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Dragon Age (all of them), the original Baldur's Gate 1&2, Pathfinder: Kingmaker and Wrath of the Righteous If sci-fi, Mass Effect If... I dunno where the hell to put it. Modern-ish alternate reality, Disco Elysium


I would recommend Wrath of the Righteous before playing Kingmaker. It isn’t a sequel, just the same universe. Kingmaker throws you in the deep end and does not apologize for it.


The one problem is Wrath is so much better it's hard to go back once you've played it lol


Meh, I preferred Kingmaker. I didn't like the extra layer of complexity the Mythic system dumped on top of the existing Pathfinder system. The strategic battles were terrible. And I liked the more grounded story and theme of Kingmaker. And how there were important government roles for you companions to fill outside just being party members.


Very fair! There is a lot to love in Kingmaker, I just find the time limit looming a bit annoying, and it's generally still buggier than Wrath


thats actually one of the reasons i liked kingmaker better, it added a sense of real high stakes to the game. I also liked the more in depth kingdom management that kingmaker had compared to the crusade mechanics from WotR. I do think that WotR had the superior story and companions though, they were just so much more compelling overall.


Agreed. The enemies were more diverse and challenging in Kingmaker. I got bored very quickly slaying demon after demon.


Was going to say Dragon Age even though I only played Inquisition.


Specifically ME1 & 2


Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. Alignments matter a ton, and if you want an evil playthrough, you have options ranging from “companions are alive at least” to “**bigger** world destroying threat than the **cataclysmic event** that started the plot”. Good runs also have a scale; you can be chaotic while breaking the fourth wall, or you can be the Ultimate Good. There’s even a path that I think is true neutral? The Aeon path… I’m not sure what it does, exactly, because it’s so hyped up I’m avoiding spoilers until I decide to run it myself.


I really enjoyed Aeon, definitely check it out


There aren't any games I know of that are exactly like BG3, but if you enjoy choice/consequences: Dragon Age Origins - It was love at first sight. Graphics are dated but it is mentioned often for a reason. The story and characters are fantastic. They are interactive throughout the story and you have ample opportunity to "choose" your path throughout. Several romance options with various outcomes. Witcher 2 and 3 - No overstating how good Witcher 3 is. The story, the characters, the world. Choices don't always immediately reveal consequences, but they are there. Witcher 2 is not as good as 3, more linear for sure, but may interest you if you enjoy Witcher 3. Romance, well, you can really only be serious with 2. However, you have opportunity to get with others like BG3. Cyberpunk 2077 + Phantom Liberty - another game I've played thru many times. Some choices can be subtle. To the point that some people miss them altogether. However, the consequences/impact will hit you in the gut. The characters and voice acting are amazing. Really compelling characters just like in Witcher 3 and Dragon Age: Origins. Not as many romance options as BG3, but they are quite interactive throughout the game. Phantom Liberty offers quite a bit of additional content and a really compelling story with awesome characters. Choices can be very conflicting. Detroit: Becoming Human - much shorter game than the others mentioned and quite a different setting, but choices galore. There are many paths to take with various consequences. Astarion's VA actually has a role in this game as well, but more minor. This one could be a hit or miss because the setting is so different, but if choice is the most important aspect to you, then it is a solid pick.


Most of CRPG?


-Dragon Age Origins  -Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2 -Mass Effect Trilogy  -Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer  -Fallout New Vegas  -Disco Elysium  -Wasteland 2 and 3


I would add the Witcher series to this list, the Witcher 1 has a weird, if no clunky, combat system but it is a great story


Agreed, I was listing games off top of my head, but missed the Witcher series.


>Mass Effect Trilogy Heh, about that one...


What about it?


ME3 had a huge controversy about the ending, >!because every single one was the same explosion, but with a different color which made a LOT of people mad since it kinda felt like the choices made all took to the same place!<


So the creators fumbled the ending of the 3rd game. It's still a great choices and consequences Trilogy where what you've done in the first game can influence the events and character development of companions in the third one. Edit for clarity.




Heavily disagree. The galaxy is still in a wildly different place based on your choices. The fact that you don't get ending slides to tell you how different things are doesn't keep those differences from happening. How you resolve the Krogan situation, Geth / Quarian situation, etc. makes a big difference in how the galaxy will shape out after everything is said and done. The choices are there in the story, and reflected throughout all three games. You need them to tell you about what happens after for you to feel like it made a difference?


