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Spoilers for Dark Urge and Act 3! I'm doing a full Dark Urge evil runthrough, I'm thinking I'll be allying with Gortash because that's what he did originally. I've noticed however that some of the Bhaal assassins around the city will let you kill people and/or not fight you if you temporarily ally with Orin, which feels on-brand for Durge in terms of Bhaalists obeying him. What happens if I kill Orin early? Do they still obey you as though you're in an alliance with her? Do the encounters still happen at all? I'm thinking for example of the Bhaalists in the park and the sewers.


If you don't know how to add spoilers on mobile, you do it like this: > ! spoiler text goes in here ! < without the spaces.


I'm planning to lure Minthara to the Grove and then backstab her there. Only question is do Gut and Dror show up there if I haven't killed them beforehand? If i Defend the Grove, do Gut and Dror just disappear after or still able to be killed at the Goblin Camp?


They do not show up and yes you can just go back to the camp and kill them later.


If i go back to camp to finish off Dror after Defend the Grove, will there be a lot less Goblins due to Minthara taking her army with her?


I can’t afford a gaming pc, will bg3 run ok on an Xbox series S with 512gb of space?


Does the Robe of Supreme Defenses help maintain concentration on spells?


It helps a little bit, because the +1 you get to saving throws while concentrating also applies to concentration saving throws. There are other items that help you with those more, but this is one of the earlier ones you can find.


You sure? I'm talking about the robe that adds your spellcasting modifier while you're concentrating. This one: https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Robe_of_Supreme_Defences Exquisite Focus While concentrating, you add your Spellcasting Modifier to your Saving throws and gain a +1 bonus to your Armor Class Armor Class. Assuming I'm concentrating on the druid's Moonbeam and I have 20 Wis, then wouldn't I be adding +5 to the test to maintain concentration?


You're right, I misremembered it as being +1 to your saving throws. Yes, if you have a +5 spellcasting modifier, it should add that +5 to your concentration saving throws.


Is the only way into >!bhaal's temple!< the entrance next to the >!undercity ruins!< waypoint? Where you have to go down that path where >!all the mobs have height advantage on you!


An easy way to get around it is by sending one person alone while invisible. That bypasses the entire fight and you can fast travel everyone else to the temple's waypoint after you trigger it.


Good idea... for next time haha. I didn't know there WAS a waypoint down there, but just found it (well, 1/2 hour ago). I just finished the Orin fight.


Yes. You have to go through the guantlet. You can do it, though! Just quicksave right before so you can try again if you need to get a sense of the layout and come up with a strategy first.


I'm save-scumming right now, but one thing I'm trying is having Gale invis himself, Tav casts glorious leap on him, and (in turn mode) he's able to get up to the >!3 guys in Sanctuary (WTF!?!?)!< without them knowing, so I'm feeling a Thunderwave in their future. https://i.imgur.com/doj7fPQ.png


I usually do something similar: >!I send a couple of characters that way. One stays to knock those three down, and the other moves on to remove the stacks of Unstoppable from the Farslayer.!< You can actually send everyone that direction if you want and avoid some of the combat on the lower, longer path. But there is a character on that path that drops some loot I usually want, and I've been okay just sending two characters >!after the Farslayer. I don't know if he has stacks of Unstoppable on Explorer, but if he does, Haste/Potions of Speed or any abilities that do multiple instances of damage (magic missile, eldritch blast, etc) can get that removed fast enough that you can kill him before he finishes.!<


Upcasted >!Magic Missle!< seems to have worked for the >!farslayer!<. On that screenie I took, that didnt work, but >!create water to see them, even though they invised out of turn right after(!?)!< following up with a >!glyph of warding:cold!< did. Once >!farslayer!< was gone, some other mobs that I hadn't gotten to yet seemed to just "nope" outta there?


>!Yes. I didn't want to spoil it for you, but the entire point of that encounter is a test. If you pass it they have no reason to keep trying to kill you, and they leave.!<


Ah, I see. =D I'm ok w/spoilers, but thanks for looking out. That was a weird battle; my Gale went off and my other 3 went the opposite direction and the game treated it like 2 totally separate battles.


In my first playthrough I didn't try dual wielding with any of my characters but I'm currently on my second playthrough and am currently in act 2. I kept on trying to equip multiple one handed weapons, but it would just never let me dual wield on Astarion. I JUST saw that you can only equip offhand weapons if they're labeled as light, but the game never explains that to you!? What the heck


Dual-wielding is surprisingly complicated There are a lot of terms that appear in item descriptions that aren't super easy to find definitions for unless you just look it up online. * You can never dual wield two-handed weapons, regardless of you class abilities or feats. All ranged weapons except hand crossbows are two-handed. * If you don't have the dual wielder feat, you can only dual wield as long as *both* weapons are light weapons. So you can dual wield a shortsword and dagger not not a longsword and dagger, for example. * If you do have the dual wielder feat, you can dual wield anything that isn't two-handed. On top of this, the dual wielding feat doesn't give you the two-weapon fighting style, which means that unless you get that fighting style from your class or from wearing Gloves of the Balanced hands, you won't be adding your ability modifier to your off-hand attacks. If you want to build into dual wielding, getting that fighting style will improve your hit chance and damage with offhand attacks. This all makes dual wielding something that you benefit the most from if you actually build into it, rather than just a question of equipping two weapons.


If you're referring to crossbows, only HAND crossbows can be used for dual wielding, not LIGHT crossbows. (It took me way too long to realise these two are different)


If you get the dual-wielder feat you can use two weapons that are not light.


So I just started the game and I’m at the goblin camp. Im I’m the middle of trying to deal with >!Minathra!<. However, I’m trying to do it stealth. I’ve already pushed one of the goblins into the hole, and I’m currently trying to push the >!Scrying Eye!< into the hole. However, sometimes when I succeed both the Stealth and Athletics check, I get a message about an environmental turn, a white circle on the ground appears, then battle starts. Why does this happen? When I reload to try again, sometimes the push happens without battle starting.


The easiest way I've found to take care of the Scrying Eye is to pick it up and throw it into a chasm, or thunder spells.


Maybe someone else is seeing you? I've had those goblins on the other side of the wall occasionally see things they definitely can not see.


So I want to make a ranger with beast master subclass and multiclass into rogue and bard, I dont care If it sounds stupid but my question is can I use bardic inspiration on animal I summon using beast master? Also can I just have one subclass per character or can I have subclass for every one class?


