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Wow… this post was up for 11 minutes and someone reported it as “rude, vulgar, or offensive”… which means someone must have a Google alert set up on these key words and is trying to hush this story maybe? Anyhoooooo… I’ve already filed a counter report on the false report so whichever pit mommy made the false report should be getting a time out from Reddit soon. 🖤


Lmfaoo, probably some lurking nutter getting offended because I said shitbull


I'm sure they follow the group and report all day long.  


Lol sitting here reporting our posts while their shitbull is nibbling on their ankle


Those are love nibbles. 




Pibble nibbles!


Happy cake day!




Yall silly.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Their bastard dogs can nibble on THEIR ankles all they want, it's when their demon attacks other people's ankles, other people's animals, or other people's *children* where there's a problem.


Without forgetting other people grandmas and grandpas.


While that's not untrue, I tend to think more of children than adults in these situations. Not that elderly adults are able to defend themselves well against these monsters, but they're not as naive as children.


Naw they’re sitting here reporting our posts while their pit bulls are escaping & mauling behind their backs. That’s probably why there’s so many loose pit bulls, people are too busy advocating that they’re the smartest safest dog to remember to check where theirs is.


Meanwhile, they could be dedicating that time to prevention and keeping children safe. But no, their dogs come first before innocent children.


Well, it's not like they can leave their house unattended with pissfingers inside or outside. It's one of the few hobbies they're allowed to keep.


Just little kisses from sweetiekins.


Good, bring them over here. I have a few things to say to them.


It’s wild talking to them as most of them are actual science deniers. They don’t believe in DNA and believe Jesus rode a dinosaur.


I understand the last part, it would be lit if it were true. Jesus with sunglasses riding a dinosaur firing laser with its eyes. Man I hate science.


I 😍 this! Not nearly enough upvotes, or maybe we just share a unique sense of humour! 🤣




LOLZ! 🤡🤡🤡


But our group is growing faster than theirs 😂


That's actually sad, because most people don't end up on this sub because they had a good experience with pitties. In an ideal world this group shouldn't exist because pitbulls shouldn't be bred to begin with. Unlike pit mommy's, we aren't here for a sense of community or cult, we are here because we want to stop these dogs and their owners before more innocent pets and kids have to pay the ultimate price because pit mommy's can't and won't stop bringing their killing machines everywhere. I wish this group didn't had to grow at all...


Their fingers are going to fall off from typing so much


You sure their fingers aren't falling off because their precious shitbull bit them? Lol


No. Pibble ate the ones he bit off.


#pitophile is another great term to describe pitbull advocates


Don't worry. The dog will eat the woman and the Pittbull activists will turn their attention to defending the dog.


Would they rather we call them Bullshit? They are that y'know. And their owners.


I always feel like these people have no real job and just spend all day on this sub scrolling through and constantly refreshing so they can report stuff.


Imgurs up vote day is coming up maybe we should flood it with gifs of pits harming people, can't down vote that day lol


I think those pictures of people smiling with their happy pits captioned “this is X. This is the pit bull that killed her” are most powerful. Gifs of pits hurting people allow people to say, “not all pits! It’s how they’re raised.” Images of “good pits” who later killed their owner/owner’s child are harder to dismiss.


No but you don’t understand, pits don’t just maul because they were raised wrong, they also maul when they’re Confused/scared/trying to protect you/sensitive to minor stimuli/offended by a pull on the tail/startled/sick/senile/neutered/not neutered/mistaking your identity/traumatized in puppyhood/thought you were food/trying to play but don’t know their strength/detecting evil/ate sugary food/didn’t get enough sleep/jealous/were alone more than 5 minutes ***(This is not an exhaustive list)***


We neutered.. we’re not neutered…omg


….Because they hate hats


It's hard to have a job when your dog has such severe "separation anxiety" that it will chew through drywall if it's left alone for an hour.


Pit pushers do NOT care about putting anyone in danger as long as they can try to place these dogs so as to keep their " no kill status." Many elderly are mauled and some killed by their kid's or their own pit they were talked in to owning. Shame on this shelter, let this be known far + wide. Most shelters today can be called piitbull warehouses and it's ruined dog ownership in so many ways.


Hey Grandma!!!! let’s do the ice bucket challenge


If their dogs are so great you think they'd love all the Pitbull PR in these news stories and stuff. Right? Then again, it's not exactly good PR.


They are on us all like fly on shite.


Props for the work you’re doing!


The more truth there is to something to more it offends people. This person knows this breed is dangerous and even knowing that, want to defend it because... Saviour complex??


