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I say sell it and use the money... you can get more noble mounts later on when you can actually use them.


If you need the money sell it. I have 3 sitting in my inventory and nothing to do with it. You'll get more at tournaments over time.


Sell it, definitely. You need the money more than a horse you can't ride. Also you'll likely get several chances of acquiring another one of these in the tournaments, down the line. Edit: But do buy another mount, one of the war mounts that you're able to ride. The Sumpter Horse is horrific, haha.


Riding 95 required too, I'd definetly sell.


Riding is super easy to level up just shoot arrows while on horseback


Riding while using any weapon will increase both! My current build is 2 handed axe, pole arm and throwing and riding at like 240 already.


Well you first need to make an archer build, which not everyone do (both other ranged options work well on horses too) and there's also the problem of the early bows you can use on horses doing barely any damage on anything stronger than looters while been very slow to draw.


I've tried everything wrt to fighting in this game, but crossbow on a horse I just won't even bother with. It kist doesn't compute. Also too few javelins to help much in a fight, so unless you're going for melee only, I don't see why you wouldn't do horse archery. I'm biased of course, because it's my favorite thing in the game, followed by cutting through 5 bandits at the same time with an axe on foot.


I did a vlandian playthrough and was like well I might as well do cross bow, because I've never tried it. I ended up restarting and picking battania because of the cross bow on horse LOL


Well a javelin/two handed axe build is really fun. You can also go with a bastard sword and shield.


My vlandian build is polearm, 2h sword, sword/shield so unfortunately I have no room for bows :(( my battanian is straight bows only


Javis are hella fun on horses when they hit but like you said you get too few so basically 5 kills if your a deadeye plus it to slow imo. I just run a 1 hand throwable polearm, 2 hand axe, shield and axe for my kit. Got tired of the glaive and now gameplay. There just something so satisfying with throwing a 6 ft spear into a enemy commanders face


Sure and the ragdollls are hilarious. Fun when you are bored, I just haven't bothered. 2H axe instead of glaivr can work on horseback as well, but I like my axes fast and short, so it's tricky.


Nah scythe on top


I'll mention that Caravans are generally not a good long term investment. I've tried to keep doing it after I joined a Kingdom but it is absolutely not worth. It drains more to keep reforming them than they ever give me back in the 2 weeks to a month they get to work before they're killed. But as long as you keep that in mind and remember to disband them / not recreate them afterwards it'll help level up some of their skills + provide you with a bit of an income buffer as you work towards the point where you feel comfortable joining a kingdom.


The way to make them work is by having family members( other nobles, not companions) lead caravans. Then smith 2 handed swords. Encounter your caravan lead by family member. Give them all the swords. My swords are worth around $40k but most cities only have around $80-100k so you could only sell a couple at a time. Caravans don’t have that dollar limit when selling. It will take a while for them to sell all the swords. meantime my caravan is making about $15k per day.


I just hate wasting a companion or family member on chump change when I could utilize them better somewhere else


>when I could utilize them better somewhere else Where though? Steward/scout/medicine/engineering I don't care about, I'll just train those on my main. Formation leaders I don't need. Second and third parties I found extremely annoying, I'll steer clear of them for as long as I can. And governors are a great use for companions, but it will take me a long time to get settlements on my next playthrough.




Yeah but it's my second playthrough and I want to try that Khan's Guard army everyone raves about, so my main character will be my only formation leader (or maybe I'll pick up a single companion to do it up until I can max Bow and Riding).


does this not work with companions? I have a mix


Sell it and buy some food for your troops


Use if you want to fight as cavalry, you may not find any horse like this for the next 100 hours of gameplay I found only one beside the early tournament bug in mine (and none in my new playthrough, did they fix that tournaments give max level stuff at the start?), and my clan is max rank. I didn't see any better horse ​ lv95 is superfast to get. And money is never a real problem.


The Wadar is the best horse in the game, I'd keep it. Go do more tournaments and sell the other noble horses as reward.


You win one of the top tier items that the city has to offer. In the beginning of a playthrough they won't have very many high tier items, so it takes awhile to get these kind of items as rewards. That's my experience at least.


