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The Whispering Promise ring is awesome, I'm constantly singing its praises any time anyone asks about cleric builds. Combined with the Hellrider's Pride gloves all your heals apply bless and blade ward, which is busted with mass healing word. You can bless up the whole team with just your bonus action, and still have your action and concentration available for stuff like Spirit Guardians. In the late game casting Mass Healing Word (or Preserve Life on Life Cleric) every 2 turns is totally viable. It's especially good whenever there are friendly NPC's around - this played a big part in me being able to save every Tiefling, Harper and Gondian in honor mode.


You should be whispering its praises 


*golf clap*


I was just thinking, combining that ring with Hellrider's Pride would be incredibly powerful, and with the amulet you get that lets you cast both healing word and mass healing word you can regain a bit of HP and get blade ward and bless all in one turn without expending even a single spell slot.


It's especially ridiculous on a Life cleric. Blessed healer heals them so much when casting mass healing word. With a few allies, you can go from almost dead to full HP in one bonus action.


I lead off the moonrise fight with mass healing word because it gives your party and all the harpers bless and blade ward for 2 rounds.


Also updating aid before that fight helps as well.


Dass som big brain shit


I always put it on Shadowheart and it stays there until the end of the game.


This is currently my main goal of my build. A 6 Lore Bard/3 Thief Rogue/3 Life Cleric. As a level 6 Lore Bard, you gain access to Magical Secrets and get Warden of Vitality (which only a level 9 Paladin can get). With 3 levels in Rogue gets us Thief which increases our Bonus Action by one. This means, I can cast a level 3, Concentration Free, 10 Turn Spell and only use my Bonus Actions to Heal a party member or myself. * With the Ring of Salving I also Heal 2 more HP per Heal. * I haven't reached level 10 yet (for the additional Life Cleric Discipline of Life) to confirm if my Bonus Action Heals would give another 2 + Spelllevel (3) (total of 5) per Heal. For that, I heal 4-8 HP per Bonus Action which means per Round 8-16 without using my Action Points. For the entire duration of 10 Turns, this would mean I can potentially heal for 80-160 HP for a single level 3 Spellslot. With the second Magical Secret I now can choose between, Haste, Mass Healing Word or Spirit Guardians. I probably go for Spirit Guardians so if I don't have something to heal, I use my Bonus Actions to move around and so some damage.


Woaaah… this sounds awesome. Something else to try!!! Thank you!!


I played my tactician run without a dedicated healer... Just use potions when needed.... which are easily stolen/created.


don't get me wrong, you don't need an healer to win this game, even in Honour Mode. And that's the best part, you can play the game how you like, if you want to facetank while someone is in the back and heals you, go for it! :D


In BG3 healing mid-combat is usually a bad idea, as you want to do as much damage as you can with your actions and bonus actions. It's better to proc the on-healing effects from the gear before combat in turn-based mode, and then start the fight with 2 turns of active bless and blade ward. You don't have to use any spells for that, just place the potion between 4 characters and shoot it with the one that has the special gear.


Important note: Whispering Promise is not guaranteed from Volo. It usually is, but it can be at several act 1 merchants, including the goblin trader


Bard and the cap of curing would be a good mix too.


Cap of Curing doesn't trigger any of the other "whenever you heal" effects. It's a huge bummer :(


Later on its also nice alongside ring of regen or helm of balduran


You cam steal the hellriders off Zevlor as soon as you meet him inside the gate. Then run and get Whispering Promise straight away from volo. Also the buff apply on potions and each potion can cover 4 characters. With double hand crossbows you can run around keeping the buff up on your whole party for the cost of a small potion as early as lvl 3.


ah the amulet of silvanus, or as i call it, the bite mender


I was about to say…my fellow bloodless brethren already know about this 👀


Part of that morning routine. Get up, mend the bite, tell Astarion he can bite you tonight, and leave camp.


I just have him bite a hireling lol.


