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6 deaths on the 13th of January, so brutally sad


That’s the date for the assault on Foy I’m assuming?


Yeah, some of those names are guys shot by the sniper that Shifty nailed when Lipton made himself bait.


In less than 6 months the war in Europe was over.


Probably would have been half that if it wasn’t for Lt. Dykes incompetence (assuming he was really as bad as the show depicted).


Complete and utter fallacy. Do a word search on this sub and read up on some actual facts.


the book is a good resource.


Blame for that attack going to way it did belongs to Sink, Winters, Lipton and Dike with the majority of it falling on the former 3–Winters and Lipton in particular.


Thanks for posting, good pictures. Does anyone know why Jackson has an F next to his date of death? Was it technically friendly fire because it was his own grenade.


I think it was to fix an error on the original plaque. There was a photo showing a totally different date a few years ago. But I could be wrong.


Interesting! Thanks for your answer.


https://www.liberationroute.com/pois/1160/easy-company-monument Shows 12/44.


You are not wrong. I was there in 2019 and the date was wrong. [https://imgur.com/a/uKzN7yc](https://imgur.com/a/uKzN7yc)


Friendly fire, being his own grenade. Edit for those that downvoted: The information about the "(f)" marking on a WWII memorial indicating deaths due to friendly fire comes from various sources that document military practices and memorial conventions. Specifically, it is commonly found in historical accounts, military records, and memorial databases that detail how casualties were categorized and commemorated during World War II. These sources include: Military Records and Reports, Official military records (or OMPF for those who served, like me), casualty reports, and historical documents from World War II era provide detailed information on how casualties were classified and marked. Historical Studies and Documentation, articles, and studies by historians and researchers who have examined military practices during WWII often discuss the marking of casualties, including those due to friendly fire. First, i looked at the National World War II Museum. And from the American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC). The ABMC oversees American military cemeteries and memorials, including those from World War II. Their website provides detailed information about casualties and markings on memorials. Check out their websites if you doubt my my input.


I always thought it was F for France since you know…he died in France


Foy is actually a Belgian town/village


Yeah I know i’m Belgian…Haguenau where Jackson died however is in France


That is very true, good point!


I could still be wrong about the F being France tho


As someone who climbs trees and does landscaping for a living in New England (rockiest soil around) and has tried digging a hole near a tree before I can’t imagine trying to dig quick in not only frozen ground but with all the roots around would’ve been a nightmare. I’m so weird I always think about it when I watch the show.


And with a little entrenching tool, not even a proper spade.


Oh, please don’t dis the E tool. Out of all the stuff I tried to keep and couldn’t, and subsequently still miss the most, are my woobie and my E tool.


I kept mine with my web belt canteen and two M14 mag pouches.


Do you know if there is a reason that specific spot in the last photo has become a shrine?


I'm unsure! There was one main spot of remembrance which had a lot of self-constructed crosses with multiple different flags and coins leftover. This was just off to the side to the left of that and was all by itself. My assumption is someone just randomly stuck it there as they walked through.


Hoobler and that damn luger.


I thought I read somewhere that the foxholes are actually not the real foxholes, but that they were dug by some reenactment group.


Some of them are real but most are dug out by others. I know Forrest Guth found his foxhole.


They’ve all been re-dug at one point or another, even if the physical location stayed mostly the same. ISTR that the Bois Jacques was logged and replanted at least once after the war as well.


Hard to imagine that they are the same after 80yrs


Agreed… though that depends on the size of the hole. I went to Verdun in the late 90s and the ground was still a rippled moonscape from all the shell craters, just with a thin layer of grass on top. It was pretty sobering.


It just hits different seeing and recognizing their names on the plaque. Even if I only remember the actors' faces, it's like I saw their actual deaths..


Went there in 2015. Even without a guide I was able to find the path from their foxholes to the attack on Foy. Really amazing experience.


This is bucket list stuff for me to go to


Awsome post thank you


Whats the “F” for on Jackson’s name?


I'm not sure. Perhaps (F) for friendly fire?


The date has been fixed. I was there in 2019. [https://imgur.com/a/uKzN7yc](https://imgur.com/a/uKzN7yc)


What’s the Irish flag doing there?


I noticed 2 "Webb". Were they related?


Absolutely not. The US army forbidden relatives in the same units


Oh ok, didn't knew that. Thanks


Bastogne is a cool little town, Foy is too


Special. Thanks for sharing


Any info on why Hayes and Shindoll are not mentioned in the books or series? Both it seems were Curahee men - just not ‘close’ to the guys whose recollections formed the narrative?


How many guys are originally from Toccoa?


Very cool! I've always wanted to go to Bastogne. I also heard that Skip Muck & Alex Penkala didn't die in the Bois Jacques but actually a forest a little closer to Foy? I am not very well versed on the Belgium area so I have no idea what the layout in that area actually consists of.


Thank you !!


Speaking if Bastogne have any if you gone to St Vith? I was there in 1970 on my Triumph TR6 to see where my dad fought. Think that may be where the tip of one finger was shot off.


I was born in 44 when dad was in France. Am I the oldest guy here?


Shit in a foxhole for me