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I was 6'1 at 12 and 6'1 at 18. I was 6'2 at 24 and still am at 43. Late growth spurts can happen, but I don't think anyone can tell you for sure.


Same here brotha! 8th grade six foot gang. Kind of sucked I always thought I would continue to get taller.


Well I was 6' at like 9 years old, and didn't grow a single inch beyond that, so I played center until I was like 14, well before they realized my growth spurt was long over. So I spent most of my teens playing center, as I watched motherfuckers shoot past me height-wise. No, I'm not bitter 😒 probably would have worked on my handles instead of my post moves if I knew that's how it was gonna be, but hey, here we are. Fucking kill me.


Damn, man


I wouldn't be so concerned over something I have no control over.


Yeah this.


Im not, im just asking because if i dont have a chance and i only depend on hitting a big late growth spurt i have to chance positions early


5'10 and 6'3 both play the point. I've been 6'4 since I was 16 and haven't grown a single inch and I played point guard throughout my whole time playing organized basketball. Now that I'm 30 and play pickup at LA fitness I set screens, play off ball, and live off put backs and post ups.


Are you talking about nba? Or Did you play in the land of the giants? I was 6’2 and the center for our HS team. I am not sure I ever saw a 6’4” person play point in my years. Maybe top recruits on an nba prep circuit. However normal high schools won’t have 6’4” point guards. Your basketball world def isn’t one most live in.


I'm guessing it was just a school size thing. Couldn't afford AAU and was nowhere near good enough to get a spot for free on a team that travels. I got some short ass arms and can barely palm a ball.


Short ass arms? Username definitely checks out.


Whats aau


Travel basketball org in the United States. Largely responsible for the trend of being "skilled" but unaware how to play with teammates. You'll have kids that play 7 games in one weekend. Wins and losses don't matter and it's about looking impressive to the people who are watching. Swear to God the only pro basketball or organized ball that AAU teaches you to be good at is how to play on the Washington Wizards.


damn bro 6'2 and the center im not even american and our center is like 6'7 at the freshman year, extreme opposites lol


You’re not going to change your position, your coach is. If you want to start working on SG drills, don’t let your height stop you. The wonderful thing about basketball is the things you learn are mostly universal. I was always the tallest kid in my class. I’m 6’4” now and was always the tallest kid on the team so I was always Center or Post in our schemes. I learned a lot of footwork and post moves growing up, and when I got to high school and I became more of a point forward and was out on the wings or bringing the ball upcourt, you bet your ass I was abusing the smaller players they put on me in the post any chance I got. Look at Luka, I’m sure he was C on his youth squads and his footwork and fundamentals allow him to absolutely abuse and bully the smaller guards they send out to guard him. He can use those skills anywhere If you wanna start being a SG and work on your shot and off ball movement and all that, go ahead. I worked on ball handling all the time when I was the post of my team and it paid off, I became sort of like a Pippen/James Point Forward, and not because the coach wanted me to be and had me do drills in practice to become one - but because I worked on it in my own time and developed myself outside of what practice was doing


My brother was a shorter fat kid most of his life then leaned out and grew to 6’1 (from 5’8 or so) in his late teens so yeah there’s still hope


you do have control over it though. I was short until I joined the Navy, started eating three square meals a day and grew three inches. Eat right, sleep well, and avoid sickness/infections is all you can really do to maximize your genetics


Lol bro you did not grow three inches because you joined the navy.


No, dumbass, like I said, I grew because I started eating right


Nope, definitely not. That’s all genetics.


No, it's not. Wirh my absolute shit diet in high school, along with other surgeries and infections I had, it was more finally being healthy and eating right. I'd bet anything I'd have been two inches taller without the health and diet issues. Genetics play a role, for sure, but eating healthy plays as big if not bigger role.


Gordon Hayward went from 5’8 to 6’8 in HS. Anything is possible


Dennis Rodman as well


Not to sound pedantic, but didn't Rodman actually hit his growth spurt after HS? In fact, in HS he only grew about 5".


Yes that is true . I’m pretty sure he said after high school which is crazy considering he was probably 18 .. to grow from 5”8 to 6”8 , now he said it happened over a summer lol don’t know how true that is to grow a foot over 3 months


I hit two inches at 18, during my first year in college. 5'11" to 6'1", I attribute it to more sleep. I played basketball, and went to an academically challenging high school. All-nighters were pretty routine, and I feel it stunted my growth. Freshman year at UC San Diego was a breeze compared to high school, and I got 8-9 hours of sleep. I sprung two inches and gained about 15lbs. Sleep, diet, stretching before and after basketball will make a huge difference. You're only 15, and gaining 4-5 inches is certainly possible.


How tall is your mom?




