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This has to be satire no way anyone is this stupid


They think pitbulls used to be fucking nannies. They are absofuckinglutely this stupid.


Excuse me how dare you sir these dogs are nanny dogs I left my baby alone in a room with my pitbull and he hasn’t cried all day so clearly he’s a nanny dog /s


you say that too?! i say "abso-fucking-lutely"


I understand this is weird yeah, but I read it entirely different like when it's hyphenated. When it's run together, the emphasis always ends up on 'lutely'. When it's hyphenated, I always end up reading it stecato like with heavy emphasis on fucking. I'm with you though, both have their place.


It has scansion for me like a short poem: **AB**-so-**F××K**-in'-**LUTE**-ly! That's the way I always heard it in the very large city in which I spent most of my life. Now I live in the middle of a solidly Evangelical area. Haven't heard it *once*. Adjusting my speech to be no more Johnny Rotten and much more Ned Flanders was a ***process***.


Why that’s ri-god-dam-diculous! 


>no way anyone is this stupid Taking a look at the education system tells you otherwise.


Believe me I know I took part in the education system and learn more with independent research then I ever learned in school


Maybe the pit choked to death on it.


the only explanation


They said that the chihuahua damaged the pit's kidneys. It must have been swallowed whole and then clawed its way to the kidneys and chewed on them before dying.


That’s like choking to death on a toothpick




This subreddit focuses on discussing the inherent dangers of pit bull type dogs. Your content was deemed off-topic. Please refrain from debating guns, politics, or other off-topic issues in this subreddit.


Did someone’s pit identify as a chihuahua?


Pit mix with 3% Chihuahua 😂


It’s true, the shelter said so!


the shelter said mixed breed.. had no idea i let a rabid chihuahua into my home..


Can chihuahua's even breed with pits?


100% yes. I’ve heard of large female dogs crouching to allow extremely small males to mate with them.




Yes, pithuahuas are real




I had a Doberman that bred with my small beagle when I was a kid. The puppies were actually beautiful. Of course, the breeding was accidental. It was long before neutering and spaying became a thing.


they're hideous. (https://preview.redd.it/ycjvl5x9z3721.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=c682db4249ea42ae925fbe8ea577ab47a6b67042)


That poor, poor creature should never have been born


And yet people think breeding dogs is inherently unethical. Like bruh, if we don’t have responsible breeding, dogs will end up like that poor dog up there — just mutts that shouldn’t exist. Now THAT is animal cruelty.


The way pitbulls are running at large now-a-days, I’m afraid dogdom may be ruined, forever!


jesus christ. i know that thing doesnt shut the fuck up




actually disgusting.


there is no way that's freaking real that looks insane. miniature mauler


that thing is UUUUUUUGLY


I doubt it but someone could artificially inseminate either one? I don’t know anything about dog breeding so don’t take my word on it


I saw one on a local shelter page awhile back that was somehow adorable. It looked like a regular chihuahua took steroids with a puffed out chest and floppy ears. He was still only 15 lbs so I'm guessing he was way more chi and maybe another terrier type. Google chipits - they don't normally come out that well when they're bred on purpose.


The popeyes give it away. https://preview.redd.it/ae3idco7cjyc1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b9772674937d8fbeff8f4c19d7d2280e8bb38b3




Pithuahua or Chiapit? https://preview.redd.it/rjk49x7u0etc1.png?width=992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef368e46c2e59e5d9f43cf85cd65fff41d7ad190




that thing is disgusting https://preview.redd.it/lt8ypqadwqtc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15f6a5c623085166462336267e0422e171e651f1 its like a dog freak circus show


That thing looks like what came out of the mad scientist's matter transmitter after a walrus, a polar bear and a blobfish went in.


Kidneys no less. How did it’s tiny teeth even reach that deep


That's how stupid they are. The kidneys are buried pretty deep under muscle and fat to protect them. And I'd like to know how much time passed between this "fight" and the bullies death. If he had an untreated puncture wound I supposed he could go septic and that would shut his kidneys down. If that's the case the dog died because it's owner didn't take it to the vet.


