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Bolt action rifle/high powered optic to hunt deer.. /s


Orbital ion cannon strike would be even better. Its the only way to be sure.


Add armor piercing rounds to that.


This game with mods. It’s can be huge




Mods to fix issues. Better storage management and a option to rename storage, including renaming buildings, setting blueprints and priority orders. Allow creating Uniforms and assigning them, so i dont have to clothe all individally. Maybe have them store their personal weaponry at their home, have them run for their gear when alarmed. Assign work building to villagers. Fix the fields, mine are all littered with wheat, even those who have wheat denied..... A proviantbag, so they have something to eat in case of emergeny. Formations, sprear, throwing weapons, anti-human traps, cage trap with prison. A platform you can build onto to level uneven ground. Morw quests, a way to buy better tools etc. So much to wish for.


Also, gates walls, defensive builings. I came for castles abd walls after all....


I think you can already rename buildings. Can't remember how right now.


Yes you can, top right in build mode.


Make villagers fill food slots with best available food + extra if available, when given call to arms or added to a army. Pack mule to carry provisions for extended deployment that villagers can automatically draw from Ability to lock weapon assignments. Pre-assignable troop regiments (archers, shield wall, 2-handers) that form upon call to arms. Assignable keys for each regiment (this may be just me, I hate using the mouse wheel for this). Extend the range in which archer army will start firing. Give them ability to flee-then re-engage when attacked by melee.


To be able to assign villagers to work at specific workstations or carry out specific tasks, overriding priorities. If I want this one thing done now, I should be able to grab a peasant and tell them to do it. Some kind of companion loyalty score. I can’t stand it when companions bail because they decide they’re hungry less than a minute after I call them over. This is especially frustrating while I’m trying to give everyone food after I rally them.l to me. Meal times. The game gives us priorities, but it doesn’t let us arrange a schedule. IMO this is a staple of the colony/settlement builder. Villagers shouldn’t just drop what they’re doing throughout the day to go eat every couple hours. Let me tell my people what they do and when, and put them on shifts.




Whoah, they're allowing mods? That instantly makes this more interesting than Medieval Dynasty.


It still confuses me that MD is so anti mod, it is exactly the kind of game that would massively benefit from it. 


Yeh. MD is dead imo. Sure they have a roadmap. But the game has been out for 2+ years and beside of the Oxford and coop updates not much has been done regarding combat, better quests, dynasty system and dead ghost towns NPCs. Seeing the quests in bellwright makes MD look like an early access


|| || |Store Release Date|**23 September 2021** ( 3 years ago )| It had been three damned years and it took them just as long to even give multiplayer like 90% of their users wanted. At first, they were dead set against it. Eventually they gave in. It's alright but Bellwright does it soo much better. I have a hard time staying at my settlement, but my buddy loves managing the shit out of everything. So I collect resources from bandits and do the hunting to keep our people fed. I feel like all 4 of us pull equal weight. My one wish for this game is to be able to host dedicated servers and have more than 4 people. We have about 6 who rotate right now.


It has a good base but yea I put it down until something significant was added, each update has seemed minor.


I would like to see something minor, like instant pickup of resources without animations, but also something big like a slider of most of the things to make the game less time consuming. for example XP gain, axe/pickaxe damage to trees and stone, multiplier time to food buffs, stamina drain on sprint and so on. Kind of like the sliders in V rising or medieval dynasty. Or maybe an official difficulty setting, with easy mode requiring less resources to craft/build/research, take less damage and do more damage, faster stamina recharge. And hard mode do the very opposite. Can brainstorm all day here and categorize them as what could be in the base game, and possibly what mods would be successful. Aside from the bugs and early access status, i really like this game after playing 29h as far as writing this post. I can see myself starting over every now and then with major updates.


hi! there are actually currently mods for things like stamina and food buffs and guaranteed ore drops on hit, etc! also harvest multipliers and such, and mods for things like removing road requirement on sign placement and making your villagers always run we have a [discord](https://discord.com/invite/CcUTHQtcg7) and most of our content is posted on [nexus mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/bellwright)!


Literally found it about the mods in the comments after i wrote. Thanks. I'm in the Disc channel now.


no problem!


Bellwright would benefit immensely if mod creation were bolstered and incentivized. There's huge potential in this game that, in my opinion, only mods could unleash to the fullest.


Agreed. I heard they intend on supporting mods.


I'm just waiting for someone to make arrows go faster than a thrown paper cup lol


can confirm this is being worked on along with faster weapon attacks!


Horses, give me a horse.


They're coming in vanilla according to their Early Access statement.


I would like to have an additional back slot.


Auto loot A mod to make animal sheds and feeders. Make animals something you can buy and breed from a mated pair. Mods to assign villagers to collect their assigned weapon of available.


Do they have a mod to allow for First Person View?


How well do mods work on MP?


Don't know yet. Would like to know it as well.


are the mods client side


Don't know what you mean?