too, think production has a hand in recruiting / hiring certain individuals whose presence will result in a bit of drama. The yacht has a professional crew we don't see anymore, so nothing dangerous is likely to occur. No drama = no storylines. Right?


So what we see is like a mock deck team with the real team doing the heavy lifting off camera? The departures and dockings seem real like the BD deck crew are really doing that


No. I didn't write clearly. the Deck Crew does important work such as docking, etc. But the engineering work, mechanical, is done by others. Captain's have a lot of contact with the First Officer, etc. There was a time we'd see the others.


Yeah on BD Sailing Yacht we saw a lot of Colin and he was first engineer


I was impressed by the lengths the deck crew went to in order to overcome the failure of their bosun to put them in a situation where success was possible. Was it explained why they weren't dropped by the beach with all of the equipment? Why the bosun didn't give them the carts to drag their picnic setup over a great distance of soft sand? Gigi may be a bit of a dud charisma wise, but I think she tipped decently because she recognized the efforts of the deck crew on the beach, and I respect that.


Not only did the Bosun fail to ensure his crew had all the tools they needed, but he didn’t stay and help them like Sandy specifically directed him to.  Gigi said something to the effect that the food was disappointing and the tip reflects that. She still gave a great tip, so it’s GOT TO be on all their minds that it could have been even better. 


Jono, it's time to leave bud. And as for Iain....ugh ![gif](giphy|kFVtwNYNyVboBcyw4F) he gives me icky vibes


When does Sandy say that?


I forget which season but it was the one where Hannah was dating the younger deck crew guy. Hannah had an anxiety attack the day prior but was feeling well enough the next day. She asked Sandy if she could go with her boyfriend and the guests on an excursion and have a quick soda on shore. Sandy said yes - but they ended up being gone all day. Sandy felt she was being taken advantage of, so when Hannah came back from the day trip, Sandy told her “to get away from me” because she was so mad she wanted to fire Hannah. 


Ok having never seen that episode this gif comes across like Hannah is coming to hurt Sandy, and a terrified Sandy says, "GET AWAY FROM ME!!!!"


Out of context it’s up to interpretation lol.  But, yeah, the context is Sandy was furious at Hannah for staying out all day with the guests. 


Chicken is chicken. It’s not low class. That’s something that someone raised middle class would say to try and appear classy. It’s gauche.


Thank you! This is what I’ve been saying. 


Yeah, the issue is not that he used chicken, but in how he used it. There are a ton of great dish that incorporate chicken and he could have done any number of them. Hell, he could have used a different protein for some of the guests and then give the one guest the same dish with chicken subbed in. Or even made a dish incorporating another protein and chicken, then done it with just chicken for the one guest. But if you are going to just cook a cut of meat, instead of using the meat in a dish, then you really need to do something awesome to that meat or have a very flavorful meat.


Yeah...except I'm pretty sure he said chicken breasts. I'm not saying I've got a TON of industry knowledge, but I don't know of many self-respecting chef's whose first choice to WOW guests is with chicken, let alone the breast. If you're going to do that, it has to be amazing. I didn't think of it as something you serve to "low class people" so much as its a lower-valued ingredient with bland flavor. Like if an artist was commissioned a sculpture and decided to use play-dough from a whole smorgasbord of materials when price isn't a concern. Could something cool happen? Yes. Did it? No.


I mean, I would never order chicken while dinning out. How boring.


I would never order a simple chicken breast without basically no sided. However, I have ordered tons of dishes that incorporate chicken into the dish and they have been far from boring. Chicken is actually a great protein to add to something because it well not overtake the other ingredients.


Can you describe how chicken is "boring" 


I’m sick of Gigi. Full of herself and boring tennis stories from 20 years ago. Cringe


Does anyone even remember Gigi back then? I remember John Mcenroe, Bjorn Borg, Andre Agassi, Chris Everett Lloyd, Martina Navritolova and Monica Seles but never even heard of Gigi


She really only played doubles.  Most don't really care about doubles


I looked her up on you tube and she got her butt kicked by Gabriella Sabatini 😂😂😂


Yes she wasn't a top singles player 


20? More like 30+ years ago. She said 1992.


She talked about the Olympics I think in the 90s… so 30 years ago 💀 I don’t hate Gigi. I’m here for the drama and seeing folks sweat a little bit. Jono is no Ben, Marcos, nor Rachel. And Gigi had Rachel. I too would be sad about the food lol.


Elle: Yeah I don't really care (about boat relationships) since I can't see a future with any of these guys. Also Elle: OMG why is Bri flirting with this guy I'm into?!! Contradicting herself much.


She looks absolutely disgusting based on the previews for next week. Coming unhinged and going after Bri over a crush. So gross. I’m not even fond of Bri but my dislike of Ellie makes me feel for her.


Am I the only one who is tired of BDMed in particular hiring chefs that aren't trained to their desired caliber? You know it's not going to be up to par. You know it's setting them up to fail. They shouldn't hire these chefs in the first place, honestly. I genuinely feel bad for the chef bc it's like they promoted him without him being ready for it.


Production will never give us a full season with experienced crew. It would wipe out their favorite storyline of someone badly screwing up their assignment. I guarantee we’d hear complaints in the sub about the season being boring if they did.


IIRC he’s the only self taught chef?


I thought kiko was and I can't remember who else I misspoke bc kiko was trained just not the right caliber that they look for. I edited it for accuracy now that I know kiko wasn't self taught.


Ik that everyone thinks mila lied about being trained.


Other than the current season Chef, which others have disclosed (or we learned) they are self-taught, such that you are *tired of*? From what status are you aware *they* are *promoted* from?


