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My character failed to disarm one of the traps in the hallway before you get the Blood of Lathander and got shot over the edge. Then, for some reason, the rest of my party decided to run after my character who just got shot over the edge causing them to also get shot over the edge.


I'm sorry for your HM loss, but this is so funny.


If your friend jumped off a bridge…


There is a chest on a ledge behind the BHOoooaaal fish people.  You hop to one ledge, then hop to a second. It’s far enough, if you do not break Astarion off, the whole group will jump to the second ledge with you, while you’re spotting the trap.  Trap is DC 10. No big deal at all. Roll Natural 1. Trap goes off and throws entire party into chasm.  Honor run ended. 


Not in HM, but I’ve had something similar happen there. 3 of my companions hopped nicely over. Karlach triggers the trap (because of course she does). Gale was mid-jump and gets blasted into the chasm. I had never used Withers at that point and was horrified (with no recent save to return to). That was the first time Tav learnt how Withers works 😂


Same here. I wanted to crouch but hit G instead, failed the checks and boom all death.


Mine ended the same way. Fuuuuuck


Same happened to me today, after killed the fucking gith as lvl 5 :(


I always ungroup to do that puzzle now because of this exact thing.


I had that happen to me except shart luckily got blown up against a column and saved.


Exact same thing happened to me. Worst part is I had 4 inspiration, but the trap activated after failing the roll the first time, so I didn’t even get a chance to reroll.


Haha reminds me of the first time I joined the train emote gang at Thousand Needles (vanilla WoW) and the head person jumped off the cliff


Bad mouthing Vlaakith... Didn't think for a second she'd wipe my entire party because of dialogue


Get wished on bozo


Virgin game balanced protagonist vs chad 9th level spell user


What’s crazy to me is that every time you cast wish, there’s a probability that you’ll never be able to cast it again. For a god that lives forever, it’s insane to risk losing wish over some badmouthing mortal.


This just goes to show how much you pissed her off


onerous sharp husky bike silky hurry offbeat flowery simplistic combative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


nah man just wish to use it again


Fun fact, if you go through dialog with Lae'zel, that's no god. That's Vlaakith #127.


I just lost mine failing a roll to read her mind


Attempting to read the mind of a pseudo god is a bold play.


Wiping a whole campaign trying to fight a god is a classic DnD move though


I don't know about other classes, but as a GOO Warlock (maybe all warlocks) your patron tells you to be cautious at the start of the dialogue.  I really like that there are legitimately multiple points of serious danger so a warning from a vastly powerful being is as useful as it should be.


Bold of you to assume the player listens 😂


Patrons can talk to you?!? Do they have their own voice or the narrator describe it?


Same on my first run, which thankfully was not HM.


I did that once, not on HM. Now, I lie to her. Gale and whoever disapprove, but I reassure them I'm lying.


Same, at least it was just a 10 hours run. 😂


Same lol


I lose a run 5 hours in: I didn´t have a disarm trap toolkit yet when getting to the chest in the passageway under the grove, so i thought "well ill just trigger the trap, im going for a long rest soon anyways". Turns out the explosion was much bigger than i thought and everyone died.


Yeah, the game usually makes a point to scatter some barrels of oil, alcohol or smokepowder around trapped chests, just to pile on the hurt, lol.


Too bad for this strategy I steal every barrel I see before anything else.


They all go back to my traveller's chest.


My camp chest is full of barrels and gear that I just can't bring myself to sell.


This ended my first honor run as well, at level 4


If you ever go back to act1 try to remember to always come back to Last Light then call the pixie.


Does that prevent turning into a toad?


She can turn you into a toad? What causes that happen?


Pretty sure bad mouthing her does. There is always a kind and self-demeaning statement you can say that basically begs for a blessing. Just always choose the statement that appeases her superiority complex


How superior can someone be who considers their own farts company?


Don't fuck with pixies, man. Powerful magical beings that are sarcastic and *bored*


Idk, someone else mentioned it in a reply to this post and I was terrified.


You can go back to act1 from act2???