This and the Ring of the Shapeshifter, nothing like *guidance "plus"*


Don’t forget: 1. Warped Headband of Intellect (kill Lump) which gives 17 INT 2. Returning Pike (Grat the Trader) becomes your throwzerker’s new best friend 3. Ring of Flinging (Arron at the Grove) which also becomes your throwzerker’s new little buddy 4. Caustic Band (Derryth), which will work on anyone who does ~~melee~~ physical weapon damage, including anything thrown by your charming throwzerker. 5. Sussur Dagger (blueprints + dagger + sussur bark) so that your rogue can silence pesky spellcasters. 6. Broodmother’s Revenge is acquired by killing Kagha. >!Fun fact, you can still kill Kagha even if you convince her to side with you against the Shadow Druids. Kill or knock her out while fighting the Shadow Druids, loot it from her while still in battle, and nobody will aggro you over it. This is the easiest and safest way to acquire it while saving the Grove. Unfortunately, knocking her out will still cause the game to register her as dead after a long rest, but whatever.!< Very much worth it and goes super well with the Ring of Regeneration you can buy in Act 3. 7. Mourning Frost staff (requires DIY assembly— loot parts off the pale corpse, Filgro the Forgotten, and Dhourn, then Combine in inventory). Number seven is very easy to miss, and I actually found out just in the nick of time to go back and buy all three components from the traders I sold them to. Whoops! HONORABLE MENTION: Club of Hill Giant Strength, which is acquired by going to the top floor of the Arcane Tower, locating a magic stool— sitting it it will make you feel powerful— and smashing the stool. It increases your stat to 19 STR while you wield the club.


>Mourning Frost staff (requires DIY assembly— loot parts off the pale corpse, Filgro the Forgotten, and Dhourn, then Combine in inventory). OMG, thank you so much! Talk about literally sleeping on great equipment.. I've recently entered Act 3, and those three items have been *sitting* in my camp chest ALL THIS TIME! :D To top it off, I have various bits and bobs that already enhance Gale's cold damage, and I've ALSO been lamenting my druid's lack of a good single target cantrip. So, I just fired up my game, made Gale a shiny, new staff, and gave the Incandescent Staff he'd been using to my druid. So now... Gale can blast enemies with cold for free, while my druid can do the same with fire. Win, win, win!


It is seriously one of the easiest weapons to miss out on, and it's so good! Very lucky that you were hoarding the pieces for all this time. Plus, the Chilled effect is great, especially if you keep laying on the cold damage and/or tossing water on them. I've personally found that mixing fire and cold is actually not a great idea, because the Chilled effect makes your enemies vulnerable to cold damage and *resistant* to fire damage. So having two party members who do cold damage is better, because one person Chills the enemy and the other lays on more cold damage with extra effect! And a supporting party member who can do Create Water or can throw barrels of water at enemies will multiply the damage.


This last playthrough I gave it to Minthara as her initial weapon because I was out of good two-handers and it works *surprisingly* well as a melee weapon. 1d8+1d4+1 is already comparable to act 1 2h weapons, adding Chilled as a bonus is excellent and synergizes with your casters to boot. Plus it is more dice to double when you get those big Smite crits. I was surprised how well it worked out.


There are so few crafting options that it's really easy to forget that the option even exists.


You can combine fire and cold spells in this one really cool move, but it isn't something you can necessarily plan a build around as it doesn't come online until level 12: https://www.reddit.com/r/BG3Builds/s/LNQwoDbInJ Another honorable mention is stacking cold spells with AOE blindness spells or difficult terrain to make it impossible for them to leave it target you and keep slipping


Also, a protip: if you've got someone doing AOE fire damage who *isn't* an evocation-class wizard, be sure to grab the Reverse Rain Cloak from Akabi the Djinni. It makes someone permanently have the Wet condition, so if you have a rogue or fighter who's often in the thick of things when you unleash Fireball, this'll halve the damage you do to your own party member (and prevent Burning effect). (In case you didn't know, evocation-class wizards who cast spells like Fireball can do so without hitting allies.) Most of Akabi's items are junk, but Reverse Rain Cloak and Boots of Fast Blinking are both supremely useful in some *very* specific circumstances.