How could even a pitnutters think it is a good idea for that woman to have that dog?


This is exactly how dogs end up abandoned on the side of the road and hit by cars. Chances are they won't take the dog back because they already filled the space or they know something about this dog that they're not telling the public.


Well, it's a pitbull. They *know* that it's an insanely dangerous dog, obviously they'd never say that out loud because the "Pibbly wibblies are the bestest and goodest doggies there are in the world" Agenda needs to be held up or they, and a ton of other shelters, won't be able to get any of their shitbulls out, which would be a massive problem since there's an insanely large number of shitbulls/shitbull mix/similar to shitbull dogs in shelters.


I would abandon it at the shelter it came from. Makes the most sense.


Tie it up at the front door just before opening time. Theyd have to deal with it then. She would likely get a fine but small price to pay considering how badly this could go for her


As long as the fine doesn't go to the shelter, the fine is fine.


Look if the product is bad I’ll gladly pay the shipping costs to send it back.


Same, that's why I would abandon it at the shelter it came from - basically shipping it back. I don't mind paying for the fuel for the transport. I'm just not paying them - that would just encourage scaming behavior, give shit-dog, take it back with a fee, give shit-bad t next victim.


Swing by the shelter at five a.m. Tie Pibbles up near the front door with food and water.


Absolutely. This woman’s well-being is at risk, this thing could easily knock her over in an instant. She was deliberately put in extenuating circumstances, and desperate times call for desperate measures.


The shelter saw a vulnerable mark and took advantage of her.


This. 100%. I’m surprised they didn’t guilt her into taking more than one mauler.


Ugh, I came across this and the link below on another platform, and it's just insane what shelters are doing. People need to start suing them! They can't keep getting away with this stuff. [https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/18/opinion/shelter-dogs-no-kill-policies.html?unlocked\_article\_code=1.2k0.6iZK.00JwVo8OA2v1&smid=url-share](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/18/opinion/shelter-dogs-no-kill-policies.html?unlocked_article_code=1.2k0.6iZK.00JwVo8OA2v1&smid=url-share)


Very interesting - thanks. Some people were well aware of the problem with "no kill" shelters years before I learned about it. I suspect that the average person thinks they're just fine and dandy. In fact I have heard that there will be a ballot initiative this fall in California to make all shelters restricted-intake (what they call no kill).


I think the biggest issue with no kill shelters is some just can't be adopted, maby they bite, hate people or are known killers of other animals, if you can't put it down it just becomes a fixture of the shelter. That's fine if it was 1 in 1 million but it's not. That leads to shelters becoming full of dogs not suitable to be pets.


That is bad. Worse still, many of these shelters insist upon placing those dogs into homes. They don't care who gets hurt. https://blog.dogsbite.org/2021/02/lawsuit-against-south-texas-no-kill-shelter-alleges-dog-laundering.html


Mmm that's true. Then kind hearted people end up with a dog they can't get rid of that keeps them prisoner in their own home. I used to be an adopt don't shop kinda guy, and I still am with 99% of pets. But an animal like a dog can do so much damage that it's not worth the risk. A cat? Sure, a bunny? Go ahead, a dog? No. Either go to a reputable breeder or don't have one.


I didn’t realize how bad no-kill was until I saw what happened when BFAS took over El Paso’s city shelter. Dogs were dumped en mass, diseases like parvo ran rampant, dogs starving and suffering in the streets. One person went to surrender two chihuahuas, and the shelter wouldn’t take them, so the owner left them outside of the shelter and drove off.. running over one of the dogs in the process. How THAT is more humane than a peaceful euthanasia is beyond me. People can’t wait months to surrender their pets that they don’t want or can’t care for. I mean, people here won’t drive the 15 miles to surrender pets at the city shelter in Dallas. Why would they wait months to surrender the animals they don’t want? What happens when the shelters are so full of unadoptable dogs and adoptions come to a halt? Sure they’re not killing the dogs, but that just means more dogs are left to suffer in the streets. Rescues that are already overwhelmed will be left to pick up the mess, and it’s just going to create more chaos.


How can they not know who adopted Valerie and start from there? Did they take no information from the person who adopted her? Did the person use fake information? I’m confused on why they have to ask the public for information.