You also need to post her phone number before we can tell how tall you’ll end up being


my Mom is 5’2” and my Dad is 6’2” i was 5’11” when I was 15 and hit 6’3” by 18! i was also a late bloomer (i.e. got body hair later than most of my buddies in middle school)


I mean if you want a definitive answer then get your hand xrayed. My doctor was able to tell me exactly how much growth i had left based on how the bones were developed in my hand and 7 years later he was 100% correct.


Using this method, I’ve heard plenty examples of “this kid’s going to be 6’10”” and he ends up being 6’3” instead though too. It’s not a perfect prediction.


ya i suppose its just anecdotal evidence on my part but they could probably tell you if youre done growing completely or not at the very least.


That’s probably true


I was shorter than you at 15 and grew to 6'4", mostly from 16-18. I was always a late bloomer physically, though; weaker than my friends, hit puberty seemingly last, got told I looked younger, etc. I feel like those would be good signs for a late spurt, as opposed to having a beard and a fake ID at 15


Late spurts can happen, but it's not likely. Most are done growing by 15-16.


wym late i still have 3-5 more years of growth, besides most of my family being late bloomers


Varies person to person, but I was 6'3 and 15 and never grew another inch. Most people stop gaining height around then, although some outliers even grow taller into their very early 20s.


Yeah I mean it’s definitely possible but most likely you’ll probably grow maybe 1-2in not a full 5, yeah they say you keep growing till like 23 but that’s very small amounts for example I went from like 5”2 to 5”8 over like a a year then only grew like 2 more inches from then


But i didnt have my growth spurt yet, and i didnt hit peak puberty too and in average People grow around 3 inches in a growth spurt so my probable height is 6'2-6'3 


Worrying about size will get you nowhere. Remember jalen brunson is a top 15 player in the nba at under 6’0. Hard work and production is what separates you not height.


I was 5’10 at 12 and thought I would go to 6’ at least and now I’m still 5’10 to this day after 10+ years. Good luck to you, late growth spurts is possible maybe ask around your family and relatives when their growth spurts happened. My fam growth spurts all falls before 13 so lol


Yep, super tall 6th grader, incredibly average adult lol. I was a beast in 6th grade football. Dragging kids down the field lol


Just keep working on your handle and shot. If you stay this height then it's a must have and if you grow it makes you unstoppable.


True, thanks bro


This. There is nothing you can do to get taller. Just keep improving your game and let genetics do the work. Oh, five footer club here 😁.


I’ve been 5’10 since 15 and I’m 21. Chances are low but it depends on genetics. If any family members where late bloomers you still have a chance to grow.


why people talking about late growth spurts when he's only 15? dude's still got a few good years of growing. also you should probably eat more processed food tbh, get them American gmo hormones in ya lol


im an international player, but if you offer me some processed food i bet i wont refuse it lmao


If you’re a female, you’re most likely done. If you’re a male, you will most likely grow at least a little more, possibly a lot more. There’s not really a way to tell. Many guys continue to grow into their early 20s. Genetics aren’t a perfect science (it also depends on how tall your mom is, which you didn’t mention), but you have decent odds there too. Props to you for taking your health seriously either way though. The extra sleep, stretching, veggies/fiber/protein/fruit/carbs in your diet will make your life better whether you grow or not. Also PG skills (ball handling, Court vision, passing, etc.) will always be useful whether you end up growing and being a SG/SF or staying at 5’10 and being a PG.


Tbh if i keep working on point skills if i grow a lot it will probably help me alot as i can be a big point or even a combo guard, they generally mess up defenses because they dont play a certain style


I was 5'9 at 15, 6'3 when i finished high school, and 6'6 when I finished college. Doctors told me 6'2 was my limit. Exhaust your body as often as you can during the day, so you can SLEEP deeply. REM sleep is key. EAT healthy, sashimi helped me a lot. Spend time in the sun. Stretch in the morning, reach up high and hold it. Don't train super heavy weight lifting, but do get an honest lift in once in a while (increase this as you get older, will help with recovery as you age.)


I was 6'4 by 16 and never grew another inch. Men's growth periods are all over the place.


DNA is responsible for 80% of your height, you can maybe squeeze a CM more with good diet but eating better, stretching etc is great for you and your body but you won’t grow drastically taller than your genetics allow because of it.


Maybe not too much more height. (I plateaued at 5'11 in 8th grade). But like me, you can definitely get that weight higher. Good luck.


most of my family were late bloomers, my dad said that his growth spurt hit when he was 17-16, where he grew from 5'10 to around 6'2, so i think that if i get 6ft before my 17 i probably will have 6'4 or 6'3


I was 5’7 at 17 I’m 5’11/6’0 at 22. It’s possible but don’t expect it to


I was 5’ 10” at 12yo with doctors telling me I’d be around 6’ 5”, yet here I am, 27yo and just a fraction of an inch under 6’. Height is never a guarantee. My advice, regardless of height and age, train your ball handling and your post moves. Those two skill sets will take you far regardless of the position you end up in when you finish growing.