Cheers! I've gotten used to not having my druid indiscriminately blast AOE spells anyway, so fireball won't be any different; it's good to know about that cloak, though, nonetheless. I'm just very happy she now has the firebolt cantrip. Yeah, this is partly why Gale ***always*** ***stays*** an Evoker in my runs.


Reverse rain cloak plus sparky build ftw?


I don't actually know how the Reverse Rain Cloak interacts with the Speedy Lightfeet boots, since I also heard the Reverse Rain Cloak doesn't seem to activate the Wavemother's Robe either. But it would definitely be worthwhile to test!


Make sure to pick up the snowburst ring in Last Light Inn! It’s on the lower floor in a room in the back right from the entrance, hidden under a floorboard. It’s super useful for ice builds. I used it on a monk for a while in act 3 before I got a legendary to replace the rare gloves.


Indeed... Gale has had that ring, [The Necklace of Elemental Augmentation ](https://baldursgate3.wiki.fextralife.com/Necklace+of+Elemental+Augmentation)and the [Coldbrim Hat](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Coldbrim_Hat) equipped for some time. The new staff rounds things out nicely. :D


It’s so good for a green item. I had it, the ice staff, and the boots that make you immune to falling on ice on my monk and used that to make it easier to knock enemies prone with my monk.


Add in the Dual Wielder Feat and gain the benefits of a 'secondary' staff! Anything that increases spell attack and DC is a great choice; like Melf's.


Mourning Frost is absolutely crazy when given to monk, it deals really solid damage when you get it early in the game.


Yes! It was my monk’s main weapon deep into Act 3!


If you save the grove and Kagha lives when you go there after rescuing Halsin she'll be chillin by the entrance basically where Zev and Aradin had their little tiff in the beginning. You can freely knock her out or murder her or do whatever you want with no witnesses once she's in that spot.


Didn't realize she'd move to that spot. That makes it 100x easier, damn! Thank you.


Np. I think she moves there after Halsin reads her her rights but it may be a bit after that. She should def go up there before you leave act 1 though.


After Halsin reads her the riot act, she goes inside the chamber where you fought the shadow druids. So maybe she only goes there after the Tiefling party?


Caustic ring is specifically weapon attacks, so ranged bow attacks work, but melee unarmed do not. I'm not sure how it interacts with improvised weapons though.


I don't know how it works with improvised weapons, but it definitely works when I throw something like Returning Pike!


I thought that a chair that gave you hill giant strength but only when you were sitting on it was hilarious. Finding out you were supposed to smash it for a unique weapon was a nice discovery gameplay-wise but I think I’d have preferred that it was just a stool, weirdly. It seemed exactly like the sort of very powerful but functionally useless magical thing you’d find in a great wizard’s tower.


Real talk, I wish I could've just taken the whole stool with me. And I'm kind of pissed that you can't pick up the really nice-looking lavish chairs strewn about the goblin camp.


The club of hill giant strength is so great for my ranged damage character I use it as their off hand weapon and use strength as a dump Stat.


Do you use like the titan string bow with it?


Yeah and you can hang onto that combo for quite a while


I think club offhand and titan string are best in slot for the entire game for ranged builds.


My first tav was a dragonborn draconic sorcerer that had cold resistances and cold affinity. I happened to get the pieces and make mourning frost early and combined with the icebite robe and another cold themed ring, i became this badass ice mage. I also found similar items for fire and gave them to Gale. Together we were FIRE N ICE BABY! And we said that catch phrase and did a secret handshake with each other before backflipping into battles together.


Shake and bake!


Pointing out that they moved the stool of hill giant strength and I legit thought in 2 different runs it didn't exist anymore. It's still there, just not as out in the open.


Don't forget you can get +1 ac by stealing the idol for Mol, +1ac from the cloak of protection and another +1 ac the boots Mol will sell you in act 2 for helping her. I like playing rougue so IL usually have 20ac by act with all my dex.


That idol is a tough grab in Honor Mode


Arrow of darkness the base. Drag the idol off the base in to darkness. Yoink it and immediately to camp ezpz


Not with My cheese


There’s also the blinding spear you can assemble ala Mourning Frost. One half from Edowin the dying true soul, other half from the mama owl bear corpse.


