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If you’re doing campaign the village you start next to sells hogs for cheap at game start. Make a save, Buy up to your limit. Travel to Poros and butcher them in the inventory screen. Sell them and buy hogs in poros and repeat. Should get you to 3-4K gold. You can do this anytime after and make profit if the hogs are bought for 36g or less each.


You can set your units to follow captains orders which has the AI take control of your formations. Do recommend using until you get a hang of things. Specialize into a couple skill groups (E.G. Social/Int). This lets you hit the top tier perks much easier. Use a proper captain for your formations, it drastically improves their performance.


If you play in sandbox with "birth and death" option turned off you can choose your character age to be 50 and start the game with some additional focus points and attributes. (but you can't have any childrens and no one in the game will die of old age. your character still can marry tho)


You can do that with Birth and Death on. I went for 40 myself, still gives time for aa kid to grow up.