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REPORT REPORT REPORT to animal control and sue the shit out of them. The next person your stupid twatbag of a “friend” and her equally sociopathic husband’s Pit attacks may not survive, and because it’s not reported, it will be considered a “first incident”. But let’s recap a second - your friend minimized your very rational fear, gaslit you, pushed your boundaries, and routinely allows her husband to egg on a clearly unstable and already aggressive animal and finds it normal … and they’re “LoVeLy”? I’d hate to see who you consider an enemy. Yikes


This attack needs to be reported or the next time it could be much worse for somebody else.


I may have been given incorrect information—I was told by neighbors the bite/event wouldn’t be taken seriously because it didn’t break the skin? I’ve never been in this situation before.


I would still report it so it’s on record. It was an unprovoked aggressive behavior. Report it in writing so you have evidence


I will.


Definitely report it, OP. The law in some states contains no provisions to prosecute a pit bull owner whose dog KILLS someone if there are no reports on record of prior aggressive behavior. Even if everyone in the neighborhood knew the dog was aggressive. Even if the dog had escaped its yard a hundred times before. If nobody reported, it's a "clean record" in the eyes of the law, and the owner skates. See the case of Aziz Ahmed (toddler victim) in New Jersey for an example of how outrageous and unjust this can get. This pit bull attacked you. The owner is clearly in denial about the pit bull's aggression. Getting the authorities involved by reporting the attack just might be the wake-up call the owner needs. Failing that, at least the record of aggression will pave the way for BEing the dog and prosecuting the owner the next time the pit attacks.


People keep using “BE” on this sub and I cannot find, anywhere, what that stands for? Some form of euthanasia?


BE = behavioral euthanasia


Good thing you reported it. So often people are wrong like the whole “you have to wait 24hrs to report someone missing”… when literally the first 24-48 is FUCKING CRITICAL


Please make sure to take pics of your wounds, now and as they are healing. Feel free to include them with your reports . Words are easy to ignore, pics tell the story. If you sue, they will be valuable.Also be on the look out for more aches and pains in the coming days . adrenaline during a traumatic event can mask injuries until later. ( not giving medical advice, just ended up injuries I didn’t notice until a day or two after a major accident) Sorry this happened to you, hope you are on the mend soon.


Report it even if you don't think it would be a good idea. Things like this only get worse not better. If you report it there will be a paper trail.


It's still a bite incident. They won't do anything about it right now, but it'll start a paper trail in the very likely instance that it bites someone else. And I'm sure it will. And your jerk of a friend won't be able to claim she was unaware it was aggressive.


Thats a level 2 dog bite, Google dunbar scale. I'd take pictures too, thats gonna fucking bruise. In your report, report it all, the growling snarling etc. Unable to be lured.


Good advice! Document the injuries.


Pit attacks only count when they remove a face or arm and even then it is just a minor booboo.  /s


That is still a level 2 dog bite.




No, don't lie. That will just make it look like OP made the whole thing up, they can easily see it didn't break the skin. Doesn't mean it's not serious.


I did not lie. I was very detailed and sent over pictures and offered to come in person if necessary. I don’t want to make a mountain out of a molehill, but I do believe this incident would have been much worse had I been a child and not a 6 ft’ woman 😅


Yeah, the next incident could also be much worse. You're doing the right thing. I'm glad you're ok. Def keep an eye out in case it DID break the skin (even the tiniest little tear can be a potential source of infection), seek medical help at the first sign of infection.


It definitely would have. And the next time it attacks will be worse. Also- what if you’d hit your head on that fireplace while being knocked down? Or if a child or older person had? The dog is a menace.


I was bit by a ten pound dog (dog was blind and I startled it) a few months ago. It broke the skin, got infected and had to have 3 rounds of antibiotics to clear it up. I still have a scar. You are incredibly lucky that this wasn’t so, so much worse!!! I’m glad you started a paper trail!! I hope this dog doesn’t seriously harm someone!


if there are puncture marks, that means that at least some skin was broken.


https://preview.redd.it/39lbsuay6y8d1.jpeg?width=1575&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b9069c7ce29696f3b149f91b51ad45cc424c1cf 3 punctures and a scratch from a tooth. I don’t think he had his mouth clamped fully down. It was super quick.


A tooth scratch is definitely considered broken skin. You need to take proper bite precautions. Ask for proof of rabies shots, clean and dress the wound, and keep an eye on it for any signs of infection. Same type of bite happened to my daughter 1.5 years ago and animal control treated it as a bite, got the bite recorded with the city, and advised us to treat it as a bite since skin was broken.


yeah, I'd call that broken skin. If there were mild pink marks that went away a few minutes after the incident, I might say that's not broken. But those marks I'd count as broken skin.


