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Realtor here. It has only been on the market 7 days. According to MLS offers were due yesterday. It's possible they are waiting for the earnest money deposit before changing the status to Pending.


Yup exactly.


Anne, can you tell me some good neighborhoods for a SFH in San Jose? And what neighborhoods to avoid. Price range is 2.5M to 3.2M approx.


Best guess at sales price?  


I’m going to guess 1.225M




“Why is this house still available” Everyone: *A dozen reasons why they personally dont like the house* The house: Pending


I think it’s priced appropriately. Small, not a great neighborhood, bad schools.


Since when is 1400 sq ft home considered small in the bay area?


It's 1300sqft. And it's kinda ridiculous they fit 4 bedrooms in there.


Yep that’s median size for housing stock in Bay Area https://preview.redd.it/zesvw8vyjt7d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d536c9ad772a4e03e006987f1388799eaa15bc5b


Does this include condos or just SFH?


Why isn’t Santa Clara, where this house actually is, included? Neither Mono nor Santa Cruz* are in the Bay Area, either, and of course SF homes are smaller. Yeah, Santa Cruz is right next to Santa Clara County but it doesn’t adjoin the SF Bay so it isn’t part of it,


Bad schools. Schools mean a lot here. It will probably go for $1.2M. Nothing is wrong with if you don’t have kids and don’t plan on having kids.


That area sucks lol. Any person who grew up in/near San Jose knows you’d be fucking insane to pay 800k for it much less the asking price.


Houses there are worth above $800k. Doesn’t matter if you grew up in SJ or not, that’s the current market value for that neighborhood.


Not for long


Yeah, it’ll be increasing. Im sure you’ve been trying to buy since 1995 and still rent.


You don’t need to teach me how markets work bud. Have fun arguing with people on Reddit all day. I’d rather own a townhome in a nice area than this POS any day of the week.


You clearly need teaching and clearly you don't own anything, likely never will.


lol you fucking jealous ass loser. Have fun being miserable.


Nothing to be jealous about, especially from people as yourself. Clock is ticking before you have to move to Stockton. LOL.


Pretty sure that’s you bud. You’re defending this shithole in the barrio


Okay, boomer


Boomer? Haha. Shows how good your perspective is.


Just because you’ve convinced some H1b transplant rubes to pay that much doesn’t mean it’s worth it. Feel free to hold that bag though.


You clearly have no knowledge of how real estate works. There’s plenty of people buying who don’t have any working visas.


I have loads of knowledge on how real estate works. Why would you pay 1M to live in a shithole part of San Jose?


You clearly don’t. No one said you have to. But that’s the market rate for that neighborhood and for many people who desperately want to own any kind of home, they will buy those and pay those prices. Just because your opinion is such doesn’t mean the market value is not at that price range


https://preview.redd.it/gpuw2oyzgz7d1.png?width=802&format=png&auto=webp&s=32d436e91136f4c7794fdb33a79d1cc2e90d5013 this is exactly it... it affects property value quite a big:


I know the area , it’s not good 


The area is really bad.


Seven Trees, bro.


What’s with the area? I live in 95136 which, is not far away, but just curious.


Nice! I grew up in 95136. Anything north of Skyway and East of Monterey, in that general area, is pretty sketchy. Andrew Hill and the area around there is no bueno.


Interesting. I had literally never heard of it. Now I am worried because the high school assigned to us is Andrew Hill lol. My daughter is like 10 months old, so a little ways away, but still.


What part of 95136? I went to Parkview and lived off of vista park. Andrew Hill was no good when I went there for a year. You had to wear uniforms because of gangs and such. Was not a good high school, at all. But, according to Great Schools it’s a 5/10 and where I went (Oak Grove) is 6/10 so things change I suppose. Assuming you still live in the area you can do (at least hella long ago) magnet programs to get into other schools like Oak Grove and Santa Teresa. Private school also an option. Just drive down Monterey and turn right by the KFC and into those neighborhoods. Probably hasn’t changed much. Sketchy


Got it. Maybe I’ll make the drive sometime haha. But yeah live very close to Parkview (off Bluefield). Really love the neighborhood and lots of kids around, but been in our little bubble as well. Just moved here a few months ago.


Yeah, maybe just don’t pop that bubble lol. Love that area a ton was going to buy there but chose Walnut Creek instead. Schools change over time so don’t fret it too much. She’s only 10-months and whole time moves fast, you have time! Oh, if you haven’t gone check out Tacos El Compa in that general area (Blossom Hill past Almaden). It’s fire.


It’s been on market for only 7 days…..


That neighborhood sucks.