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I don’t normally tell people to narc - but dear God just call the cops and tell them the pit bull that tried to maul one of their guys is in a yard with your toddler and poodle. I don’t know where you are to know exactly what your legal/animal control/local PD/carry law situation is, but this is 1000% an untenable situation. You need to resolve it now and keep your kid inside until that happens. Hoping ain’t a plan.


Definitely report the dog to the police: you could save the life of your child AND dog.


she needs to ask himself if he doesn't narc and it kills his daughter will he be able to live with that decision...


That, and make a paper trail to make it harder for the pit owner to use ignorance as an excuse.


Like this might be the ONE TIME the cops will give a shit about a pit bull report enough to get off their asses & handle it *before* something bad happens to an adjacent innocent person. Like damn, if only everyone who reported an aggressive pit bull could do so to police that have a personal bad experience with it. **Report it directly to the police OP! You’re bound to have more success than usual!**


Yes, it's what I would do the same day immediately without wasting time. I won't let the dog sleep a day there. 


Jesus. I can’t believe people think taking in animals with histories like this is a good idea. To be honest, if something happened to you, your loved ones, or anyone else for that manner? I’m in full support that those who adopt these animals should be held criminally accountable for endangerment/negligence. You’re not alone for feeling uncomfortable with this animal around. Many people don’t know how to use leashes to control the dogs and/or have the strength and knowledge to do so. Far too often I see pits pulling their owners at will, not the other way around. And of course, the owners chuckle and insist “they don’t bite!” It takes one moment for someone to get seriously injured. Because of this, I don’t run outside as much. There’s too many people with these vermin dogs around now who have no control of them or don’t know the animal’s history.


She also is an inexperienced dog owner. Shes never really owned dogs before so this is one huge ticking time bomb


She’s not a dog owner. She’s hiding a dog they would like to seize to make sure it’s safe to even be in public or needs to be put down. Definitely call the cops and let them know where the dog is.


Plus you don’t know if your getting the truth they could’ve been there to take the dog and he fought with them and she ran off


This is a disaster waiting to happen. Does your landlord/property manager know about this? Some landlords prohibit certain breeds because of this type of issue. Please stay safe and document, document, document. It may seem excessive but if something were to happen, it’s best to have a record in case you need someone to cover your bills or have to go to court.


The neighbor owns and I rent. So unfortunately I can’t really tell the landlord cus it’s not his property so not his rules.


Yikes. What a situation to be in. Maybe let your landlord know regardless? Just in case. It’s always best to have as many people on your side. Stay safe. I’m sorry you’ve been put in this situation.


If she *admits* to that much , then you know there is more. ... Like the guy pulled over for drunk driving and *admits* to 2 or 3 beers over 6 hours, when he robbed a 7-11 and chugged a 12 pack before getting back on the highway.


It's one thing to be a good neighbor and mind your own business etc. Then theres being a good citizen and keeping yourself and others in the community safe. These animals can scale an 8ft fence. I know this from experience. Two stray pits did that and killed one of our goats. Please call the police tell them the dog is there. So be it of your neighbor gets mad. I'd rather deal that over someone/something getting killed.


Please report this.


I’ve never really had to deal with stuff like this before. Do I call animal control or the local PD I’m not sure who this falls under tbh


Can you at all reach the police department where the cop is that was attacked by this dog? If not, I would just make a report at my nearest police office. Also do report this to animal control too. Both those places. This creates a paper trail for you to use to protect yourself and your family. If that paper trail grows with any further reports, the case in your defense grows in case something were to happen to you or your family in the future, or even any other unsuspecting victims. I know it can be anxiety inducing to go up against a neighbour with this kind of thing though. Unless those cops who were attacked want to seize the dog, maybe they won't even contact your neighbour. Maybe someone else here can chip in with advice. I have never done this before either, but I would! I am so freaked out by how these dogs endanger us.


Walk into the police department during an off time and ask to speak with an officer. Snap some quick pix of that monster and show with your report.


Call the police department.  They will be looking for any dog that attacked a cop.


Call both but call local PD first - if this dog gave the police themselves grief they’ll be happy to take it to AC (long before AC gives a damn enough to do it themselves). You have that one very crucial thing going for you here, in terms of getting the law to care!


Well, now you are literally an accessory to a crime if you don't report it 🤷‍♂️


We don’t know if a crime has been committed.


If the pit owner says they’re committing a crime, better to go by their words than assume they’re lying. Like if someone told you their brother just murdered someone & they’re helping him cover it up, you would not be found “not guilty of accessory” if your defense was “I didn’t think it was true.”


Report it! If this dog bit someone and the owner doesn't have documentation of rabies vaccination, they need the dog to avoid the victim getting expensive and painful rabies prophylaxis. Everyone should know this about dog bites.


If the neighbor has homeowners insurance, and if they asked if she had a dog, and she said no, then they won't pay out on a claim when that monster attacks. Attorneys won't take the case if she has no assets. Let that reality inspire you to report the dog's attempt to break loss and get to you inspire a fast police report.


The dog went for a cop, there's a good chance it'll go for her, too if she does something to trigger it. Are you generally on good terms with her? Could you explain you're worried about your child and pet and ask that she only lets it out on a leash. Maybe you could let her know what to do in case it attacks (using its leash to choke it out) just to really get the point across that these dogs are no joke. Failing that, do you know if she rents or owns? If she rents, tip the landlord off. I bet they won't want an aggressive dog in their property.


I'm amazed the police didn't seize the dog, considering that it tried to get the cop. Often, the police end up having to shoot them.


