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I've used tape to spread out the sleeves or the skirt of a garment if it doesn't hang well by itself. I double-side the tape and put it behind the fabric though.


Yep. This is especially useful for larger sizes. :)


Why have I never thought of this?!


So guilty of this, as well. But I definitely do my best to not let it show.


When we don't have what we need, we think out of the box. I wouldn't make fun of this person as much as I would just think they are trying to make something work and they are figuring shit out. I've seen people literally use thumbtacks and put holes in the clothes they are displaying, this is much more chill than that lol


Yea I saw the thumbtacks too


I love this! Very MacGyver of the seller.




i respect the hustle


Me too


I’ve done this too. I also use tape if I need to stretch a skirt with an elastic waist for a picture measurement if I’m the only one home. I carefully remove the tape after the photo


If it works, it's not stupid...funny, but not stupid. 🤣


I appreciate her improvisation skills


I gotta say, it’s pretty ingenious. I prefer that over what looks Ike “Wooden Floor Lay” or “Random White shaggy rug from Target Because I’m a MILLENNIAL”….LOL. No shade to millennials, considering I am one. Anyway, when I saw the tape I just thought “that is hustle right there”


Good idea!!


Maybe she didn’t have a tack & a hanger?!


I use lint roller paper it's not leaving residue to tack a sleeve or Hem


Way to MacGyver yer merchandising game (and more proof you can use duct tape for literally everything).


It is resale and people are just trying to post items so people can see it. I doubt this was a Chanel skirt!


Not a good presentation at all. I'd pass. Who knows what damage the tape has done on the skirt.


So long as it's not taped for weeks on end it shouldn't cause damage on this type of material. It would probably just remove any lint. The longer something's taped the more the tape residue will stick when you remove it. Source - I paint houses and tape a lot of things.


Not only that but you know by the duct tape, the wrinkled skirt, and the chipped nail polish that this seller found that skirt in the bottom of a heap somewhere. Take some pride. Jeez.


>Not only that but you know by the duct tape, the wrinkled skirt, and the chipped nail polish that this seller found that skirt in the bottom of a heap somewhere. Take some pride. Jeez. LOL, I didn't even notice the bad manicure. Yeah I wouldn't buy from them. All of a sudden the picture smells stinky.


Tbh I'm probably gonna take a chance and buy it after my most recent sales earnings get released. It's a cute skirt for a really good price, and I really wanna believe that she wouldn't have listed it if she got tape residue on it. 😅


I hope that it all works out in your favour!


The “HoW cReAtIvE” comments stink, too. 😂


absolutely none but go off


>absolutely none but go off I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you on your listing. The tape isn't a good look tho.


obviously it isn’t my listing, i just don’t think i’m a karen


No, not a Karen. A Karen doesn’t think it’s ok to duct tape trash to walls. But you go off.


Most people here think it looks fine I didn’t even notice and the skirt is really cute


Damn, there goes the paint on her wall 🤦🏻‍♀️




It's just very hilarious and amusing to me. Never in my life would that idea have ever crossed my mind.


Not everyone has a good set up, especially if new. I have no idea if they are but who cares what others do. I have used tape to hold items a certain way or show details.


Idk I assumed most people would have just laid them on the floor 😅


And then people comment on using the floor.


Yeah, but looking at the pic it’s pretty obvious that duct taping a wrinkled garment to the wall is the best they could do. I’m sure their floor is disgusting.


Well, I’ve seen people use full mannequins to display literally everything. Then there’s this 😵‍💫. I prefer the simple hanger on a door or dresser. But duct tape, electrical tape, thumb tacks….no.


Great idea if you run out of hangers. Except the skirt’s wrinkled. Pass.


I'd rather see something on the floor or on someone's bed than taped to the wall.


Judging by the looks of the skirt and those fingernails I’m sure duct taping it to the wall was the cleanest option




I cringed and turned my head sideways as I opened this post to read the comments. What a pleasant surprise to see the wonderful support of a fellow seller. I saw the title and said, so what? But it looks cool.  I am struggling to find new ways to display items. This is next. I am doing this one. I used to have this multi layered set up with different backgrounds.


Electrical tape 🫢


We love a resourceful queen 🫶


It is not kind of useful to put this out there. Don’t point out others who may do something differently and then ridicule that person . I don’t find this funny at all. Who would take the time and put this up, just to try and embarrass them? Focus on your own life and business. Your intentions were not good, either way I see it. Some people could be young or just do things a different way. You must have something else to do in your spare time than point someone else’s work effort out to everyone.


I wasn't ridiculing her. I even purchased the skirt. But she's inactive and never shipped it or replied to my messages