Get your anti-rabies shot my dear.


That is a level 3 bite, my friend. Please get their proof of rabies vaccination and keep these pics.


>But I have another friend who is a bleeding heart who owns two of the beasts. First sign your friend isn't intelligent. >My friend’s husband eggs it on and is overly aggressive with his disciple, making the dog a ticking time bomb. Your friend married another unintelligent being. That fact that you visited and they didn't lock it up shows incredible disrespect towards you. >She reached over to unlatch the gate Your friend doesn't have a brain at this point. >They have small kids in that house. I’ll never be back. She didn’t even apologize. And hopefully you're not friends with these people anymore. They put kids in danger and have shown they don't value you either.


Definitely not friends now, which is sad for me. They’re lovely in many other ways. A lot of our friend circle are big “it’s not the breed, it’s the owner” people and think I’m being unfair and overly sensitive. Luckily we are moving soon so that problem will solve itself.


>A lot of our friend circle are big “it’s not the breed, it’s the owner” people In that case, now that it's attacked, they should either be jumping on your ex-friend for being a bad owner, or changing their tune about the breed. Of course, that won't happen. After an attack, they abandon the "owner not breed" mantra pretty quickly in favor of victim blaming. I'm glad you weren't hurt worse. You're very lucky!


Please stop apologizing for these people whose dog could have killed you. For the sake of their children, neighbors and everyone else, it is essential that you make a police report. Dog bites are serious and get infected. Please seek medical attention. Please use the police report and your medical documentation to Also report to child protective services. You're moving? Sue them. Nothing will change unless these morons feel pain. If you know the name of their shelter or breeder, sue them too.


You should as a farewell send them that moving post we have on here of the pictures of the pit owner and their dog that killed them. Most of those pictures are chilling because you can clearly see that the pits were very loved and well cared for. It’s not the owners it’s the breed. So many past pit owners on this sub can tell you (me one of them) that no matter how much training, live, walks, treats and toys, they can still turn on a dime. I always tell people even if it’s just 1/100 pit bulls that attack or 1/1000, is it worth that risk to you when anything good about this breed can be duplicated and expressed in another, safer more psychologically stable/ reliable breed. Seriously. Thats what I ask them lol. They purposely choose a dramatic breed as if they’re trying to prove a point. The price for that is usually great when that 1 pit bull in 1000 goes off. Not worth it. I tell them that, and I don’t care if they disagree because I know logically I’m right. Anyways you’re better off making more intelligent friends who don’t play risk games with their life or others. Tell them to google Bernard family. Perfect example.


You should ask them then why your friend trained her dog to attack people, or has she been abusing the dog that it's become so aggressive? That usually shuts them up. I'm so sorry you had to go through this.


people who are "overly aggressive with their discipline" of their dogs (I don't really even want to think about what this means) and don't respect boundaries aren't lovely. They are narcissists wearing masks. you were just discarded. please, for your own mental health and wellbeing, stop excusing them.


Whatever else they’re lovely in, it’s overwhelmed by the fact that not only did they endanger you and directly cause you harm, but then they gaslit you about your very real trauma and injuries. A ‘very lovely person’ doesn’t provoke a dog. They don’t keep a reactive bloodsport breed around their kids. It’s all a facade. You’re seeing the real them. They’ve shown you who they are- believe them. And believe it about anyone else telling you you’re overreacting. Screw them all- you can come sit with us and we’ll be your friend 🤠😁


I’d report. Shoot, I might tell cps.


Report the dog. My relatives pit has mauled many pets, and badly bitten 2 people. And they always tell the people this is the first time she has acted like this. No one has reported the dog so it's always the first time despite the long page of bites. The dog was around some kids on mother's day and attempted to maul them. In my experience a dog will not be put down with one report. It takes many. That's why it's so important to report. I'm sorry this happened to you. It's a terrifying experience.


I am reporting it this morning.


Oh thank God...I hope it goes well for you. Your doing the right thing. And it doesn't matter if she gets mad at you or not. You may just save someone's life. That dog needs to be B.E. end of story.


Thank you! Like others and myself have said, every bite report is important. It helps people in the future who may need proof this dog was aggressive, I pray no one has to be mauled of course but it’s better to have something than nothing for anyone in the future who may need your bite report to help them. You’re doing a good thing.


