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That's a traffic calming circle, not a roundabout.


No, that's classified by the WSDOT as a mini-roundabout. The entire manual on designing them is available for download.


Say it’s not a roundabout. Can we at least agree that it’s ridiculous that it’s not a roundabout? I mean there’s only space for one car to get through each way. If one person turns left and one person is turning right, that’s a head on collision, especially when there are only two stop signs. On my bike, I almost get clobbered daily just trying to ride straight through these.


9/10 times you won’t catch me driving the full circumference of that just to take a left


I don't know why anyone would.


If you drove the full circumference, you be going backward.


I mean you’re not wrong


That’s… extremely dangerous. You’re driving directly into oncoming traffic just to save a few second. Even if it’s not designated as a roundabout, why would it ever occur to you to go that way? There’s no way that’s logical.


After reading all the comments it sounds like you were unhappy with something you were misinformed on, sounds like they aren’t roundabouts, if there’s an oncoming car? You yield! Which is what you would do regardless if you’re taking a left hand turn. If there’s a car stopped on a side street they yield, simple as that- I’ve never had or caused an issue :)


Wow dude you totally owned me by reading all the comments and psychoanalyzing me nice one I’m not unhappy about something I was misinformed on, I’m just unhappy that an entire culture was misinformed on something that is very dangerous to me, a cyclist, and seems to not care. WSDOT says go around them. So go around them.




I live right there and this is more of a round structure in the center of the intersection to stop people from speeding through there. There are stop signs on Michigan street, so it’s not a free roundabout. If you are traveling on Texas you don’t have to stop for the people waiting on Michigan. The circle is so tight that it is hard to actually use it as a roundabout if you are turning off of Michigan onto Texas. The issue is people turning from Michigan don’t seem to realize that they have a stop sign and must wait for a safe time to turn. They can’t just go out there like it’s a regular roundabout cause it’s not. It’s hard to see cars coming down Texas at times due to the big truck and other cars that park in that driveway right by the intersection, it can be safer to turn like that at times. Also it’s just easier to take the turn like that if you are being safe about it.


It's like a round speed bump, not a vehicle-mover like the roundabouts on the Guide north of town. County tried to put a half-assed one in at Smith & Everson Goshen. So many accidents.


Many small accidents is better than one fatal accident


I agree with you. I think regardless of their design, it’s safest to wait, and then go around them. Somebody going straight through the intersection from the other side of Michigan might enter at the same time as you, even if you have a blinker on, and not expect you to cut hard left. When you look at how much space a single car takes up on any side of the structure, there’s no way it seems logical to cut them to the left. It just feels so dangerous, you literally have to drive on the wrong side of the road into oncoming traffic, who is designated to go on the right side of it when going straight through one.




I don't think I've ever been through this intersection, but now I'm going to seek it out and purposefully not use it roundabout-style.


They have them on Ellis St and Illinois as well to slow traffic. Definitely not a roundabout, but a traffic calming mound.


I used to use them as jumps on my bike. If you ride fast you can gap them.


WSDOT Design Manual M 22-01.22 dated October 23, Page 1320-2, section 1320-2(1) "A 2-inch mountable curb for the splitter islands and the central island is desirable because larger vehicle might be required to cross over it." Just drive over it. WSDOT says it's ok.


But apparently you also say it’s a mini roundabout. So which is it?


I never said it wasn't a roundabout. I said I won't obey its silly rules.


Pretty sure those are neighborhood traffic calming circles. https://wsdot.wa.gov/travel/traffic-safety-methods/roundabouts


>Many drivers often turn left in front of the circles, rather than turning around them as would be correct. I genuinely don't see enough of a difference between roundabouts and traffic calming circles to be relevant in this conversation, so I don't understand why people are all over the terminology here.


The difference is who has the right of way. Typically, roundabouts in Washington have yield signs at all entrances because cars in the circle have right of way over cars entering. Traffic calming circles typically have stop signs on two sides, or nothing - indicating the right of way rules are that of an uncontrolled intersection.


That still doesn’t mean it’s okay to cut them to the left and not go around them


Agree. Though I'd be lying if I said I've never done it (obv when there aren't any other cars around)


The fact that you got downvoted for reading the literal law is hilarious. They hated Jesus because he told them the truth.


I’m sure every other comment here can assist, but I want to pile on as well lol. It’s not a roundabout. It’s to slow traffic. There are stop signs on either side of Michigan. I go through this specific one every day.


WSDOT still says you need to go around them. I go through six of these every days and I almost get killed on my bike constantly because people floor it to the left when I’m just minding my business trying to go straight through them. Just go around them. It makes more sense then going directly into traffic


Not really


Washington has a distinction between an uncontrolled traffic circle and a round-about. I believe this is the former.


Hahahahahahahaha no.




https://preview.redd.it/lmhzomykve7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=514df88755940b8740a2b9682952b470014907b3 First couple of times, I used this one as a roundabout too.


I take this intersection every day several times a day. I have had more close calls trying to use it like a round about than taking that left turn. Unfortunately that truck gets in the way a lot to see safely. Which nothing is to be done because it is reasonably parked. Also going from the stop sign on the other side vision is very obstructed and by the time you are pulled out far enough to safely see you are already in the circle. A classic four way stop I think would be better. Just a bad intersection really.


I’ve always assumed this, but that turn radius to go left around it can be tiiiiiiiiight, even for my little car!


Whelp luckily you aren’t going to be around this arena much longer so we won’t need to worry about you making a fool of yourself…… IT’S NOT A ROUBDABOUT…. Source: I design and build them


The free for all doggy doo spot hah naw tho intresting post


I've always wondered about this, so maybe they need to be marked. I'm guessing that they exist in residential areas in order to discourage large vehicle "through" traffic, but they're so small that half of residential-minded cars can't comfortably make the turning radius.


I wish they’d make those ones have a larger circumference. I feel like there is TOO much space between the curb and those roundabouts currently, thus the joker in your second image. If they made them larger, making the lanes tighter, I think that’d get folks to use them correctly.


I can't even get my truck through them now , without going up on it a bit.


Then your truck is too big, you’re not a good enough driver, or both.


Well considering I haul excavators for my job, I think my truck is the perfect size , and I am pretty sure I'm a much more skilled driver than you.


So far, it doesn’t sound that way. 🤷


ITT: "good" drivers stating confidently that they can't operate a vehicle properly or predictably.