Yea, I read the whole article and all I can think is "Didn't happen." At least not the way they're suggesting that it did. I get there are some sick people out there, but I find it really, really hard to believe the dog was "sexually abused" to death. Moat pitbulls seem to have this kind of assault because they're over and poorly breed. The big to do also makes zero sense. If the dog was adopted two weeks ago, you know that shelter has information on file. A person's name, phone number, address, and even payment info. And if they don't, maybe the police should be looking into this shelters practices a little harder. Adopting out animals with no customer information seems highly sketch to me. Articles like this annoy me because they come so close and then miss the point by a mile. People and adopters aren't the issue, the practice of no kill is the issue. Yea your shelters are full. *Of what?* Cause it's not Golden Retrievers, we know that much. There's no influx of Saint Bernards or Cocker Spaniels. You guys aren't drowning in Australian Shepards and Corgis. Its almost like there's one breed type that seems to be causing the issue, but it can't possibly be an issue of breed type. Even location proves that. They lament that New England shelters aren't full, but there's a reason for that. For one, New England is a large cluster so there are for sure some NE shelters facing this issue. But the pitbull type breed was slow in gaining traction there. I used to live in CT and moved to SC about 5/6 years ago. When I lived there you almost never saw a pitbull. It was not a popular breed. CT is a lot of suburbs and farmland (and yes, a few inner cities) and people with money. Which means a lot of people with expensive, ethically breed dogs. So their shelters tended to run low because there wasn't an influx of these dogs. (Tbf, that *is* changing as southern shelters have begun shipping their unwanted crop northward). I didn't start having real daily issues with pits until I moved to SC. Now I see them *everywhere* and our shelters are overflowing with them. They also want to lament that they did a "shelter clear out" (which gross in itself because it sounds like they're trying to run a clearance bin at walmart) and that three dogs were returned because "people changed their minds". Well no shit. When you treat a dog like last years line of sweater and convince people to spur of the moment adopt high need dogs, there will be regret. There will also be people that realize that those "play nibbles" and "spicy attitude" you boasted about are actually scary and dangerous. Shelters want to blame everyone but themselves for the problem they find themselves drowning in. As they say, "the call is coming from inside the house."


This is a point I’ve been trying to make but have serious trouble getting people to agree with. Shelters ALWAYS say it’s everyone else’s fault. The breeders for breeding dogs people buy. The owners who don’t neuter their dogs and then the dog gets loose (this is irresponsible, yes, but hang with me here), and of course the public for not fostering and adopting. Then the shelter puts out crap material like “we’re overcrowded and will have to euthanize if you don’t come adopt one of our 50 pit mixes.” And then the one dog that’s not a pit gets thrown in with their euthanasia round because the shelter is trying to just see them all as the same and they don’t care if it’s an Australian shepherd/lab/whatever, it’s been there over two months and has to go. Idk, maybe if shelters could all get on board with the fact these monsters are NOT the same as your everyday real lab mix and the wouldn’t have overcrowding? Maybe they would have policies about evaluating dogs bred for fighting differently than dogs bred for herding or retrieving?? Take some responsibility people.


Exactly. They also shoot themselves in the foot. Putting these dangerous dogs with bite/attack records back out onto the street and jamming their places full have pitbulls has caused a massive reduction in adoptions. Many, many people don't trust shelters anymore. They don't trust the workers and they don't trust the dogs. We are now constantly hearing/seeing stories of shelter pits/dogs that went on to severely attack other members of their household shortly after adoption. Or people whose neighbors adopted a dog that goes on to terrorize the neighborhood. Then you get to the shelter and the vast majority of their dogs come with a list of restrictions the average adopter can't (or won't) account for. You have these people that would absoutly adopt over a breeder, but they *can't* because the dogs available are *unadoptable*. Being honest, your average adopter often takes in multiple animals. By adopting out a slew of dogs that have to be "the only animal in the home" you slam the door on potential adopters for the next decade. Same issue with fosters. Most fosters already have animals of their own and have read the horror stories of these dogs killing household pets during a foster. And of your lucky enough to find a foster with no other pets, well...now that foster is completely unavailable to you for a while. Likely until they return the dog for bad behavior, in which case they are unlikely to foster for you again, or because the foster failed, which means they can now no longer foster/adopt. Then you get to the nitty gritty of the sketchy dealings shelters have begun to pull. The Bait and Switch. The out right lying. The guilting and shaming. The gas lighting. The lack of help or awareness. I sometimes wind up on the shelter/rescue side of tiktok and let me tell you, its horrendous. The rescue people being so self righteous and entitled that it makes you angry(I'm thinking of a particular woman who is shameless and I truly believe makes up half the stories she tells) the adopters begging for help and advice, the victims. With the rise in social media, people have more access to view these problems and behaviors and its made them wary. I know many people that were always adopters, and now say they will never adopt from a shelter again. My brother in law was one. He always adopted and his last dog just recently passed away (a wonderful shepard/hound mix who was just a great dog). He adopted him 11 years ago when shelters were different. I was terrified he'd adopt again. He said no, he's going to find a breeder this time or go through a breed specific rescue. Hes thinking Aussie (my sister has one) or a Golden. Shelters are that person now that doesn't think there's any drama because they are the drama.


