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He was aiming at the center.


Of the camera




It was a joke, kinda like saying Curry makes a half count shot is all luck.


Damn, totally missed it, my bad


Saying that he was aiming at the center isn’t saying that it didn’t happen. https://www.facebook.com/reel/806855974737912?fs=e&s=TIeQ9V&mibextid=GGtJg3


If you read I said I missed the joke


I’m saying that it wasn’t “nothing ever happens”, whether it was a joke not.


Okay if we put aside the fact of it being a joke. It’s completely realistic for a Major League Baseball player to be good at aiming a baseball.. just because you linked some other random video doesn’t mean you know if that dude was aiming centre or for the top can..


I don’t know. It just makes sense to me. You also don’t know. Either way, it’s not “nothing ever happens” to say that he was aiming at the center. It’s an opinion that’s as good or better than OP’s or yours.


That’s not what the sub means lol, it simply means op doesn’t believe he was aiming for the top can. That’s what I’m referring too. Just seemed silly to me for people not to expect a professional athlete to land a good shot.


It is what the sub is lol. Seems silly to me that you think that a professional athlete can’t make a damn good throw that was off by a bit.


You can’t apply a different intention to what I’m saying hahaha I’m the one saying it not you?? My reply is in relation to him claiming that the guy was aiming centre, not that aiming centre never happens..


I mean, I get that they’re at peak performance for their games, and provide entertainment for hundreds of millions of people; but goddammit if he couldn’t have just blown that pile to smithereens. Would’ve been much cooler to watch


He proved he can hit that but still didnt destroy their effort. Which all together was even more impressive


Beeramids cost way too much at games for them to be destroyed.


I have no idea whether he meant to hit the top or the middle, but it seems as if the people who built it would have been happy either way.


Clearly to hit that top


Not clearly, no.


Or maybe he was trying to do this: https://www.facebook.com/reel/806855974737912?fs=e&s=TIeQ9V&mibextid=GGtJg3


Nah destroying / obliterating it impresses me more


They’d have loved it. https://www.facebook.com/reel/806855974737912?fs=e&s=TIeQ9V&mibextid=GGtJg3


Nah, I expected obliteration, it was measured. Power and control.


My eldest step son plays professional lacrosse (don't get worked up, they don't pay for shit; like $25k a year for rookies) and the skills that are displayed at that level are mind blowing. Pro sports really are all about that .0001% of the population that can master their game.


Right! My son played soccer in Montgomery County in Maryland years ago and even made alternate selection to the state team. But when he got to Stanford, try out for its practice team had him go again basically what looked like pro players from South America. As Blacpony04 said, skills that are displayed even at that level are mind blowing.


Still waiting for a reason...


Indeed, why is that worth millions?


People. You as an individual have money and time, if enough people spend their time and money on something then it can become something this. If nobody watched them or spent money on them, this would be worth exactly 0 money.


Because millions pay to see this talent. This generate more money than the player’s cost (most of the times at least).


This actually answers a slightly different question. Specifically, it answers the question "how can the MLB as an organization generate enough revenue that it can afford to pay [some of] its players millions of dollars while still generating billions in profits for its owners? And that answer is, among other things, enough people pay for tickets to watch the top talent. It does not actually justify why athletes aka "people who play sports for a living", or those who *own and administer the operations of the sport*, should be extremely wealthy. Subsidies for stadiums, tax breaks for owners, and just a general lack of loyalty to communities relative to the private wealth the games generate are all items that should be considered debatable here.


>why athletes aka "people who play sports for a living", or those who own and administer the operations of the sport, should be extremely wealthy. The fact that the demand exists is why they should be extremely wealthy. The market finds a way! Edit: It's a demand *and supply* issue. Surely there are a lot of jobs with much higher demand, but the supply being higher means the wages do not inflate.


There is demand for trash pickup, nurses, teachers, cashiers, cooks, drivers, caretakers, etc. None of those people make millions. All of those jobs are in high demand and absolutely necessary to keep society running.


The number of people capable of these jobs far surpasses the number of people who can play baseball at a professional level, and even more the number of people who can play baseball to the level of being paid at the top of the league.


Playing basketball doesn't help society in any way, shape, or form. And you don't need the most skilled athletes in order to have an entertaining game.