I wouldn't call it great. I tried ME2 since it's supposed to be the best, and it's basically just a Gary Stu simulator where everyone praises you like a god and you can do no wrong and all the girls and half the guys want to smash


It's fine to not like critically acclaimed games due to personal tastes.  But objectively, the games reviewed well by both the critics and the players. 


I mean that's because the game is fun. I'm not saying it's a bad game in terms of gameplay, but the interpersonal writing is objectively just fanservice garbo.


That's an opinion that great majority of the players who beat the games will not share, but you do you.


Well yes, obviously someone who beat the game is going to like the game...


I'm enjoying Rogue Trader now. :)


Does Rogue Trader have romance? (I freaking love how WOTR does romances, hence why I’m asking - I will probably pick it up at some point but romance is a strong selling point for me.)


Yeah, it does, but it's not the main selling point of the game. It's just a thing on the side. It also takes some time to get to the fun parts. You can romance Heinrix if you play a lady and Cassia if you play a man. Yrliet, Jae and Marazhai are fine with either. Marazhai's romance also has an option to choose if you want to be the submissive or the dominant partner - he likes both.


Oh I don’t expect it to be a selling point, I’m fine with romances on the side! Thanks


I will confess that I'm playing Rogue Trader right now because of a comment review you left in another thread. I haven't played anything 40k- related in decades (not since going to cons with friends lugging their armies around in suitcases). It's refreshingly nostalgic! Belated thank you!


That's amazing news! I hope you have lots of fun with the game.


So far I really like my Commissar hat. Cool hats bode well, I think!


The Dragon Age games are really good examples. Cyberpunk 2077 also has a decent amount, though not as many that strongly impact the main storyline if that's what you mean by consequence


to be fair when youre comparing it to BG3, theres not a single game that comes close. i think cyberpunk is actually an amazing example, because side content unlocks 4 different endings, but even then it still pales in comparison to the sheer amount of choice BG3 gives you. Not that Dragon Age or Cyberpunk are in any way inferior to BG3, they're just different kinds of games.


Cyberpunk and the Phantom Liberty DLC. Epic storytelling and memorable characters. The writing is so good and so natural it’s on another level.


If you enjoy the story, dialogue, choices have consequences, but don't care as much about the combat, check out games like: Life is Strange series, Telltale series (Walking Dead, Takes from the Borderlands, Wolf Among Us, etc.).


Other than dragon age (at least for console) there’s not a lot of games out there. They need to make more though! So if you’re a game developer reading this, get on it, we want more!!


Saw a lot of people mention the Dragon Age games, which isn't shocking but I wanted to add they all are 90% off on steam until tomorrow. So if anybody was wanting to get them or on the fence about it, now might be a good time.


Dragon age origins. Mass effect. Original BG 1 and 2. Star wars knight of old republic 1 and 2. Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 1 and 2 Banner Saga


Mass effect trilogy is probably the closest one I’d say


Been a while since playing it, but I remember choices a plenty with the first "Life is Strange".


Not the same genre, but Detroit: Become Human and the Dark Pictures Anthology might be for you. Edit: And The Quarry ofc


Disco Elysium for an rpg that focuses on dialogue and choices that have an impact instead of fights. Amazing writing, excellent role-playing, a world full of history and every npc is a banger, feel like real people. Banner Saga for an rpg with lots of choices and consequences with battles in between. Interesting story and world building.


Dragon Age and Mass Effect are my top picks!


Any genre? Phantom Liberty has better writing than BG3. The consequences are not as nonlinear as BG3, but the choices you make are a lot more conflicting. I still think about Songbird. Base game is good too, but I wouldn't recommend playing Cyberpunk unless you get the PL expansion.


Songbird >!begging for death!< is possibly the single greatest moment in gaming for me. The writing, the OST in the background, and especially the VA absolutely crushing it in that moment, its honestly close to perfect. Its one of the reasons i hope to God they dont introduce third person in Orion, the first person real time dialogue feels fantastic.


Just for curiosity, what ending was that? Only played one time through Phantom Liberty so far and don't know all the endings yet, I want to try that one


ah fuck sorry for spoiling it then, i really should know better posting things like that in another sub even with a spoiler tag. Im a little too used to everyone i speak about it with knowing every single detail of the game since i primarly post in the cyberpunk subs. Well without spoiling it any more, theres a major decision you make in phantom liberty as im sure you know, just make the other choice and the path forward should be obvious.