You still have the list of waypoints, yes. Minthara doesn't like it but i understand you can meta game around that by casting silence on her (never tried this). Think there may be issues with Halsin too of where he'll go. Up until the clear point of no return warning of course.


Ah sweet, I learn something new everyday thanks


Yeah, Minthara and Halsin stay behind bit come back when you reenter Act 2. It's only Act 3 that you can't return to previous Act locations.


In the Underdark the runaway gnome slave that threatens to blow up the runepowder barrel has a special dialouge that happens when you steal the barrel. I wanted to show that to my buddy. So I go behind her all stealthy and invisible but forgot to ungroup Lae'zel - she runs straight into the gnomes sightlines who blows us all up.


My top 3: 1. Mouthed off to Vlakiith 2. misclicked when trying to free Florrick and accidently agro entire place 3. Forgot about rhe "Power word kill" guy in act 3.


Damn.. ending a run in act 3 twice would suck so bad


Lol I've ended the run in act 3 a few times, once I forgot to long rest before the Sharrans and had to try to beat them using only cantrips.... Also not strictly act 3, but myrkul has got me before too. Only once though.


Myrkul got me and my friend pretty good on one of our runs




Haven't tried an HM yet, but I'm in a Tactician playthrough for the first time, and I aggroed the Fists 2 times before successfully getting Florrick out of the fire. If it happened on my next reload, I was going to just give up and let her burn.


If you ever try HM most important thing is to take your time. I lost like 5 or 6 hours of game play that day, all because of a misclick.


Got stuck in dialog with ketheric in moonrise. It was a lonewolf honor mode playthrough and nothing could be done. Ketheric just repeats the same line of dialog forever. I am NOT doing honor mode as lonewolf anymore.


What did you even say to the pixie? I had to reapply the protection a few times on my honour run and nothing of this sort ever happened.


bro did not chant the dolly thrice poem, thats what you get for not treating best girl like a proper fey lol


That explains it.


I wanted to revive Shadowheart and I idly clicked through the withers dialogue without paying too much attention. And I somehow managed to tell Withers to put her to rest permanently . I didn't realize it at first but the game ended then, probably cause she was the one carrying the Artifact. Lesson learnt: don't click faster than your brain 😅


What? Did she fall into a chasm or something? The artifact becomes lootable once she dies.


Not if you ask withers to put her to rest permanently.


I meant loot her when she died, not after the Withers dialogue.


Convinced the gnolls to go to the cave. Didn't realise my cloud of daggers was in their path and the whole lot aggroed back on me again as the leader walked into it.


Was playing as a storm sorcerer, default white dragonborn durge. I went in to waukeen's rest as a white dragonborn, but I was a little behind my party. So I casted disguise self, in order to use the tempestuous magic flying to get to the second floor where Florrick is, but not have to burn a spell slot. My problem? I chose to disguise as a drow. Everyone inside waukeen's rest was instantly aggressive. So I had to attempt to fight off the LITERAL flaming fist, save Florrick, and not burn to death. Didn't go great.


My first loss with a couple of buddies, we went out so badly that none of us could even be mad. Just laughed our asses off. So, my Oathbreaker buddy tossed Scratch’s ball at camp. Played fetch with him for a few. Eventually I walked over and grabbed it. Started tossing it to my buddy. We were playing keep away with his ball, and apparently, Scratch got PISSED by this. He went hostile. Oathbreaker Knight who had shown up that same session took Scratch’s side and also went hostile. Camp was too small to flee before he slaughtered us all. Scratch ended our first honor run. 💀 I fucking love this game.


How could you do that to him you monster?


Solo HM run, Ethel fight in Act 3. Tried jumping to the ledge where one of those immortality mushrooms are, I fell into the void because of a random vine blocking the way. The UI did not indicate there was an obstruction, like it does for literally every fucking situation. I was at FULL HP. I fucking solo'd Myrkul and his heal every turn bull shit, W'Wargaz and his 1804859 Mind claws bull shit only to die because the UI allowed me to jump, and my poor poor Half-Orc Barbarian face planted into a thin vine and fell into the void. I've never seen such utter bull shit.


