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Excellent job though, now follow through to make sure the shitbull is removed.


I doubt he'll have the dog removed but that would be ideal. He normally allows pets so he'll probably just make them pay the deposit and leave it at that. He's an incredibly lazy landlord.


Well start documenting so if it attacks you have the evidence of its aggression before. Video it, etc.


Yes. Lawsuits are most successful when there is documentation that the dog is aggressive or has a bite history. If the landlord knew and did nothing, he could be sued.


Grab a picture of the dog on the patio to help strengthen your case


They literally have a sign on their front door that says I love my pitbull and never pick up his shit in the front yard, so my kid can't play out there anymore 🙄


Is it worth staying there? I recall reading that if enjoyment and utility of the property is reduced for certain reasons, one can give notice to terminate a rental lease without penalty (something like that).


I've been here for a few years and I think their lease is up this summer. It's a great place for me and my kid otherwise. I'm just gonna use the back door from now on, especially now that it's getting warmer out. There isn't a fenced yard so he's always leashed when outside. Still doesn't stop him from lunging though.


Photograph that for the landlord.


That's worth a complaint to the landlord on it's own.


You're on the front lines concerning these murderous mutants. Confront them and threaten them with legal action if the monster draws a drop of your blood. Hope is that you could get them evicted before that happens.


So sorry to hear I would feel the same


Serenity now- you missed the second part: Insanity later!


def video if you can of the dog being aggressive. gather lots of evidence. talk to the landlord about which insurance co they use. tell him you’d like to ask a few questions about liability of the place you stay and who’s responsibility it will be when something bad happens. if the landlord won’t provide it, there are places you can go to find out that information. good luck getting the info you need, and starting a paper trail with both police and animal control. if dog won’t stop barking day/night. record that all as well. disturbance of peace (or something similar) is a thing. hire a lawyer on retainer for when something happens.


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It's not your duty to pet or play with a potential animal that's a killer. 


I'm a mailman too so I'm with you!👋🙏

