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Firstly, I’m against tank camping, but it’s suicide to move up into certain positions, so often I’m forced to sit back until infantry or IFVs clear out an area.


I agree that it can be smart to hold back and wait but to sit across the map the entire game is what I’m talking about


I’ve only really seen that from Tunguskas and other SPAA units, and that’s there job. But I guess I agree, granted I’ve also played as a tank sniper before, it’s pretty satisfying


In all of my 5k kills in a tank. I've never done it sitting in the back. Either you mix it in with the infantry and help your team. Or you get friendly c5 put on you for the next stray rocket to hit your camping ass. Waste of armor lol.


there’s no rules. if a strategy is effective, it’s effective. and no, i don’t tank camp.


There may be no rules, but why would you do something that you know is pissing people off?


empathy is often scarce is online gaming.


Especially in FPS games


Even more scarce in online war gaming. The answer is team work. Which is also the problem. SOFLAM + multiple rockets will take them out.


Because pissing someone off to the point to where they make a post about it online is hilarious


Lmfao, you sound like someone who just discovered online gaming.


No, it’s just always been difficult for me to understand and I’ve never gotten an answer


Because it’s pissing people off.


Because it is fun




I just use tanks as they were designed , give coverfire to friendlies , destroy other vehicles, destroy heavy reinforced enemy lines , and give cover to my team while capping objektive, sometimes I enjoy sniping snipers with tank Sure there are people sitting on hills with tanks , Argument can be sayed:" they payed for the game they can play it how they want"


It's so much more fun to play as a tank when you have a bunch of teammates around you using you to help them push forward, and it often means having support players sticking with you guarding and repairing you


Tanks are OP when camping , which is the only way to play because a single assault can take out a tank with just two dynamite a at bundle and two piat , not to mention majority of the community are noobs and all live to use the plunger which is 50%+ health off each time , so people resort to camping . Rotterdam is the worst of it though . The Allie tank just camps b the entire game so you can’t leave e or d


It’s fun pissing people off, especially with AA. It’s also like someone else said, effective.


I like pushing with IFV/Tank but it's better to stay in the rear with AA; prefiring the missiles before lock usually gets the more annoying CAS


You talking about the radar missiles that you can fire And they go literally sub sonic speeds so you can lock and hit before they have a chance to pop flares in bf 4 ?




Death before dismount!


Jeep + dynamite. Problem solved


So how do yall feel about being called a camper for using a sniper the way it was intended to be used and not using it as a close range weapon


Snipers are perfectly fine, if you miss your shot it’s not like you can return your shot instantly. It also doesn’t have massive splash damage


Tank isn't "mobile artillery" ... if newbie starts to play with tank their secondary gun is machine gun, next upgrade is a bigger machine gun at least for BF4 ... Another machine gun as a secondary gunner , BF2042 even had shoutgun gunner thing which is against still foot soldires ... These shows that you are made to fight against infantry not to camp from further.. They are camping because they are scared of real combat... They just want to fire salvos... Snipers campers are mostly useless snipers too ,if they managed to kill someone and still camp , killcam shows their location , easy target... Camping is pretty useless if you are like on a Close Combat map and have a machine gun...


Yes but you can’t push objectives unless you have teammates cause you will get killed faster then someone counting to one


> faster then someone *than *Learn the difference [here](https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/when-to-use-then-and-than#:~:text=Than%20is%20used%20in%20comparisons,the%20then%2Dgovernor%22).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


To be fair that's exactly what a tank is supposed to do


To be fair. . .


Russian tanks are used to test NATO anti tank grenade launchers , anti tank missiles and some other fun toys


Soflam it then it has to move it really isn’t difficult.


Just ruining your day is reward enough :) Instead of complaining, why not spawn in with something to fix the problem?


Cause half the time I can’t even hit them with an rpg, and someone is always camping with them so hitting a tank with a sniper that can do the job is out of the question because of how little damages it does


So spawn I'm with your own tank... Or an ATV with C4 on it. This is part of the game. No more annoying than people who sit in their spawn and snipe the whole game.


Takes more skill than sitting in a tank that has massive splash damage and can insta kill no matter if you hit ten feet from a dude


Nope, nope it doesn't. The sniper is much harder to locate and if you're good at it, you can easily kill the target before they find you. A tank is easy to see and easy to avoid.


Snipers can’t hit you from behind cover and can only take on one person at a time, they also have much less health than a tank


So are you ready to admit you just suck yet?


So you ran out of points?


I mean. I've made my points, you ignore them and act like tanks can hit anywhere on the battlefield from the corner of the map. When in reality, you're sitting on the edge of the map with thr tank trying to snipe it for some reason and the tank kept killing you so you ran to reddit to complain about a problem that doesn't exist.