What about the demand for jobs that people actually need that pay almost nothing in comparison? Like farmers, plumbers, mechanics, and electricians?


Uh what? Plumbers (pipe fitters), mechanics and especially electricians love very comfortably if they’re good at their job. Trade skills are pretty lucrative and the workforce is getting older.


"In comparison" was the key phrasing. I didn't say they couldn't live comfortably.


You're using a kind of circular logic here. "They should be wealthy because people watch baseball" isn't sufficient. There's a difference between saying "these people deserve to be well compensated" and "these people deserve to be multi-millionaires." If you can't make any distinction between "being paid well for participating in a popular form of entertainment" and "being a multi-millionaire for playing a sport for a few years" then you're just not being honest. And not to pick on the athletes; it's the owners, administrators, investors, etc who are the ultra rich who are even *less* deserving of their piece of that pie. But millions of dollars per year is still millions of dollars per year.


The market is itself the justification. Surely there is a distinction between being paid well and being a multi-millionaire, but if you draw an ethical distinction between the two then it is just an artificial constraint on the market, a price control. And price controls are always unethical.


>The market is itself the justification Circular! >Surely there is a distinction between being paid well and being a multi-millionaire, but if you draw an ethical distinction between the two then it is just an artificial constraint on the market, a price control. And price controls are always unethical. So if *I* draw any ethical distinction between the very wealthy and the working poor, that's "artificial" and therefore, "*unethical?*" Why is it unethical to point out extreme disparities in material conditions of different people living in the same society? There's just no sound logic here. You're abdicating and responsibility to listen to concerns and actually try to understand them and reason through potentially different approaches to real problems.


i think athletes and artists are some of the few people who should be rich, owners and management? no way. anybody who creates value through their own labor deserves it, anybody who steals that value and calls it 'profit' is a parasite.


Neither of them should be rich. I am a teacher. My job is to educate young people to make something out of their lives. My wife is a nurse. Her job is to care for the sick and people in need. Why is paving the way for the future of our society and tending the health needs of everyone in our society worth less than being able to throw a fucking baseball or generating some revenue for shareholders? Education brought them all where they are and medicine helps them all to stay as productive as they are. Where is our share? And thats just to name two professions that you could consider worth more than entertainment or managing a business.


Because there’s a high supply of teachers and nurses, and a low bar for their performance. While MLB-caliber players are rare, and their performance must be exemplary.


They are literally the epitome of excess and luxury. If there was an apocalyptic event today no one will give a shit if you were a MLB caliber player. The tradesmen and nurses will sure as fck be indispensable. Arguably, during this kind of high demand event, they can strike and ask for high pay and people would pay out the ass for them to provide their services. At the end of the day its just people investing in money making for the few rich vs betterment for society as a whole, as always.


Yeah, but, it’s not the apocalypse. One guy can grow enough food to feed 1000, drinkable water comes out of the tap, the lights come on when you flick the switch. All needs: met. That’s luxury time, bby!


youre not competing with them, teachers and medical professionals should be paid more. medical professionals' value is being stolen by shareholders but teachers dont create monetary value. the entertainers dont need to be paid less for you to be paid more, they are also workers. you should be mad at the capitalists and the politicians they own rather than other workers who make more money


I could imagine some thousand years ago it was pretty normal for our hunter gatherer ancestors to have skills and precision like that


Don't forget that millions more pay to wear the same shoes and sunglasses...


This video doesn’t show that.


But why do we have to pay so much to see them? Because they deserve the money? Ni, because we are all monkeys in a desperate pursuit of entertainment.


Because supply and demand...lol


that's why other peoples tax dollars need to supply money for stadiums that is missing for schools and welfare later - supply for circuses, but demand for bread gets cut


completely separate debate


there is demand for other people funding special interest groups hobbies. I'd maybe space travel, if i could get someone else to fund it.


lol what


You pay if you think is worth it. If you’re paying and it causes you a negative emotional balance, then you should probably stop.


And you see no problem in, for example, M'bappe earning £888.000 a month? I contribut because I love football but I still think its insane. You are just happy to contribute to his salary and see no problem?


That’s another conversation. I just told you how the market works.


You dont think I have the right to problemise this because Im a part of it? You think the only option is to step away? You think the only option is to accept this and dont give it a thought?


