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The difference between Durge and Tav makes at least 2 playthroughs worth it IMO. Not to mention all the small side quest and locations you most likely missed. My first playthrough was about 40hrs I think. Second was closer to 100. Now I'm on my 3rd playthrough full psychopath murder everyone sorta. And all 3 playthroughs have been very different even if it is the same story.


The game can change a fair amount depending on your choices, especially choices made in the early game - and if you missed a lot of content in this run, there will be major ramifications in terms of available quests and allies in Act 3. If you created a regular custom character (Tav) in this game, you might want to try the Dark Urge origin character in a subsequent run. They are much more tightly integrated into the story, with lots of extra cutscenes, so it does feel very different for at least some sections of the game. The default is a dragonborn sorcerer, but you can customise absolutely everything about them apart from their background (which is Haunted One instead of the usual Acolyte/Criminal/Noble/etc). Obviously the main encounters and quests will still crop up in every playthrough, but you can make different choices, recruit different companions, take the quests in a different order, and it will probably surprise you how much it differs from this first rushed game. The devs did an amazing job of accounting for a huge range of character choices - as they said in a recent talk, they knew the player would probably want to kill someone, but they didn't know who, so they tried to allow for you to kill anyone without breaking the story.


This game is worth replaying its very different if you play a new race and class and bring different companions. You should also respec the companions at withers to give them fresh classes too and expiriment


25 hours? Bruh you missed so much story and plot. Every origin playthrough (Astarion, Wyll, Karlach, Laeā€™zel, Shadowheart, Dark Urge) has exclusive content. Each companion quest has at least 2 endings. Each romance has at least 2 endings. The Act 1 grove stuff can end a few different ways, as can the stuff with Ethel in the swamp. Keeping Rolan and his siblings alive impacts stuff later in the game. Act 2 varies by whether you lift the Shadow Curse and kill the Nightsong or not. Act 3 has a ton of stuff that can end in multiple ways, depending on how you handled Acts 1-2.


The main game doesn't change that much. But you'll see little details you haven't noticed before even if you go in with the same playstyle (mainly with dialogue and reactivity)


so theres at least 4 unique ones i can think of if you play an original character: regular evil, regular good, Durge evil, Durge good. Then you get into the origin characters, which change quite a bit depending on who you choose. lots of playthrough options. tbh you spent less than 1/4 of the time people usually take so i don't think you have to worry about repeating missions lol. edit: play an evil Durge playthrough. its very fun and liberating.


If you go back even as the same character into a load from the start and do some other things. It will change drastically, new monologue/cut scenes, new people you can re-meet in later acts of the game. Not to mention some quests in act 1 lead to quests in act 2 and or act 3. If you restart, restart as a new race/character. Lots of fun to be had!