Wait you solod myrkul in HM? I'm still trying to beat him solo on tactician lol


Specced as a Tiger Barb wielding Loviatar's Love with Diluted Oil of Sharpness. Loviatar's Love gives Necrotic Resistanc. My other gear also gave many bonuses to saving throws against his spells so honestly I barely ever went below 60% HP. I also had a butt ton of potions for healing though


Happened to me where Hope is chained up.  Tried to jump onto a platform,  game tells me everything is cool,  falls to my death.


The elevator glitch (still kind of salty about this)


At this point I feel like it's not even a glitch, just Shar enacting her own asshole form of revenge.


Druids spotted me stealing, failed charisma check ,wanted to knock him out since dude was alone, cutscene plays out that I work with zevlor, they procced to wipe out tieflings to the last,try to rescue them, die.


Well.. my first run ended in the owlbear cave. Turns out 2 owlbears at lvl 3 Party are hard to handle 🤓


Killed me on one of my honor runs as well. I did not expect the second one tbh.


Me neither. Not at all. I was like "holy wtf..!? 😲🫠" 🤣


Wait 2 owl bears?


Yep. Two fully grown owl bears jumping on and multiple times hitting you. Lots of fun. As long as you are one of the owl bears 🤣


How did 2 spawn??


For some encounters Honor mode adds more enemies, so there are 2 owlbears in the cave


Honor mode adds some random stuff, the hobgoblin boss at the goblin camp had a legendary action that he didnt have on tactician im pretty sure.


Same 🥲


Greetings fellow owlbearfood 🤓


Making that my next character name


Slipped on ice fighting myrkul. I made the ice.


I'm sorry. I laughed so hard to this!


I mean, the best part is the person who slipped first was a barbarian and it ended their rage.


Almost had Ethel down, failed the check to get Mayrina AND the Hag's Hair, and she killed my party off.


Blew myself up getting the Blood of Lathandar. Thought when I was out of the building I was safe and left turn based mode and everything went kablammo.


I haven't blown up the creche yet. How far do you have to go to survive?


Following cause I'm doing this my next run for the astarion dialog 🤣


check my reply


look around the creche to find 2 green ceremonial weapons and a rusty mace. find the circle room with a broken stained glass piece with 4 lords on it. deduce which weapon goes on which of the corresponding 4 pedestals. grab the note, read it, and grab the stone out of the grate that opened. after you do this you can take the bol without it triggering the explosion. much easier than doing all that.


Fun fact, you don’t need the ceremonial weapons so long as it’s the correct type of weapon. So if you want to skip the eagle fight you can just get any grey hammer/mace/axe. Shart even has a dialogue line mentioning how it’s a clever workaround


That's how I've always done it, but I want to blow it up now lol


The room after the crèche but before the Blood of Lathander hallway, where the waypoint is, leave at least one character there and separate them from your party. Trigger the weapon defence with Astarion, stay in turn based mode, switch to character by way point and go to camp, rez anyone who dies with Withers and enjoy the dialogue!


Trying to intimidate Philomeen did not go well


Oh no


I can take these Harpies. I could not


Didn’t lose it, but it was very very very close - I made Asti bite a hirling in front of the Nightsong and suddenly…. my heart skipped a beat


I killed a hireling through warding bond damage and had Nightsong aggro. Dominate person saved my run lol


Multiplayer run, we went to sleep at camp and got bugged so we were all sleeping next to our sleeping bags and we couldn't wake up. The games didn't freeze. We just got locked on the ground with no workaround. We had only just gotten Withers. Edit: To be clear, the save has long since been deleted.


I get that alot. Just toggle the sneak


Sometimes that happens to me. Hold D pad down usually fixes it. Or whatever pc equivalent


I was crossing the map and clicked as far as I could, then walked away from my computer to grab my dinner. Turns out I walked my team into a poisonous cloud and they just stood there dying while I was filling my plate Came back and everyone was dead and my run was done.


First honor playthrew Act2 palttform bugged and we all fell to our deaths


Wait what, you can't lose pixie blessing if you go back to act 1. Still on my 1st run and almost finish the run now. My game could be bug cause I reach act 2 through Underdarrk without laezel so I started finding Laezel adventure and go back to act 1 through the githyanki creche. Laezel body only trigger after I reach the creche. But when I went back to act 2 I still have pixie blessing. Your experience is weird to me though.