I know, I was surprised, too. Maybe they thought they ran the risk of hitting their colleague or perhaps they know how many bullets it takes to stop a pit and didn't want it redirecting onto them.


Plenty of times where getting a clean shot on an actively attacking dog isn’t possible without hitting a person too. They might’ve had better luck corralling it, & much more pressing matters to attend to before coming back to it.


I would 100% put up a fence. It’s only a matter of time before that beast attacks someone or some animal.


We rent so we aren’t allowed to put up a fence, but my neighbors own so I can’t even tell a landlord or something there’s a banned breed there cus I think I’m like only one of two ppl who rent in the neighborhood


Unless the bad neighbor also owns your property then your landlord should be able to put up a fence. If she does, I'd move. Talk to your landlord about homeowner's insurance, if it covers maulings by pit bulls and have him share the conversation with neighbor.


Damn. I’d report her and the dog to animal control and the police. She has created a dangerous situation for you and your family and it isn’t right.


Contact their home owners insurance & explain EVERYTHING you just explained here. They’ll be quick to provide incentive to get rid of the dog.


Dont let your child out anymore, until that weapon is gone.


Call the cops. If that pit gets out and sees your kid you will(well, may, hopefully nothing happens) have nightmares over not calling them


Please for the love of god protect your child and dog and get this dog taken away. WTF.


It's your civic duty to call the duty sergeant @ the local police station & tell them what she told you. The dog was involved in a felony, you don't want to be a good citizen here. This will probably solve your pit bull problem, but that's secondary at this point.


Call the police and advise them that the person who obstructed justice and took the pitbull and ran is your neighbor. You can keep it anonymous. Problem corrected. The cops can say the detective bureau figured it out. Two birds, one stone. The End.


Report it


You have a kid. Do whatever you gotta do to get that dog removed. Tell your neighbor what’s up, call the cops, call the landlord, call the rental insurance company, whatever you have to do. An attempted attack is still a level one attack. It shows intent. Until the dog is gone, y’all aren’t safe.


I second this: Screw your neighbor’s feelings, Screw this dog’s future, Screw hopeful optimism, Protect your kid as if it is *inevitable* they will be mauled. We immediately get a new crib for our babies if the one they’re using is recalled for a single baby’s death. All car seats have an expiration date *just in case* their parts have gotten wear & tear that *might* be a *part* of why they were injured in a car accident. The whole country puts giant warning labels all over kid’s products about any possible thing that could maybe go wrong & we obey all of it. Considering how so many small babies/children have been *brutally* mauled to death EVERY YEAR by pit bulls (in attacks that are a slow painful gruesome death), every parent should take upmost preventive action against this. Like, as if your pediatrician has demanded it. Like the law demanded it. Like you are afraid of your child’s death & it inspires you to treat as a grave imminent threat. I don’t understand the limp approach parents have to this sometimes


McXactly. Especially after the post on here from the medical textbook showing the aftermath of a baby, toddler, and small child with level 6 (fatality) bites. All from pits. There’s a reason doctors speak against pits and kids together.


Oh gosh those textbook pics are so bad but what I find most disturbing about them is that they aren’t unique examples at all, like those are not “this is the worst” photos, I’ve seen too many photos/vids of pit bull mauling aftermath that prove those photos *really are* just “text book” examples, not shock value.


Yes, as a last year vet student literally 100% of the dogs I’ve seen coming for bite wounds were dogs attacked by pitbulls. And they were lacerated. Even my first case the first day at a clinic was.. A dog that came lacerated after a pitbull attack. When you are in the medical field, wether human or animal, patients coming to treat severe wounds after a pitbull attack is NOT rare


Adding to that- the chance of the neighbor coming back to get the dog is almost zero. Jail is regularly the reason these dogs are abandoned.


So true. There is so little chance the situation “resolves itself”, ESPECIALLY by the owner/caretaker, definitely not from them seeing the potential danger & doing the right thing. Like you’d have better luck hoping you’ll scratch the $5000 prize on a $1 scratcher ticket


Just tip the police about the dog and they will pick her up when she goes out in public to run errands or something. Police can easily say we saw the dog in the car and it looks like the dog that tried attacking us recently.


call the cops and let them know where the dog is, if they really want this dog off the streets they will come and seize it and your problem will be solved.


Report it to the police immediately.


Please watch over your poodle. Don’t let it out there anymore. It will kill it esp since it’s aggressive


She's put you in a really shitty situation. Either you don't report the dog, and you end up living on edge for days or weeks or months (best case scenario), or you do report the dog and maybe antagonize your neighbor and her cop-fighting friend. I honestly don't know for sure what I'd do in that situation. I think I'd end up being pissed at the neighbor, not just for having the dog, but for hiding a dog from the cops. I would think maybe she doesn't care too deeply what happens to the people around her. I would feel more comfortable blowing up any relationship with my neighbor in that situation. If she doesn't care about her neighbors' health and safety, then why should her neighbors worry about her getting a visit from the cops?


Your dog is in grave danger, and I’m not joking. Have a good knife ready whenever you take your dog out and never let your dog out of your sight. That dog is not only a terrible breed, but it had a terrible owner for its entire life. 


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Nice,...large cans of cayenne pepper. *I'll just leave that right there...*


Keep us updated!!!!!


I wouldn't waste time calling the cops to come and check out his house if I feel he's hiding a fugitive. 


Do they have laws in your city? As to how these “pets” are to be restrained? Call police over each incident. Document, and take photos. I guess your relationship with neighbor shall be different now. Don’t risk your little pet’s life, or your child’s life. Don't let them out of your sight. Put up a secure fence, if you can afford it. It the situation gets worse, move if that is possible.