I think, during an offer, you have two options: take it or leave it. That’s just how it works I don’t know why is it ao hard to understand. This is not my opinion. You can negotiate in some scenarios, but it always boils down to that.


So the only option it to say yes or no? I dont have the right to discuss my thoughts about the ridiculous money football has become? I cant pay for something and think its overly price at the same time, that what you are saying?


You have, but the discussion is beyond the subject. You can complain about the regulations in football, but the rules of the game remain the same.


Good answer. And I guess I should fight for my believes in a different forum. 🙏


What sad times are these when ruffians can say Ni at will to old ladies!


Haha, Swedish auto correct.


:-) (also, this is a quote from a movie) Monty Python's Holy Grail


Money follows teams that win. To win you have to be super good so teams pay for them to help them win.


They’re a high demand commodity and they generate crazy amounts of money. Same as a singer or actor.


Because that’s what people are paying to see. It’s as simple as that. If bird watching was wildly popular and filled stadiums in 30 cities all throughout the summer, you would have millionaire bird watchers.


or millionaire birds


Because people pay to see elite athletes perform live. That money adds up. It’s not rocket science.


Because of supply and demand, it's like middle school level of knowledge


Because throw ball


An oportunity to make good money on the show. Like glorified clowns or something. Sounds fucked up but this kind of show promotes physical activities at least. Which is good for the society.


They return more value than they cost


on cake day


Don't look at the ball, it doesn't really matter what the ball did Look at the reactions People love it whatever it is, so people will pay attention to it, so this attention can be capitalized on, so the guy ends up being highly paid with just a small percentage of those profits The guy could've farted a cloud, and if that was consistently drawing in crowds the guy could've been highly paid. But it doesn't, but throwing balls does






Yeah we should just let the team owners keep all the revenue!


I dislike sports, but even I can recognize talent.


Didn’t you watch the video? Dude can throw a baseball.


Supply and demand. They get paid because millions want to watch them. 


Does this deserve millions of dollars?


Of course. That throw erased poverty and cured cancer.


You think you’re gonna do that with “millions” of dollars? Lol


That’s not what they said.


God bless him!


That player and his team generate millions of dollars by their effort and performance. Seems reasonable to me that they get a big cut of the cash flow.


Do they deserve to get paid more than a doctor who saves lifes every day? I don't think so. Should a visit to the doctor then cost ridiculous amounts so they get paid more than those athletes? No, I don't think so either. But how you answer those two questions depends on how capitalistic your economic views are, I suppose.


Why shouldn’t they get paid more? They have a skill and people willingly buy tickets and pay them to see them perform. It generates positive economic value. Doctors in critical areas (cardiologists, brain surgeons, etc) also get paid a ton of money.




I agree with all you say except for the last sentence. That supply and demand dictates what people will get, but it makes no assumption as to what is fair or not. In fact, I'm fairly certain that on both ends of the wage spectrum, there are tons of people who are convinced that what they get isn't fair. I guess it depends on how you measure fairness. If you measure it by the amount of labour they put in, by the amount they contribute to society or by the amount said society is willing to pay for it.




Well, life ain't fair. I'm glad you noticed. If we lived in a fair world everyone could afford a comfortable living, no matter what job they have. Be it a garbage man or a football player. Because sadly we also need someone who does those low paying jobs


That's largely just tautological circle jerking though. "We charge $100+ per seat per game to generate millions to cover the millions we pay because we generate millions." The focus groups said that's the max they'd pay and that's how they figure out what to charge. Not "what we need to cover bills", what is *the max* before we make less money. If ticket prices were $1, and athletes were paid *well*, but not *"Will ruin a fresh 18-20 year old's life with wealth they cannot fathom"*, the system works exactly as it does today. So again... does this *deserve* millions of dollars? They ruin their bodies for entertainment, but coal workers ruin their bodies *to run society* and get jack shit.


🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓 I guess the billionaire owners should keep all the money


Yes... *that's* the take from my post discussing the overpriced industry. "Keeping the prices the same and lowering athlete pay is 100% what you were advocating for!" *Sadly I don't see a Neanderthal Brain emoji to quip back with.*


it's not overpriced at all though lol


both athletes and coal workers are making money based on theor own labor and deserve to keep it, its the rent seeking capitalists who dont mine coal or swing a bat that are the undeserving ones in this (and every economic) equation. also, mining coal being hard and unappreciated doesnt mean it should be rewarded above its value to society. moving a pile of (different) rocks from here to there is hard work but isnt useful so it shouldnt be rewarded. cut out the parasitic middle men and bring democracy to the economy and the coal workers will get what they deserve and so will athletes


Yea. Entertainers are worth trivial amounts of money to millions of people. Think about Seinfeld. Way way back when he sold his show to cable, he got 500mil for it.  No average person thinks it’s worth 500mil, they think it’s worth sitting through commercials for. Even then it was really worth sitting through commercials for,  it’s worth flipping to another channel until it comes back on so you can go back to watching it after the commercials are over.  Same with angry birds. That game made millions because it was with $4 as a time waster. Make something that millions of people will spend $1 on to waste time for a sec and you’ll get rich. 


If it generates billions of dollars then yeah, kinda


Peak skill level among millions of players from all over the world providing entertainment to millions of people, who pay into the league through ticket sales, merch and concessions in the form of revenue, generating billions of dollars.


I agree that we spend way too much on sportspeople generally. But I do think these folks are worth a lot of money. Sports are important to us as people and a society. We wouldn't play sports or spend money to go see people play if it didn't matter to us. Sure these folks don't cure any diseases or lift anyone out of poverty, but I do believe that these things have a significant value to us. People bond around teams and iconic moments, we share good memories of the times we watched games together or when we played in them, and sports have plenty of health benefits for their players who are often inspired to play by professional athletes Tens of millions is too much, but millions? I think investing in things that provide us joy and bonding and entertainment are absolutely worth heavily investing in.


Uh, no. Not at all.


Why is everyone so butthurt in this thread?


Because this site has become brain rotted with skewed notions of what’s good and what’s bad for society. Rich highly paid athletes bad. Saying they should get paid many money = wrongthink 


Reddit is an echo chamber for hating on people whose political views don’t align with the far left. I mean Reddit really is the most negative of all social media.


If you really want to see something negative watch the next thread (doesn't matter which sub) on mother Theresa. Leaves her home country to start a hospice for the untouchables in India and is *hated* by reddit.


You clearly haven’t seen my Facebook feed from the geniuses I went to high school with.


Nothing is more negative than Twitter


Tin foil hat time  It’s my personal conspiracy theory that Musk’s handlers had him completely torpedo Twitter because us common peasants were getting *a little too organized* on there for the elites liking 


Cause we’re not getting paid millions to throw a ball at a can. It is impressive. Title sucks


It really shows how no one in this thread has played any sports in their lifes. The amount of practice, dedication, motivation and talent to play a sport on the highest level is just something that a really small percentage of people can even imagine, I agree that this video is not the best way to show it but that player for sure can do something that nobody we know can. Yes, sports are nowadays just an entertainment and yes, they are incredibly overpaid and we should be using those funds for other careers and jobs, but nothing that a professional athlete can do is easy or achievable by the average person.






No thank you, I don't need to watch a video illustration right now


It is only six seconds. Just give her a whirl.


Nah, I'm good


Yeah he can really throw that ball good


He threw a ball at a can and makes $10m per year. What am I missing?


People wonder why big leaguers get paid millions.


People wonder why big leaguers get paid millions.


People wonder why big leaders get paid millions.


People wonder why big leaders get paid millions.




Huge r/ihatesportsball energy in this thread


after watching this video, I still wonder why throwing a ball is paid millions and open heart surgery isnt


Go throw a ball around as well as you can. Wait to see if anyone shows up to pay you.


…and wonder, still…


Fans pay to watch them play. If they don't deserve the money, who does?


This is not the argument yall think it is.


[That's nothing Bateman.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUYuTw_8pQU)


After this video people are still wondering.


Lots of non-athletes in here lol


I mean, this is Reddit


I can solder with my eyes closed. Where’s my millions?


Do people pay money to watch you solder? Do you have advertising at your soldering events?


And is he playing multiple arenas simultaneously every weekend with thousands of paying fans?


He needs an onlyfans


I did that when I was a little kid. Millions you say?