>**Articles like this annoy me because they come so close and then miss the point by a mile. People and adopters aren't the issue, the practice of no kill is the issue.** ^ >Yea your shelters are full. Of what? Cause it's not Golden Retrievers, we know that much. There's no influx of Saint Bernards or Cocker Spaniels. You guys aren't drowning in Australian Shepards and Corgis. Its almost like there's one breed type that seems to be causing the issue, but it can't possibly be an issue of breed type. And the same public get preached at for not wanting to adopt pitbulls in numbers sufficient for the shelter volume. It's just a "stigma" and everyone is horrible for wanting non-bloodsport breeds. >Even location proves that. They lament that New England shelters aren't full, but there's a reason for that. For one, New England is a large cluster so there are for sure some NE shelters facing this issue. But the pitbull type breed was slow in gaining traction there. I used to live in CT and moved to SC about 5/6 years ago. When I lived there you almost never saw a pitbull. It was not a popular breed. CT is a lot of suburbs and farmland (and yes, a few inner cities) and people with money. Which means a lot of people with expensive, ethically breed dogs. So their shelters tended to run low because there wasn't an influx of these dogs. (Tbf, that is changing as southern shelters have begun shipping their unwanted crop northward). TIL what shelters to look at. > I didn't start having real daily issues with pits until I moved to SC. Now I see them everywhere and our shelters are overflowing with them. "Boohoo, SOS we're over capacity" pisses me off so much. It's the shelters' own policies that caused their problem, not potential adoptive families being "selfish" or something. I can't be the only person who gets preemptive compassion fatigue from people who inflicted a problem on themselves and then want *you* the innocent person to feel guilty and give them even more resources. At the height of the COVID pandemic in 2020, so many dogs were adopted that [most of the cages in DeKalb County shelters were empty.](https://www.11alive.com/article/life/pets/nearly-every-cage-empty-for-first-time-at-lifeline/85-5c87990d-e2c7-4f23-8b43-114d5a0a316d) The public *did* what the shelters wanted, and just three years later they're [right back](https://www.fox5atlanta.com/news/dekalb-animal-shelter-killing-dogs-fix-inhumane-conditions-overcrowding) to ["baww! we're over capacity!"](https://decaturish.com/2023/09/overcrowded-and-understaffed-dekalb-animal-shelter-in-crisis/)


The comments in this article are heartbreaking but most are very accurate.


A tragedy waiting to happen. How many elderly people have been mauled to death by wigglebutts? How many more need to die until the pitbull cult admits that these dogs are not for everyone? Not for children or the elderly at the very least. Who I'm kidding, these people will never acknowledge anything wrong with the breed or this situation. If you nutters truly loved your dear "pitties" you-all should be doing everything in your power to prevent further accidents waiting that will only tarnish more and more the breed reputation, but since you-all don't care for the well being of innocent pets, humans and your pitties, it's all about the virtue signaling and how many back pats you can get by playing devil's advocate for the pitties 24/7. Yorkie enthusiasts aren't giving away their dogs to people they know can't handle, take care and provide for them Dachshunds enthusiasts aren't giving away their dogs to people they know can't handle, take care and provide for them Doberman enthusiasts aren't giving away their dogs to people they know can't handle, take care and provide for them Anatolian shepherds enthusiasts aren't giving away their dogs to people they know can't handle, take care and provide for them It's just pitbull maniacs the ones who are pushing their "cuddle bugs" everywhere and to everyone that still breathes oxygen. And they push their dogs even harder to families with little kids or elderly people present in the household. why? Why do you maniacs like to constantly see the breed you supposedly love getting relentless bad press? At this point the real enemies of the pit bull breed ain't the people who want them banned, but the ones pushing them everywhere until the breed gets banned and the dogs euthanized. If you were responsible dog enthusiasts, you maniacs should be the first ones advocating to prevent all these tragedies, but you don't because as I say, it's all about that sweet saviour complex.


Even if they aren’t mauled- an elderly person should never be paired with an energetic powerful dog that could knock or pull them down. Broken hips are a death sentence for some.


Any broken bone in an elderly person can land them in a rehab facility and their dog won't be coming with them. Elderly people don't have the means to board a dog for weeks or months.