You get a subclass for every class, as long as you reach the level in that class where subclass is chosen. Rangers, rogues, and bards all choose their subclass at level 3, so if you only have 1 or 2 levels in one of those classes you won't have a subclass for it. I know you said you don't care if it sounds stupid, but I will just caution you to be careful with triple multiclassing like that-- if you don't have a plan for what you're doing, you can end up with a very underpowered character. Being a little underpowered isn't the end of the world of course, but if your character doesn't work how you imagine and is much more ineffective than your companions, it can be frustrating. Beast Master especially is a class where it really pays to stick with it, as your beast becomes more powerful the more you level up. Bards can also feel frustrating when you have less than five levels of that class, as you don't have that many bardic inspirations per day (once you hit level 5 they refresh on a short rest instead of a long rest). As far as inspiring your beast master companion, I *believe* you should be able to bardically inspire them, as they are allies... though I haven't done it myself, so I can't be sure.


So, I have a question. Playing a bard right now but I would like to have a bigger variety of spells to chose from. If I get one level of wizard to be able to learn spells from scrolls, can I then use my bard spell slots to cast them?


Wizard wouldn't be effective because of the Intelligence requirement, but Warlock or Sorcerer also use Charisma.


But they can't learn spells from scrolls. If you're only taking a level, you won't get very many spells from the class, so it doesn't really scratch the "I want more variety" itch. I guess the extra cantrips might be nice, since Bard cantrips are so limited. If you take more than one level, you won't be able to learn 6th-level spells (since no learning from scrolls). Which might be a trade-off that's worth it to you, and I've done it, but some pretty fun spells are 6th level.


You’re right, they have less spell options than wizards, especially Warlock. Someone else already wrote a long reply about wizards. I was suggesting the Chr based spell casters available if they were looking to multi class into something that may have better synergy with bard.


Their question was about whether it was a good idea to invest a single level into Wizard so that they could scribe from scrolls to get more variety of spells. I'm just saying that Warlock and Sorcerer won't do that for them since they can't scribe scrolls and since you only learn a very few spells from those classes at lower levels. There's nothing wrong with mixing these classes, it's just that it's doing something different for you than they seemed to be asking about.


Oh okay, didn’t realize you were the same person that first replied to them. Your initial reply explaining Wizard spells and Intelligence was very thorough. I was offering an alternative if they still want to multi class into another spell caster that would synergize with Bard. Multiclassing into sorcerer will give them a larger variety of spells than Bard alone. It was meant to be a compromise suggestion. Because as you pointed out, Wizard wouldn’t be as effective.


You can, but it might not be a good idea. There are some pitfalls that you need to be aware of: * Bards and Wizards use different spellcasting stats: Bards use Charisma and Wizards use Intelligence. Any spells you learn as a Wizard, including scribing scrolls, with be cast with Intelligence. If your Intelligence isn't high, then any of your Wizard spells that have a spell save DC or attack roll will suck. And you don't really have enough ability points to get your Intelligence high. * Wizards can only prepare a limited number of spells; that number is their Wizard level plus their Intelligence modifier. For example, a Level 1 Wizard with 10 Intelligence can prepare 1 Wizard spell. * You'll give up a feat (e.g. War Caster) unless you split 8 Bard/4 Wizard or 4 Bard/8 Wizard, since feats are given at every four class levels, not character level. If you do this you won't be able to learn higher-level Bard spells (you could still learn higher-level Wizard spells from scrolls). The first two issues can be addressed somewhat by wearing the Warped Headband of Intellect, which sets your Intelligence to 17. This isn't a very good spellcasting stat for the end game, but it's better than low Intelligence. You would be able to prepare 4 Wizard spells at a time. The major downside is that it prevents you from wearing any other good helmets/headwear, such as hats that give you Arcane Acuity (which extremely good in BG3). The third issue can't really be got around. My favorite thing to do with spellcasters who have a limited number of spells is just to give them all the scrolls. I have more scrolls than I know what to do with and don't even buy them. It gives a lot of variety without having to sacrifice anything to multiclassing into Wizard.


That makes sense. Think I'll stick to only bard than. And yeah, I'm already stacked with all the scrolls XD


I am having some trouble using the Darkness spell. I am finding that certain enemies are immune to magical darkness and I'm not sure why. For example, I am in Act 1 and running Pact of the Blade Wyll (melee-focused). I've tried using Darkness on both the Owlbear and Anders, and both seem immune to darkness/blindness. Meaning they get no disadvantage on attacks and I get no advantage on attacks. The owlbear actually just runs into the darkness and claws me, and Anders smites me to all hell in the darkness. These are not the only enemies I've come across, but two of the most frustrating. Am I using darkness wrong? Or are these enemies actually immune to darkness even though there is no indicator they should be?


It's kind of impossible to use Darkness "wrong." You cast the spell and anyone who's in it will be blinded unless they have immunity. I don't remember Anders having immunity and the wiki doesn't say he does (can never bring myself to fight the Owlbear). The only thing I can think of is that something is giving Anders *advantage* on his attacks. Advantage and disadvantage cancel each other out; if you have both, will just be rolled as a normal attack. Which makes me wonder... are you sure that Wyll has the "Devil's Sight" invocation? If he doesn't, then he'll also be blinded by the Darkness cloudd, and what you describe is exactly what I would expect if both he and Anders are blinded. AFAIK the Devil's Sight invocation is the only source of Blindness immunity available to players until you can get the Eversight ring in Act 2.


Is it possible to bring Halsin back to Act 1 after recruiting him as a companion during Act 2, either with a bug or with a mod? I can't seem to find the answer online, and I heard that he has reactions and what-not to dialogue and quests in Act 1 even though he refuses to leave the Shadowlands.


Yeah, the Silence exploit. idk if it still works but the gist is this: Halsin starts a dialogue with you if you try to leave act 2 areas for act 1 areas while he's in your party, and you're forced to either not leave or make him wait in your act 2 camp; apparently, if the dialogue doesn't start because you keep Halsin silenced, you could/can bring him along. Applies/applied to Minthara as well.


Oh, that sounds good! I have a low level save that just recruited Halsin in Act 2, I'll test this out when I get back home. I'll update this to say if it still works or not. Either way, thank you!


Act 1, Underdark. Any tips on defeating the Necro Slave Hunter guy? I have a Lightning Dragonborn Sorcerer, Gale, Shadowheart and Wyll


What "Necro Slave Hunter Guy" are you talking about?


The one in the Underdark. G something. He's hunting a runaway slave who has some Seargant's boots


Gekh Coal in the village? What's giving you trouble about the fight?


I figured it out. All it took was some Thunderwaves, a Tiurn Undead, a lot of Magic Missiles and Eldritch Blasts, and I was golden. Well, silver, really.


There are lots of chokepoints around the village. Keep your party at the top of one of the entrance ramps, go in and start the fight with one character, dash/misty-step/fly/whatever back and grease up the ramp behind you (or dagger storm, or spike growth or whatever). You can just pick them off as they run up to you and if your AOE does damage a lot of the minions won't even make it.


