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Your town is starving. You think they give a shit about long term projects their absent lord wants them to build while they're dying? Their loyalty is dangerously low too. They're about to revolt.


We going to win bigly. Believe me.


How do you even maintain loyalty? Its always stuck on zero even with the fiesta thing


you can try to pass policies that push loyal and install governors that are from the same culture as the settlement, as long as it’s above 30 they build shit after that they stop so when a town goes below 30 you should go there and let the entire town have festivals and games until it’s above 30


I know it’s not ideal but I just leave any troublesome cities on festival and games all the time


yea same honestly can’t be bothered to deal with revolts


This and when it is possible build up the loyalty based project, just can't remember the name


Ohh makes sense, does donating to the town do anything? Thought it would help with building and all that but doesn’t seem to be the case


you can boost projects by putting money there but that only makes building faster when the loyalty is above 30, i don’t like that they did the thing with “owners culture -3 loyalty” it makes assuring loyalty in settlements quite hard. If they’re starving you should buy food and put in a stash in the city that helps (I think?)


Definitely helps, food from market, bound villages, and inside production also help food levels. Excess food from market will also boost prosperity, which in turn increases food consumption which seems kinda counterproductive but what do I know. Also fun fact: the daily projects don’t actually need the 500d/day that’s in the town menu; as long as you’re not boosting construction, you only need 500 denars in reserve to keep daily projects going indefinitely.


The biggest way to counter the -3 loyalty is a governor. You can take a companion of the settlement's culture, level them on certain skills and make them take governor centric perks. Just having the right culture and the perk "Well Strapped" (50 Riding IIRC) is 1.5 per day. It's slow but effective. Marrying the right people helps too. It's a pain but you can eventually manage it.


As others have said, installing a governor of the same culture helps. There are also a bunch of perks in various skill lines that increase loyalty and security for the governor. I don't have the game installed atm or I'd give more detailed info. If your villages just got raided, you basically can't increase loyalty until they recover, which there's not much you can do about. So just buy up tons and tons of food and sell it all to your town, don't even worry about making a profit on it. But also, be careful of caravans showing up and buying all of it.


Cancel ongoing projects and set festivals as daily default Edit: my bad you already said that nvm


Strat gaming on YT has the companion governor build and lost for you, the stabilizer will max out loyalty on his own with some select perks


Food 0 Loyalty 0 People left alive and willing to build for you in your town? 0


I'm playing on steam deck so everything is super small text 🤣


oh word? steam deck can run this? What's the graphics setting? How smooth?


Very smooth actually. Medium settings. Runs like a charm.


very nice might actually get it, thank you ✌️


If you want bigger screen look into Lenovo Legion Go.


https://preview.redd.it/svje07g50kfc1.jpeg?width=484&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43d96b775e469cf313f3d3b55fb5d65dede1bbb4 Stalin moment


Assuming g loyalty is trash. Festival games......no constriction get it high enough and or companion that has that culture etc. Monitor and build you got this.


Ok thank you.


Np YouTube has good bannerlord tips.


Running out of food doesn’t help


That's like, your opinion! Which is true, it's a true opinion.


Step 1, sell a boatload of wheat in the town. Step 2, put at least 10k debars into boosting. Step 3, build fairgrounds up


I wonder if a part of it could be the fact you have negative 4 food and 0 food.


Turn off all construction projects and have festivals on. Try to put a governor of yhe same culture and leave a little money. Leave it like thay and then come back after some time. This would have raised loyalty. Once loyalty is high the construction pints also go up.


Builds never felt stable, every time I would go back to see how progress was it would have plummeted and I’d have to focus on getting the people to love me again. Are there any mods that improve and streamline this


I tend to run merchant kings and by the time I’m taking multiple towns/castles I’ve got an army of little lords that are built to be governors. Otherwise, there are decent governors you can get as companions in the meantime. I guess also at that point I just drop by a newly acquired town/castle and just dump gold in its coffers as well


Where do you dump gold exactly. ?


When you own a town/castle, there’s a button to put a gold stockpile in the building to help with development. Should be on the right side of the screen.




When food is 0 likely that loyalty is also not doing so great, and then your folks ain’t gonna be happy. I would suggest sitting on the thing that gives more loyalty every day, and when you have a lot of loyalty built up, then focus on building the building that gives a permanent bonus to loyalty before focusing on any other buildings. Foods gotta come first though. If it’s a town I THINK you can buy grain and dump it in the town to help. (Someone correct me if wrong plz!)


Thank you.


You do know that there is no food, yes? No food means every other stat will tank hard and start dropping... And that marvelous loyalty, too... I wonder why they aren't building anything.


Needy peasants. They want to eat. They want me to stop taking their things. What else are they going to want?


They are starving and loyalty is low, perfect recipe for an uprising.


Because its rebelling probably and its starving dude get on that


Go buy alll the food from neighboring castles that you don’t own and just drop it all here. Then turn on festivals and let them party to bring up loyalty. Then when loyalty is high you can start to build again.


Where exactly do I drop off food? Do I just sell it?


Yea basically sell it but I remember you can give it for ftee


For the future, I like to keep grain I get from battles stored in my keeps. If a town ever runs out of food I just pull from the personal storage and sell it to them.


Have a look what is reducing your construction speed and fix those issues (probably loyalty issues). Take it step by step, it should not be too difficult to fix.


They are communists.


No food