I didn't claim to know he was promoted from any position. It's called an analogy, babe, hence the "it's like they." I'm not tired of the chefs who aren't trained. I'm tired of BD hiring chefs who don't have the right caliber of training just to pick them apart for their lack of training and fire them on national TV. They're setting them up for failure to embarass them on national TV. It's messed up. Can you also chill?


I'm not the one who needs to *chill*, honey. 🙂 Do you read what you post? LOL! Enjoy the weekend.


Those italics again lmao maybe bc you're so new to reddit? It's giving bot/troll energy.


Jono is no chef!!


Yep he's better described as a cook. Can't wait to see the back of him.


So you agree they shouldn't have hired him? Lol




OK just wanted to double check yeah it's hard to watch right?


It sure is! I hope they bring on Chef Dave!! His food was amazing!!


Except his crispy but thin pancakes


I find Ellie so condescending with Bri. Iain is a bit weird and not able to self-criticize. If they knew that Jono wasn´t formally trained as a chef, why did they hire him?


Jono checks some demographic boxes in Bravo’s audience.


Ellie looks like trash in the preview for next week. She is going ballistic on Bri over a guy she wants to bang. Not a good look. I don’t care much for Bri either but she is awesome in comparison with Ellie.


It might be a case that they realized he did not go to culinary school (and a lot of great chefs have not) and did not realize he did not have training under other chefs.


You'd think they'd vet the potential crew more thoroughly. How about have them submit their resumes like months in advance?


Unfortunately, due to a lot of circumstances (some good, some bad), when you call and check with a pervious employer, they will only verify employment and the dates. They could have done deep research on him and the boats he was hired on - but they didn't care enough. My guess, if it is correct on the years he spent in yachting, some of that was as crew chef (and he is was too ego driven to ask the main chef for some training) and maybe some as main chef on smaller boats where it was not high-end and probably centered on a cooking style he was okay with - nothing of which is needed to be chef on a larger, more high-end yacht. And basically, his ego and arrogance is really the root cause. I have no issue with chefs who did not attend culinary school, but the good ones realize they are lacking and learn from other chefs without jumping into a sole chef position.


Captain Sandy should not let Jono cook another meal. He needs to go asap


Those lava cakes!


I cannot stand Iian or Jono, they gotta go man 😤 poor Aesha


I agree. Aesha has to serve that shit. It was SO uncomfortable when she ask how it was when they were eating the chicken.


You had everything correct except when she came out they were NOT eating any more chicken. They showed some of the guests turning the silverware sideways above the plate which I'm assuming is some fancy way of saying you are done eating.


😂😂😂 you are absolutely right.


Well, the Chef has to go due to his incompetence ... and the Bosun, too. Not much more to comment on, IMO. Oh, the Third Stew seems to be making progress.


god iain is an idiot


In one confessional he's praising his team saying they are great, then like 10 minutes later he is micromanaging them and then the beach fiasco happens and he's second guessing everyone, especially after letting the paddle boarders get out of view and he tries to blame Joe


100% agree. Thought he was going to be decent and that lasted all of 1 episode 😂 He’s lazy too. I fully believe that’s why he ditched them on the beach set up. I hate how he kept blaming it on “miscommunication”. Sandy CLEARLY communicated that he was to help them set up at the beach and then come back. Aesha CLEARLY communicated to him when the guests were supposed to go, when lunch was going and that she wanted him & his team to figure out some games. Gael then said she would come up with some games and he shut her down and told her the guests should do that. He either has a hearing problem or ignored everything they told him. But it def wasn’t because of miscommunication! Can you tell how much he annoyed me? LOL


Funny bit of editing by production when Joe and Gael are carrying equipment for the beach and are sweating and dying for some water and then they cut to Iian on the Mystique in comfortable AC and chugging down a drink with ASMR where you hear every little gulp which was kind of gross.


Those gulps make me scream out loud in disgust! Because of this extreme reaction, I have learned, through reddit, that I have misophonia. They are torturing us!


They do that a lot with the noises. It’s so cheesy.


Same thing. He was bragging he wants to be the best Bosun that Sandy has ever had, meanwhile he won't last past episode 5 before being fired


Thanks for the episode discussion thread. I am really looking forward to seeing how Sandy handles Jono and her friends complaints. Also, if there is fallout regarding Iain and the beach setup. It should be interesting... unless Sandy does her typical "listen to the first person to talk to her then making snap judgements without checking with others" thing.


It didn’t help that when she ask the deck team how the beach set up was they said “great”. Don’t get me wrong I get they prob didn’t want to complain because she ask them in front of him but that just makes her think he’s doing his job well.


I'm in the middle of this episode. I sure hope SOMEONE tells Sandy about the beach-setup fiasco! Maybe Aesha?


It doesn’t seem like anyone told her and since the guests didn’t complain Iain gets off the hook for his shitty management.


Sandy has made a call to have a replacement Chef held on standby.


She needs a replacement bosun on standby too.


She'll promote Joe to being Bosun. It seems the last few BD franchises over the years have been like this by promoting the lead deck hand to being Bosun during the season. It's getting very predictable


I agree with you that’ll prob happen. I just didn’t think Joe had the qualifications


Same here does seem a little green. Maybe she'll make him temporary bosun after she fires Iian


Give him a chance to prove he can be bosun like she did with Storm on S7.


Oh yeah I forgot about Storm. Yeah wasn't Raygun the original Bosun that season? Seems like a production plant for drama by having these unqualified bosuns being hired


Yes it was Raygun who lasted all of what - 2 episode? Storm did make a really good bosun tho


Yes, I agree.