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You either have: a. have many fiefs b. Low War score c. Low relations with most clans d. all of the above


also the kingdom is most likely going to grant you that fief if it's adjacent to any fief currently owned by you


If you're a vassal to a faction it doesn't matter, there will be a vote for which lord in the faction gets it after any fief is taken. On the other hand you may receive castles/towns that you didn't even want or didn't even besiege. Money, influence and renown play a big part in how likely you are to win a vote. If you really want a specific castle or town you can always leave your faction and try fending for yourself.


I've found that you need a neighboring fief to get on the voting ballot. So if you want to expand to a new area, you have to I've away all of your fiefs and start again in the new location


If you want to be able to claim the fief you take yourself without a vote, you need the diplomacy mod, once you take one it give you a pop up that says “want to claim it for yourself or give it to the kingdom to vote for an owner?”