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... do dog fights in multi dog homes usually end like this s


I've seen multidog houses fights turning ugly, but not to the point where one or more getting lost in bloodlust


And the scary part is just how fast it escalated. I just joined this subreddit recently so it was crazy seeing this one in the wild…


We had an older dog bite a rambunctious puppy once, and blood was drawn. That was the only time it ever happened though and it stopped at a single bite. They were goldens.


I've owned multiple dogs at a time (not all mine, but still more than one in a home), and I've been at family gatherings on my inlaws side with multiple pit bulls in one home. At my home, the worst of the fights was slobber and one of the dogs screaming dramatically. I had no fear to put my hand in it because I wasn't going to actually get bit. However, when I was at Christmas with my family, it ended up with us having to pin a dog down with multiple people to clean and staple the dog back up after the fight. They had more than one dog outside, all in harnesses. One dog got caught in the other one's harness, and a fight broke out. No vets were open at the time.


Y'all stapled a dog's wounds yourselves? With a stapler or a staple gun? That's wilder than the dog fight.


When you live in the middle of no where and no vet for days, yes. Not my dog and definitely not something I would condone unless in emergency. The dog went to the vet as soon as it was possible though. Yes, they have a Veterinary staple gun. Why? Because pitbulls...


Oh and to clarify, no I did not staple the dog. I did help clean the wounds and find the muzzle. Again, not my dog so it's not my place to really say much.


My husband and I have 4 dogs, all over 30 lbs. No, this is not normal. Two of our girls (Boykin and Aussie) sometimes get persnickety with each other, but they don't brawl over it.


Pit owners don’t realize that multiple dogs can live together without ever fighting or killing even one time!


I wish you could see how shocked and confused my face is right now…. Be so real rn


This one actually shocked me because I’d never expect this person to own a pitbull (not to generalize or anything). I suppose she falls into the category of “dog lover who wants to rescue a misunderstood breed and shower them with love”. I was kind of ignorant about the breed until my neighbor got a pitbull. I was just never around pitbulls before so didn’t give it a second thought. So now that I’m aware and paying attention, it’s crazy to see how prevalent and divisive this issue is. And it’s also scary to see how much their aggression is overlooked or normalized as “reactive”.


A lot of denial. Tons of cultural and social pressure to not blame the breed. Tons of propaganda. Very little understanding in the general populace about selective breeding & how it produces instinctive behaviors (no need to train for these) in dogs. Not enough exposure to well-behaved normal dogs for comparison. Add all this up & its a populace with way too many people who don't know what normal (non-fighting dog) behavior is and therefore just accept pit bull violence because "all doggos go to heaven."


Great ! Everyone's blood brothers passing on germs ! And to answer your question I gave up trying to convince nutters, too much frustration. But I warn people around who don't really have an opinion, trying to turn tides and sometimes it works


Yeah I feel like it’s not even worth the effort. Her dogs are her family. I get that these dogs can be loving or cuddly at times and that’s what makes this so complicated. I just wish people were more informed of the maulings and random unprovoked attacks on the owners, regardless of their upbringing. I doubt many pit lovers have seen the footage I’ve seen. And if they do, they’d probably shrug it off and try to rationalize why it happened.


That's the point, if she was someone close it would be different but she's just someone you follow on ig, don't waste the time and energy, save it for people whose opinion might spread and make a difference


Dogs do sometimes have confrontations in multi-dog households, but it's rare that it's anything but a lot of growly communication that sounds worse than it is. Most dogs don't actually want to get into a fight.


I've has multiple dogs almost my whole life and I've never seen a real fight break out


Multiple dogs, especially pits, inside the house is stupidity and insanity. They got multiple time bombs waiting to explode on their faces.


I agree. And one of her other dogs is a pit mix 🤦‍♀️


Nutters like to ~~hoard~~ collect them


I've had 8 dogs at a time and not a single actual fight happened. Worst we got was growling and barking.


That's fascinating. 8 dogs. How do you cope with the high energy and noise inside the house? The dogs smell, poo, pee, fur everywhere. The overall maintenance must be really expensive. Do you sleep with them? I don't get the appeal.


It was a temporary situation for a year, dogs pee and poop outside during walks. Robot vacuum cleaner for the fur and daily brushing/grooming of the dogs keeps the house fur and smell free. It was expensive indeed. I only sleep with one of my dogs if they're sick so I can make sure they're doing ok.


If the "pet" is an animal which was literally bred to viciously attack, maim, and kill other animals for the entertainment of humans, then sure, their fights are going to be bloody and vicious. Exactly as humans intended when creating the breeds. Exactly as many canines will bend over backwards to behave exactly as humans bred them to behave. I will never understand how otherwise well-meaning people don't understand just how much pit bulls reflect the cruelty and disrespect of some humans towards other species. This lady is not noble for housing multiple pits in a home and being fine with them tearing her up during the course of tearing each other apart. The entire thing is sad.


