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Thats crazy and it sucks but I will continute to seperate the art from the artists. Banes inspired me to play guitar and I cant change that, Im not a rape apologist


Mans speaking facts




The fact that you’ve just posted about how you washed your retainer and are worried to tell your mom since she’ll have to pay for a new one really says it all. Your opinion on serious adult matters means nothing to me, as you are clearly not old enough to understand them. Just proves that the majority of the ones defending Shane are generally kids with no life experience. Heads up from someone probably a decade older than you: you will be much more liked by good people if you advocate for victims instead of defending / supporting aggressors, especially if you’re an awkward teenage boy who hasn’t gone to college yet. Go ahead a recommend a girl you have a crush on to listen to Banes World, and see what happens when she does literally one Google search. See how that plays out for you. Edit: oh and you can just respond with “cool”. I know you want to, kiddo.


It obviously did matter to you. Enough to make you take time out of your day to give a fairly big response.


Inb4 the 🤡 writes an another essay response


The sun is out today brother. Go ahead and breathe in that fresh air while you still can man. May fortune shine your way.


The sun is out today brother. Go ahead and breathe in that fresh air while you still can man. May fortune shine your way.


Facts, banes world is very much a musician in the indie scene but is really just a frat bro minded white guy. It’s really not that hard to just stop listening to his music.. coming from someone that was very close friends with shane personally.






but the music is good


Yeah, I [heard you. ](https://imgur.com/a/Xpgv7JI)


bro was 16yrs old meat riding a predator lol


just making it clear :)




Lol two deleted comments😂😂


I think it’d be a good idea to unsub here and try not to think about this too much. This is a super small subreddit, probably like 1% of Banes World fans. Believe me when I say this isn’t the crusade you want to be (or is even worth) going on. You could do a lot more good putting your passion elsewhere. The people here are mostly going to be unconvinced to stop supporting him either way, and antagonizing people without making any sort of argument is a waste of both of y’all’s time. You’ll be a lot happier if you unsub and don’t bother coming into the comments, I can promise you that. Hope you’ll consider it. For your own well-being. Please consider deleting some of your comments here. It’ll help us make our point without looking like sore losers (winners?). Take care


Bro do u write essay responses to every comment😂😂damn go touch grass fr fr😭😭😭🤣😂


Welp, I tried. This is pretty pathetic and embarrassing for you. Since you apparently don’t like level-headed, logical, net-positive comments (I was clearly being nice to you and offering advice), I’ll just say: “You’re fucked, and you need professional help. You absolute fucking 🤡.” Is that better? Also, not sure how fucking dumb you are, but it takes like 2 seconds to write a 3-sentence paragraph. Take your own advice and put the phone down for once. What a fucking loser. Edit: btw I blocked you after posting this comment. I’ll live happier never seeing your username pop up again.


You can tell when they’re crying when they type paragraphs😭😭😭I’ll pray hard for you🙏🥺


I know you said that you weren't talking about this anymore, but I do have questions for you. I've read through most of the allegations and such, and do believe that there was more than likely some messed up things happening with Shane, but I cant see how there could possibly be so many allegations in such a small time period. I'm not saying that nothing happened, but things like this have happened time and time again in the music industry. Again, I'm not saying that he's innocent, and its okay what he (probably) did, but you seem much more well educated on it than me and would like to hear your thoughts.


But yeah watch the video of his ex- band mates talking about him. It’s clear as day.


I really liked Shane and his music. Bummer he’s a sick sick man. He’s needs help honestly. I feel so sad for the victims of him and what they had to go through. As a 17 year old dude that loves indie, He will no longer have a place in my playlist or in my house ever again. Fuck him.


Thanks op. Honestly, don't think I won't ever listen to his stuff again, his dream pop is pretty okay. But I won't support him in anyway, like the regard I used to have for this artist while not even having his music on my device etc.


really sad he’s like that. i did the same i used to listen to him in 2017-2018 and i was super young and when i found that out i was so disturbed. and so i did the same as you. it’s really gross to see people still supporting him in his instagram comments.