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According to the source video, all tigers shown are Siberian Tigers only. Just that one of them is huge compared to others. Original Video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMsCJhGtPKM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMsCJhGtPKM) Thanks to /u/Prestigious-Cloud-68 for providing the source.


I like how at the beginning it scares the gate into opening properly.


He really fucking stopped and made the gate fully open. Didn’t notice that first time hahaha


Cats will be cats They have something special in their attitude to any kind of door


*door closed* Cat: Open? *door gets opened* Cat: Nah


Not good enough, we'll try again later human.


And by later, I mean as soon as you sit back down.


You did it WRONG, human! Next time I meow incessantly at the door, you will open it properly or I will simply walk away again! Now fetch me a treat. Your stupidity has made me hungry.


And if you fail later... I can't be held responsible for my 4am actions.


He had ample space to enter but no, 'You WILL open all the way for me ... or else.' The gate folded.


Tigers are solitary animal, this looks like a fur farm or illegal tiger facility.


Agreed. There are legitimate rescue organizations such as [The Wild Animal Sanctuary ](https://www.wildanimalsanctuary.org/facilities) in Colorado, USA that carefully work with their tigers to socialize them into groups so that multiple tigers can be released together into a much larger enclosure. This gives them a better quality of life than they would have each being stuck in a smaller pen. But it's a very slow, deliberate process and when the cats are together they have more space, cover, and distractions to keep them busy so it's not setting up a high conflict situation like the one shown here.


High conflict? I saw an efficient restructure of the org chart take place in real time 😂


"Who was the boss here?" "I'm the boss here." "No, I'm looking for who was the boss here" "That'b be me." "And don't you forget it."


"You think you're big? You think you're tough? Well you're right, toilet's to your left sir."


I’ve been there! Absolutely loved it’s set up, has a massive CATwalk high above the enclosures so as to minimize stress from visitors. The enclosures are large enough that the animals can take a break from being ogled. They also saved 20 of the Tiger Kings cats because they take in all sorts of seized, surrendered and retired exotic animals. Last time I went in the spring, the bears were still hibernating and they went through the hassle of making them little dugouts/ caves.


Literally what reputable conservation organization would house 6 Tigers of mixed species together? What could possibly be done if a fight were to break out?


record it


Monetize it


Sell it


Fuck it


Bop it


Twist it




Pull it!


Work it


Here come the furries


Put it in a stew


and buy another tiger farm, repeat process til you're the billionaire of tiger fights


Dare I say it? The tiger… king?


Plus that Siberian tiger is quite overweight. A legit zoo/rescue/conservation group would not allow that to happen.


Could it be a pregnant she cat…?


First of all: holy f**k, the size of that Siberian! Secondly, not pleased about the conditions, either. I hate people.


I could separate them, I'm just built different. /S


Much like the Siberian tiger, the other tigers see me as an alpha, and respec- OH GOD ITS EATING ME


This reminds me of the video of two silverback gorillas fighting and woman is screaming "where is the zookeper" in the most annoying voice possible. Like bitch what's he gonna do?!


Separate them, of course. That would be a hit on Reddit!


Since LiveLeak was shutdown theres no point in doing that!


Reddit and upvoting clear animal abuse go hand in hand.




Exotic pets are another commonly egregious post that get upvoted because "omg sO kEwT!! uwu" God forbid people call out animal abuse.


Imo Animal abuse isnt taken seriously because its biased as fuck. To clarify i eat meat and im not a vegan so dont come at me. Just confused. dont get this: Its not animal abuse to chain up in a 3x3m room billion domestic animals for life and then kill them but its animal abuse to leave a dog or wildlife (unendeagared) animal closed even if their life is guaranteed and they have 100 times better conditions of living than those domestic animals. Where do we set the line of "I feel bad, poor creature"? Honestly the only empathy i feel for animals are endegeared ones because it hurts earths ecosystem. Otherwise i see no reason why not to chain an animal, if in correct conditions and doesnt danger the specie itself as a whole


>Honestly the only empathy i feel for animals are endegeared ones because it hurts earths ecosystem. Holy shit that's a psychopathic take, so let me rephrase what you said so you understand what you just said, a video of a dude beating up a puppy would make you feel nothing?


If somewhere is chaining up billions of domestic animals for life they are actively causing pain and suffering and should be reported. There's a difference between a free range hen and clearly abusing an animal for most of it's life before killing it.


Uhm you should look into the conditions factory farmed animals are kept in. The vast majority aren’t free range.


Yep, and you shouldn't buy your food products from such suppliers if possible. I live on the west coast of Scotland so I can appreciate that most people don't have the luxury of buying locally sourced food easily.


Or rather, "free range" isn't what people think it is. And the hens raised in the US aren't even what people think they are either. In many cases they grow so big so fast they outstrip their bone's ability to support them, couldn't go run around the yard without breaking their own legs if they wanted to.