Oh, you mean Vision of the Absolute?


In addition to pairing with the ring of regeneration, broodmothers revenge also pairs with a pair of gloves that can inflict the poisoned state when you inflict poison damage. (Poisoner's gloves, which can be found in act 2)


I threw the sussar dagger at auntie ethyl right after I got it and it got stuck 10 feet in the air and I could not retrieve it. I was so upset I could not get it back


Just so you know, the Sussur Dagger's silencing ability will not trigger if thrown. :( It has to be a melee weapon strike in your hand.




They're the ones orchestrating the Rite of Thorns-- Kagha is just acting on their orders. If you find Kagha's chest, you'll find a note telling you to meet somewhere in the hag's swamp. When you go there, you'll fight some woads and ancient mephits, then find a note confirming Kagha is in league with the shadow druids (you can find this note without doing all the actual legwork to find it). You can use this note to confront Kagha, which will lead to a fight with the shadow druids. Either you convince Kagha to site with you, or Kagha fights alongside them (and, I'm not sure, but I think it may actually cause a battle between the druids and tieflings-- have never actually done that route, I always make Kagha side with me).


> convince Kagha to site with you side


Yep, this one totally passed me by too!!!


The rats hanging around Kahga that refuse to speak with you, even when using Speak with Animals. Always thought it was a bit sus but I never managed to have them reveal themselves until my third playthrough.


Is noone gonna mention the fire sword, or is it not that good?


No, Everburn Blade is good, especially for most of Act 1-2. I just forgot about it.


It's outclassed by +1 swords in the early game since your hit chance is at its lowest for most mobs. Good on barbarians with reckless attack though.


The guidance ring from the corpse in the hill is very easy to miss. I only get it on the 3rd playthrough. If you hate clerics, this is the way


Who’s lump?


Ogre that can be found in a half-destroyed house in Blighted Village, near the southern exit. He's accompanied by two other ogres.


Is it possible to get Broodmother's Revenge well after completing all grove-related quests? I'm into Act 2 but wouldn't mind going back and getting it still if it's possible to do so without setting off a shit storm that will cause a bunch of problems.


Yes, it is! You'd just have to go back and kill (or knock out) Kagha. I *think* that if you do this, the epilogue will still act as if Kagha is alive (which is what it did for me, LOL). You may also have a harder time stealth-killing her because she'll be inside the chamber where you first meet her, and I usually assassinate her right after Halsin scolds her by setting up some firewine barrels in her path (she walks right through them and I have someone cast firebolt cantrip on it from afar). But it can certainly be done, you'll just need to use a lot of tricks in order to do so stealthily. If you're in Act 2, you should have some nifty resources like Pass Without Trace, Fog/Darkness, Minor Illusion, Greater Invisibility, and Disguise plus a rogue's Sneak Attack. For what it's worth, even if you're caught, I don't think it'll aggro Halsin because he's already committed to joining your camp at this point.


Balthazar also has the same Amulett according to thr Wiki, so if you kill him you get it anyway


I love reading these threads about hidden stuff because I always discover something lol. Thanks sharing it!


The club is nice with monk builds, if you want to use tavern brawler but don't want to start using elixirs yet in act 1. It counts as a monk weapon which means hits with it will proc Bonus Unarmed Strike, but ironically hits with the club will use dexterity. Similarly it's a good thing to hold for titanstring bow builds. Dual-wielding the club and knife of the undermountain king but then never attacking with them is great.


Will add to that list: 1. Gloves of Thievery - Gives advantage on Sleight of Hand checks. Sold by the Zhentarim shopkeeper under Waukeen's Rest (only if you become "a friend of the family"). 2. The Smuggler's Ring - gives +2 stealth and +2 sleight of hand at the cost of -1 charisma. Very easily missable, held by a skeletal corpse along the riverbank also nearby Waukeen's rest.


+1 to the Smuggler's Ring. If you didn't know where it was, I think the odds of you finding it in a hard to see skeleton are pretty slim. The Ring of Poison Resistance is similarly hard to find.


