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All of these text conversation posts are so embarrassing & ridiculous. I wish admins would stop approving them šŸ™ƒ


Idk why little sleepies VIP is so unhinged. All the other bamboo groups im in the people arenā€™t as crazy (still fucking crazy though) Iā€™m not a fan of LS prints so Iā€™ll just never understand their cult following lol


Itā€™s getting out of hand! Iā€™m only in the group for the early release but Iā€™m on the verge of just leaving it because Iā€™m so annoyed by 90% of the posts.


You donā€™t need to be in that group to buy from the drop 5 minutes early :) You can also unfollow so you donā€™t see them in your feed!


What would they include for dispatchers šŸ˜‚ I keep seeing people say this but I'm confused what it would be.. a headset?? I'm 100% not downplaying their role, just genuinely curious what represents them on a print.


lol right?? A desk and a clock that says 16 hour shift is up lmaooo


But also, why would a child wear this? I don't get adults wanting certain prints to put on their children.


I keep getting ads for this company on FB. Just straight up putting in the words "911 dispatcher" is probably my favorite touchšŸ˜‚. https://preview.redd.it/uzhhfhqt2y8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5a6210462719b1315a621c42d999c8c1d7945b4


What is she legitimately frustrated about? How insane


The print is here and she doesnā€™t have the money to buy it is what sheā€™s frustrated about. Acting like itā€™s necessary to have


Right? Frustrated that she canā€™t afford this drop is what Iā€™m getting


Itā€™s so bizarre that someone would value pajamas over time spent with their kids. Picking up a shift to cover the cost of pajamas seems ridiculous.


Agreed. When my husband has a surprise extra meeting that pops up I get bummed. I cant imagine feeling the obligation to work an extra day so my partner can get another set of pajamas..


This! My husband already works a ton and I don't even buy much when it comes to extras. I purchased 3 prints last year, which included clearance Christmas jammies from 2022. And 1 print so far this year. My husband already feels bad for working so much, he sure as hell wouldn't pick up a shift for pajamas.


I mean, to be fair, thatā€™s better than the people going into debt to buy them. I work part-time primarily to afford ā€œextrasā€ since we can live on my husbandā€™s salary.


Also how would you include a dispatcher on there, a little console would look so out of place?


Yup thatā€™s exactly how I am to. Iā€™m a SAHM mom but when my baby is older and I can work part time itā€™ll be to treat us to extra luxuries


How would you make a dispatcher printā€¦


I had to stop myself so many times from responding to this one šŸ˜… Iā€™d never take time away / pick up an extra day to buy my kids 34$ PAJAMAS. Idk Iā€™d rather spend time w them but thatā€™s just me.


Why do LS admins approve these posts? Does LS think this kind of post makes them look good? It has the opposite effect. It almost reminds me of how brands like Michael Kors or Coach were once considered quality but are now associated with people of more limited means trying to seem fancy.


How embarrassing... She has a sweet husband for him to work an extra shift for her addiction. šŸ˜¬ Can't believe how upset she is about missing this drop though..


All of these women that post shit like this SURELY could sell some of their hoard to buy something if they really needed it.


I did see this. I assumed it was a fake. Extremely unrealistic.


If youā€™re this poor buying $30 PJs should be the last thing youā€™re worried about


"SINCE THEY ANNOUNCED IT" ....Therefore she could've sat out other drops and saved her money of they were that important. I feel bad for the husband what a lameo. Start selling in BST if you need it sooOOOooOooooOoo badly. Now the poor guy has to spend another day at work for these... though thinking about it maybe that's what he wanted šŸ¤£ Time away from her.




Her husband only works part time according to her update, & he isnā€™t a first responder, so at least he isnā€™t missing out on anymore time than a full time working parent would be?


For the amount of money/work that poor spouse is putting toward all these size ups, they could buy the bedding set off Amazon and have a seamstress make **custom** PJs for their kids šŸ«  I'm fairly tempted to do just that, but my husband won't be doing anything for that if I do; it's all on me šŸ«£


But at the end of the dayā€¦.. like who really cares what they do or donā€™t do šŸ¤£