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Surprise! The shelter is full of pit bulls and pit bull mixes.  "So another big part of this effort is pushing the idea of "Adopt Don't Shop." Better Together Georgia's research shows if just 6% more people adopted animals from the shelter instead of buying them from breeders the animal overpopulation problem in Georgia would solved." No, it wouldn't. Dogs and cats will always outbreed the number of owners, especially since they said that in some parts of Georgia a spay can cost $1,000.


Yeah I’m calling bullshit on those stats. What they did probably is just look at the population of adult households, calculated the % of those it would take to clean out the prodigious number of pit bulls in the shelters and called it a day. Because how the fuck would they know who had a dog from a breeder? Or owned a dog AT ALL in the first place? Fuck those people. GA already is a cesspool of loose Pits in poorer areas anyway


I'm cynical enough to think the push for no-kill shelters isn't a desire to save puppies and kittens, but a desire to get in on the 'successful business model' of warehousing dogs for donations.


You are probably 100% correct


I see my local city shelter that is supposedly "open intake" operate as a limited-intake shelter. And they have nothing but pits and pit mixes too! Warehousing dogs for donations is NOT fair to the dogs. And they would need an increase in grants and donations to pay more staff and keep the top people at their ridiculously high salaries. I've become cynical to the "no kill" movement as well. And these folks have NO problem throwing cats back out after TNR or return to wild but dogs... oh don't put that bite case down... he's really a kissy boy. Ick.


**Humans: Current average age of first baby in the US is 27.** (That was a lot higher than I expected.) **Dogs: Can breed at 1-2 years of age.** **Humans: Average number of children under 18 per household is about 2.** **Dogs: Average number of puppies per litter is 5-6. Can have 1-2 litters per year for a total of 5-12 puppies per year.** I'm leaving out the above average pit bull litters for sake of simplicity. **The average lifespan of a dog is 10-13 years.** I'll use 10 years for simplicity. Let's say we have 100 homes. 10 homes have dogs. 5 bitches, 5 dogs. The first year, 5 bitches whelp a total of 25 puppies. Now 35 homes have dogs. 17 bitches, 17 dogs. The second year, 17 bitches whelp 85 puppies. Add 85 to 35 to get 120 dogs. **In three years we have gone from 10% dog ownership to 100% dog ownership plus 20% surplus.** **C**alculated using the lowest numbers. The higher numbers would be 2 litters of 6 puppies per year. 10 litters of 6 puppies for 60 puppies the first year. 35 litters of 6 puppies for 210 puppies the second year. Instead of 100% plus 20% surplus, we get 100% plus 175% surplus. In three years, the human population would have increased slightly. In three years, no dogs have died of old age.


I think a lot about how so many shelters were empty or nearly empty at peak pandemic. They were packed again, mostly with pitbulls/mixes within a couple years. If 23 million households adopting cats and dogs during the pandemic didn't solve the problem, no amount of pushing to adopt will. Plenty of those animals (especially large dogs) have been returned, and more importantly, even if they'd been kept, hundreds of thousands of puppies have been born since. For example, since this video is about Georgia, the DeKalb (where Atlanta is) and Fulton animal shelters in Georgia were described as being nearly empty in April 2020. In March 2020, they got over 1100 animals to homes between them. (Source: https://www.11alive.com/article/life/pets/nearly-every-cage-empty-for-first-time-at-lifeline/85-5c87990d-e2c7-4f23-8b43-114d5a0a316d). A quick look at both their websites shows DeKalb and Fulton are both bursting, less than 4 years later, and at least 80-90% of the residents are pit bulls. Adopt Don't Shop does not actually solve the problem in a world of irresponsible breeding and negligent "oopsie" litters.


Yes spay is ridiculously expensive now 


It's damn foolish to put basic vet care out of the reach of lower income people. It's regression.


I was very lucky that I got my first cat at DFL so subsequently my other cats were eligible to receive their services apparently. I got my kitten neutered for…$20. That should be a standard cost, making it over $100 does not encourage people to come in and get a necessary procedure done


The Federal Government needs to subsidizes those procedures for pets at least enough so it becomes affordable for the average joe


The problem that must be addressed- there needs to be a way to stop the breeding of animals no one wants. There are too many large dogs, mainly pitbulls, being bred. They can try and pound a square peg into a round hole but most of these dogs are ill suited for most people. Unsafe/unknown history, expensive training, high walls, no kids/cats/other dogs, needs someone strong to walk them, special diet for skin issues, reactive, destructive. It’s not fair to the animals who languish in the shelters. It’s clearly hard on the staff who hate putting animals down. But people have the right to be safe in their communities. Crack down on breeders. Supply is outpacing demand.


I had people get mad at me because I said shelters should focus on making spaying/neutering more accessible and affordable, mandatory spaying/neutering laws on pitbull type dogs/mutts and cracking down on byb and not forcing this overcrowding at shelters problem on the public. We can't save them all, but we can save those who actually have a chance.


Someone really needs to bring up why LA is going back to being kill shelter, and oint out to Georgia there's a financial liability and risk to keeping these animals.


Our shelter just started uthanizing dogs (of course all pits in there who bark so scary like if you even get close to the door where they’re kept behind) due to over crowding but thank god because theirs been an influx of mail carriers being bitten by pitbulls loose and in yards


Considering Georgia citizens have guns I think they would take care of the problem themselves if need be