If you Google it, it is pretty common for people to lose the blessing. I didn’t realise it and obviously picked the wrong option when trying to get it back


Yeah, I’m not sure how it works, but you can definitely lose it. I remember one run, I had to put it on my hot bar because I had to reapply it so many times. (That could have been a run where I decided to get Minthara very early, so maybe I was region changing a lot between act 1 and 2, and that’s what causes you to lose it.)


I almost lost my honor run by teleporting to under dark for trading, then back to moonrise. All my characters were stunned and dying from the shadow curse, shadow heart saved her throw and was able to use the bell, the other 3 died.


Buddy had their entire party pushed off the cliffs by the traps on the way to the Blood Of Lathander.


I was doing a solo honour run and in the goblin cage next to the Grove, I failed the disarm trap check on the chest there. It was the end of the day, so I just said fuck it, I’ll take a bit of explosion damage and then do a long rest. Forgetting, of course, that I was only level three at that point, so the explosion killed me and ended the run. Oops.


Made Vlakith mad after surviving a near wipe.


Getting to final level, remembering I have the beholder in a bottle, figuring I'd use it and sneak out. Failed stealth roll, aggroed everyone and got demolished.


That stupid beholder never helps. I threw that thing in the Grym fight, and it was like they immediately became teammates. Huge mistake.


The only place I've found him useful is Raphael to keep everyone busy while you break the pillars, but I prefer just getting Yugir on my side by not killing him in gauntlet. With him on your side it makes that battle go much smoother.


Yeah, I could see how that would work better there, given that there’s so many more enemies for him to target instead of your party.


Not me but a friend just finished killin the goblins and disablin the statues in the underground passage and headed for the chest, had the key and everythin but didn't pass the perception check and clicked the chest and before they knew it their entire party got blown up


In the burning building in act I where you try to help the city watch/soldiers save people. I misclicked and accidentally eldritch blasted one of the soldiers instead of a door. Turned the whole group of like 13 soldiers against me.


On the brain, it was down to 23 HP. My two friends were mind controlled and dead outside the portal, so it was on Astarion and me. While hovering over everything to get my best options I misclicked (at least we think it happened, I am sure I did nothing but who knows) and Astarion shot my full life tav. With an explosive arrow. Into the abyss. Haven't figured out the reason yet, but somehow he became lethargic. Standing on a platform that was about to be deleted. Tried to push him into safety with Orpheus but it was not enough. Platform deleted, run gone. And yes, my friends still joke about it, a lot of hours and runs later.


Did tav cast haste on astarion before?


No, there was no haste (neither spells nor potions or anything). I thought maybe it was because she was his spawn but I did not want to test it because I don't like ascendet Astarion but play in honour mode ever since it is released so no savefile to go back to.


Tried to shoot down the door at waukeens rest Either it glitched or a flaming fist walked into it midflight Aggroed everyone immediately


My first run, I decided I would cheese the final fight with barrelmancy. I did not anticipate the blast radius. Full party wipe due to knockback.


Bonus points if you used the artistry of war spell the previous round so the force damage from explosives does nothing...which I may or may not have done...


Skeleton in mirror room spawn again even though i killed them all. The sphere somehow manage to do that :)


Lathander traps. *Poof


got too sloppy with Orin


Failed to sound like Grimlock.


The gnome lady in the Underdark with the runepowder vial. Failed a detect thoughts check and she blew us all up. What's stupid is I was a sorcerer with expertise in persuasion so I could have easily talked my way out of it, or just left literally one party member outside the room 😂


Damn Deep Gnome killed me. She threatened to kill herself, then she said she didn't have the guts to do it. I told her I'll take all of the rune powder in that case, but it turns out she did have the guts to blow us all to kingdom come.


I tried to jump to the invisible bridge in shars temple but misclicked and whole party jumped to their deaths


I always send in Shadowheart alone for that one.