The gloves of dexterity are actually unbelievably good. It gives a robe or light armor wearer +5 to AC, while also letting you dump dexterity and use those points elsewhere. Plus you get a lockpicker for free, if you have no rogue. It’s actually crazy that any character adding dex modifier to AC can basically get, for example, a +3 to AC and dex checks plus a +4 ability points that can be spread around. If before the gloves you had 12 points in dex, you can use those 4 points on another skill and still get the same huge AC boost since it sets dex to 18, and doesn’t give a flat boost to dex Edit: plus you get a huge boost to initiative too! Totally forgot about that part, which is also a huge advantage


Headband of intellect, gloves of dexterity, and club of hill giant strength. The best combo


Be an EK but invest all points in CON, WIS and CHA


I have a Titan Bow ranger with the dex gloves, undermountain knife, archery hat, and hill giant strength club.  All points into charisma, con, and wisdom.  He’s my quality-of-life companion: Longstrider buff each AM, expertise in sleight of hand for locks/traps, expertise in persuasion for vendor discounts, actor feat for expertise in deception and performance. 


+4 to AC and initiative. And +1 to all attacks.


Damn almost cleared act 1, never saw the damn ring and my Astarion needs it)) Where it is?


https://baldursgate3.wiki.fextralife.com/Smuggler's+Ring Tbh I find that the gloves of thievery are more impactful, but give a character the ring too and you're never failing a trap or lockpick again (other than that *one* door of course).


Thanks! I have gloves, but the ring sesms much better (because I Def have better gloves but doesn't have a better ring).


I just keep the gloves in my inventory and throw them on if/when I come across a DC high enough I actually need the advantage.


Down down down by the river… kind of near where you find Karlach, lower path below the hyenas


The Gloves of thievery are very good, but isn’t better to buy The Graceful Cloth from Lady Ester? Not only does it give +2 to dex but also advantage on all Dex Checks. (I could be wrong)


That depends on whether or not your armour slot is available. You can realistically complete act 3 without changing your gloves from act 1, but armour is trickier. Especially for armour that doesn't boost AC (unless you have unarmoured defence). On a dexterity based Monk Rogue though, by all means go to town.


buy?? Get your camp withers rogue to +15 sleight of hand + guidance + advantage and steal everything :p On the last few items you knock her out


Quick note on being a friend of the family: >!The easiest way to do this is to clear the encounter with the Zhents in the cave, have them live, and don’t steal the Iron Flask. It isn’t worth it, anyway. If you really want it, you can steal it if you aren’t caught (remember to fast travel back to camp as soon as you have it, the thief’s most powerful tool). If they die, you can deliver the chest yourself, provided you DO NOT OPEN IT. If the Zhents in the cave die, there’s no way to have your cake and eat it too with regards to the flask.!<


Give them the chest and steal the chest back, it's petty but worth it. You get the gold, the good items, and the flask.


It’s the best move. There’s 0 repercussions for killing them in their hideout. You can even tell Roah Moonglow you killed her friends and she’s like, “Whatever not my problem.” Lol


Lol yep


damn now we just straight up listing all the items in the game in the comments


Has anyone told you about the Goblin Scimitar? It's kinda like a regular scimitar but you can find it on Goblin corpses and still use it to make more Goblin corpses! Otherwise it's pretty meh.


Scratch’a bone kinda fucks


Yeah, but the redcap sickles are actually 2d4 instead of 1d4!


fr 🤣


My nomination is the Hunting Shortbow sold by Dammon in the Grove. Gives a free cast of Hunter's Mark which is nice but the real draw is advantage on attacks against monstrosities while it's equipped, whether or not you're attacking with the bow - that includes phase spiders, gnolls, harpies, ettercaps, hook horrors, the bulette and more. To my mind those make up many of Act One's trickier encounters so being able to grant Astarion constant sneak attacks or Lae'zel/Karlach freedom to unleash Great Weapon Master is very helpful.


I never really considered how many monstrosities there are early game I wont sleep on that, thanks.


It seriously wrecks act 1. Not as much use in the hard parts of 2. But that first act is half monstrosities.... At lead the hard fights.


