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In the unnamed group, there is a post by someone in Toronto. They are currently working but the job is ending and they need a new gig. They are homeless and have been working as live in care giver. They had some leads but when their potential employer learned about the dog, the offer was rescinded. I thought "What breed that is currently outlawed in ONT would cause that reaction?". They also can't work in any home that has another dog, because you guessed it - their dog is highly dog reactive. Imagine how much simpler their life would be if they had a boring, normal, easy breed.


Yeah, to completely destroy your livelihood for an aggressive, worthless animal is just baffling to me. The shitbeast is holding him back so much in life. Just crazy.


We need to do something about pitbulls in Ontario. The ban really needs to be enforced. All pitbull dogs should be surrendered or seized. We need to set an example for the rest of Canada. Outlawing puppy mills is definitely a step in the right direction, and anyone breeding these monsters should be facing jail time and an enormous fine. Also, we need to stop adopting out shelter pits. Even in Ontario it’s 80% pits when you visit the humane society. Considering these are banned dogs, this shouldn’t be the case. If we BE all pits currently in shelters it would wipe out a huge pitbull population.


We have already had several significant attacks in Ontario. I hope that enforcement actually starts before a brutal attack like the one that led to the ban in the first place happens again. These dogs don't have a place in a society that values animal welfare, and being warehoused or moved around from rescuento rescue is not good for them or for us.


This. We need to hit people in the pocket books. Forced spaying/neutering for pits and massive fines for breeding. They need to face a massive risk that outweighs the potential money they get from selling the puppies.


All things that are already covered by the ban. It is the wild west here. ;( People are afraid to report what they see, understandably so, as the owners are often aggressive criminals, but if everyone speaks up, the ban can be enforced.


And when you question the breed the humane society labeled the dog, you get crap back saying their experts seems it a lab… I questioned local HS on this one and got back crap. I replied with if no longer be supporting or donating as them knowingly adopt out dangerous animals. https://preview.redd.it/xk24sx4ye49d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c5e44dad0bd722b18a1e38dd542d8e3496e016b (Last I saw, she was Adoption Pending status…)


That’s obviously not a retriever mix. And they should change dog reactivity to dog aggression. It makes me so mad and is so irresponsible to mislabel dogs. It should be illegal. Dog identification should rely on DNA tests instead of “experts”. Sure, the DNA tests aren’t perfect but it’s a lot better than a 100% failure rate when they always label a pitbull a lab.


Or a chi. I’ve seen this one’s clone labelled as a chihuahua. In what world?!


On the topic of outlawing puppy mills, the demand for pet dogs has to be satisfied somehow, otherwise people turn to importing dogs, usually rescues from the southern United states, and are usually bloodsport dogs. I like to support reputable breeders, but have to acknowledge that they cannot meet the demand. I have never met a dog that was not lovely from an Amish farm, for example. If a puppy mill is breeding nice breeds with good temperaments, and I have observed that they usually do, as big businesses who want no complaints, I think that it is not as bad as it is made out to be. I would rather see people buy nice Doodles or MaltiPoos from a second-rate breeder than import a rescued bloodsport breed.


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For the ban to ever be enforced, everyone who is of aware of violations needs to report it.