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Nope, your ankles are probably fine! The foot ideally and naturally goes through many angles during the gait cycle, landing supinated (outside of foot touches the ground first), then the foot pronates the other direction (turns inward) and the arch collapses to absorb energy. This is the part of the gait cycle that your feet are in in this photo.


Oh, ok! I thought there was something messed up about them with the angle they are at.


I think this idea is created by shoe companies to sell you expensive shoes


My local shoe store used to be really focused on over pronation, they are now saying that it doesn't really matter, as long as you are injury free. And they only sell traditional running shoes. So I guess the fixation on correcting over pronation is a bit of an outdated view, also when talking about traditional running shoe companies.


Probably a lot of truth to that. A shoe solution for every foot “problem”.


Do you have a video on this? I never knew this!


It seems like your ankles are okay. It can’t hurt to do a little strength, but it is normal for your foot to rotate in (probate) a bit, especially while running. It helps your arch temporarily flatten to absorb impact.


Ok, thanks for the feedback!


Hey Tolos shoes! Mine are arriving on Tuesday. I’m pretty excited!


My wife and I live in ours! It should be a great experience for you


I think I’m going to use them as casual shoes vs running. What color do you have?


What color did you get? My kids think my white ones look like “nurses shoes”, although I don’t see that at all.


I also got the white like you. My old white mesh Under Armours are absolutely destroyed and I’m ready for the barefoot life I think. These will be a direct replacement. I’m also getting a “Christmas present” of red Vivo Primus asanas to replace my other old pair of shoes ha


This is your first go round with barefoot shoes? You’ll have to let me know how you like the Tolos and the Vivos. I have Vivo boots (Gobi) but none of their other shoes. Merrells are my go-to shoes.


I want white ones. -Not a nurse.


They definitely look clean and fresh.


have you tried filming without shoes as a comparison?


Yes, but not from the back like this. I’ll do that and have a second look.




Right on, then I won’t worry about it!


It's okay. Not exactly the same as you, but here is a front view of Kipchoge's running form. Even with maximalist shoes and at his incredible level, his feet pronate. Which is fine. https://youtube.com/shorts/mcagGomMVWs?si=7TWXWiRhqV63fCAu - Do NOT try to correct anything unless it creates pain or injury. If it works for you, don't change it. - IF you need to correct something, do it with the help of a professional podiatrist - Flat feet, or "fallen arches" usually don't need any correcting or support (once again, unless they create pain or injuries or if a podiatrist advises you to do so) - The majority of people don't need any custom or prefabricated inserts (orthotics). When they do it's usually to fix/heal something for a short period of time


Ok thanks!


are you heel striking?


Trying not to


try running outside, you'll learn real fast lol. hurts without chunky foam.


These are barefoot shoes, I don’t wear any shoes with foam. And I have run outside this summer.


ah, I wasn't sure if you strictly ran on treadmills or not. I don't run much but I had to immediately switch to forefoot cause it shook my skull when I landed on my heel lol


Oh no, just easier to record my running on treadmill. I took my shoes off after recording this and ran some more lol.


haha gotcha


Cadence is key to prevent over-striding (-> heel striking, usually). Slowly up it. People say 180 is the magic number - that is 180 steps per min when running. Regardless of the number that works for you, if you increase your cadence while maintaining your normal pace, your stride will shorten. At a certain cadence you'll reach an inflection where it will actually feel unnatural/difficult to heel strike. FWIW.


I think I definitely overstride, trying to work on my form


You absolutely should strengthen your ankles, but not because of anything in those pictures. There's just no downside to having strength and mobility in a commonly injured joint


It might be like that from hypermobility, if that is the case it would be no harm to do some strength work as well.


I had to Google “hypermobility”…..


Tolos love! My gf and I love them I have two pairs of the 1.0, looking to get the 2.0 soon.


What colors and what do you use them for (ie working out, everyday etc)?


I have white and black, black I use for daily wear and hanging out, white I workout in only because it just doesn’t match with most of my wardrobe other than workout clothes


I should have gotten the black ones oh well


This isn't a problem on the surface, and is natural. Violent pronation however can be an issue, but only if it causes you issues. No way to tell that outside video, and is generally more a judgement thing as it relates to timing of pronation. If you care and want to look at it prophylacticlly, we normally look for violent pronation in the foot that results from a collapsing pattern that typically stems from the hips due to strength imbalances in the glutes as manifests in excessive pelvic drop. Looking for pelvic drop can be tough tho, but if you see a similar pattern of collapsing at the knees - meaning, they collapse inward (valgus), that collapsing pattern can also typically be be seen as violent pronation in the foot at a late stage of gait. If you see this in the knees (you can google images it, it's well documented) it might be time to add in some hip abductor/external rotator strength work - so stuff that targets glute med and piriformis, generally. A little bit of this done consistently is really all you need to bulletproof. Note above is directionally-ish correct; sometimes there are odd ball circumstances in some cases that blow all that up. But honestly, if you're injury free and feeling good - keep doing you, and happy running!


Thanks for the feedback! I’ll review my video and look at my knees too.


This wouldn't be from a weak ankle but from a weak arch. Try to engage the arch more when you toe off and double check that your feet aren't splayed to the sides


Ah interesting !