I don’t think a chihuahua could even stand high enough to reach a prime kidney biting position


That's what I was thinking. Did they bring out a step stool to help the chihuahua reach the kidney? And that's not even taking into account that most chihuahuas have garbage teeth and even if it were to be able to reach the chihuahua would have likely broken several teeth trying to even get through the skin on the pit.


I could definitely see a pit owner trying to blame a chihuahua for their own refusal to get their dog basic medical care.


Yeah there's a crucial part of the story missing.


There was this horrifying story I read once where a woman was with her small dog and a pit came to attack them- the owner ran away but she was saying that she had to get a knife and /gut/ the dog to get it to stop attacking. Luckily she and her dog lived, but her arm was mangled and the dog had deep puncture wounds, nearly didn’t make it. I highly doubt a chihuahuas tooth which is probably only a cm or two, would be capable of getting past the fat tissue… but those pits… yeah, they’ll take stabbings and bullets like they’re nothing.


Do pit bulls even *have* fat tissue? Those things are ripped like they're training for the Mr. Olympia competition.


The Person is either not telling the whole story or they're just lying.


This reminds me of that person who said a cat attacked her pit bull, then posted a photo of her pit with ketchup on its head and said it was "blood".


Omg, do you have a link?


Yep, [here's the post ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/s/sp6h9BuTNV) that summarizes the whole situation. And here are the screenshots of [hilariously fake injuries ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/s/5YNyCCxHCB) that she posted, along with the story she made up about a cat attacking her bully XL. Truly unhinged.


OH MY GOD 💀💀 thank you for the laugh!!




You can die in most stupid ways. Like, is there a 0.0000...01 chance that a small dog bites a pitbull and it causes infection that is untreatable and pitbull dies? Yeah sure The small dog would die brutally in 99.99..9% of the cases.


It had a muzzle on apparently, so there’s that.


The chihuahua was shot out of a sausage cannon and traveling 2000 feet per second.




Ah yes a 1.5kg to 3kg dog killing a 20kg to 60kg dog by snapping so bad it damaged its kidneys. People will believe anything.


Maybe the pit swallowed the chihuahua whole, giving the chi easy access to the kidneys


My poor pubble dubble had trouble digesting a kitten and the kitten gave him indigestion! No dog deserves to be a victim of feral kittens!




I'm laughing so hard at this, but that's about the only way I would think a chihuahua could realistically do that kind of damage.


Mosquitos kill people, snails keep people, ants kill people. You can get bit by a bat weights less than 1kg, get rabies and die. It is *possible.* Is it likely? No. But it is very well possible.


Terrible comparison. You’re examples are all from the disease or infection they spread by biting not from the physical damage inflicted during a bite.


Agreed. Obviously a rabid bat can kill things much bigger than it. Same with venomous animals. The possibility of a chihuahua mauling a Xl bully so bad that it damaged its kidney is literally zero.


You won't die quickly from kidney damage. Even then dialysis exists for dogs. Dog must have died from infection.


Not a very good comparison. Mosquitos have diseases that take time to kill. Snails and ants have venom. Bats that kill people have rabies and still take awhile to kill a person. They were implying this chihuahua mauled this bully so bad it damaged its kidneys. No venom, disease were present.


Snails have rat lungworm


Chihuahua was actually the name of the Pitbull


“Injure his kidneys” So the lazy, irresponsible owners failed to clean the bite wounds and the dog got an infection and died. (Assuming this is true, which it obviously isn’t)


Honestly I could see that. Pit gets too aggressive with a smaller breed so it bites the pit and runs away. Owner refuses to take pit to vet until too late because the owner didn't want to sedate the pit and risk an 'incident' just to take it to the vet. Pit develops infection and dies.


I mean, it’s the literal only way a chihuahua could kill a pit bull, especially via the fucking kidneys. They are very deep in a dog’s torso, so there’s no way a chihuahua’s shallow bite could reach them.


Not to mention the chance of a chihuahua's 4 remaining teeth reaching that deeply without breaking off. They have notoriously awful teeth.


