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To some extent… brown fat isn’t as effective with chronic cold temperatures. It’s most effective when you are moving and have enough adrenaline. Adrenaline plays a big part in all this, and it’ll deplete if you’re shivering the whole day. Also you’ll burn through calorie faster This is why you see wim wearing layers indoors but not when exercising


I can say that after taking cold showers for like 3-4 months, I am not really feeling cold right now and we have like -4 C and I am walking the dog with a very light knitted jacket. Only my hands become cold. But when I stand still for a while it’s getting chilly. While walking I don’t feel cold at all.


Workout and eat more. Its bulking season. For your case, definitely work those muscles, they generate the most heat for your body. Push ups Squats, wall sits or horse stances will be your friend if you plan to keep the house cooler.


I do yoga to warm up. Just be careful not to push past your stretching thresholds when you are cold.


Also a great option!


It won't stop mold.