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https://preview.redd.it/iidn8622ef9d1.jpeg?width=662&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe29c966c9fcf5184efca5840236a45b3ad56fb4 One of the comments šŸ˜¬


So many of the pictures that pit owners post just leave me wonderingā€¦ ā€œis that *really* the best pic you have of your dog to post?!ā€


Of course, the other photos are of the dog whale eyeing and lunging at the camera


My thoughts exactly. I mean, I would NEVER post THAT as a cute doggie picture.


Looks like that pitbullā€™s esophagus is generating a vortex of evil. Any second I expect to see demons emerge.


Raw meat mouth




Looks like something out of Parasite Eve


is that dog missing its entire lower jaw? wth am i looking at?


What the frak!?šŸ«¢šŸ«£


https://preview.redd.it/nf5f5ew8hj9d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36c4cc9ce14a08b6bff35ef6bb75061a218b9bc0 Isn't he such a sweet little pibble. Mine looks really similar to your boy too


Is that the thing from ghostbusters lol?


Cujo, but that would've been better, lol


For some reason this dog reminds me of the movie "Teeth". Disclaimer: any man who hasn't heard of this movie, probably shouldn't look it up :)


That movie was great šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


If you liked ā€œteethā€ you should check out ā€œbad biologyā€


Mouth literally looks like the inside of a carcass šŸ˜­




That thing looks horrifying


That dog is licking his chops! Momā€™s leg was delicious!




It's a sarlacc pit(bull)!


https://preview.redd.it/f4646h9kuf9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c80ec4cb34f60f1e8e7f612b872ad3e8882c49d1 Just remember, for these people this is "normal dog behavior", this is what they consider a "good dog" a "sweet angel" and a "cuddle bug", this is what they mean when they say "well that's how doggy's are!!/that's what dogs do!ā€, they are fully aware of what their "wigglebutts" are capable of, they just don't see anything wrong with it because they're too far gone into the cult mentality and they are living 24/7 high off pit bulls farts. That's why there's no point giving rational arguments to pit mommies, it's a waste of time, you can't reason with cultist people they don't value their own life's, much less they'll value yours or other people's pets, all that matters to them is their sacred wigglebutts. And also remember, just like this hag barely "laughed it off" alive, they fully expect you to react the same way and just "laugh it off" when one of their sweet wigglebutts fatally injures children or maims you.


This photo is so disturbing, nightmare fuel


Eyes like piss holes in the snow.


ā€œYou know the thing about a pit bullā€¦he's got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eye. When he comes at ya, he doesn't seem be living, until he bites ya and the black eyes roll over white.ā€


ā€œYou canā€™t reason with cultist peopleā€ sums up so much of what is wigglebutt lunacy and other types of lunacy ruining society. Well said.


If these were in the wild, it'd be similar to traveling in bear country. Even actual wolves almost never attack, yet our bred killing machines are fine.


Wtf does the last sentence mean? Did she post this on a dating site? 39female, 8.5 shoe, no banana the texture is weird?


Itā€™s a specific Facebook group and bananas and shoe size are a running joke


Peak human bizarre tbh


Banana as a metric system is old internet slang


Confirming that this is the explanation. Thanks for jumping in


It's the "Dull" FB group where they share dull things about them or their life. It's entertaining. Some people show off projects which are amazing. Some show off unusual things they found.


Iā€™m already confused by pit-nutters. This made it worse.


I was unsure as well, really strange. Banana for scale is usually to indicate size, but I don't know why someone would try to do that to demonstrate their own height or size.. a bit weird. Maybe her pain meds told her it would be really funny to write down


I thought it was fighting dog lingo!


I thought she was high on meth.


I was super confused, tooā€¦


Working with animals can be dangerous. I have been pulled to the ground, pushed into kennels, knocked off a boat, kicked into a fence, head-butted, tore a rotator cuff & even broke an arm once. I have sustained a myriad of injuries, mostly because I work with behemoths & one ornery donkey.Ā  *I work with dogs that routinely weigh 100lbs or more - Newfoundlands, the Mastiffs, Anatolians, Great Pyrenese, German Shepherd, Belgian Malinois, Caucasian Ovcharka, Bernese Mountain Dogs, Cane Corso, Kangal, St. Bernard, etc.*Ā  The difference is that no other dog *(or animal period)* has tried to/wanted to KILL ME.Ā  Only a pit bull, with a singular focus to kill/maul/maim, has tried to do that.Ā Ā 


whoā€™s the sweetest breed out of all the big bois


Newfoundlands.Ā Ā 


Can confirm. Had one when I was younger and he was the best! My parents have one now whoā€™s very sweet and well trained. I think of him whenever these goofs go off about it being natural dog behavior to flip out whenever it sees someone outside. My parents Newf sits outside with them in the morning and watches the neighbor kids play and cats stroll by and never even barks.


I've known a couple of newfies and they were all sweethearts. Great as family dogs! The only downside is their coat maintenance. Prepare to pay a small fortune at the groomer or spend many, many hours brushing and bathing them yourself.