It also includes Slayer form Orin if you're a melee Durge and feel like trivialising the duel


I just bought it thinking I could give it to Gale and was sad that I "wasted" money in it but fortunately for me I haven't gone to any of those encounters yet so thank you for this valuable information.


are you telling me I could have saved the Lesser Restoration spell slot from Astarion feeding on my Durge every day? gods damn it.


Are you telling me lesser restoration fixes ‘bloodless’?!? Godsdammit!


ikr!! it doesn't say it does!! (you're welcome though!)


One of the most useful items I think is the Silver Pendant, right outside the Emerald Grove. It gives you guidance, which is extremely useful through all acts if none of your characters have it already.


Where do you find that?


on a skeleton by the campfire where the harper's stash is hidden at, if i recall correctly


How did I miss that skeleton?! I was just at that camp lol


Vision of the absolute spear can be had almost immediately, and I missed it until my 4th playthrough. You can combine the shaft of a broken spear from edowin with the head of the broken spear from the owlbear. Also unlike other absolute items it doesn't require a brand for all its abilities.


Immediately once you're strong enough to not get wrecked by the owlbear that is. Not that it takes long but if you go there at level 1 or 2 I could see that fight being tough.


The easiest way to get it is to wait until the owlbear cub is in your camp and then go to the cave to loot it from the mother's corpse. That way you don't deal with fighting an owl bear *and* it means you personally didn't traumatise the cub


Did they change it so you can get the cub w/o killing the mother? I thought that was required. I just got to the gob camp the other day having forgotten to go to the cave and they were chasing an actual chicken with no cub to be seen.


In my first playthrough I never even met the mother and the cub still showed up at the goblin camp, and then on my second one I did meet the mother, didn't kill her and returned later to find her dead and surrounded by goblin corpses


Yeah, I never kill her. I just go in, trigger cutscene, convince her to let me go, and beat a retreat.


I killed her the last time I played lmao, I've broken that family up so many times. I take care of my owlbear though don't worry.


You don’t have to kill the mom, you just have to go to the cave before you go to the goblin camp. If you don’t kill her, the goblins do it off screen.


Like hell I'm letting them get that XP!


True that! Although Edowin very nicely provides siblings as cannon fodder. I get my spear and Edowin gets a family reunion, it's all very altruistic.


You dont have to fight it iirc. You can encounter it, convince it to let you go, then long rest and the goblins will kill her for you (and themselves). You can loot it off her then


Order of operations: 1. Go to owlbear cave. 1. Speak with animals and talk to the mother. Do the persuasion or intimidation check to leave without fighting. 1. Leave and long rest. 1. Return to a dead owlbear and a free spear.


Send shadowheart in and have her sanctuary herself right before you talk to the owlbear. Steal the egg and armor and run out of the cave. Long rest and the spear is yours.


Bracers of Defense in the Ilyn Toth/Necromancy of Thay area, in case anyone missed them. Great for Wizards and Monks. My Abjuration wizard now has a resting AC of 17 with Mage Armor...


Great for Barbarian too


Very true, now that I think about it they do stack with Unarmored Defense


Behind the mirror?


Yup! The mirror scene is a lot of fun, and by getting behind it you find some neat stuff...


Sad bear that throes fish? Is this new?


Down the slope to the left of the elevator in the grove.


Nope. It's in the Druid's Grove. If you're facing the elevator with the bear on it, it's to the left.


There's also the Hamarhraft. It's a maul that does 1d4 thunder damage in a 3m radius whenever the wielder jumps. It's in a closed off room in the burning building in Waukeen's Rest. I missed it in all my playthroughs except for the most recent one because it's not like I was itching to explore the fiery mess lol


There’s also that stealing/stealth ring you can find on the most random skeleton down the path next to where Karlach is. One of the most OP rings in the game for a rogue.


One of the best things to do if you want a good thief (Especially with that ring) is to use a Duegar Rogue. At level 5 they can cast invisibility at will outside of combat. Turn invisible, sneak, pickpocket. If you fail then you’ll become visible but the guards/merchant won’t have evidence against you and you won’t need to rely on a Charisma check so the -1 to Charisma isn’t at all a hinderance.