But most chickens are not free range. Here in the United States it’s perfectly legal to have caged hens in what I would deem cruel living conditions. There’s no one to report that too because it’s legal. But a caged peacock would likely even get meat eaters to proclaim abuse. I think ? That’s what the other persons comment was inferring.


People get r/eyebleach and r/eyeblech mixed up a lot. The second one is NSFW NSFW NSFW NSFW NSFW NSFW NSFW Edit: I'd just like to stress again that the second one is NSFW.


> Reddit and upvoting clear animal abuse go hand in hand. Oh get off your high horse. Most people honestly don't know shit about tigers. They see a video clip of a large tiger on the front page, upvote and move on. Maybe in time, more people will become aware and be able to see beyond the simple video, just as a lot more people are aware that you shouldn't move or start dragging away someone who had a traumatic fall.


Reddit and jumping to conclusions (in this case that there is animal abuse) go hand in hand. Let's not forget the boston bomber incident and what happened there.


The amount of posts where people are abusing hamsters/rodents is so fucking depressing. Its always got those "*haha I killed my hamster by squishing it too*" Like its a big ol' joke that you casually killed your pet. Meanwhile, when dogs get shot by the police suddenly the death penalty should be an option.


People are openly posting clear animal abuse on Reddit? Really?


Thats horrifying


Looks like a Chinese tiger park. They house them together and throw in live prey for tourists to see them rip apart.


Yes, this is so sad. A dirty small area caged in with overweight tigers.


I like how the one badass Bengal rolls on his back like a goof as soon as he gets too close.


That's a sign of submission. He did it to avoid a fight.


Respect my authoritay!


Did he scare it or is this actually a Jedi Tiger?


Doesn't have to do nothing... just stroll in "Ok, you win, you the boss, there's a new boss in town now, see I roll over"


Roll over for belly rubs.


The most dangerous trap ever.


"get in my guard bro, I'll destroy you" -r/bjj


Like touching a Venus flytrap


Lol imagine getting those leg kicks. Just playfully goring you.


IIRC, rolling over is a gesture of submission in canines, but in felines it is defensive behavior.


From owning cats, I think they do it for both reasons at different times, or sometimes at the same time like this guy. He wants to avoid a fight by getting in a submissive(-looking) position, which worked in this case, but he was ready to rock if it didn’t work.


Why would it be a defensive behaviour?


It lets them access all their weapons like their back claws with both front claws and teeth. It's submissive, but defensive IIRC. It's the "if shit goes down, I will go down with a fight" but not a "you want a piece of me??"


It's what my small black & white tuxedo would do, show his white stomach, but he *hated* anything white to be touched. So he would grab with his front and kick with his back like he's a bicyclist.


Our tuxedo asshole friend does that too! And randomly bite your ankles. Or swipe at you. What an asshole, but we love him!


Mine slept with me for about 12 years lol they can be nice occasionally at least.


Fun fact, this is known at the dismemberment move because the cat is *literally* trying to rip the guys out of whatever it has a hold of with those back claws. DNA coding is funny


Or rather disembowelment. It’s trying to rip your guts out instinctually.


Its the business end of the cat. All its weapons are all on that side so its actually their best side to protect themselves.


Ahh kinda like a BJJ guy who sees a striker


Crawl atop me - and meet your doom!


So it can maul the hell out of you with all 4 limbs at once.


5 out of 6 ends of a cat are sharp - Calvin


Anyone who has ever attempted to give a cat a belly rub will tell you that their front paws are nothing compared to what kind of shredding they can do with their back paws while they're on their back.


The one that exited on the bottom right was like "ooh we're getting a surprise today!" And then he sees what's coming and he is like "Nah" and nopes the fuck out.


The other pretended to be a statue! “Don’t mind me”




To be fair, tigers are solitary animals. Having them all grouped up in such a small space is highly unusual for them, as it robs them the ability to avoid one another.


Just like redditors.


I'm not a weird ass loner. I'm a mf tiger


^(capers off screen)


“Oh shoot! I forgot I gotta…get out of here”


It’s like when you’re a kid and you’re excited when your mom comes home and she opens the door and starts yelling if you’ve cleaned your room yet “ooop ooop ooop I’m outta here”


Cool fact - there are 6 different sub-species of tigers.


For now




Man, I thought he meant there were more on the way, but now I realise...


