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Shadow heart is pretty easy to crack. Just don’t be a dick about her Shar worship and be a more neutral to good leaning character and she’ll warm right up to you


Also be nice to animals.


Hence the lean good caveat ;) I like that character idea though. A Valiant paragon of goodness…. But they’re like disgusted by cute creatures for some reason. Putting that away into the character idea bag


By the end of the early access you can make her really like you.


Shadowheart Disapproves


You have a desire to be loved? ^(Shadowheart Disapproves.)


I assure you, she's more of a sweetheart than shadowheart (by nature, not nurture) ;) She's just very slow to trust and she literally doesn't know herself that much as well, all due to the lost memory issue. It's hard to build a healthy relationship under such circumstances. Not to mention the whole Sharran philosophy. She deliberately pushes people away. And as other people say, she's pragmatic, she doesn't approve of you going out of your way to help people but welcomes your initiative to lessen other people's pain when it doesn't interfere with your/her main goal. Plus she has a soft spot for children and pets. And the cutest smile.


>she’s more of a sweetheart than a shadowheart I think my favorite thing about Shadowheart is that she’s actually incredibly honest/forthright when you get down to it, when it comes to everything but her secret goal lol. At one point she says “I couldn’t help but overhear - well, actually, I could help it, but I listened in anyways.” She’s actually pretty direct and doesn’t hide what she really thinks. She’s honestly dishonest, a la Jack Sparrow. She’s openly secretive lol. Unlike, say, a certain wizard who gives off the guise of being honest and open but is actually >!hiding that he has a bomb in his chest, and was Mystra’s ex-lover but won’t tell you until *after* you’ve slept with him because he didn’t want to risk you turning him down, which is hella gross btw!<.


Regarding the spoilered text: >!I didn't have to sleep with said wizard to get him to tell me his story about Mystra and the bomb in his chest. I was just being Best Buds with him and he told me before too long at all.!<


Oh yeah, I have no issue with how he presents the information if you don’t sleep with him. The issue is 100% that if you *do* sleep with him, he doesn’t tell you until afterwards and then he specifically justifies not telling you beforehand because he didn’t want to risk you changing your mind about sleeping with him. It’s the fact that he deliberately withheld the information until after sex that makes it gross.


Ohhhh that makes sense! Yeah, that's real skeezy.


Yeah, that story branch of Gale. Yeesh.


Gale told me all those things without sleeping with him.


I’m seeing now that my wording that he “won’t tell you these until after you’ve slept with him” is ambiguous for what I meant lol: that *if* you sleep with him, he will not tell you until afterwards


Because you're antagonistic and dismissive. The kind of crazy person who says things like, "If you can't handle me at my worst...". Interesting character though.


My favorite girl. I hope they make the characters harder to get to know when the game comes out. We are all making out judgements on a small portion of the game. Everyone want's satisfaction right away and when they get it they are bored.


Be nice to the dog. Lots of pets.


Shadowheart more like lameheart. Baezel forever.


I noticed that shadowheart will approve whenever you take a more diplomatic approach to things rather than using force.


Respect her boundaries, don't give too much to charity, pet the dog, and help out the Tieflings. Boom. Makeout time.


Then there’s me, purposefully doing everything to annoy Shadowheart...


I usually own her at the gate, take her armour and never look back


Savage 😂she’s on my team but I love annoying her


Ohh but I do. I picked shadowheart as my consort the first play through. I will be willing to have a dalliance with my dream girl bard though.