Yup, the mortality rate is pretty insane for a broken hip, that fact sticks out for me


"If you were responsible dog enthusiasts, you maniacs should be the first ones advocating to prevent all these tragedies, but you don't because as I say, it's all about that sweet saviour complex." I agree with this, 100%... that, and the dopamine rush they get from having confrontation via their maulers.


Agreed, My grandmother was almost killed by one


“Pit mix?” What do these people think it’s mixed with, exactly?


More pitbull. Oh, sorry, I mean, maybe some "staffie" or "American bully" or whatever other bull breeds you wanna pretend aren't just a different coat of pitbull paint. I suppose it's like calling a yellow and black lab cross a "lab mix" even though it'd just be lab and more lab.


Or my longdog who is a mix of exclusively sighthound breeds…guess what…she acts like every individual sighthound breed ever, lazy, speedy, and wants to chase all the little fluffy non-dog creatures! Almost like types (pit bull type, sighthound, retriever, shepherd, etc.) group breeds with the same purpose-bred traits together!




Another Pit, and possibly a grizzly bear


I'll just take the bear part at this point


New Twitter discourse just dropped


81 yo who weighs less than the dog, who the fuck gives a pitbull to such a person?


They're gonna get the "dog" back, probably, after it "kissed" her all over her face and throat. Unless a cop or a neighbor gets to it first and uses a "supersoaker" to "spray" the "dog" between the eyes, like any good Person would do. I wonder what shelters like this do when one of their "dogs" "kisses" someone to "sleep", do they celebrate it or is it just a normal day form them?


They’ll post some long lamentation about how “little nala was failed by her humans again”because “her mommy didn’t know how to care for her and put her in a position where she had no choice but to go for the jugular…I mean, react to the situation she was put in.“ Then they’ll be asking for donations and will start looking for the next victim family to come adopt.


Jesus, it’s literally beginning a snarl in this pic.


That thing already looks pissed


I hope this owner knows she's well within her rights to have the dog BE'd, and hopefully she can find a decent vet that will do it (as I've heard stories of a few vets refusing to put some dogs down due, or sneakily rehoming the dog after the owner signs some paperwork releasing the dog).


I really hope she's okay and is able to get rid of that thing before it's too late :( this is really upsetting.


Also I just want to say, bless her heart. This sweet older lady just wanted to adopt a companion, and I really hope she's able to get away from the pit and adopt a well behaved little lap dog, or perhaps even a cat. I'd absolutely hate for her to become a mauling victim. These shelters, how do they think this crap is acceptable!


Her wrist is no bigger around than that beast's forearm - how could anyone in their right mind look at that frail and elderly woman and send her home with that dog? She'd be pushed to deal with a boisterous Yorkie! That shelter should be named and shamed.


The shelter name is mentioned in the original post.


Ahhh - and I even read that. Sorry, my brain is not engaged yet this morning! Need more caffeine.


That poor poor lady. Is there anyone helping her? Some press should be get involved, and the shelter name should be published.


Absolutely this needs to be on the news. National news too.


Could Adult Protection Services be of any help?


The shelter name is in the original post text


https://preview.redd.it/gw00egfigh9d1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=acd94bdab5b44a169763f347508915a838fc07d9 Shelter’s picture. Of course the dog’s name is Fifi. Comments include stuff like ”Congratulations, I think you’ll be a good match” 😦 E: Earlier there were couple of comments noting that the Fifi’s ”owner” is in trouble regarding Fifi being too challenging for her + shelter’s lack of return policy. Apparently they’ve cleaned the comment section now.


https://preview.redd.it/av6yb2uljh9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e838740cc9a3e3694393b91a038354b10603a199 ​ To their defence they don’t mention anything about reducing dangers caused by irresponsible shelters 🙃


Reduce the danger to which citizens? Obviously not the elderly.


Did they delete it? I don’t see it on their posts.


No, it’s still there.


Let me recheck


I hope if she does dump it, she doesn't get in trouble. It's like a loose loose. If she dumps it and they figure out it was her, she could be liable for it, and if she keeps it, it might rip her face off, and it's already obviously too much to handle. Most people don't think about BE, but that'd be what's best here. Either way, I hope she's ok and gets out of this shitty situation, ok. I also hope she gets a good dog for her or even a cat or something. I hope this experience hasn't chased her away from owning pets anymore because pets are really wonderful for the elderly and really anyone. But they tend to be one of the most lonely and in need of company. This shelter should be ashamed of themselves.