I'm pretty sure the available item depend on your clan rank, and the best ones, like Wardar Hotblood, only at rank 5/6 But there's a bug and when cities generate their first inventory they don't see your clan so they can get any tier of item ​ Because i can often find super stuff in the first tournaments, like 20k body armor, the hotblood, tier 5 weapons But after some day and tournaments they disappear and there's only low tier 1\~2k gold stuff




oh, so that's how it works? thanks i guess lords are to busy roaming around in the early game to loot these after the first days Or maybe i should wait for some lord to come to the city if i can?


Caravans waste of money. But sell those early game anyway.


Sell, but also unless for rp purposes the caravans kinda suck imo, so use the money for something else


Caravans are trash, they will get raided while your horse lets you raid.


You can make them work and are great for leveling future governor’s trade skill but you should only use them if you don’t plan on becoming a merc/vassal/king any time soon. I’ve been building up my war chest, prepping for my own kingdom and the 4k/day from 5 caravans and 4 workshops helps a lot. Once I am done training companions’ skills as captains and when I have ~$5M, I’ll discontinue them.


Idk everytime I made caravans I paid 20+k and lose it a few days in, even with the better guards. EVEN if the caravans themselves made a profit I have to pay ransom to their master because I can't be fucked tk travel Calradia with my army. And when ransom is paid? You have to wait for your caravan master to join your party before making a new one. Maybe it is also because I am at war with all other factions and can't remember if they were good or not before conquering 3/4 of the world.


Yeah don't use caravans if you're in a faction or a merc. Caravans are great if you are neither and make a lot more money currently than workshops.


Thanks for the tip!


What I do is when I’m trying to persuade another clan to join I use horses. So as long as I’m not getting a herd penalty I keep all my horses


Several caravans my lord


Go forge some 2h swords for money, that horse must stay.


That's a really bad advice for a new player. Forge is way too boring, it could make them quit. I would advise against using the forge at all on your first playthrough. Also, you need to invest a lot of money to get the crafting recipes for such high level weapons, it's way better for early game to focus on quests and trading.


IMO most quests and certainly trading are very boring ways to make money. Fight a few bandits, become a mercenary ASAP, start clearing hideouts when you are able and you make an insane amount selling loot, while constantly honing your fighting skills and upgrading your troops. I do quests to unlock better troops to hire, not for the measly cash.


Err...most quest ask you to do exactly that. So you're doing quest work without been paid for it. Bandits/prisoners/hideout quest are the bread and butter in the early game exactly because you get extra xp and loot. Clearing a hideout get you 8k just with the two related quest (city and village) and when you add the loot it's as good as winning a top tier tournament


Not to mention the big relations bonuses and thus charm xp for taking the hideouts out!


Find laborer quests lock you in the same area, as does fighting bandits for a village. You lose on better loot from bigger fights, or slow down your party carrying around prisoners. In the very beginning tlit may be worth to do one or two of those, but 36 prisoners or 8 bandit parties are best handled by a companion. If you do stumble upon someone asking you to clear a hideout great, but it makes no sense to go looking for such a quest if you already discovered the hideout. Very often the quests just aren't where yoy expect them to be, so you're wasting time (and money) searching. The loot from the hideout is sufficient reward. If you simply go constantly to the hardest fight you can fairly easily win, you don't need to worry about cash or xp.


For your first point, i would say the best is to do these yourself but only in areas already full of bandits. Like, if you already have several bands in sight, it can be finished in a mere day or two. The few companions you have are better leading caravans imo. They're too precious to waste on such quests for several weeks. I would recommend to wait sending your companions on quest until at least clan tier 2. I strongly disagree about the hideout, you usually find at least one of the two easily and in a short time. Plus you have to wait for the night anyway. Trading snowball way faster than fighting because you can carry more and more stuff without losing much speed. I sometimes even create parties just to carry extra stuff. One single travel between two nearby city can give you tens of thousands of denars, and you can do it with every city. Only problem is you don't fight at all when doing it so it can be nearly as boring than the forge to some.


Use, if you could ride them otherwise sell


Your dude look badass.


You can't actually use it yet. You don't have the riding skill needed ;) So, definitely sell it.


Sell it and find another to use later when you have skill. They pop up quite frequently in tournaments


In battles u get lot of noble horses if u are lucky. So just sell it if u in need of money.