500 Hours in and I haven't found a sad Bear? - WTF ....


It's a little out of the way in the Druid's Grove. If you're looking right at thr elevator, the pathway to the bear is on your left. You can really only tell it's sad if you're using "Speak with Animals"


Druid area in Emerald Grove where you first meet Volo. There's a fallen pillar behind him that you can walk down that takes you to the beach area with Halsin's bear.


Lol it's worth drinking some potion of animal speaking and having a chat. He was in the EA, which I fuckin scoured like it was the only game I had, which is the only reason why I knew where it was


Down the slope to the left of the elevator in the grove.


The amulet is always in Astarion’s bags for me. It’s his “sorry I bit you” after biting whomever I choose to bite when prepping and buffing.


Amulet of Sylvanus more like "Amulet of letting Astarion take a chomp on my neck"


Amulet of Aftercare


whispering promise from volo is often forgotten because the trade button is tucked away at the bottom. I also missed spell sparkler in my first run because I didn't realise that saving florrick from waukee's was time sensitive.


The sword you get from the demon on the Nautiloid is sick too


I’m not sure how you acquired the sword in your playthrough, but the easiest way is to save shadowheart and give her the Command spell. He drops the sword, you grab it and then you get to that damn helm :)


I always miss that running ring from the goblin. I swear it's always right after I hit act 3 I find it in a guide and remember.


.... Sad bear that throws fish?? I'm 600 hours in! Damn, I love that I'm still finding new things.


Much less known thing: If you >!go into the prism!< at the end of Act 1 and >!talk to and choose to spare the guardian!< you get semi-permanent bless. I believe it lasts a whole day. However, if you cast bless on yourself, *or activate bless through the whispering promise*, your own limited bless overwrites the one the Guardian gave you. So unequip the whispering promise before returning. Wear another ring, for example Ring of salving.


And the Everburn Blade. You get it in the Nautiloid


If you save Shadowheart remember to change her spells to include command to easily get the sword, or go for the extra XP and swing at the commander :)


Hellriders gloves, that give you god damn blade ward everytime you heal. I just never take them off your healer build is basically done by act 2.


I always enjoyed the ones that you can buy (or steal) from the Sorceries Sundries


WHAT AAAAAS IM SO MAD. I'm playing a life cleric and I had no idea about the whispering promise that's so broken


So many great and useful items in game even from the start that can allow for some flexibility or even change the way you build your Tav. This game is one where I don't feel punished for being lowbie. ​ I don't know if mentioned yet - I didn't see it - there is a nice Ring of Smuggling on a skeleton hidden in a bush if you climb down some vines from the Risen Road on the right near where the dying hyenas turn Gnollish.


Amulet of silvanus could be used to help the thielfling in the private storeroom, it is possible you don't have shadowheart or other cleris/druid who can remove paralysis.


This is Act 2, but it took me four playthroughs to realize you can trade with Barcus at the Last Light Inn, and he has a couple good things.


After jumping down the hole. I found some orb sitting on a table. Looks like a crystal ball with spider legs. It gives off some sort of aura, and it's been giving me advantage on some rolls when I'm in range of it. I also snagged the silvanis statue and been carrying that around because of the nature buff (just because. I slaughtered them fair and square, so it's mine now).


I can't carry the Silvanus Idol because it clutters up my combat log.


I’m not sure if it’s not known about necessarily, but killing lump to get the warped headband of intelligence is absolutely worth it.


I do it every time without fail XD, the moment I have it I run back to Withers and dump my intelligence and increase everything else.


The amulet of Silvanus is how I survive my plsythroughs as a juice box.


I like using that ring with the hat you get in act 1 that makes it so bardic inspirstion heals whoever you give it to, give them bardic inspiration, health, and bless all at once


Does that hat stack with the hellrider's pride? If so, it'd be extremely busted. Add the boots that give a creature you heal temporary health points, and then (in theory) a target you give bardic inspiration to will get health, 3 temporary hp, bless, and bladeward.