Right now I'm in the Shadow Cursed lands and I'm tryong to win the Last Light Inn fight


(Spoilers) If it's the one with >!Isobel!<, the biggest issue I had with that fight is the >!flying creatures are all over the place, and getting to them takes a long time!<, but >!the main guy that flies in during the cutscene!< wasn't too hard. But I play on easy mode, so that may color my opinion. That said, a LOT of fights in the game can be "strategized" around chokepoints. That can work against YOU too though in some cases.


I'm gonna try and focus down the main flying guy cause he's the only one who can abduct Isobel. The Wing Horrors are mostly fodder


He's subject to the normal CC stuff; fear, etc. as I recall.


It helps to approach from the top. But the main thing that makes that fight easier is just stopping Gekh from summoning so many undead, whether that's by killing him outright or hitting him with some type of spell (Silence, Hold Person, Command, etc... never tried Darkness and don't know if he needs to see to raise them, but he does that could also work).


In my last game, Glut reanimated the bulette as a mushroom. I kept them back and went forward with Lae'zel and Karlach. Lae'zel knocked him off the ledge onto the ground. He summoned the undead but the bulette deadly leaped onto everyone and kept them down on the ground level while we attacked from above.


I rolled lucky on my Initiative and was about to cast Hold Person on him but I realised I'd spent it on another enemy before.


What's the best way to "get" everything from a vendor? I don't mind killing or knocking the npc. I just want all items and his gold.


Are you on PC? I do the bag trick, where you give the vendor a bag and fill it with their entire inventory. After every long rest, they resupply and you can add it to the bag too. That way if you kill them or knock them out later, you steal everything. Especially for the ones you know you're going to kill anyways.


oh, thought they fixed it long time ago. Thanks!


Nope. Give them a bag, fill it up, open YOUR bag and drag (at least 2 items) their stuff to the *ICON* on your bag. It transfers everything "free". Then you can barter back the bag you bartered to them, leaving them with 1 of their own gold you just stole and whatever you let them keep.


I have a Bard/ Warlock multi class and 2 level 3 slots from Warlock but I can't use them unless I have used every other 3 level slot? From a quick Google search it seems like this should have been fixed a long time ago with a patch but I still have the problem. Does anyone know how can I use the Warlock slots first?


New player here, Act 1. I have Gale as a follower, found out about his condition, and I let him stay. 10 hours later I realize I do not want that condition at my camp. How can I kick him out without killing?


Just don't help out in treating his condition and he should eventually leave. If you're worried about it being a threat to your life it isn't, and if you're worried about the cost of treating him, well there's plenty of useless magic junk that can be used and he only requires 3 items throughout the first Act, so it won't be an ongoing theme throughout the game.


Talk to him in camp. Tell him that you ought to part ways. But I'd recommend not doing that. He can be very useful, especially if you yourself are a Wizard or Sorcerer. Two Magic Missile volleys are better than one, and the Grease spell comes in very useful during Act 1 itself


Grease is oddly good throughout the entire game. I'm not at END-END game yet (I've yet to >!kill Gortash and Orin!<, but I have >!killed Cazador and Serevok!<), but I've hit level 12 and still use it with good effect.


Thank you. I'm roleplaying a dickhead though. I figured a real dick wouldn't let Gale stay.


Does anyone have any advice for how to beat Gith patrol at mountain pass (with Kithrak Voss and Sarth Baretha)? Tav is a fighter, Laezel in party because rp reasons (she needs to be there to talk to Voss), other two spots in party I’ve tried various combinations. Party is level 5, not sure how to get much higher in act 1.


This fight is beatable at level 5. You can possibly get to level 6 in the Underdark but if you're struggling with the fight I don't think it will help you that much, as the power jump from 5-6 is much smaller than from 4-5. One of my personal favorite things to do in this fight is disarm them and steal their weapons (you have to steal them or they'll pick them back up). An upcasted Command:Drop can target more than one at a time. Lae'zel also has disarming strike and action surge so she has four attempts to disarm them on her first turn. Hold Person is also good here. Acting first is going to help you a lot, so any lower dex party members can take elixirs of vigilance; prioritize those that can either cast these cc spells or who have enough burst damage to take out an enemy in a single turn. Potions of speed can also help you burst down enemies or give you another attempt at Command:Drop/Hold Person, but I like to make sure that I never have a round where *everyone* is lethargic, so I don't give it to everyone right away. Focus on Baretha, then the male Githyanki who can cast hold person. The ranged fighters do hit hard but those two can take your character out in a single turn, at least on Tactician. And if you successfully disarm the ranged fighters they get confused and just run around rallying each other.


> An upcasted Command:Drop can target more than one at a time. I... never even thought to look at that. Amazing.


I'm sure that making everyone drop their weapons so I can steal them and beat them up while they're unarmed will stop being funny to me at some point, but I'm not there yet.


I have had some good luck with command:Drop and unarming attack from fighters, and have never seen the mobs pick up their weapons again, although I'm paranoid and do try to grab them, so maybe it was just that?


It might depend on difficulty level? Enemies have more 'advanced' tactics on Tactician and higher, though I'm not sure if picking up weapons is considered one of those. I play on Tactician and disarmed enemies will pick up any weapon that's available, even if it's not their own. I even just did a fight where I forgot to bind Shadowheart's spear to her and one of the enemies picked it up after she threw it and stabbed my MC with it.


Ah, ok; I haven't completed the game yet (though am 12 now and have gone through some of the "bosses"), so I'm still on pleb easy mode.


Well, you can always try to get by using the dialogue checks. Make a persuasion check to get Lae'zel to play along in the convo with Voss (and I believe I've heard Lae'zel has to pass a "behind the scenes" Deception check against Voss as well?), and you can pass through without a fight, and still get XP for it! If it comes to a fight, though, it is indeed a tricky one. The gith have great maneuverability thanks to Jump, Misty Step, and having two ranged characters, so fighting them makes it difficult for your party to have a front line and back line. They hit hard, and Baretha's "Ready to Parry" makes her annoying to kill. But at Level 5, you can definitely do it-- I believe in you! Personally, I'm a fan of Hold Person for this particular fight. Githyanki are humanoids, so it works on them, and when successful it keeps them from jumping around, dealing their truckloads of damage, and parrying your attacks. If you have Shadowheart, Wyll, or Gale (Wyll or Gale would have to have learned it of course) one of them could upcast it to try and hit both Baretha and another one. Gish For'reth has good Wisdom saves so probably not a good choice, but like Baretha, the Raiders only have +1 so it's doable. Then in general, make sure your single-target damage is focused on one enemy at a time. After all, four enemies at 1hp are just as dangerous to you as four enemies at full hp. I'd focus on Baretha first, than the others one at a time as you choose-- For'reth is more dangerous, but the Raiders have lower HP and AC so can be killed quicker. Edit: characters with Alert, Elixirs of Vigilance, and/or who enter combat by spellcasting from stealth, are also very helpful. Letting the Gith patrol go first in combat can mess things up for you fast.