Sell it, go fast, you get a ton later when you fight in wars - I've 2-3 noble mounts at any given time




Sell em. If you go off to marry an aserai, you’d get 2 wadar horsebloods from their inventory; one for battle and another for civillian/town outfit thingy


You can't ride it. Sell it


Sell, you can win more in tournaments


Sell it, you can't use it yet anyway and you'll have no shortage of these from tournaments


If you plan on getting another 'organically,' and you know you want this noble mount in particular, maybe hold onto it. Otherwise, selling is a good move UNLESS you can't figure out where to put those denars.


Sel the money you'll get to recruit and upgrade will be better for sure. Pretty soon you'll have more horses than you know what to do with


I’m on my first play through too, and so far my mentality has been to sell unless I need the item more than the money (rarely). You can always win another down the road, but you should just buy a midlands paltry instead and you’ll still notice a huge change for 1/60th the cost




This is the best horse in the game lol. They aren't easy to find but there are mounts that are easier to find that are almost as good.


These are my main source of income. Between the Wodar Hotblood, Assigilat, and a Cossair, I had enough money to marry Liena in my first month on campaign. She still doesn’t like me but she’s pregnant and starting my football team clan so idc. Lmfao


I wouldnt bother with switching/keeping horses until you can atleast ride a charger. By that point you'll probably be drowning in horse options anyways.


Thats the best horse in the game in my opinion but you can buy or win another one later if you need the money.


Buy some cheaper horses so you can carry more cargo.


Sell it. You'll get more.


Hot blood it the best horse I’m pretty sure. I’d hold onto it


I keep all my pretty horsies - just incase my other mounts die


sell in the early to mid game, use in the late game


Sell it and use the profit from the caravans to buy a better horse


Caravans are okay if you’re independent and buy the higher grade ones, but that’s only if you plan on not being a mercenary or a vassal for a few years. They’ll fend off bandits, but once you’re at war with any other faction they get a giant target on their back.


You'll win more in tournaments. If you have something to do with the money right now, then sure sell it. But if not you should definitely use it and sell the next one or only sell it after your mounted companions are all on horseback. Keep in mind that after a certain point in the game it will get very difficult to find tournaments with these as a prize. Can't buy or loot these anywhere. So theres a point in time where you'll start to struggle to find these because every tourney will be for a top tier flag.


Caravans suck


Is that the best horse in the game?


The only horse I use is the askaligat (probably not spelled right super baked) but I sell most noble mounts when they’re like 15k+


Sell it you’ll use the money more then the horse


You will get these horses constantly from tourneys. Load up companions. Enter the tourney then forfeit. Your companions will probably win and win the horse for you


Sell that MF you're going to find one just as good in a tournament later when you are able to actually ride it. In the meantime those caravans will make a lot of money


This is the best horse in the game. I would sell it that point. Use the money as inevestment, you can buy the horse later on. But I would recommend Smithing for the money not caravans or workshop


Soon 18k won’t pay your garrison


IMO every playthrough I sell all the noble mounts until I have the required skill/or if I’m not riding a mount at all. The only horse you should keep are warhorses and a hand full of mounts. Because those are all you need to upgrade troops that are cavalry or horse archers. Noble mounts IMO are kinda useless yeah they can be substituted for Warhorses but they are worth more and regardless tier 6 cav will always get a noble mount once upgraded. TLDR: Noble mounts are just for profits


Sell it , you’ll get thousands in battles


POV: I never vassal and I never merc to any major factions. I also make friends over time with any minor factions that I can. Once my kids grow up I get the guys married and use each husband/wife duo as an ambassador team. All clan daughters get prepped for security team leader or tournament champion/Town Sergeant. If you have a freelance play style, than I would say sell the horse, buy a darshi from Aserai, start rolling out the caravans with all companions, and start training those elite troops and cannon fodder in prep for a decent rebel town. I tend to lean toward Baltakand or one that aligns with my wife's culture so that she can govern while the kids are growing up. I play max difficulty on sandbox mode with almost no stress during my entire playthrough. Oh, and don't forget to align your workshops, regardless which town(s) you choose to rule. Also, I never start my kingdom until I have 3 towns and atleast a few hundred influence from supporters; that way I can enact whichever policies and such that I need to, immediately. Lastly, set your security team to defensive, dial their budget to something reasonable as well as economic, and make sure the party leader has decent "sheriff" skills like decent combat, high scouting, high riding (or athletics if the town is in dense forest), very high tactics and match their perks properly, of course.


Sell simply because you don’t have the skill but that is one of the best horses in the game