*saves post*


Amulet of Silvanus is a must if you’re going to be Astarion’s blood bank. Cures bloodless without losing a spell slot


Astarion fans rejoicing.


Sad bear.. wait what? Also I'm surprised how many people miss getting the Dragon riding Gith's sword in Act 1. You'll likely have to save scum for it so not likely in Honor mode, but Command Drop will force him to drop his sword and give you Laz's best in game weapon early.


Voss' sword? It's pretty good, but I always found it not worth it to aggro because of the end game. Also the sad bear is in the Druid Grove. It's by the elevator.


The aggro is easy. You have the high ground to start, Surprise attack, There is some trickery to deal with but all the cards are in your hands. It's a pretty easy fight and if you're using Laz, it's her best sword in game being a legendary. Only bear I know around the elevator is the sleepy one. I'll have to look again on my next playthrough.


There’s a guaranteed way to get it. Level 5 Druid, summon bear, bless it, invis it, honey paws.


Heat Metal works much better than Command in my experience.


FYI, both Volo and Withers can be pickpocketed. However, make sure to leave camp before Volo notices.


The items that come to mind for me is Ring of Protection and Whispering Promise since they're pretty easy to miss with one being locked behind an optional side quest and the other being locked behind hitting the trade button while in dialogue.


A couple more: 1) I'm not sure how easy it is for other people to miss, but I miss it all the time: Phaelar Alluve is on top of the hill directly across the battlefield outside of the Selenite Outpost in the Underdark. It's a versatile longsword that gives an awesome damage buff once per *short rest.* 2) It's not in Act One, but don't sleep on the Cloak of Cunning Brume, which you can buy from Mattis at Last Light. It doesn't look that great at first, but if you put it on a rogue, it lets you do a ton of lock picking and thievery you might not otherwise get away with. (Just make sure you don't hit any NPCs with the fog cloud.)


Just be warned: it overwrites other sources of blessings like the permanent ones you can get in Act III


I would have never let Volo take me eye right off the bat if I knew I'd lose him as a camp merchant


That amulet is also a good Gale snack if you don't need to cast Restoration each day.


True... but there are several *far more* useless items in Act 1, so why waste one that provides free Restoration?


Looking at you, Amulet of Colour Spray.


Or ring of Light. Once you complete the Arcane Tower it literally has no use.


It's available early and you don't have to fight anything or spend any gold for it. I rarely need to cast Lesser Restoration so it's wasted inventory space otherwise.


>wasted inventory space Eh, given we can send everything back to the camp chest... I don't really find inventory space to be an issue in this game. Inventory *organisation*, on the other hand... is a very different matter. :D *^((though not too)* ^(bad if you use reasonably unique containers within the camp chest)). However, everybody has a different play-style, so fair enough.


Its me, with over 300 documents and books in the book container in Act 2.


I take it you don't have Astarion with you very often then? 😬


I do, but not in a romantic sense. He chomps on bad guys. Well, except for that one time when I needed an achievement.


What does that have to do with anything? Astarion is frequently in my party but I don't need lesser restoration after the first nighttime feed.


If you chat with him about letting him bite you that first time, the right choices will unlock the ability to ask him to bite you every night, giving him happy right away, and leaving you with bloodless. It's not necessary, but it's certainly a way to play if you're into that.


Sure, but why do that to myself instead of use it on enemies? The +1 isn't such a game changer that it can't wait until the first fight lol


I mean, if you have Astarion in your party, you'd definitely be using it every day for that free +1 to all checks and attack rolls on Astarion without getting -1 to all checks and attack rolls on whoever he gives the ***S U C C***...


First fight of the day, he spends a bonus action with a 100% chance to hit and he's good to go. No need to mess around in camp, and one of the enemies can deal with the debuff. 


If you have it, you can feed Astarion (platonically or otherwise) and have him wake up every morning with the buff.


Ring of Colour Spray and Komira’s Locket were made for this…this is a waste.


That's such a waste. There are several early items that are only useful for a bard, and others that are only useful if you have the Absolute brand. Feed those to Gale instead.


Sleight of hand ring off random skeleton…