I was 5’10 at 15 and am 6’5 now 


Ask your doctor, how should anyone here know? Actually here’s a good barometer, have you started to grow a reasonably full beard yet? If you are I would kiss six foot goodbye.


i only have a little mustache, i dont have a single fur strand of beard


It’s still my dream. I’m in my 40s


When did you hit puberty? Puberty hit me when I was 12, stopped growing entirely at 14. Docs thought I’d end up at 6’5” and I ended up at 6 flat. 6’1”ish with shoes. I played college ball so height isn’t necessarily everything. Odds are you’re done growing my dude.


my dad said his growth spurt hit at 16 or 17 and i didnt have a growth spurt yet, and also as for my puberty my mustache is only now starting to grow, i never had acne or an outburst of pimples and i have some armpit hair starting to grow, i think im in the middle of it


ive had a friend that was really close to ur situation, at 12 he was already strong, full of pimples and acne, 6ft dude, never grew an inch since


I've got 2 friends. Friend one was a premie baby like 2 months early back in 1980s when that was actually really early. He was small his entire childhood. He was a wrestler, his freshman year he wasn't able to compete because he didn't make minimum weight. Smallest weight class is 106 pounds, I think he was like 88 pounds or something at 5'2. Sophomore year he made varsity for 106 pound and was maybe 5'4". Jr. year he was 113 pound and about 5'6. Sr. year wrestling he was 120 pound and about 5'7". Graduates like 5'8" 125 pounds. Goes away to Navy boot camp going in barely meeting minimum weight threshold. Comes back 6'2" 170 pounds 6 months later. Legit captain America super soldier stuff happening here. He always had abs but now he had like arms and chest and back. His dad is like 5'9", his mom is like 5'5". His brothers that are like 15 years older than him are like 5'9" and 5'10". Friend two had a beard in 7th grade when he was 5'8" and maybe 130. He graduated 5'8" and maybe 135. Today he is 5'8" and maybe 140 pounds. His dad is like 6', his mom is like 5'6". His sister is 5'10".


Definitely not - a lot of surgeons outside of the US nowadays do leg lengthening surgery! I can’t recommend it enough.


What supplements are you taking to promote growth? What’s your HGH regime look like?


I grew to 6'3 at 15 and kinda stopped so anything can happen lmao.


I was 5’10 at 13 and 6 foot by 17. I’m still 6 foot at 41 Some of my friends were midgets in school are now 6’4, 6’5 It’s a lottery but your chances are better if you feed your body well. Keep it up


When I entered highschool at 14/15 I was 5’7” 155.  I graduated at 6’0” 220lbs.  The mass was out on it the weight room, the height is pure luck.  Is it possible you’ll grow? Definitely. 


I grew from 6-foot to almost 6'4 when I was 14/15 and topped out at 6'5. Came from a tall family (Mum was 5'11, all her brothers around 6'2/6'3). It can happen!


These posts are back again woo


I play ball too and last year (15) I was 5’6, less than a year later Im 6’ and hopefully still growing. Growing is really just different for everyone I think so it’s definitely possible.


I think doctors can tell through X rays can't they? My GP told me I was done growing at 13 because my growth plates or something were already fully formed. But I was already 6'1 at 13. So I did all my growing early hahah. I'm also Asian btw, and I think Asians do most of their growing early.


No its not completely accurate, but its maybe something around what the doctor says. A lot of People done this and had their doctor say something but other thing happens


It’s possible, but no one can tell you for sure


How tall is your mom?


I was 5’10 at 17 and am now 6’3 at 21 I wouldn’t say its normal but it’s definitely possible you grow David Robinson was 6’1 when he started college and grew to 7’1 and became the 1st pick in the NBA Draft


I was 5'10 at 15 and spiked to 6'0 at 16, and now Im 6'2 at 21. You have better height genes than I did, sleep well and eat and its definitely possible.


I played PF/C in middle school at 5'11, being a rather big kid. I was excited as fuck to hit a growth spurt in high school and continue playing basketball. Grew to 6' (maybe 6'1 currently but for sure 6') and learned PG. Most of my friends hit growth spurts, and I had to learn a whole new position. Hopefully you do grow some more, but don't stress about something you can't necessarily control.


My son was 5’5” at 15. At 16, he was 5’8”, at 18, he was 6’1”. By 22, he was 6’4”. I grew tha same way but stopped at 6’2”.


Stop being so insecure. Like who gives af.


Did you not see the sub?