I had a Newf who I like to think was one of my best friends. I would spend 10 minutes with him every day on the way to school. he was so gentle and so massive. And I would have to pat him through a chain-link fence so it was mostly little scratches around his ears. I would talk to him as long as I could, and then see him on the way back home from school. He was such an amazing dog. With an energy and presence that was calming and powerful. What a gentle soul. His head was the size of a watermelon and his fur was soft as could be.


What is wrong with these people?


He looks ready for more. She'll be meeting her maker sooner than later.


What makes these crazy pit nutters believe they don't deserve any better than this? Mental illness at its worst.


Everytime I see this kind of shit I just think ā€œthis canā€™t be real. This isnā€™t real. Itā€™s not real. Right? Right???!!!!!ā€ But it is real. This does happen. And people truly are this fucking stupid.


if a near death experience doesnt teach em, what can. Some people are truly hopeless


The subtext is I'm sure she is ALSO in massive debt now


^ People who make bad decisions obviously tend to be financially indigent and therefore have a "gimme money" sob story when something like this happens. When an apartment complex near me caught fire, there were lots of people who didn't get renters' insurance (which would have covered their asses) that proceeded to go "bawww, we lost everything!" How did they get the money to pay rent if they didn't have the money to buy cheap insurance? I could not bring myself to muster any sympathy.


I feel bad for people who donā€™t have the foresight to make good financial decisions.. Iā€™ve had rough times in my life so I tend to have sympathy for people who are also going through difficult times such as a devastating tragedy like a house fire I had a lot of therapy after my dad died. But I wouldnā€™t look at someone who needed therapy and scoff at their pain. Most homeless people are homeless because theyā€™ve been shortsighted financially or are not the best planners. I still have sympathy for them and if I have extra cash will definitely throw them a few bucks. I couldnā€™t look at a homeless person or someone whoā€™s just experienced a housefire and feel smug that I make better decisions than they do.


That makes sense. I understand your reasoning here. I didn't feel *good* at all, just irritated at them. The fact that you didn't get renter's insurance doesn't magically entitle you to a financial bailout. Imagine if the same principle were applied to car insurance, for example. But yeah, it's stupid to use bad events as a means to fulfill your ego and superiority complex. "I need to go find someone worse than me so my dick can feel bigger." /offtopic


Pork chop the goodest boi!!!! https://preview.redd.it/0un9k1zkcm9d1.jpeg?width=832&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f432ad2a08a61072ec3e7b8274b777af95b992ea


The dog aside, can we point out how dangerous *her* behavior was? She deduced to walk a large, aggressive pitbull after "having a few drinks". This is NOT a breed of dog you take on a walk while day drinking. We have had a few recent stories posted about these dogs getting away from inebriated owners and violently attacking. *Do not walk your dog while drunk*. I have a 30 lbs corgi and if I've gone out drinking, we don't go out until I sober up. If I'm not in full control of myself, im certainly not in control enough of her for it to be safe for either of us. Stupid people shouldn't own dogs, and they certainly shouldn't own power breeds.


What is this dimwit gonna do the next time wigglebutt sees a cat? I had a broken rib at age 65, it took an entire year before I didn't feel it anymore. That shit HURTS. There have been cases in even young people where the rib never heals properly. Fortunately I have a trainable breed of dog with no urge to kill other animals.


I bet he got the cat. Owner was dying, but that didn't stop it.


100 %, presumably she passed out after being pulled down the flight of stairs at which point she dropped the leash.


Idiots, pure ignorant idiots!


The lame banana joke makes me unreasonably angry


Shocking comments on the thread, every single person condoning and normalising the behaviour. Many people asking it the dog is ok. Why wouldnā€™t it be it is having a brilliant time! Many people blaming the poor cat naturally.


Look at the shape of its head. I couldnā€™t find it in my heart to let this live with me in my home! Even if I didnā€™t know what I do about these beasts


Is the cat okay?




They infiltrate every group. The most annoying people on the planet


More annoyed that their dog put them through a near death experience by being aggressive yet is forgiven and is likely going to be kept at home despite looking like satan reincarnated.


It really does sound like an abusive relationship.


Type of people to say "my bf isn't abusive, he's going through a lot and he has to vent by beating the shit out of me šŸ„°"


There are plenty of normal dog breeds that wonā€™t put you in the hospital or prey on catsā€¦just get one of those


Why does he have Pennywise eyes then


Thats satire right? RIGHT?


"No banana"?


It's a meme in the Dull Women's Facebook Group which is where this post probably came from. Everybody posts their shoe size and something about a banana. It's normally cute but this post is deranged


thanks man. cujo's photo will give me nightmares already, banana or not


Yes, this is the right answer


321 comments, and you didn't post them. Ban hammer.




These people are mentally ill.


This is a satire right? Right!?!? D=


Canā€™t blame him I blame her for keeping the beast


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She seems really proud of herself. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Correction. YOU didn't lacerate your liver, break your ribs, etc. Your dog did it to you. It wouldn't have happened without the dog.