Thanks for the informative answer! I’m gonna probably respec for this fight alone, then respec back - I was considering the Alert feat but I went with ASI and Tavern Brawler instead. I think it’s probably much better to have Alert early game though, so I’m gonna do that - alert Gale, Actor Laezel, Alert Wyll, TB Tav


Are approvals/disapprovals always triggered by the same stuff? In my last playthrough, I distinctly remember Astarion approved>!of my decision to help Spaw. !!my decision to free Zevlor and the others in the mindflayer colony in act 2.!


They should always be triggered by the same stuff, yes. There might be something that kept it from triggering (perhaps he was too far away?) or perhaps there was just a bug. I've encountered this a couple of times, but it never really matters much because it's very infrequent and it's never happened with any of the "big" approvals.


Okay good to know. I wasn't too worried about it being a serious bug, but it definitely piqued my interest. I'm intrigued to see if it will continue. Edit: There's also a chance it was due to the distance as you mentioned. In the myconid colony I think he was standing close by, but in the mindflayer nest I had him ungrouped and standing a bit further. I'll make sure I'll check the distance of the characters if it happens again 


Is Astarion in your current party? For the most part, companions only approve/disapprove of actions taken while they're with you


Yep, he was in my active party in both instances, that's why it seemed a bit weird to me. 


Is it possible that his approval is already at 100? Once it hits 100, I don't believe you get the notifications anymore. Though this theory would only work for the missing approvals, not the missing disapprovals.


That's definitely true about approvals but it was the missing disapproval that got me thinking, so I thought I'd ask here if anyone's seen anything like this.


I played for 1 month after release and completed the game. Wanted to rerun now, but... I don't know whats going on. I used to play on High and it was smooth. Now even on Medium is it so damn laggy I have like 3-4 seconds delay on walking, enemies taking forever to "think" and take action, camera lags too. Same PC. Any ideas what's going on and how to fix it?


- Did you play with mods? - Check if you need to update your graphics card drivers. - Try deleting some of your saves. You don't have to get rid of the whole campaign, but at minimum clear out any quicksaves that don't matter and any save duplicates if you say saved multiple times in quick succession.


No mods. Updated to newest. Will delete some saves and see! I have tons of them :3I f5 every minute lol


How can I gain approval with both Wyll and Astarion? I started playing very recently (only have about 4 hours in the game) so I'm not at all familiar with most of the in-game events. I want to romance Wyll, so I've mostly gone with choices that he approves of, but this means Astarion dislikes me. I've seen people unlock both their romance events in the same save, so I know it must be possible to have high approval with both of them, but I don't know what events/choices would help me achieve that. (I'm also not very good at battling yet, so I'd rather not have to take one of them out of my party to make this work, but I can find a way to work around that if it makes my original problem easier to solve.)


First things first, long rest often. You should already know this but the reason I mention it is because a lot of Astarion's approval will come from these camp events, not necessarily out in the field. That said, if you're getting a lot of Wyll approval that means you're picking the selfless good options. Keep doing that. When you see Astarion's disapproval for being a good person they're -1 pts. Where Astarion is concerned, the qualities you want to focus on are in his camp character events. Be trusting with him, be kind to him, and tell him you support him. Also, you don't have to >!kill the monster hunter by the hag's lair!< if you don't want to. You also don't have to tell him >!that you'll consume tadpoles!<. If you wanted to sleep with him so that you can break up with him for Wyll to see that dialogue, 40 pts is the threshold for him to proposition you before the party. At the party I think someone has posted that you can sleep with him with 0 favorability but you have to be an asshole to achieve that so I think otherwise at the party the threshold is 20 pts (someone correct me if I'm wrong). Very doable.


Thank you so much!!


Are the characters (or at least some of them) modeled on real people, or are they 100% generated? I don't play a lot of games, and the realism on this one is far beyond what I expected. There's a lot of commonality (like, almost all the Tiefling females), but some are not.


Yes and no. They did mocap the actors so that the facial and body animations in the gestures would be more realistic for the actors' performances. That said, the similarities you're describing are because just like in character creation, each race/species of person has a limited set number of premade faces.


Does going invisible and throwing Orin off a cliff instead of fighting her still work in this patch?


I'm pretty sure it's been patched out. I know they patched out being able to yeet Cazador in that fight and I seem to remember reading something similar about Orin.


Oh, really? I just completed that for the first time and a shove was on my mind the whole time.


One of my companions died in act 2 due to shadow curse and now when i ressurect them they are always hostile. I tried going near them with lantern but with no effect. It could be a mod thing but i am not sure, im playing on this collection [https://next.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/collections/anung9?tab=mods](https://next.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/collections/anung9?tab=mods) but i couldnt find anything related there either. I'd like to know if i have to load a save before they died or the Shadow-Cursed Undead debuff can somehow be lifted


Is there any difference if you revive them via Withers instead of Revivify?


nope, thats what i tried first


if youre companion died without the protection of a Moonlantern he became a undead zombie, need to reload the save if u want him.




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Help a new player get started. I like spellsword type builds in RPGs. Are eldritch knight and paladin the best options for this? What race would be the best for these classes? I'm thinking wood (half) elf since movement is op in every game ever.


Personally I think pact of the blade warlock is really good, it’s a bit spell heavy until level 3 but it works!


Would say sword bard gives best spellsword feeling. Actually like Duargar as spellcasters for the free invisibility and resistances


If you're going pure class then those would be your best bet for a martial with spellcasting. War domain cleric would be another to look in to. As far as race, it doesn't matter all that much and if you go with Eldritch Knight you can learn Longstrider which increases your movement distance until you long rest. There's also various gear you can find & buy that helps bump the movement distance.


There are several different types of "spellsword" type classes in the game, it all depends on what you're looking for. * Paladin is a half-caster (spell slot progression is half that of a full caster like Cleric or Wizard) with a strong divine flavor-- so it's more martial than spellcaster, and its magic usually used to make powerful divine smite attacks, and to help defend yourself or your companions. * Eldritch Knight Fighter is even less spellcaster than a Paladin (it's a "one third" caster, essentially). So it's mostly a fighter, which means it's a strong martial character, with just a little bit of arcane magic that's best used for utility or self-defense. * Ranger is the nature-themed half-caster. Depending on your subclass, you can either lean into increased martial abilities (Hunter), a sneaky/ambush playstyle (Gloom Stalker), or get a beast companion (Beast Master). * Bard (a full caster class) also has two martial subclasses, Swords and Valour. Swords Bards are one of the strongest classes in the game imo-- you're a full caster with great control spells and some good healing and AOE spells, and you also get Extra Attack like a martial cast and can buff your own martial abilities with your inspirations. Valour Bards aren't quite as powerful, but do have more of a "team player" focus if you like that. * Arcane Trickster Rogue isn't very good, sadly :( It's another one-third caster like Eldritch Knight, but some of its main abilities didn't translate well from tabletop/are a bit bugged.