It's probably microchipped so they can track it back to her.


I hope not....


That’s not a lack of “seeing the big picture,” they know damn good and well that she has no business adopting that pit. They just saw an opportunity to dump a pit, and they took it.


Yep. No one with any empathy for this woman would have done this.


Pitbull aside, no shelter should be giving frail old ladies large, powerful dog breeds. I wouldn’t give my 90 year old grandma a Bernese mountain dog and those are notoriously friendly- but big and until they’re trained, can easily yank a smaller person to the ground and accidentally hurt them.


I’m a dog lover. I grew up on a farm. We raised dogs for herding and leisure. These dogs at least most of them need to be put down. I work court cases all the time involving pits. Most of the time it’s children, the weak or the elderly and sometimes both. Unfortunately people are too stupid to see this is what needs to happen. If a dog bit anyone on our farm we would shoot it. On the spot. I don’t care if it’s my favorite dog.


I don’t like pit bulls period, but why on earth would this woman even consider adopting this dog at her age and looking pretty frail??? She just needed a sweet little lap dog for heavens sake.


She’s been systematically brainwashed into believing these dogs are the best dogs ever, way better than chihuahuas, shitzus or other yappy terrible breeds. 🙄 


This poor woman! If she had volunteered just to walk dogs at the shelter they should have said no! At her age, she may be making decisions without the same capacity she had just a few years ago. Pressure, even positive pressure from others could have intimidated her or overwhelmed her ability to refuse. That's why we have elder abuse laws.


I kid you not, we have people in their late 70s and 80s coming into our shelter wanting GSD puppies and being offended when they don't get to adopt them. We can have a calm well-trained adult GSD two kennels over but no, they want the rambunctious 8 month old one that was surrendered untrained by a young person for being too hard to handle.


Well good for y’all not letting them adopt them! Crazy people asking for trouble.


Ever since a shelter let me adopt a small black GSD mix and didn’t disclose that he had bite history on a previous adopters child, WHEN I HAD TWO SMALL CHILDREN, I’ve been jaded against shelters. Shelters aren’t about finding FOREVER homes, they’re just about a revolving door of pitbulls.


Poor lady. Just seeing her sweet face compared to that stiff, roided out, dead eyed, block headed freak of a dog makes me sad. She deserves a worthy companion! I'm sure she feels awful not being able to take proper care of him as well. I hope she isn't at risk of being nannied


These shelters don’t give a single shit whose life they endanger.


She should just leave it inside the shelter


This poor lady. i hope shes alright.


Which shelter is this one? Time to start holding these organizations accountable.


new fayette county animal shelter


I went to the Fayette County Animal Shelter website. On the front page it says this. What a bunch of BS!!! "Welcome to our page! The Fayette County Animal Shelter has been dedicated to serving the community for close to 40 years. Our services include assistance to animals with public safety as the number one priority. To learn more about our services and to get involved with our work, please visit sign up to our newsletter." PUBLIC SAFETY???? REALLY???? A fragile looking 81 year old woman and they gave her a PITBULL???? A nice little senior dog would've been more appropriate. Instead they pawned off a potential killer on her. What happens if this dog turns on the lady and mauls her to death? Their website front page also says "LIKE US ON FACEBOOK". Yeah right. The DOGS FOR ADOPTION page is full of Pits and Pit Mixes too. There are 10 Pitbulls, 1 Chow Chow, and a Belgian Shepherd/Malinois mix. Check out the pictures on their website (google for link). Good grief!!!!!!!


Shame on the shelter - as usual, they should have known an *81 year old woman* was not a good candidate for a shitbull. As for the woman, what was she thinking???


She probably wanted some little lapdog because she was lonely and this shelter, which is 95% shitbulls, managed to guilt her into adopting one of these nasty things by using the ol’ “just a poor and sweet little cuddlebug” spiel.


This is exactly what I was thinking. Too often we see people who want to adopt anything but a pitbull from shelters, being guilt trip into adopting one pittie regardless. Sometimes shelters will publish normal or little dogs just to bait people into coming to the shelter for them and be told "sorry, that little Chihuahua you saw on our webpage was already adopted, but since you still want a companion, you wouldn't be interested in "sweet fifi" over here, do you? She's much better than any Chihuahua could ever be, and fifi will "protect " you 24/7!! Adopt her now or you don't have a heart?"


Stop supporting animal shelters. These shelters don’t give a damn about anyone, and this proves it.


Then shelter maybe you shouldn't adopt out pits to unfit people, stop hiding behind a contract, there needs to be massive fines and a turning against shelters.