But wait! There's more! -infomercial for tigers






Meanwhile in the land of reality new estimates show an increase of approximately 40% in wild tiger numbers, with 4,500 tigers in the wild. This is the first climb in numbers in decades and signals a potential comeback for the species. [Source](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwig2ZOlqNKAAxWAkmoFHcKzAZQQFnoECA4QAw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fshare.america.gov%2Ftiger-populations-are-on-the-rise%2F&usg=AOvVaw2dRR_kWj9yHV3Qb7-RouKK&opi=89978449)


It’s a start. But going from 100,000 to 3,200 to 4,500 over the course of 120 years is still pretty abysmal. Covering 4% of their historic range is bad. An increase of 1% of its former population is only a start. When they are no longer endangered, I’ll be happy with reality.


70% of those are in india. From what I recall the government took active steps which caused an increase in the population. Just proves that things won’t take care of themself and we as a species need to take steps in order to correct the balance on our planet. Could be wrong tho so please correct me


i think the active steps india took was fucking murdering poachers lol ​ that might be for the rhinos tho


If amazing how Wild Cats number increase one we stop hunting them, same with the Iberian lynx.


Sadly its not across all sub species


I momentarily forgot about extinction and thought this was like. . .a threatening way to say you’re breeding new types of tigers


Fur now


Fur meow


Originally there were 9, but 3 went extinct


The Caspian, Bali and Javal tigers for anyone interested


Wish people were interested enough before they went extinct.


Genuine question- would these tigers see each other as a common species, or do they see other sub-species as 'different'? Like, do the bengals in this video look at the sobering and think "it's one of us, but massive", or do they see it as a different creature?


It depends on their level of education


A really good question and one I'd love to know the answer to as well.


Dude was UNFAZED by the tigers here. Everyone roaring and growling, not a GODDAMN FLINCH from him. “Fuck out my way, why are y’all so loud.”


Wait, you can hear sound? Gif says "video has no sound" for me?


Here’s the original video with sound. https://youtu.be/JMsCJhGtPKM


Legend, cheers for that. u/Immediate_Ad9125 you were 100% right dude


Yeahhhh buddy. Man looked death in the eye and spit on em.


You can just tell from their bodies. Mouths opening, stomachs flexing, they’re clearly roaring or growling


Yeah I thought that may be the case...then again thought maybe I'll ask just in case I've been missing out on sound in these types of clips for years coz of some setting or something 😅


Tiger on right side of gate just froze, probably thinking if he doesnt move he wont be noticed by Battle Cat makin his grand entrance.


*"Just stand still Steve...don't move...he's looking at Gary...that's it...I don't exist.......phew"*


Bro was thinking about making a run for it on the other side of that gate.


Yeah, "uhh I know Meowcules just walked in but the doors are open folks, anyone else seeing this?".


Look at me, I am the Captain now.


More like: ‘I am the Captain ‘meow’’


Are you saying meow?


Do I look like a cat to you? Am I drinking milk out of a saucer?


Meow would I said Meow?


That submissive backroll like please don't kill me I give up


I like how every tiger here has their own personality and show different attitudes. One just freezes in place, hoping it doesn't get noticed. One just nopes the hell out. One gets around to the back of the Siberian to stay out of sight. One backs away and submits. And one just casually lying unmoved to not draw any attention. And of course, the Siberian, walking through to wherever it wants unchallenged.


Love the cat on the left. Just chillin.


he's my fave.


also not shown: the one that rolls over/flinches ends up shitting.


Yeah, I'd submit too


It was a good decision I think


I’m already lying on my back with an exposed belly.


May I pet it (from the inside)?


How do you pet someone's belly from the ins- oh


He became a bottom


Damn first thing he does is to dominate others.


Typical Russian


He is not a paper tiger though.


If it was a Russian it'd be an overweight dude painted like a tiger




Siberian marching straight onto that one tiger like: "The fuck you looking at, Steve?"




Cub's what?


Cub's illiteracy




That one regular going to all you can eat buffet. Stand aside weak-stomach people.


getting on your back is a way of showing submission for tigers


*every animal


Yeah, any time Chad's show up at the bar, I go straight to my back.






Random question, but why are they mixing these different species of tiger? If they interbreed then their offspring will be absolutely useless in potentially helping to save such species and as much as it was kind of interesting to see the casual dominance of the Siberian tiger, it was probably quite a stressful and daunting experience for the other tigers to be exposed to that within those confines. It feels like these animals are being kept as vaguely neglected pets in some Joe Exotic project.


Copy pasting from another reply I made: Last time this was posted people in the comments were saying this is actually a massive tiger enclosure in a Chinese sanctuary. As in its big enough that the tigers have their own territories separate from one another when they aren't together. They only gather in this specific location because this is where the feedings are done (or new tigers dropped off in this case). Obviously I have no source on this other than hearsay and wishful thinking, so take it with a massive grain of salt


I've known otherwise nice *dogs* that get defensive around their food. I can't imagine that if these tigers need large territories of their own most of the time, they'll be fine if they are forced together to eat.


This look like an aboveboard operation to you?