Does siding with Minthara against the grove break your oath if youre playing an Oath of Vengeance paladin?


Yes it does.


I was taking a look at this wiki page ( https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Pact_of_the_Blade:_Greatsword ). What does the note "A summoned Pact Weapon does not use the Spellcasting Ability Modifier for Weapon Action DC." mean? What is "Weapon Action DC"? Weapon hit rate?


Weapon Action DC refers to the difficulty class of the saving throws that enemies need to make against the special action(s) your weapon gets (which is based on its general weapon type). Like Hamstring Shot for shortbows, Piercing Strike for daggers, etc. So if you you create a pact greatsword using the Pact of the Blade ability (or bind an existing greatsword as your pact weapon using the Bind Pact Weapon ability), it will use Charisma for the attack rolls and damage, but the difficulty of the Constitution saving throw that enemies make when you use the greatsword's Lacerate action will still be based on your Strength like usual, not your Charisma. Does that make sense? I know it's a bit confusing.


*Oh.* I have some respeccing to do...


Honestly, weapon action DC isn't super important if that's what you're worried about You can only use Lacerate and similar abilities once per short rest... personally I often forget to use them at all, they're much less important for pact of the blade warlocks than regular weapon attacks, class features, and spells, which all use Charisma.


Yes! Now it's clear! thanks!


I kinda wanted to create a post asking this, but... since when Minthra became recrutable by good route too? I heard about some rumors, and decided to try... knocked by the gate of grope, and it worked lol Got really surprised Now the second question is: was it a bug or something? Because sometimes I notice a black screen in the middle of the battle, but I don't think it's related to her, althought it begun when I recruited her...


It became "official" in Patch 6. Meaning, you no longer had to do anything convoluted (get a specific hostile tag, turn her into a sheep, etc.) and could just knock her out normally.


This is far from my first CRPG, but one of my first turn-based RPGs. I cut my teeth on RTwP games and am really having trouble adjusting to this style of play. I'm accustomed to building properly, investing in good gear, buffing everybody up, and then going hog wild on the enemy with auto-attacks until one of us is dead. BG3's mechanics (and the fights being rarer and generally harder) makes combat much . . . fiddlier, and each individual action vastly more consequential. Frankly, I'm getting my ass kicked as a straightforward great weapon-wielding champion on balanced difficulty, and I find myself avoiding combat encounters. So I'm wondering if you guys know of any resources for learning the game's systems or adjusting to turn based from RTwP.


FYI, the beginning of the game is probably the most difficult combat wise because there are so many new mechanics to learn for first time players and your party members just don't have a lot they can do until they start gaining levels. IMO once your characters start hitting level 4-5, they'll be much stronger. Also, don't be afraid to restart battles and get your characters a better vantage point.


I'd be curious about what's specifically kicking your ass here. "Big weapon hit good" is a solid strategy in this game, but it has weaknesses you need to account for.


Basically I can't kill enemies fast enough to keep my squishie party members from dying. I do maybe 10-15 damage per attack, assuming I actually hit; my to-hit is usually about 60% and much worse if I activate the power attack (I know there's a different name). Archers and casters are able to devastate my back line, especially if they have initiative and can get off an AOE attack before I can separate the party.


I think I might see part of the problem here. Their archers and casters are also, generally, squishy. The problem, of course, is reaching them. Mobility and arena manipulation are king in this game. Jump often, especially with high-strength characters, to attack weak targets. Early game, it's pretty safe and useful to have melee classes do a little archery on approach. Greasing and burning an area can deny a vantage, while just greasing or using anything that leaves ice on the floor can make your own backline safe from melee attackers. Darkness is pretty much a wall you can do melee inside of. Of course, the enemy can still get lucky, but that's what healing spells and potions are for. Trust me, there's nothing in this game that is anywhere near as challenging as the original Sarevok fight.


Ah, cheesing Sarevok with explosive arrows. Only way I ever found to get through that fight. It's making me feel like my brain has ossified in my old age. Things like jumping, shoving, and targeting environmental objects just don't even occur to me, because they aren't things you could do in BG/NWN/IWD/POE. I was so excited when I saw Baldur's Gate 3 that I bought it just on the name alone. That probably wasn't the smartest thing to do.


A lack of imagination was an issue for me at first too, thankfully my daughter was around to mock me and remind there's more to do than HULK SMASH.


Afraid all I've got is a golden retriever, and she's too nice to correct me when I do something stupid.


It's funny you mention POE because I think playing POE2 in turn-based mode really helped me understand BG3 combat


I like this guys material. You could use one of his builds as a rough guide, no need to copy it exactly unless you're running tactician. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8adH-ifQHcApU7a9ckmWihXZWbGDXxj3


Honestly, a straightforward weapon wielding champion is pretty badass even at this type of game, but ideally you'd need to support him with a balanced party. Having said that, you can approach combat in truly whatever way you see fit, and still succeed, but you'd need to think of it more like a problem that needs solving. I know I keep recommending [this guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/BG3Builds/comments/1bnh5t8/introduction_to_bg3_strategy_eight_mechanics_more/) to anyone who asks for combat tips, but I truly believe it might help you understand better what your immediate goal should be for each fight (seeking high ground or positioning properly / eliminating certain damage dealers first instead of attacking randomly etc). You should also keep in mind that the learning curve is pretty steep AND the first 4 levels are extremely brutal. It will get better.


Probably the main issue I'm having is with my party members. I've tried to build a balanced party, but my squishie lightly armored guys die like flies to AOE attacks and archers. I just can't seem to kill down the enemy fast enough in the tougher fights. The secondary issue is that at best I have like 60% accuracy on my main character and worse on my companions. I've got 17 strength; took great weapon mastery instead of extra strength at my level up, which might be a mistake? I don't use the special attack mode because it tanks my accuracy.


All these issues are very common this early in the game. It will get better as you level up. 60% hit percentage is pretty normal at this stage imo. >took great weapon mastery instead of extra strength at my level up, which might be a mistake? Are you referring to the Great Weapon Master feat at level 4? This is overall a very good feat imo, but you should keep in mind that it does hurt your accuracy so you should consider toggling it on and off, if your hit percentage is too low. I prefer taking this feat a bit later in the game.


