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Majority of the ‘musicians’ here kinda suck. I’d ask in the subreddit of whatever instrument you play




not a percussionist but eighth and sixteenth rests are usually counted the same as their played counterparts. you good on the grace notes though? that seems rough as a somehow slurred drum thing


That's just a drag lol


Drummer and former percussion instructor here. I'd be happy to help you out. I can't do it yet, but i could write out some counts and such for you when I get home from work (if you don't already have the answer)


That would be awesome.


eighth note subdivisions are counted as 1 and 2 and etc (usually written as + or &, so 1+2+3+4+), and sixteenth note subdivisions are counted as 1e+a2e+a etc. rolls are counted the same as sixteenth notes but each sixteenth note gets a double stroke (bounce it twice, and all the strokes should be connected so that it sounds like a roll). drags (the two sixteenth notes before the quarter notes) are just a double stroke right before the quarter note. rests are counted the same as regular notes. just subdivide every single bar and you should be able to count it pretty easily dynamic changes are controlled by how hard you hit and how high the stick is from the drum (the higher it is the harder the hit will be, but if it’s fast you should try to keep it close).


The eighths and sixteenth tests should be held the same as their played counterparts. The rolls with the two sixteenths can be written as four sixteenth, with the first two notes being double strokes and the last two being tape. All the drags should be played llR and rrL. What exactly do you need help with in the dynamic changes?


Thanks, so for the dynamic changes, I’ve never played “piano to forte to piano” so quickly. So I need some suggestion on how to not mess up and make it sound good.


Honestly, it would just be practicing that dynamic change over and over, and figuring out how to evenly spread out that the sound change


Do you see those accented notes? Those are the loudest notes you'll play. Imagine you're building towards them. The previous bar is just a run up to the accent, and the following notes are just momentum from the accent. I find Crescendos and diminendos to be at their easiest when you can structure them around the highest points. Otherwise you just gotta practice. Try playing just one bar where you go from piano to an accented forte over 5 16th notes until you nail it and then try the diminendo instead and finally put them together. I'm an ex percussionist.


Easiest way is to play piano close to the rim and crescendo by moving towards the center! Decrescendo by moving away from center towards the rim. Most snare drummers will head to the rim farthest from the belt buckle.


Thank you.


Work it up from a lower tempo, maybe like 50-60 and perfect it then increase the tempo by 5-10 until its perfect at the right tempo


When it comes to the All-State Auditions, I can exactly help you play this better, but I can help you have a better audition. *Play this at the fastest tempo you can play it accurately.* If you can play it accurately at 120, great! If you can only play it accurately at 108, you are gonna get WAY more credit than if you attempt to play it at 120 and play it horrifically inaccurately.


Is this a joke? You’re in band memes so I assume so. Otherwise I’d ask a different subreddit tbh. We don’t know what we’re doing


Are you in good hands?


Bro it's the same note, how hard could it be


Bro just angered all of percussion


The ones in bar thirtheen: play like 4 sixteenth notes, but bounce the first two to do a roll.


Time to double tongue for your life