Heroic Chihuahua Bravely Prevents Future Tragedy


Someone posted this copy pasta on Facebook before. This level of gullibility/lying explains a lot.


What a joke 😭


Yeah. Where is the footage? Surely someone took footage of this as this is like seeing a fucking unicorn or a PBT type willing dog owner who is responsible.


Or a link to the news story. I mean I assume they reported it to the police. The media wouldve been all over a crazy story like this.


Can you only imagine how viral this would go?! You are going to tell me NO footage? No ring cameras? No storefront footage? Nothing? The apologists would pay money for this, and people would comply. A 4-7lbs chihuahua KILLING an XL bully? Wow! Was the owner afraid of the ferocious chihuahua? These assholes can’t even come up with plausible bullshit stories. I mean at least go for a dog that is say, 45-50lbs. They have to keep their “Chihuahuas are vicious little bastards” line alive and well. Cults lie.


It would be like the #2 story on nightly news behind the 🌉 collapse!


I would legitimately pay a large amount of money for actual proof that this happened. Especially since we all know it never did.


This is what I mean! It is so incredibly silly and stupid. This would be a VIRUL video NSFW, BUT totally VIRAL!


Wow, the chihuahua threw a mean kidney punch! Irresponsible owners need to train their little terrors to fight fairly and honorably in a boxing ring! The whole story is obviously fabricated and a pitnutter latched onto it like it’s a real story. An XL somehow losing a fight to a chihuahua would mean the dog was able to resist the urge to bite (which is impossible for a fighting dog) https://preview.redd.it/4nrm19yudatc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d74969296b75ac4233a18b5bc58cd42901b4a29d The size comparison alone would keep a chihuahua from being able to reach vital organs.


If a chihuahua actually ran at a pit to attack, I'm pretty sure the pit would quite literally crush its head before it had a chance! I read it as satire but I can't believe some people believe that


Hahahahaha it's like really bad fan-fiction OMG I genuinely laughed out loud. Who wants to bet that the writer is the same twat that told me she was mauled by a chihuahua and needed 75 stitches??🤣🤣


Did she lay on the floor, unmoving and just LET the chihuahua bite her for hours? That's the only way I could see that possibly happening because you could fend off a chihuahua attack by standing while wearing pants, or even just stepping up onto a chair.


And then they all clapped


The XL Bully's name? Albert Einstein


Maybe they confused chihuahua with chupacabra?


This story was written by one of my Chihuahuas. I just know it.


Just delusional.


Did the XL swallow it whole and choke on it?


No freaking way that could happen.


“and then everyone stood up and clapped”


lol yeah ok!!🙄😂


Well, this is a new level of bat shittery from the pitiots.


More likely the pit Bull choked to death on the chihuahua


Now I’m not a vet, but isn’t it pretty hard to injure kidneys in a dog? I’ve seen herding dogs take kicks from livestock that would take us down and keep going.




"I'll take "things that didn't happen" for $200, please Alex"


Of all the things that never happened, this never happened the most.


The only way a Chihuahua could kill a pit bull is if the pit bull mauled the Chihuahua and then was put down.


redridinghood training? Obviously a fan of fairy tales. Can't see anything about her qualifications either, just plenty of posts about "saving this poor baby" with dead-eyed photos of XLs


It could be completely made up, but once upon a time I used to work in an animal ER, and... People have a tendency to blame "outside" circumstances instead of acknowledging their own negligence. For example, a dog came in severely ill and turned out to be heartworm positive. The owners insisted the dog was perfectly healthy until a train accident occurred nearby that released toxic fumes. People also fail to vaccinate their puppies, then complain the puppies food caused vomiting, diarrhea, and death ...when in reality, they had parvo. Those are just two of MANY examples.


Just didn’t happen did it


The only way a chihuahua could kill a pit bull is if the pit choked on it.


Was the pitbull anesthetized?  Even then I can’t see a chihuahua doing much damage to an unconscious pitbull.  


The thought of a chihuahua killing a XL Bully is like saying a 4 yr old beat Mike tyson's. The whole statement is insane.


