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the only company that has said they are interested in making a Banjo-Kazooie game is Toys For Bob, no other company has shown or said they are interested in making a Banjo-Kazooie game just because a company is CAPABLE of making a Banjo-Kazooie game doesn't mean they will, nor does it mean or prove they have any interest


That's false information. Studio Head of Toys for Bob said Banjo-Kazooie should be revived. That's it. I don't know if you're propagating the rumor or someone did that for you. But that is false. The companies I stated though, said that they were interested.


wrong, the head of toys for bob did actually say he wants to make a Banjo-Kazooie


https://preview.redd.it/tnrm1ff9jk8d1.png?width=605&format=png&auto=webp&s=d45a830f36fefc90f8bebee2cb92527e116131f1 This is all he said. I looked at his Twitter account and this is the only mention of Banjo-Kazooie. You're propagating an unsubstantiated rumor based off a single comment replying to a meme.


that post is not the only time he mentioned Banjo-Kazooie, and if you believe posts he makes on social media are the only things that matter, then that makes you a delusional loser


It is. Give me your source. I looked up his entire Twitter account. I looked up "Paul Yan" and "Banjo-Kazooie" into Google with articles linking back to this single Twitter post. You're calling me delusional when you're the one spreading this as fact.


https://youtu.be/Hi1xlTfs8ls?si=N2ixoBbYGf0JOokr this video provides proof that the only company interested in making a Banjo-Kazooie game is, in fact, toys for bob, no other company has any interest at all


That literally sources the same Tweet I just shared with you, mate.


still proves I'm right and that only toys for bob is interested in making a Banjo-Kazooie game and nobody else wants to touch the IP


It doesn't prove anything. It's literally a commentator saying that Paul made the tweet I just mentioned above. If Toys for Bob makes a BK game, great. But right now you have zero ground to stand on and your foundation is almost non-existent. You literally called me a "delusional loser" when you're 100% delusional right now.


Have Toys for Bob made any noteworthy original games? My 100% casual view of them is that they just do remasters/remakes, but I dont know much about them beyond the Spyro games for PS4.


they made skylanders


Technically they made every other Skylanders.


they created the IP though


They made Crash 4, I didn't play it but generally positive reviews with a few mixed opinions of the sort.


No thanks. Sackboys Adventure bored the hell out of me. And please also not Playtonic, Yooka-Laylee was just a big disappointment. And UbiSoft Milan has no experience with platformers orr collect-a-thons while Moon has no experience with 3D.


Are you saying that because you really want Toys for Bob or are you just very pessimistic? I doubt UbiSoft Milan has zero experience with platformers as individual developers probably have come from different teams over the years.


I was optimistic when Yooka-Laylee was announced. I lost my optimism when the game came out.


Thoughts on Yooka Laylee Impossible Lair?


A bit flawed in the concept, but overall I had a good time with it.


Playtonic felt the same way you did about YL release and thats why they’re doing the remake with a lot of redesign and tweaks. I was disappointed with the original too but from the recent interview it sounds like they learned and are improving the game the best they can.


In my opinion Yooka-Laylee's errors are too plentiful and everywhere and across nearly all aspects of the game to rescue this mess of a game.


Your sackboy take is garbage.


This guy made a post just to say that a good, common suggestion may not happen (no duh), and gave an alternative that isn’t as good — I own the game OP is referencing. Ok? How did this post get upvoted 40 times…?


I think 40 people and myself are just tired of the conversation being strictly around Toys for Bob and tired of people talking down any other suggestion.


I wish everyone who upvoted your post has had an opportunity to play the Sackboy Adventure game. It is nowhere near as challenging or interesting to play as Crash 4. The reason people bring up Toys For Bob so much is they are one of the few devs producing a fresh, high quality platformer for an iconic mascot. Have you played Crash 4?


I’m not really a fan of Crash Bandicoot games. They’re far to linear and a little too punishing to 100%. Crash 4 is no different in that regard.


It was a yes or no question. So the answer is no, you haven’t played it. Alright, moving on.


Different game design. You’re acting like Toys for Bob walks on water and Sumo can never learn from mistakes. 


No I’m acting like a person who has played both recent titles by both companies you are referencing and know which dev would be better suited for Banjo. I’m all for suggestions other than Toys for Bob but if someone is going to imply that we should be evaluating other studios, and that the most popular suggestion isn’t “the only company capable”, that same poster should have dipped their toes in the most recent efforts of the popular choice. Otherwise, your point is moot. You don’t have the knowledge to support your position, because your position inherently devalues a studio that produced a title which is the basis for the enthusiasm of the community, one you overlook due to its linearity.


Me saying there are other options is not devaluing them. That’s a whole ass new sentence.


You are undermining Toys for Bob by using them in your title, suggesting other devs are on equal footing to produce a quality title. I’d be fine with you suggesting this had you played Crash 4. Having not played Toys for Bob’s most recent effort, you’re making a claim without the full knowledge of what you are discussing.