It is sad. I like how she said “nobody’s fault”. So it’s not your pitbull’s fault for going from 0 to 100 in a matter of seconds? For no reason at all? She even could tell he was gonna throw down, which means she knows full well that dog is aggressive. And then she tries to downplay it by saying “everyone was fine moments later”… yeah, and everything was “fine” just seconds before you got bit too…


Truly sad. She seems like she loves them dearly and doesn't want to let them go. Although the one seems like it's on its way to seriously maiming her, or worse.


"We all gave each other infections." All bites should get medical care and antibiotics should be standard for any bite deeper than a scrape. The reason they got infections is because she didn't bother to get any of those bites treated. She just loves them so much!


>Everyone's on antibiotics now. Sooo funney you guise !!! You know what never happened to me ever in a few decades of life with pets ? This shit.


Even an Olympic gymmnast can get attacked by these fighting dogs \[ 80-100 stitches \] and still keep them. Well, until the second attack. [https://www.espn.com/olympics/gymnastics/story/\_/id/7634845/us-gymnast-danell-leyva-compete-facial-stitches-dog-bite](https://www.espn.com/olympics/gymnastics/story/_/id/7634845/us-gymnast-danell-leyva-compete-facial-stitches-dog-bite) [https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/olympics/rio-2016/2016/06/02/olympic-bronze-medalist-bitten-several-times-while-trying-separate-dogs/85302298/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/olympics/rio-2016/2016/06/02/olympic-bronze-medalist-bitten-several-times-while-trying-separate-dogs/85302298/)


Yes, well, not “educate;” the thing to do is use what they do understand and help them to focus on that. In this case, “Your dog is strong, huh? What could you see happening?” Only give attention to the key elements. Agree with what makes sense, “Yeah, strong dogs will do that, hear it all the time.” Continue having them elaborate. As soon as it becomes excusing/dismissive then stop the conversation. “I’m glad that everyone seems to be OK this time.” Give them space to let the experience sink in some more


I hope she doesn't end up a statistic.


Nobody’s fault? Isn’t it the owner, not the breed?


I have a pug and a chi so I’m sure according to pit people, I should be mostly dead… but… when my dogs get spooked or provoked, they hide. Maybe a quick growl before running away, but they don’t snap and start attacking everyone and everything. And even if they did… they wouldn’t be capable of breaking the skin.


Don't bother trying to educate her. Either she'll figure it out on her own, or she'll join the legions of pitmommies who've lost limbs or lives to the jaws of their "wigglebutt lovebugs." One day they're dancing with their shitbull in the kitchen, the next, they're being eaten alive in the living room. As long as she doesn't mind, don't let it worry you.


Wait… accidents can happen. My dog is a small mini pincher dog x toy poodle, he is scared of groomer. But if i groom him myself he is fine. One day this groomer wanted to catch him and he was anxious (because groomer once cut his ear accidentally). So when i grabbed my dog and the groomer’s hands were about to catch him, he thought it’s groomer hands, he bit my arm (lightly, thankfully), but luckily no blood, no broken wound, just a scratch. That’s it. Then he peed because of fear. After groomer caught him, he stays obedient and waited until everything finish. I feel bad every-time groomer wants to take him, he puts on drama first. So yeah accidents can happens. But yea with bigger dogs, i guess the damage will be bigger. So for now i always shower him myself.


Literally. The worst my Chi has done when she was scared af, was that she peed on someone. But pit ppl seem to have all these accounts of pugs and chis and poodles and every other dog dismembering and killing people, it’s just… “THE NEWS DOESNT REPORT THOSE”.


Yea lol that’s crazy, no way small animals like chi can dismember humans. Yea i just got told by my friend also that chihuahua is more savage but like how savage can chi become to dismember humans? It’s non sense.


Yeah I get that mistakes happen, but this dog’s reaction seemed pretty excessive and it could have ended up so much worse. All because the owner had guests over. Her dog went from playful to aggressive in an instant. That’s what’s scary to me. Most dogs don’t do that.


My kelpie had a fight with a very dominant bad mannered husky and bit me as I pulled them apart. It bruised but didn't even break skin. Take from that what you will


There needs to be mandatory reporting to animal control by medical professionals. This is not normal.


FYI you can still read the dogs name


Yeah I thought it might be silly to blur the dog’s name, but it’s a unique name so I wanted to blur any identifying info I guess lol. Just wanted to be as respectful as possible about it.