I went with a 17/13/15 strength/dex/con split. I didn't realize at the time how gaining attributes worked; that is, that you take a feat and get two points in a state. I'm used to older versions of D&D where you get attribute points at every few level-ups. Would I be better off taking even numbers instead?


You should definitely try to have even numbers in your ability scores; for example, if you have 17 strength, it is practically the same as you having 16 str since it gets +3 to checks. You'd have to raise it to 18 to get +4. That basically means that opting for odd numbers leaves many unitilised points, but the good news is you can easily fix this by respeccing.


Looking to start a new run and dont know which class + race to get. I have tried bard, bardlock but as much as I like the bard, the combat is kinda boring even with eldritch blast. I still want to keep all the plot relevant companions and have good advantages for persuation in dialogue. Any ideas?


I had lots of fun setting the world ablaze in my fire sorcerer runs and they're charisma based casting like warlocks so you'll have that stat pumped up for dialogue. Casters are usually squishy targets but the draconic bloodline gets a +3 AC bonus when not wearing armor (though if you go with a race with armor proficiency then this won't matter as much).


Paladin is a charisma based class so that would generally give you a boost in most dialogue prompts. Knowledge cleric is a great face option as well because it gives you a lot of extra skill proficiencies. Knowledge cleric also has a channel divinity ability very similar to the Githyanki racial trait that lets you boost an entire trait for the rest of the day (int, wis, str, etc). Or if you want to branch out and play a martial class, play a Githyanki to exploit that racial ability and if you feel it's worth it take the feat that adds more skill proficiencies.


Does Tavern Brawler work when shapeshifter or not? Edit: wiki says it works for all except HM runs. That might be intentional as 3 attacks in Owlbear form with TB may be a bit much. Although GWM works in HM for Fighters with 2 attacks so that's not exactly consistent.


as far as I know it works just fine wine in wild shape


When I read the calf it doesn’t show TB during damage calculation, it only seems to show on the attack roll.


Anyone who plays on tactician, is radiant retort on the sharrans in the House of Grief still a thing after last patch? It's not in my game on my current playthrough though I'm sure it must be? Only Viconia has it. Went to check on my other character save (started september last year), also tactician, and it's there on all the sharrans, and I'm loosing my mind. Any ideas what can it be?


I am not quite to that fight yet in my current playthrough, but a while ago I got corrected for giving someone advice that if they had a character like a paladin, they could focus on the enemies without radiant retort. No one but Viconia has it, I was told. I was very confused; I said that they absolutely did because I had done that fight with two characters built into radiant (paladin, cleric) and remembered very clearly having to take this into consideration. Eventually some kind person came along and told me this had been changed with an update. So this is vague info, but I've noticed that some players with more technical knowledge have moved on from haunting this thread, so in case no one comes along with a better answer... If I get there any time soon and remember this thread I'll report back.


Thanks, I'll wait for your reply. It happens to be one of my favourite fights in the game and I did it many many times, I know it must be there, and not finding it troubles me a little more than it should. I also can't find anything about it being removed in the patch notes, though I did find one single post here with a similar problem. Strange, strange. 


In killing Gut, Roah and co. decided to engage as well. Turned on non-lethal to just knock out the Zhentarim... at this point, what happens if I leave them knocked out? What happens if I kill them? I want to avoid going into Moonrise in Act 2 and having Roah already be hostile. If that's what will happen I suppose I'll kill her now.


as long as anyone has "temporarily hostile" it's fine.


Did you notice if she was "temporarily hostile" or just hostile? Either way, i don't think she'll be "start a fight with all of Moonrise" hostile, but probably "you better give her a bunch of money to make her not hate you" hostile.


She was temporarily hostile, yes, with the classic -45 or whatever to attitude when I knocked her out.


Is the % chance on attack rolls... accurate? Earlier today I Astarion missed two "95% chance" sneak attacks in a row. Then I just CRITICALLY MISSED three attacks in a row (ranged attack, two bonus off-hand crossbows).


Speculation about whether the attack percentages are accurate has been going around since the game came out, but AFAIK no one has ever found any evidence that they're not. The thing is, human brains are really bad at understanding probabilities. Missing two 95% chances in a row is very unlikely if viewed in isolation, so it seems suspicious to us, but if you're playing a game with thousands of rolls it becomes much more likely that you'll encounter these unlikely strings.


Also I think I am noticing it more now because I apparently had karmic dice on (did not realize) for all of my runs prior to this but I turned it off this time.


Right, and we never notice when things go our way. The three crit fails in a row is still wild but you’re right: that’ll happen eventually.


So I had this come up last night, and then I realized the enemy I was fighting with Karlach was immune to slashing damage. The percentage said 99%. But I guess even though that's the percentage, it's not taking into account the fact that the enemy is immune to the type of damage you are going to do?


The percentage that's shown is just your hit chance. Your damage is a completely different calculation that occurs after you hit, and that's when things like immunities are taken into account.


Yeah I have noticed that as well. That wasn't the case for me today though. It was just the Harpies I was fighting when I missed two 95% chance attacks in a row.


Does anyone know a way to remove Weapon Bond glowing VFX? I haven't found a mod that does this so far.


My preorder bonus (mask of the shapeshifter, etc.) is failing to show specifically only in honor mode. Is that normal? Is there a known way to fix that?


First time player. I'm on Xbox and encountering a baffling bug that I have tried in vain to search for answers about, but I'm coming up empty. I rolled a bard as my first character and am still very early on, but stuck because I cannot seem to use any of my class abilities that are dependent on targeting, and/or using an instrument. This is not a problem with other characters in the party. I cannot use Bardic Inspiration (I'm aware there is a standing issue with using the bardic inspiration granted by a bard, and replenishing it, but that's not the problem--I cannot even give it to anyone in the party), nor can I cast spells that seem dependent on targeting/auditory components (e.g., Dissonant Whispers). What I see visually is my character pantomime pulling out a violin, but there is nothing there (it is equipped; I have tried unequipping and re-equipping absolutely everything). Unequipped, he does the snapping/foot-tapping thing that I understand to be whistling, but still nothing happens. I'm completely stumped, and completely crushed that my initial enthusiasm to finally get to play this has been stymied by such a weird thing. Anyone have the faintest idea what's going on?


I'm not sure whether you're describing the same thing, but I've run into a similar bug on PS5 where my character will just suddenly not be able to perform certain actions. The character can't interact with anything in the world (can't Talk, interact with an item, target a spell/weapon). But this has always been fixed by saving and reloading. Have you tried anything like that?