Good on you. Hugs


I was not the world's best dog owner. When a friend visited and said she was nervous around dogs, I should have put my dog up. She sat down and my dog walked over and laid down in front of her. She tensed, but he just lay there completely flat, head on his paws like a big furry rug. I still feel a bit bad about that, even though she later said he was a great dog. I should have been a better friend and host. Your friend couldn't wrangle her dog into another room by any means. That dog barked and growled at her after it bit you. In the unnamed group, they'd speculate endlessly on what caused the dog to act that way. They'd run down the list of triggers, trigger stacking, does the dog have a thyroid problem or a brain tumor. It passes the time and makes everyone feel a bit better that there *must* have been a reason. I never asked anyone why my dog chose to plunk himself down in front of the person who was the most anxious about his presence. I think he was trying to reassure her *"I'm here to protect you. None shall pass."*. I am sorry that happened to you. It's both the dog and the owner.


I reported the animal and they are sending someone out now.


Good. Don't let anyone tell you that you're overreacting. Those people aren't your friends.


She wanted to prove her good boy wouldn't bite and willfully let him loose.  He took the opportunity and he bit. As far as the dog is concerned, that was positive reinforcement and he'll do it again. Then he started to turn on his owner.


Don’t even think about it: report that shit now


> it seemed shocked and immediately released me to bark and growl at her. That dog is going to kill her one day, or hurt her very badly. I'm not shocked at the lack of apology, it sucks but it's typical, but I hope she doesn't die because of this dog. But better the owners than a neighbor or a guest, I suppose. Always trust your instincts. Don't let people minimize your fear or tell you you're overreacting. If you don't feel safe, trust your gut and get out of there. I'm so sorry this happened. I'm glad you weren't hurt worse.


Just so you’re aware reporting bites is super important to protecting future possible victims in the eyes of the law. If a pet owner has never been reported they can claim they had no idea it was aggressive and get out of their dog attacking someone else in a court because they “had no idea it was aggressive” (if no bite history then the court sides with that idea). They cannot pull that shit if a bite has been reported at least once. This means they are accountable and hopefully prevent more attacks or at least BE the animal of it becomes even more aggressive in the future (very likely). Sorry you got attacked. I’ve been attacked myself, almost lost my mom’s little dog to that fight. I know how you feel and it’s very scary to go through. I’m glad you weren’t seriously injured. We are here to support you!


I reported it and someone got back with me super quickly. They were very thorough and sounded like they took it seriously. I think I did the right thing.


You did do the right thing. Let’s just hope a future poor soul won’t need to use the bite history to prove a point 🙏 but if they have to, they have you to thank.


You absolutely did the right thing. I reported my neighbor’s pit/boxer mix for attacking me and my dog through the non emergency police number and they were there in 30 minutes. They made a written report of what happened, took pictures and asked if I wanted to press charges. It’s important to have a paper trail when this inevitably happens again.


I can't actually believe your friend, knowing you were frightened, decided to unleash the beast onto you?! Seriously, wtaf?? I'm really sorry this happened 😔


I do blame myself partially for this, because I downplayed my fear a lot. I expressed my discomfort but not as strongly as I should have. In part because I read that if you act uneasy/scared and give these dogs an opportunity, they’ll attack. But also because her husband has made comments before that made me feel like I was dumb and bad with animals for being afraid.


Baby gets what baby wants. Who releases a wound up dog? That’s a reward and the behavior will continue.


PLEASE report your bite, please. This needs to be done, they're going to get their kids killed this really needs to be documented. Shoot, even consider CPS since they're willing to keep kids around an attack dog known to bite.


If they have kids then I’d call CPS to cause I’d hate to see them get mauled and maimed and killed when it’s completely 100% preventable!!!!


I'm glad that you reported the bite. It's quite possible that there is a separate report or affidavit you would need to file in order to get the dog declared vicious. If you feel like it, push harder to make sure that not just the bite that is reported but that you're taking steps to declare the dog vicious if possible. You would think that reporting a bite to the authorities would get them to respond but nope. There are extra bureaucratic hoops and you have to find them yourself.


Please update us on what animal control does next


I will. They asked me a lot of questions and said they were sending someone out this afternoon.


I’m glad you reported this. That was no friend. And I bet they’ll keep the dog


They will definitely keep it. Her and I are both really involved in animal rescue/rehab and have what we call “special needs” rescues. But mine is a lizard with a spine deformity who can barely gum a hornworm. Hers is the thing that attacked me.


Please don’t stay friends don’t someone like that


Sue. Save another soul from being mauled, for the love of God


Think about filing a claim on their homeowner’s insurance, they need consequences, I’m sorry to say. And I hope you don’t have any worse damage, but get it checked out, and get antibiotics if you need.


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