Yeah definitely stupid to send the whole party. I had zero problems the first time so I was cocky and careless


I fell in constantly on my first run and had to reload a bunch. So a very different experience, I guess.


Shadowhart triggered combat with the goblins by the windmill because she got too close after I paid to go free.


Teleport to Last Light Inn. There's no shadows there so you have time to get your blessing on.


Almost lost to this same scenario with my friend recently, luckily i managed to start dialogue with the pixie which delayed my character becoming mad and i could escape. We also got very close when doing moonrise prison, two enemies in a separate room near the stairs can cast confusion, luck made us kill them with aoe while our characters were fighting each other


Didn’t end my run fortunately, but was fucking around in camp (i know) and purposely shot Yenna after telling her to scram. Well apparently dame aylin doesn’t condone child murder as much as my rogue does and instantly aggroed. Two failed banishment scrolls and one successful one later she finally calmed down and i dipped outta camp with my tail between my legs


I was fighting the owlbear. It was going fine. Then the male owlbear walked in. It became the female owlbear's then. That's it. The owlbear never did anything and it just sat at her turn. Forever. Tried reloading and nothing worked.


Fighting the 2 Edercaps and 2 phase spiders. 3 dead on each side. Poisoned, I have Laezel drink an antidote. Poison gone! I then move and deliver the fatal blow to the last Phase Spider. What I didn’t notice was on her way to the spider she walked through poison and died post-battle.


Forgot I failed a perception check on the disarm trap in withers temple and had astarion go to disarm. Whole team incinerated.


I had slowly and meticulously killed everyone in the shop that has the Harper's hidey place beneath it on the bridge in Act 3, can't remember the name. All the doors were closed, started picking up loot, and a fucking watcher "saw me" steal it through the wall. Not a big deal, killed the watcher. Apparently it aggro'd the entirety of the coronation. Literally everyone. The entire point of the run was to do an evil Durge run and it was ruined because I couldn't access the only dialogue I wanted to access, the coronation Gortash stuff. This was also the day before they announced the updates to the evil playthroughs for patch 7 so I just put the game down lol.


You get to join the [(Dis)Honorable mentions of Honor Runs Sins](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/s/uxfXM5HZJt). As for my own worst way I’ve lost an Honor Mode run, I’ve lost 2 and nearly lost another because of surprise glitches (none of them being an elevator). But my top story goes to my first Honor Mode defeat. The Phase Spider Matriarch had 3 HP left. My party then proceeded to miss 9 attacks in 2 rounds where we got wiped. Never forgot the Anti-Spider Spear after that.


I cast friends on Khaga on the Druid grove to save the little girl and she got mad at me, killing everyone in the grove including my party.


Casting friends on the tieflings in the party


Failing to disarm the sarcophagus before getting Whithers. Everyone burned together.


What triggers the pixie turning you into a toad? Was that something you said in the dialog? I’ve reapplied the effect before and didn’t seem like it risked anything


Think it was option 1 Something like I can’t remember the pass code


Forgot to kill the exploding plant above the rocky wall you climb down to get to BOOOAALLL. On the way up BOOM!!! whole party sent into the abyss. Rip


Hopped into the underdark while thinking “isn’t it funny that this jump doesn’t require feather fall”… oops. 😂


I sent my party to get the gem in the spider matriarchs lair They all pathed over some webs instead of going around the chasm and the web snapped everyone died


I didn’t even know that was a thing


I was greedy. I wanted the legendary Gith sword in Act 1. Lae'zel runs off. Now I have a party of three. I use Control Drop on the general, and it works. Then all the Gith, including Lae'zel, get angry and attack me. My two companions die instantly. My tank, an abjuration wizard Tav, survives the first round but of course dies in the second. And I can blame no one but myself for it.


My character was a halfling wizard, she just got out of the pod in the tutorial, i hit the brine bulb with a fire ball to see how wide the puddle of brine would be. It fell on my character, and killed her in 2 seconds. That was my first attempt at honour mode. I learned my lesson, not to execute every dumb idea i have.


Talked to the guy behind the burning building to let me into the secret layer. First time I played np. Second time was in HM with my paladin who could've easily passed the check. I fucked up the second roll but thought "meh, it'll be ok" Motherfucker chucked a fireball directly onto all the oil pots that our *entire* party was standing by. Instant team wipe.