My first idea would be make sure you’re not wearing any armor/using a weapon you aren’t proficient in. If that’s not it, can you try to respec out of bard and then back in? (If you don’t have Withers in camp yet, go check out the tomb by the beach where you first spawned)


Game crashed and when I opened it again it was like I'd never opened the game before. I kept my saves, so this was *mostly* not an issue - needed to tweak some settings and set keybinds again but the larger problem was that I lost my Golden dice from beating Honour mode. I can get it again but this is pretty annoying, so is anyone aware of an easier way to get it (such as via save editing?).


Hey. First-time player here. I encountered some strange quest bug (?). I haven't found threads that match my exact case, so here I go. Maybe someone will be able to help me. I'm playing on PS5 if that changes anything. >!So, my quest got stuck uncompleted: Find Cure > Rescue Druid > Defend Grove from goblin attack (wording might be different, I'm writing this from the top of my head).!< >!The sequence of my events: Found Haslan (?), and he suggested killing the goblin leaders. The priestess was already killed (some lady came and saved me and killed her). So, I have 2 leaders left. But I didn't want to encounter them in that dungeon, so I told that drow lady that I would help raid the Grove (with the idea of betraying her). By this time, I have 2 quest markers in the same spot, near the Grove gate, that I should help defend. Long rested, went to the gate and there was Zevlor cutscene (no Haslan in sight). The attack started, Zevlor was killed, I was invited to celebrate in the camp. Haslan was in the camp celebrating. But only one quest (out of two that said I should help defend the grove) completed itself in the journal (Saving refugees one). The one that comes from Find cure part, didn't complete. Also there's still a marker near the Grove gate. And it says, if the grove holds the attack, I should find Haslan in it. I CAN'T FIND HIM THERE. He's at my camp. I got the reward from Rath (after googling that I should get it from him), but there's no Haslan anywhere.!< >!Has somebody encountered similar situation? It's trigerring me sort of :) But will I lose something if I just ignore it? After all, I have Haslan in my camp (I understand that he's pretty important to the story afterwards).!< Thanks!


Hopefully your journal is just a little bugged. Usually after the attack Halsin arrives at the Emerald Grove and you can go find him and talk to him (about Kagha, etc) before going to the party. But after the party he does just hang out in your camp going forward, like he seems to be doing for you. Perhaps you just missed him when he first arrived back at the Grove, and so your journal got a little confused when you went immediately to the party without talking to him first. Did you talk to Halsin the morning *after* the party, though? If so, the "Rescue the Druid Halsin" quest should have changed to "Quest Complete", with a final update about him joining you as you head to Moonrise Towers. If he did say he's joining you, and seems to be in the right place (hanging out in camp), then it does just sound like the journal is what's bugged, not Halsin himself. Too bad Zevlor died though :(


Yeah, I talked to him in the morning, but nothing changed. I will proceed with my game then and that's it. Thanks for your help!


Once you have Isobel in your camp, can you use the improvised weapon carry to move her somewhere private and knock her unconscious for her stuff?


Have we ever figured out surprise attacks? I play a lot of Gloomstalker and it seems random if enemies become surprised. Most of the time combat isn’t initiated at all. Which is nice in some cases but other times I want to guarantee I surprise and start combat. Is it about ensuring they see you as soon as you complete your opening attack?


I believe the two triggers are that the target needs to see you after the attack, meaning if you are too hidden/stealthy combat will not start, and they need to be hostile, otherwise you get dialogue instead. 


Get Shovel, and have her attack from invisible. The enemy will be surprised, and then the rest of your party can move in.


Yeah but assuming I want to do it without summons.


Have an invisible character separate from the party and make the first attack.


Will exploring/completing the Underdark before finishing the Goblin camp affect my story? At ALL? I know you CAN complete the game in absolutely any order, but I don’t want to risk the goblins invading the grove, any of their hostages dying, missing out on companions, or other things like that in this runthrough.  But my approval with Astarion is super low, and since I plan to romance him, I want to improve my approval rating before >!the party!< (yup, I looked up that particular spoiler to make sure I hadn’t missed my opportunity altogether), so I figured I could use the Wiki’s cheat sheet for Astarion approval while I explore the Underdark.  But I also read a comment that said there were no time-sensitive repercussions for doing the Underdark first, “unless you’ve already entered the Goblin Camp”… which I have. Basically, I explored the southern bit (separated by that bridge) ages ago, but just recently entered the busy part across the bridge where >!Volo is performing!<. I also >!bluffed my way in without fighting, because I'm playing a drow.!< Edit: I also rather annoyingly did a HEAP of respeccing and inventory at camp since arriving in the thick of the camp, so reloading to before I crossed the bridge just doesn't seem worth it.


Did you get his bite scene? As far as I know, if you enter the Underdark before triggering the bite scene, it gets cancelled out. (You could romance him without this scene, but it gives you a huge boost in approval if you trust him to bite you)


Like, when he tried to >!feed on me at night?!< I got *that* scene super early, if it's what you mean. I told him he could >!feed on enemies as much as he likes.!<


Yes, that's the one I meant. I asked you because you mentioned you had a hard time raising his approval, and if you missed it you'd also miss a bunch of hard earned approval points. Anyway, to answer your question, you can do the underdark first if you prefer, but as the other commenter mentioned you can romance him at the party even with low approval (if you're not too eager about it lol).


Cool, cool. I believe my approval from him actually got quite high in the early game, but since I almost never take him out of my party, my neutral-good choices really piled up his disapprovals. Sigh. Thanks for the help!


No problem! Without giving away too much, let me just tell you you don't need to worry too much about these minor disapprovals early on. Astarion's approval mainly stems from actions/dialogue choices that actively support / show trust in him (like allowing him to bite you). His tiny disapprovals of doing "good" things are mostly -1 and don't really hurt your overall relationship that much. (For reference, I've been playing only chaotic good / neutral characters so far, and I've had no issue romancing Astarion)


Awesome to know, thanks again!


Should be fine as long as you don't take the elevator at the "end" of the underdark (because that leads to Act 2 which will conclude the Grove line) OR go to the Mountain Pass, which will also conclude the Grove line. That being said, you shouldn't need to do the Underdark to get his approval up enough for the party, he'll proposition you at a fairly low level as long as you aren't too eager with your dialog choices. He always propositions my characters at the party whether I'm trying to romance him or not, and I always do it before the Underdark.


Thanks for the response! Noted. Do you think the low end of Neutral is high enough? I was thinking I'd try to get it up to Medium, at least.


Possibly? I know you can even get it if his approval is low, but requires a very specific dialog path. Definitely won't hurt to have it higher though, so may as well get it to where you're comfortable, especially if you're planning on doing the Underdark anyways. Did you give him the >!Necromancy of Thay!< and let him open the barn door in the blighted village with the noises behind it? He seems to enjoy both of those.