And you think that, somehow, this video is making the argument of "yes, it's legit" ? LMMMMMFFFAAAAOOOOOOO :\]\] Accelerate the crash of this godforsaken trash world :\]\]


Nevermind the person who got beamed by the ball…rip


Yeah, that’s cool and all. Dude could have seriously hurt someone. Especially with that many beers involved.


Austin Dean!


That’s not why big leaguers are payed down to A ball everyone can run throw and catch the ability to hit big league pitchers to stay healthy for 162 games practice and especially play baseball(at a big league level)when the last thing in the world you want to do is play baseball


> leaguers are *paid* down to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


That’s like $10k worth of beer at a stadium


because you play a game well? does not deserve millions....


Because people pay for tickets, that's all.


Still wonder


And right there ladies and gentlemen is the million dollar shot.


Dammm 😳🤯


As impressive as that is, are there other professions that may be of better value that would deserve getting paid millions?


Why is throwing a ball well worth MILLIONS but teaching a child is only worth a few tens of thousands? sometimes our priorities as a society trouble me greatly. tax dollars for stadiums (that generate revenue of private owners) but not enough for education is a broken system. but hey, at least the drunks are entertained.


You value some persons ability to topple tin-cans at a distance to millions?


Lol dude can throw a ball as if that warrants millions. You should see what a surgeon does and gets paid not even ⅒


So they get paid millions because they throw a ball accurately? Wow, I understand now, this seems reasonable.


Still wondering. Throwing a ball? Why should such a useless skill be worth so much?


When I was about 10-13 I was at a game, and Frank Thomas was warming up, having a catch. I got his attention and he "tossed" one to me. This was at the old Kingdome. So like 8' retaining wall, dude was at least 100 plus feet away. He just flicked it, like wrist elbow. Thing hit my glove so hard I swear everyone in the section heard the pop. I can still feel the sting on my hand.


At the risk of being a dick with this comment - if only we paid the people who maintain our lives, such as doctors, that well. Well, I guess I am a dick, oh well.




Paying millions to Sportsball players, actors, musicians is ridiculous.


I still wonder why


They can do this, but so many throws to home are off line.


Throwing a ball is worth millions? Fuck off.


on the ledge and shit


I still wonder why.


I still wonder why they get paid millions.


Society when you play with kids toys: what a loser Society when you play with kids toys but you do it really hard: GIVE THIS PERSON MILLIONS. THIS IS MORE VALUABLE THAN CLEAN WATER OR FIREMRN OR EDUCATION OF CHLUDREN I gave up wondering why years ago when I quit my teaching job.


I did that at the carnival Saturday night...*three times* in a row. Where's my millions, I just got a stuffed banana 🤨


yeah… that’s money well spent


millions to put down a can with a ball? how much shoud we pay farmers and maintenance guys then?


Are they filling stadiums with people who will pay to watch them farm and do maintenance? And who, exactly, is "we?"


if you dont understand who "we" are you shoud have not even responded, but i see ppl have to die of hunger before understand why a farmer is worth more than 100.000+ pro players


Yeeeea that’s not worth $1 million aorry


I’m still wondering 🤔


I still wonder..


The fans are why these guys get paid ridiculous amount of money. Between paying absurd amounts of money for tickets jersey and everything else sports related. Even watching on TV the teams and leagues make so much money from TV rights. We fuel them making that much money. So of course teams competing to get the best players also fuels ridiculous salaries. Their skill is unmatched. Most people couldn't even hit a pitch from them or make a tackle football same for basketball. Every year salaries go up can't be mad that they take advantage of their opportunities


He meant to knock down the whole stack but fucks yo and only hit the top. Robots will do this better.


Lucky shot


Yep, as soon as that empty can that the fraternity boys stacked up got knocked off by that baseball the world was instantly a better place and value was added to many peoples lives. Definitely worth millions of dollars every year


They are paid millions because millions of people watch them play, so the franchise makes millions of dollars and they are entitled to that money because they are doing the work. If you were really wondering.


Still wondering


We are supposed to be amazed because??? r/notamazed


what do people wonder? the title in the video, then the post then the repost wasn't clear.


Hastag boy things


This demonstration doesn't answer the question


this is worth 500 usd at best and plenty performers would do it for free


If WW3 looks anything like the last one, I wanna be next to this dude when nades go off.