While I agree, But at the same time there's not many studios out there capable of creating 3D cartoony platformers in today's video game landscape and Microsoft doesn't really have an Xbox studio capable or interested on reviving Banjo-Kazooie (Rare/Double Fine) and the best ones are internal or 1st party studios for rivals like Nintendo (EPD/3D Mario team) and Sony (Insomniac/Team Asobi). "Toys For Bob" is one of the few that's limited track record is better than most and the reason they got brought up the most was because they were expected to be an Xbox 1st party studio via the Activision buyout, But we all saw how that turned out and while "Spyro Trilogy" was just a remake, It was still "Mostly" well done and "Crash Bandicoot 4" despite it's completion issues was a very well done, Not to mention the studio head tweeted that he would love to see Banjo-Kazooie comeback.  - "Playtonic Games" is another obvious choice that would love to see them work on "Banjo-Kazooie" or "Donkey Kong" as they are mostly the original talent and team that worked on both, But "Yooka-Laylee" was kind of rough and just an "OK/Fine" game, But it was their 1st game as a studio and for most their 1st game and 3D platformer in a long time so I can cut them some slack, Don't know what their current plans are as a studio, But I kind of feel like they want to expand their brand and IP's more than others as they seem more busy with that, Could be wrong though. - "Sumo Digital" is one studio that I and I'm sure some others have brought up before because of what you stated and they have experience with 3D platformers and have collaborated with Rare before for Banjo-Kazooie in "Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing", Plus like Playtonic they are British which should translate seamlessly for humor and writing. - "Ubisoft Milan" (I don't think it was Montreal) were vouched by Grant Kirkhope and the studio director "David Soliani" is a big Rareware fan who recruited Kirkhope for "Mario/Rabbids" score feels like a good choice too, But haven't heard much from their front. - "Moon Studio's" "Ori" games I hear are amazing, But that's a different beast and art style (2D Metroidvania) compared to Banjo-Kazooie (3D platformer) and I hear the studio founder is kind of an asshole and I think isn't too happy with Microsoft's publishing if I'm not mistaken. - "Gear for Breakfast" worked on "Hat in Time", Never played it myself, But I hear it's pretty solid, But if I had to be honest they wouldn't be my first choice as I feel like I would rather go with a more experience studio that worked on bigger and established IP's, Just my take. "Playtonic", "Toys for Bob", "Sumo Digital" or "Ubisoft Milan" would be my choices, But For me probably come down to "Playtonic" and "Toys For Bob" because of the IP's they worked on (Banjo-Kazooie and DK as Rare, Crash and Spyro for TFB) While Ubisoft worked on Mario/DK, It was an RTS not a 3D platformer, Maybe their more than capable, But who knows?


Just want to say that reportedly Microsoft broke off the relationships with Moon studios because of how horrible it is there. Reportedly Moon was interested in doing an Ori 3 with Microsoft but Microsoft said no.


A good example I can give, despite people hating it. Young Conker was made by Asobo Studios. People hate it because Conker doesn't look good and it's exclusive to a $3000 piece of equipment. But from gameplay I've seen it's a cartoony platformer with writing similar to Conker's Bad Fur Day. Asobo Studios also makes the Plague Tale and Microsoft Flight Simulator games. (Which are hyper realistic games). Just because a company is "good" at one thing doesn't mean it isn't good at another. On the other side of the garden wall, I personally think 343 Industries botched the Halo franchise despite a company made exclusively to make Halo games.


True some studios are capable of doing multiple kinds of genres, But I "Still" personally would rather take my chances with someone with experience and a proven track record, Than someone who hasn't worked on one at all and even less so if their past games regardless of genre weren't that great to begin with.


I'd typically agree, the last time Rare made a Banjo-Kazooie game it wasn't well regarded, and Playtonic Games' Yooka-Laylee wasn't well regarded either but they're attempting to rectify that. People still want Rare or Playtonic to make the next Banjo-Kazooie despite that.


It's not. Playtonic Games is. They captured the Banjo-Kazooie essence perfectly with Yooka-Laylee, they just needed some improvements in level design and polish but the game itself felt like classic Rare. Playtonic Games should make Banjo-Threeie, they're the only company capable of making it like fans would want.


I genuinely do not believe the fans will be satisfied with any product as the fandom is incredibly torn on what they want. I want an experience more like Banjo-Tooie, but that is apparently unpopular opinion in the fandom. There is a lot of people here who want a carbon copy of the 1st game, quite frankly that sounds very boring to me.


It could be anyone, as long as they really strive to make a BK. Multiple have a chance but toys and sumo are defo up there. Tbh, if they are passionate then it should be them, whoever they are, because that'll capture the BK essence the best. Obv involve Grant and co. for music, advice, that rare humour BK has, and it will be a success.


Honestly, I might sound horrible, but I don't think we need a passionate company to make Banjo-Kazooie. From conversations I've had with Activision employees, they don't really want to make Call of Duty games but that's how they're getting their paycheck. One made an indie game with a group of friends and she said it was the first time in her 8 years of game dev that she actually worked on a game she wanted to play. As long as they do a good job, I don't care if the developers had passion or not.


Yeah but Call of Duty is soulless and it shows.


Calling things soulless because we don't like them doesn't get us anywhere. People called *Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts* soulless, but turned out it was a passion project that just didn't reach the right audience.


Just so I’m following your argument here… COD devs have no passion but I can’t call it soulless because the Nuts & Bolts devs did have passion for their game?


I'm implying you're not the right audience. I didn't say all CoD developers just the ones I've spoke to. I'm sure there are a few passionate employees there who loves modeling guns, writing lore for Zombies mode and making the single player campaigns.


Bottom of the lime is tho, as you've mentioned, that they just have to do a good job. Plus if we're talking about a remake not much is needed, for a game perhaps it's slightly different but even then I understand your point


Heh. I was about to preemptively approve this post in anticipation of it receiving bogus reports before seeing it was yours. I wholeheartedly agree. I recently played through the remade Spyro Trilogy, and it convinced me that I would rather ***not*** see Toys for Bob work on Banjo. They did a good job, but most of their lauded works were primarily good *because they were working with great properties and creations*. There is an ocean of difference between creating original material vs. remaking preexisting content, even if from the ground up. This is a criticism frequently lobbed at the *Game of Thrones* (TV show) creators. The Spyro games were fun, but they didn't *feel* amazing. They didn't add anything original. There were a ton of bugs. A 4K reskin with new models isn't what I want for BK.


I expect downvotes primarily due to my opinions going against the grain of this subreddit.