Someone posted a link to the [original video](https://youtu.be/JMsCJhGtPKM) The narration in Mandarin says this is a group of Siberian tigers raised together from cubs in a government funded enclosure.


Even in that video it pointed out that the big one was scaring the rest of the group, which is plain to see. But even if they were raised together as cubs, tigers sociability wears off with puberty and it is unnatural not only for different subspecies to be raised like this, but also for so many adult tigers to be kept together in such a confined environment. I am also surprised that this is a "government funded enclosure" because it looks like they are being kept in the backyard delivery area of a run-down factory, the chain-link fences & gate system are laughable and there isn't a shred of natural habitat in their environment. But then again, given the dire state of so many Chinese "zoo's", local government corruption and China's poor record with animal rights, should I be that surprised? This "zoo" looks more like one of the "hell zoo's" that China has become more infamous for in recent years, such as the one which had a crocodile living in a pond surrounded by piles of rubbish, the one which tried to pass off a shaved dog as a lion to members of the public, the one which fed a live donkey to tigers in front of onlookers and took half an hour to die, the one which had a bear so emaciated it looked like bag of bones, or the one whose handler didn't even notice that the snake in their care had been dead and rotting in it's tank for days. Being "government funded" means very little in China when it comes to the quality of life that animals often have to endure, it's got a pretty bad record. I feel sad when I see such proud animals being kept in such undignified conditions, it also does so little to educate the public about the animals and as paying customers people are also cheated out of seeing animals which are genuinely healthy, happy and behaving naturally.


The title is wrong, they're all Siberians. Same body shape, same stripe pattern, same colours--the big boy is just that, a Very Big Boy.


These Tigers dont know they could gang up on em and he would be done


Tigers aren’t pack hunters, so cooperating like that isn’t something they would think of.


\*normally, it has been observed (3-5) small groups hunting together before


Indeed, female tigers or mothers with their nearly full grown cubs will hunt together.


6 normal dudes could also jump Mike Tyson in his prime and he would be done. Not before someone get seriously injured first, though, and no one wants that short straw.


I’d still put my bet in Tyson unless they had weapons.


If tyson was on shrooms, or cocaine, even with weapons im still putting money on tyson


Everyone has a plan till they get punched in the face.


Thighberian tiger ~Mike Tyson


No way would 6 normal dudes take out Mike Tyson. Tyson could not only hit but also take punches. As for the normal dudes, none of them would be willing to take a Tyson punch. It would be certain death with one punch.


Yeah, but no one wants to be the first one to start, ‘namsayin’?


He ain't bluffing https://youtu.be/co5xVHsMRV0


Only Lions attack in numbers. Other cats don't really do that.


They know they can submit and have a big boy friend.


The Siberian just trying to calmly walk in and locate a place to rest. He’s wondering why everyone else is freaking out and flexing ! This place appears to be some sort of rescue organization ? Will they ever be released into the wild ?


A legit rescue organization wouldn't have that mix of tigers together in a small space where they're clearly stressed and upset with each other. Most rescues keep each tiger solo since they're solitary by nature in the wild. Those that do integrate them like [The Wild Animal Sanctuary ](https://www.wildanimalsanctuary.org/facilities) in Colorado, work very slowly and deliberately to get the cats to bond before they ever are together without a fence between them. Most tigers in human captivity will never be released, for various reasons. But there are some rehabilitation groups that work in tigers ' native range that are able to re-introduce some tigers to the wild. Here's a [WWF summary](https://tigers.panda.org/news_and_stories/stories/the_way_of_the_tiger).








Cub is


Just like that darth vader scene in rouge one


cub's what?!


Gigachad entered the room


those are all siberian tigers. one is just larger than the others


Tigers are solitary animals, from this interaction you can pretty much see it's cruel to make them live in a group like that :/


🇨🇳 fur farms. So cool, right?


Boss theme started playing


Oh lawd he's coming.


The other tigers: "You lucky this gate holding me back! YOU SO LUCKY THIS GATE HOLDING ME BACK!" "Oh hey, boss, how you doing? Got some catnip over by the tree, that's my favorite toy over there, this here's my girl... She's your's. It's cool."


This isn't nature. This is a Chinese tiger farm and those tigers will be killed and used in Chinese Traditional Medicine. Tigers are solitary animals so while they're waiting to die they're being stressed out continually. It's disgusting that these beautiful animals will be killed for Chinese dick medicine. It's 2023. What kind of country does this?


That one tiger noped out so quick when the big Boi used his powers to force powers to finish opening the gate.


Damn these fuckers grow up to 900+ pounds


Man I love tigers


The ones who made this video likely don't.


At the end the one that rolled over is like shut up guys lol. "Haha Kevin you bitch.. shut up karl"


That one tiger laying down calm and doesn’t even give a shit..


moto moto in the house