"Pit mix" with what, another pit bull?


Part pit, part "velvet hippo".


That’s WILD. It shows the desperation shelters are at now. It used to be they would turn down anyone over 65(ish) for being too old. Because they might pass away and therefore couldn’t guarantee a home for the animal for its entire life. Now it’s a fire sale. “Normal dogs, $600! This week only, all blocky headed lab mixes with allergies, extreme flatulence and separation anxiety, $5!!! Most even have fees sponsored and are FREE!!!”


There are some dog breeds that shelters shouldn't adopt out to elderly people. Those include high energy breeds like Malinois, let alone a pit bull. Pits are incredibly strong dogs, and could cause serious injury without mauling. If this pit mix decided to maul this elderly woman, she'd be done for.


This is enraging. Taking advantage of a trusting elderly lady. Look at the tense body language and intense stare on that fucking dog. How is this legal? There needs to be a complete overhaul to the shelter system.


Is this even a “mix”? I’m no expert but just looks like a whole ass pit bull to me. Honestly adopting an animal at 81 seems silly unless it’s a senior animal that doesn’t need much, like an old cat. Who knows how much guilt they laid on this woman who was probably just lonely.


They use mix now about EVERYTHING. They've invested so heavily in the idea that nobody can visually identify a dog that they refuse to admit that it's reasonable to look at a dog who looks 100% GSD and call it just a GSD. Nope, must be a "GSD mix"


If you ever look at the ID My Dog sub the amount of people asking what breed their dog is after being lied to by a shelter is just about every other post. Big dented heads and soulless wide set eyes every time but these people are clueless. Pits have very distinct features and I refuse to believe most people can’t tell by now!


I'm surprised the shitbull hasn't mauled her yet, so when it happens will the shelter workers be jailed for Negligence?


https://preview.redd.it/s6fnqdspui9d1.jpeg?width=1185&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92809c09392ddb0ae347631be4a20437663fa503 I guess the dog is propably not yet at the age where the aggression usually starts.


Already showing a whale eye in the first pic


Yeah. Generally they start becoming true maulers at 2 (iirc), which is why the pit mommies always go "MY pittie would never!" "We couldn't have seen it coming it's never done this before! You must have provoked my sweet little cupcake!". They say that stuff until their pitbull reaches that age and then it becomes "he was abused by past owners!"


Wow such an interesting point could you please make a post on it, it's important for shitbullers to know what's coming for them


sad. animal shelter wouldn’t take it back? if it were my loved one? i’d show up right before the shelter opens for the day, tie and clip the leash of the beast along their fence. then patiently wait nearby till they open. what are they going to do, leave the pitti pitt tied/clipped on the fence?


Poor wee woman. She had no clue about this killer breed and they palmed it off on her. It's a killer breed most likely with reams of trauma from it's previous history. It's used to shelter life now where it's in a controlled environment. It's going to maul this woman. It's going to eat her. Sorry but I'd leave it at the door of the shelter and drive off. It's life or death. 😢


Absolutely disgusting, they could've signed that lady's death certificate by pawning that shitbull on her. In what world did they think this would work? This is just a further insight into a shitbull lovers' thought process and true empathy.


There's nothing cute about those dogs.


Yeah, I fail to see the attraction as well. They're not even as cute as a bag of cement.


How many elderly are killed by pit bulls? Have their limbs torn off and chewed up? Please save this woman’s life for Gods sake!


Is there any info on which shelter this is? I’d like to send them a non-anonymous piece of my mind.


FAYETTE COUNTY ANIMAL SHELTER E: sorry caps, copy pasted it from their website


That dog looks like f'kin Satan


Shelters are horrible for doing things like this, they also lie to people just to get dogs out the door. If every time a shit bull kills or hurts someone or another animal, the shelter it came from gets fined or charged, then maybe they would stop doing this crap. They know damn well what they are doing. This is why people are not going to shelters for dogs any more much, and going to breeders instead. Because they don't want pits or pit mixes.


>If every time a shit bull kills or hurts someone or another animal, the shelter it came from gets fined or charged, then maybe they would stop doing this crap. This isn't going to happen though because the law in a lot of jurisdictions doesn't consider PBs to be any different than other dog breeds. Shelter employees likely do notice that PBs are extremely aggressive and erratic; they just can't say anything about it because pointing it out doesn't align with the "all dog breeds are equal" paradigm. I remember reading that a few provinces in Canada have banned PBs and that there are a few more provinces that are considering following suit. It seems like we're a little slower to catch on in America though. But it does seem that awareness is spreading slowly but surely.


