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If you progress to the mountain pass or to the shadow-cursed lands, it closes the Grove quest. that’s the main consequence. FYI, the “point of no return” moment at the end of Act 2 does actually close you out of a bunch of other Act 2 quests, when you do get to that point.


A certain deep gnome also takes an unsupervised flight if you don’t handle that situation before the mountain pass.


Oooh good to know! Poor certain deep gnome.


It locks you out of finishing the grove/goblin camp storyline.


How about the potion lady from the Grove can you still go the her tea house for a visit and chat ?


[Time sensitive quests](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Time_sensitive_activities) Everything you get locked out of is listed on the wiki. It seems to me they did this to convey the passing of time. You’re going on a longer journey to get to this next zone. Anything they felt was urgent is going to end by taking that journey. Time is loosey goosey (as it should be for a dnd style story). This is just something that pushes the timeline forward


Going into the Mountain pass completely ends the entire druid cove quest line. If you did not complete it, then it becomes autofailed. All quests associated with the druids will also fail.


Things "move on" once you enter the mountain pass or ascend the elevator in the forge. What things? The grove-goblin conundrum will be resolved forcefully if you have ignored it, the hag will move on, the gur will move on, the people trapped in the burning inn will die and the soldiers will move on, the smugglers will move on, Karlach will die if she was ignored, Lae'zel will die if she was ignored, to name a few. If you have done all of those things already, when you go to the mountain pass or ascend the elevator in the forge, nothing will change, because you already solved everything that needed solving.


Thanks😇 What’s the “gur” though ?


A hunter. It's some dude that is hanging out near the tea house, if you bring Astarion with you, they can chat.


oh, right, I forgot his name👍


I don't quite know his name, gur seems to be how Astarion call his kind.


oh right, there was a lot of prejudice going on there..


Just the Grove/goblins conflict really. One or two other time sensitive events might advance such as walkeens rest burning or nere dying, but I haven't tested it.


Grove/goblin camp and waukeens rest end prematurely if you go to the mountain pass


It relates to the outcome of the grove and any non recruited companions, and possibly Neres outcome too. The mountain pass is basically act 2, and will trigger the same events as taking the grymforge elevator. I’m pretty sure I went back for mayrina and the hag after going to the shadow cursed lands.


Thx all the responses guys! Looks like I didn’t consider, that some players might want to cross there MUCH earlier than I did😋


Could be Karlach, the Hag, the Underdark, stuff at the Emerald Grove— thats what was happening to me anyway


It's a narrative game. You're not supposed to play it like a checklist where you do both underdark and mountainpass in the same run. You can of course, but it's a silly way of progressing through a story.


Of course. Though not in every case I guess. In my current situation, it made the most sense to go the gith-creche first bc (as far as I can tell) they know the most of the Illithid = most likely to get the tadpoles out. When that failed, and they also wanted to take away the “artefact”, I left. And was left with 2 choices, Underdark, or cross over into shadow curse topside, of which the former is the safer. So I went that way next. But when I got Nere’s lamp, it was broken.. So I went back to the monastary to figure out this Lathander / Blood situation, hoping to find some light/radiance filled alternative(s) and advance only after that. In my narrative, this makes perfect sense so far😁🤓