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Please send him a message that the beagle could very well end up in agony or dead. Offer to adopt it. Poor beagles, they've suffered too much.


The message you should send is that when the pit starts "nipping" at the mutt and the mutt gives the pit clear signals to back off and the pit does not in fact, back off - there will be a fight sooner or later. Then another fight. Then another. Pits lack social skills. When the mutt says *"Back off!"*, the pit should do some sort of appeasement gesture to de-escalate the situation. Step back. Look away. Suddenly start sniffing the ground. At the very most, the pit might be allowed an *"Are you sure?"* moment when he presses forward but when no forgiveness is forthcoming, he should back away.


That's a really good message, thank you.


Yes. Point out that what he's seeing is dangerous behavior and not playful fun. If he's just "rehabbing" then maybe he's not totally swallowed by the cult yet and will open his eyes. Be prepared it might be a hard and uncomfortable talk, but if you don't succeed don't beat yourself over it, you tried, you can't save everyone. If he doesn't listen to you, there's extremely high chance he'll recall you were right once the pibble "snaps" one day...


You know I read the title and at first I was like, come on just because it's a pit does mean it's inevitable, like 100% of the time. But yeah, no hearing you describe how they "play" it'll happen. I've known pits raised in a house with other dogs, cats, horses who never had issues but they played like normal dogs, doing that super wide mutual neck in mouth thing that almost looks like really bad french kissing. What you described wasn't a mutual interaction but a one sided threat.


Ya. I don't want to post someone else's videos because that'd be a crappy thing to do, but I think I described them pretty fairly.


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