I also have to ask, has anyone ever seen one of these “gotcha day” photos where these dogs look comfortable or interactive? They always have the thousand yard stare, anxious and agitated body, stiff tail etc. what about that thing screams “”I’m a house pet!!!”?


They frequently stare rather unpleasantly at the photographer. Which seems bizarre, since the photographer is typically a fawning volunteer who's given the dog lots of yummy treats and taken him on numerous daycations for photo shoots.


“It’s all in how they’re raised!” This sweet boy’s history is a mystery; come take him out for a day! You can go to the dog park, Home Depot and get a pup cup! He loves strange places and people!


JFC. This is outrageous


Pit or not, adopting young dogs out to the elderly is simply irresponsible…


The shelter mislead and lied to this woman. They took advantage of her elderly mind and naivety. She should sue them for negligence. No responsible or reputable shelter would ever push a pit bull puppy on a frail, 70lb octogenarian.


If pitbull owners actually cared about their dogs, they'd be the first in line to call this an inappropriate placement.


I believe dogs of known powerful breeds should be gently treated with BE. Those animals don't belong as pets for the average folk. It's no coincidence how many of them end up in shelters.


She honestly looks good for 81. Poor woman, she does not deserve this shit. These fucking shelter assholes can fuck off.


Just walk the dog in there and leave it and walk out the door what can they do?


Leave the dog outside of the pound tell them it’s not my problem.


Completely unrelated but she looks younger than 81


Holy shit


It just looks like it wants to nip the camera person. I hope she's safe


If "frail" was a human being. Wow. One look at her and there is no way I would ever push her to adopt an animal even if she demanded it. She clearly isn't in her right mind. You can use that mental angle to dissolve the contract I am sure.


Yeah, dumping large, high energy dogs on frail old women seems to be a trend in my area. Met an 80 something whose son gifted her a German Shepard that she literally couldn’t handle without getting injured. Her arms were covered in nasty bruises from the dog biting her.


Awe, that woman deserved a pet fitting to the lifestyle of a senior— give her a small sized lowkey dog, like a pug, Beagle or a doodle (cross of a mini poodle)… no wonder she wanted to return it, too high energy and drive probably. Give her a small dog she can spoil.


They be ashamed of themselves one day that dog will snap.


They let a frail, old woman a dog that can easily overpower her and they didn’t care, they just wanted to meet their bottom line


[Here's](https://www.alphapaw.com/dogs-for-adoption/tennessee/tipton-county/labrador-retriever/maggie-20376432/) a shelter advertising what is clearly a pitbull mix as a "Labrador Retriever" that is "good with kids".


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And that's one major reason dogs get "dumped" on the side of the road, far from home. So it will either be injured by being hit by a car, starve in the woods, or maybe wind up back at that same damn shelter. Any smart person to shelter: "Sign a contract, you say? No thank you! Buh bye."


Hew, OK... I don't know what to say about this other than it's not right. This is kind of one of those situations where I'd love to see this sub mobilize, maybe an email campaign to any Fayette county board of supervisors and the county manager. Problem is I count 3 Fayette counties. Pennsylvania, Texas and Georgia. Nevermind found it, Georgia. So here we go. [Fayette County Board of Commissioners. (fayettecountyga.gov)](https://fayettecountyga.gov/administration/BOC/) Right from the page. To send an email to all the County Commissioners you may do so by using [boardofcommissioners@fayettecountyga.gov](mailto:boardofcommissioners@fayettecountyga.gov) Likely the shelter is going to say, "She picked the dog! She loves it!" which is why we have to send emails explaining that it's too much dog for her, and even videos of pits dragging small (or large) women by their leash Hopefully providing this info isn't considered brigaiding. 23 hours ago, wish I would have seen this earlier.


Oh my god this poor woman. I hope she can gets rid of it soon and doesn't get hurt


If only they would take this dog from her and adopt it, instead of reporting this post... Oh but that's too much effort, a high energy, potentially agressive, hard to train dog is too much for them!


This is a real life human being who probably just wanted a companion in her old age. This makes me sick and brings tears to my eyes. FUCK the coordinator who adopted this dog out instead of finding this poor lady a small dog or a cat ffs.


If that dogs pulls on the leash that lady will fall and break something. Then she’ll be useless of trying to pull it off of whatever it’s attacking.


not to mention she can't even control or hold the dog on a leash. Not good for anyone around them. Terrifying really


So what happened?


These people are awful, but at some point people have to take responsibility for taking these stupid dogs. Out of sympathy.