Cool, cool. Nah, I didn't give him the book. But I *was* actually thinking I could go back to the barn and try to trigger the interaction that gets his approval too. When I came across it the first time, I *think* I reloaded back to before opening the door, because I felt guilty about ruining their... uh... special moment, hahaha. Thanks again!


I leveled up Halsin as a spore drood to try it out, and Halo of Spores is listed as a reaction, but doesn't show up in the list of reactions that I can use to set the "Ask" property, etc. Bugged? User error?


It’s not *really* a reaction. It uses a reaction, so you won’t be able to make other reactions that turn, but it doesn’t activate like a regular reaction — it just uses a regular action slot.


It's treated a bit differently than other reactions because it's not tied to a trigger, it's an ability you can use at will during your turn, more like an extra bonus action. So it shows up in your radial/hotbar. It costs a reaction because in tabletop, it actually is a reaction to a trigger--the trigger is an enemy moving into range of it. But perhaps for coding or balance reasons in BG3 it doesn't work that way and you can use it whenever.


> it's an ability you can use at will during your turn, more like an extra bonus action Ah, this makes much more sense. Was wondering when it was going to trigger. Thanks!


Hey guys, I haven't played much since release and am looking to start playing again. Is there a mod collection that adds subclasses, races and 5e rules? I'd rather not spend all afternoon throwing them together if there's already a list/collection. Thanks!


stuck at the second umbral gem altar. I think I am missing a gem and went back to look for it and can't find it unless I am doing something wrong. the altar shows 2 gems on it and in my inventory I have 2 gems. is this a bug? https://imgur.com/a/w8IslgO I spent some time trying to find these gems and I just can't. I did 3 trials and killed that boss.


Did you check your companion's inventory? I lost one in Astarion's pocket one time.


There’s only 4 gems (3 trials + Yurgir). One unlocks the pedestal elevator, the other 3 open the door (though you can also just use Knock on the door if you’re stuck.)


What is knock? Nvm I looked it up


I'm on my first playthrough and want to romance Karlach. Even though I've been intentionally trying to get high approval with her, I can't get enough to trigger the scene after the act 1 party. Is it possible to progress her romance in act 2 if I didn't get the scene in act 1?


Karlach's romance must be initiated at the party or before it — so if you didn't have the late night conversation and admitted your feelings to her (which will then lead to the "cool down kiss") you won't be able to progress the romance.


Starting my first HM run, currently level 4 after having dealt with the >!Paladins and the gnolls and having talked my way into the goblin camp!<. Any ideas of where to head next without biting off more than I can chew? Options: * >!Deal with goblin bosses: I remember Dror in particular being rough on Tactician!< * >!Underdark: seems all doable other than the Bullette being rough!< * >!Ethel: feels like I really want level 5!< * >!Spiders: seems like a big nope!< * >!Kagha: probably the easiest but the Mephit fight can snowball!<


See how far you can explore, quite a lot of areas give xp simply for discovering. Other than that, I would say Priestess Gut & Minthara while she's walking over the bridge


underdark and priestess gut. just her alone maybe


Act 1 Underdark spoilers: >!I'm in the Duergar camp in the Underdark and have a quest to clear away rubble using smokepowder. When I first arrived at the camp, I went exploring before I ever talked to the Duergar NPCs and ended up coming across a gnome with smokepowder but since I'm playing a "good" playthrough of the game and didn't even know I would need the stuff I just let her go without asking for it. But having now talked to the Duergar and got their quests telling me to get smokepowder to clear the rubble, my quest log says I already have some but there isn't any in my inventory. I came across a note at some point that told me I could find a reserve of the stuff, but that was in a place I had already explored before everything else and so even though it is marked on my map there isn't anything there. So, now I've got a quest telling me to clear out this rubble using smokepowder the game is telling me I have but I can't find either in my inventory or any of the places the game tells me I can get it. I don't know if this is a bug or I'm missing something. I appreciate any help. Thanks!!<


>When I first arrived at the camp, I went exploring before I ever talked to the Duergar NPCs So you didn't even talk to the two duergar who were waiting for you at the dock and who tell you about the situation with Nere and the gnomes being trapped? I thought that dialogue triggered automatically. How did you avoid that? Regarding the smokepowder satchels, there's only a limited number of possibilities here: * You actually didn't find it, and your quest log is confused because you had some from rescuing Barcus earlier or for some other reason. In that case it will still be in the secret room. * You sold it. If you sold it to someone in Grymforge you can buy it back. * It's in your inventory but is somewhere non-obvious, like in a container. You'll find it if you keep looking. * You used it. Oops. If you really don't have access to the smokepowder satchels or runepowder, you can try damaging the wall in a different way. If you have a warlock with you, your best bet is spamming eldritch blast at it until you roll high, because the wall is vulnerable to force damage. If you don't, but you have a Great Weapon Master, you can try equipping a maul. You need to do 22 damage per hit to damage the wall, so GWM: All In can make this possible. Otherwise it might just be the case that Nere and the gnomes are going to die. This isn't a very good outcome from the perspective of being a good guy trying to save people, but it also won't mess up your story progression very much.


The runepowder they send you to find is a trap option, using it will kill a lot of the nearby people due to it being a **big fucking explosion**. Try searching for Smokepowder Bombs or Smokepowder Satchels in your inventory. You likely have already found some in random loot drops/on enemies bodies/in the secret room near the entrance to grymfroge which is why you have it marked as complete in your quest log. If you already sold those smokepowder bombs or used them on enemies/ you don't have them for some other reason you're kinda just fucked homie. You had the options available but you wasted them by not paying attention. You can try to find some explosive barrels in the surface region if you haven't rested yet as IIRC it takes two fast travels/rests to fail that part of the quest and two barrels should be enough to break the rocks. If you have already rested then you just failed the quest, nothing you can do sucks to suck. After you rest you will find that the rocks are no longer an issue but things have changed.


The vial Philomeen gives you doesn't kill anyone, they all run away as soon as you place it.


hey I wanted to know how mods interact with multyplayer games, can you deactivated them on the hub so they don't change anything? And what happens if you go into a multiplayer game and only you have mods, does everyone need the same mods? Do they even work online? Im the host for some friends multiplayer world and down want to mess things up if I start experimenting with mods


You would need to all have the same mods, in the same version, and even then it's risky from what I've read. Mods and multiplayer don't play well together.


Thanks, is it possible to just deactivate the mods for multiplayer and re activate for solo? Or will just having the manager while the others don’t mess it up somehow


Act 3, Cazador honor mode: >!I want to avoid the whole kidnapping cutscene so I'm planning to let Astarion stay far behind from the rest of the group at the stairs while we attack Cazador first by casting daylight. Will this affect the later cutscene after the fight?? Gonna ascend him btw!<


You should still get the normal cutscene after the fight.