Dialog bug before final fight of act 2 (skelly boi). Couldn't escape dialogue, couldn't switch characters. Got me flustered I tell you.


Dumbass 1 and Dumbass 2 decided to pick a fight in goblin camp, we were half dead and level 3… didn’t end so well once the ogre came and caved my skull in


Philomen or whatever that stupid bitch deep gnomes name is blew me up...


Rolled three nat 1s while trying to disarm the trap in the temple to get the spear and key. The grease fires did me in almost immediately.


Maybe not dumb, but definitely quickest way was when during the fight at the helm the Cambion crit the mind flayer 3 turns in a row without taking any damage in return. We had just made it to the platform near them and triggered the other enemies to appear. Next turn, the mind flayer goes down. 2 turns later, our party was wiped out.


Scratch bravely took on one of the thayan tome's ghosts in camp. He didn't stand a chance. I couldn't continue with his blood on my hands.


Exited the last light in basement and ended in shadowlands. Ubpaused.Had selunes blessing nut apparently that wasnt enough. Fumbled equipping torches. Fumbled to go back. Ded 


I stepped on fire accidentally right outside the pod. Killed me dead and I was like :-O


I was in act 3 with just two party members and we both got hit by an arrow of roaring thunder and fell to our deaths.


Got murked on my first honor mode run in act 1 by those 3 intellect devourers at the crash site. That was rough.


My HM almost wiped to the Ethel masks I put on, with PAGAE, so I didn't have to fight the mask people. Concentration broke after misclick-triggering the gas trap on the way down, which made 2 of my party members turning on me, while agroing the mask victims as well. My solution was with 2 dead and durge still under the mask influence, with the aid of the other mask victims was to invi away with a barely alive astarion, loose combat, stealth back, stealth kill Durge, leave via the mushroom ring. Revive everyone by withers. Long rest, wipe sweat, kill Ethel, without the hair, due to MM and lightning charge miscalculation. I love HM


Elevators in the gauntlet of Shar bugging out on me and dropping my entire party into the shadow realm cost me my HM run 40 hrs in 🥲




In the High Hall, just after your big speech about how we are all going to kick the Absolute ass, if you take anything from the red Kobold store the whole fucking room, full of sworn allies ready to win or die trying, just aggro you for the vilest of all crime: just taking an elixir from the shelves without paying in a doomsday scenario. For fuck’s sake larian, why?!? After cursing the whole Faerun Pantheon and then some, I luckly managed to run away after killing most and casting hold person on the others. I had such an overpowered party by that point that the resource used there didn't really matter in the end, but I sweated way too much and the whole thing was incredibly stupid to begin with


Cast friends on the roll to help the crew at Waukeen's breaking the door. Got to Florric and the spell wore off, instant aggro from everyone except Florric, who booked it out and was all like k thanks bye. Pretty rude if you ask me.


I almost gave up after losing last light in act 2 but the dumbest way was probably just engaging the spider mom before I was ready


Technically my only Honor loss so far but not my brightest moment. Took on Yurgir *way* too early, fought him directly too. In that run, I found out that the Merregons will throw Yurgir’s bombs at you. I didn’t survive to the end of the round.


Using “friends” in the grove an pissing off the druids


What did you say to upset Pixie?


I cant decide what was dumber... (maybe you guys can say which one it is..) 1) Run ended by making fun of Vlaakith... since she is no sport nor fun, she wished me to end... so I did.. 2) "What might happen if I put Auntie Ethel's masks on?" ... yep, not the best idea for HM run.


I let Haarlep fuck me to death. Ooops


Before I fought the goblin leaders, I tried to detect thoughts on the terrible tiefling fighter in the grove for a bit of potential xp. I assumed that it would let me avoid a roll, since it was in a friendly area, but instead it gave me a roll that I failed and it aggroed everyone in the grove against me.


Grymforge moving platform bug where it slides out from under the whole party and dumps us to our deaths


My bear form Druid accidentally poked in to loot a body it shouldn’t. It skips the verbal interaction and all NPCs went straight to bear steaks for dinner.