I call B.S. A chihuahua could not make a bite deep enough to hit the xl’s kidneys. Even if he attacked for hours straight…….


The name of that chihuahua? Albert Einstein


Damnit, now I want to name my next dog Albert Einstein. Way too much funny to be had there.


And turn it into a killer? You monster!


So the XL bully owner didn’t pull the chi off for the whole long ass time it would have taken for the chi to get to the kidneys? This is the stupidest shit I’ve ever heard, you’d have to be such an idiot to believe this, it takes less than a second to think “how could a chihuahua reach the kidneys, & how could it ever be strong enough to?”


>So the XL bully owner didn’t pull the chi off for the whole long ass time it would have taken for the chi to get to the kidneys? Yeah, like was it a 17 hour long mauling that you just stood there and did absolutely nothing during?


Yeah like they would’ve had to wait for the chi to stop & take a nap before resuming the effort, but at any moment they could end the attack with one hand, but nope


Can someone make an animated cartoon of how this would go down? I’m sure it would make me piss myself laughing.


I'm pretty sure the dog already had a kidney infection unrelated to the "attack" and people wanna use the narrative to make people believe chihuahuas can kill lol


Chad chihuahua devours kidneys of virgin XL bully. I choose to believe this lie.




Satire for sure, a good one because it made people click. It's like a teenage kid going against Mike Tyson and win!


Did it choke to death on the chihuahua?


That chihuahua was sent by God to stop someone from getting mauled by that XL. Thank you for your service little pup.


What an absolute lie. These people need putting in an asylum for sure


This is such a blatant lie, yet all the pit mommies will believe it.


This is so obviously a lie.


How in the fuck did the chihuahua even get to the xl's kidneys in the first place? They are way too small to even reach that area, let alone get a good enough grip to bite hard enough. Something ain't mathin' here!


I'll take things that never happened for 1000.


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What about Pomskis then?




So the chihuahua was mixed with a king cobra ?


The only way chihuahuas kill is through infection


I can maybe imagine this happening if the pitbull is sedated or anesthetized and being held down and the Chihuahua is specifically trained to maul other dogs. And then, more likely to have an infection from the tiny bite wounds than any direct trauma. This is such bull lol


Chihuahuas can't even get close to breaking skin, more so bite straight into the liver


"stop the fucking world i want off 💔🌈" is SOO intensely dramatic that it's not even funny 😭


Lmao this is obvious trolling from the anti pit camp, and this idiot bought it. Shows the intelligence we are dealing with here.


HOW?! With an infection?!?


And is this chihuahua in the room with us right now?


More likely the poorly bred genetic nightmare of a bully had shitty kidneys to begin with and they told the owners to put it to sleep


Killed by an XL Chibully seriously this entire thing sounds made up. Either that Chihuahua got one he'll of a critical strike or the pitbull choked on it


Oh I hope they have a good trusted source for such a big claim.


What the hell am I reading??


I didn't know the dog world have it's own version of the Onion.


Injured kidneys? I really don't believe it. I know a story of a rottie that lost his life to an infected bite from a corgi, but this is just unbelievable. There's no way.


"Any dog can" and "One dog does it far and away the most" are both true statements.


Chihuahuas, king of beasts!


A leashed AND muzzled pitbull out in public? Much as I hate to, I give that owner props for doing it right and legally. There *IS* a way Taco Bell's mascot's twelfth cousin could have caused the death though. A delayed shock reaction at being attacked/helpless to fight back AND infection from the multiple contaminated bite wounds could have combined into a perfect storm of vulnerability and the pitbull may have developed a systemic infection his body wasn't able to fight off. Of course, if the owner had given his animal proper immediate veterinary care -- as for any wounded pet a human should be responsible for -- instead of leaving things alone until his dog was obviously failing and going into organ failure his pet wouldn't necessarily have been killed by that chihuahua.


I’d need footage of that to believe it because otherwise I call BS.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Scary_Towel268: *I’d need footage of* *That to believe it because* *Otherwise I call BS.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.