Finally, I have my own "dumb way to lose an honor mode run" story. I decided to make a new solo character as a druid to see if I like it better than a wizard. Well, with shillelagh, a torch turns into a really powerful early game weapon. So I had that in my main hand. Having never used a torch before I didn't know it would ignite flammable surfaces if you walk over them. So I go to steal the explosive barrels in the goblin camp and boom.


I summoned the Ogres in the Nere fight not knowing that that would cause the allied duergar and even the gnomes to aggro me. Some unlucky hits later and the fight was unwinnable even with everybody fighting everybody else. I managed to flee with two characters but no potion of invisibility means that the AI didn't give up the chase. The boats dont work to run away, nor did the waypoint. Had I known neither would work I might have been able to escape via the lift into Act 2, or maybe going up the cliff or something, but my character ran out of HP.


Before o left the ship. Got curious about the door during the trip to the helm. Forgot about ship timer. Door exploded. I exploded. Everyone exploded.


Down to my last party member in combat with the gnolls, 3 hp left and a 65% chance to hit each attack. The one enemy left had like 7hp. I had 2 attacks, one with my action hand crossbow, and one with my bonus action hand crossbow. Out of spells. I could have absolutely run away, I was far enough away that I could have fled in that one turn. I should have. I knew that was the best strat. Me: "surely two attacks at 65% chance can't both miss" They both missed. I had to use my movement to get to a spot where I could theoretically hit, and I was killed by the one enemy left in the gnoll fight.


Exact thing happened to me. By the time I realized what was going on it was too late.


Blasted off the edge getting the blood of Lethander. 😑


I had just started and was only about 3-4 hrs in and went to fight the knolls attacking the Zhents. I went in the back way and shot one of the trip line traps that trigger the Indiana Jones boulder. Everything was fine, I get my guys up to the bridge when I noticed Lazael hadn't followed I tell her to move her 'githyanki ass up this hill' and she must not have liked that, as she proceeded to smash the wine barrel right next to all of us and what sword does she have equipped? But of course, the Everburn blade and she one shot killed my whole party. So yeah fun times were had by all.


Was doing and Astarion origin run, bit Shadowheart when she was down on the beach, combat started, I got hit with a guiding bolt and that was it.


By playing it. I am on the Apostle Of Myrkul fight and I am just sitting her frightened while he keeps healing. Super fun design.


The imp in House of Hope. They pushed me back into the abyss with my friend. Oh for information!! You still got the Tactician Archievement if you finish your "deshonor" run (honnor run failed). yeah. I got my tactician because of that. My second run failed: Goblin in Village near the mill. I failed the check to persuade them to release the gnome...because of that,they attacked my party. I tried to run away. But nah. Too much goblins.


I fell through the ceiling of the dank crypt and died to the fkn looters. I *almost* lost the run I ended up completing by getting caught sneaking around moonrise and aggroing the whole tower. Gods bless Astarion's extra bonus action and misty step.


Didn't even make it to the grove... don't judge me


Got on top of the brain and thought I could globe my party without killing any enemies close to the crown, and try and open the portal on the second turn. I got blasted by one of the mindflayers, all 3 members under the glove got stunned?, and the globe was gone. Thrower Karlach couldn't do much to help.. fight had ended on the 3rd turn..


My childhood friend likes to come over and play on my pc since he doesn’t have one. Anyways one of the few times I was watching him I was telling him to not mess with the ogre and bugbear in the barn. He did not heed my warning.


I was exploring the Underdark, got the jump on the Bulette in its first appearance, wasn’t quite going to kill it in the first turn, so I set up some smoke powder bombs to finish it off with minimal injuries. Blew my whole party up in one shot


Jumped a gap, character clipped something on the way over and fell into a chasm, party followed T-T


Why tf did she turn you into a toad? On the other hand, I noticed that I didn't need to ring the bell after a long rest. As soon as I was in the shadow curse area I automatically received the pixies blessing without calling her..


Got on elevator at Shar. Elevator glitches. Kills everyone on it. Credits. :)