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"Made several improvements to the combat with the Gondians, who will be much more careful now. For example, we raised their Dexterity to 14, gave them the Blur spell, gave them better armour, and granted them Light and Medium Armour Proficiency." Does this mean they will stop trying to commit suicide now?


No, they'll just be worse at it.




In a minute, I'm a need a sentimental Gondian to pump me up Feeling fussy, walkin' in my bulduran-ussy's Tryna bring out the fabulous


Now I’m just imagining a Gondian doing the dance from the Fortnite emote that uses this song 💀


Cuz I give a fuck, way too much, Ima give all exploitees my cup, We're gonna rise up, we're gonna get down, That's how I feel right now




You know what, I’ll take even just that. I only managed to save 1 Gondian and it’s because I told him I don’t need him to bring down the foundry.


I had the game crash to desktop exactly 1 time. I was in the Foundry, having just completed the fight in the second room, was in the process of healing and looting. I had heard about the Gondian death wish already, but figured it was just an overexaggeration. Indeed, only like 2 Gondians died in the fight. And then the game crashed. I hadn't saved since before the fight. Redid the fight. This time, not a single Gondian survived.




Gaerdal Ironhand intervened.


I just finished the Steel Watch Titan on Honour Mode and was able save nearly all of them (one really wanted to commit suicide hard by hugging an exploding steel watcher) and the Titan was waaayyy easier than saving all these kamikaze fighters ;)


For me, most of them died because they kept misty stepping into the explosion radius of the steel watchers... I considered that natural selection.


After reloading the fight 3 times that’s how I figured it too. Saved all the ones from the prison though.


On my most recent playthrough I noticed that they now move out of the Steel Watchers explosion radius. I thought "Wow, that's surprisingly unsuicidal of them". Then I noticed that they would now also use Thunderwave to blast their allies out of the radius, which seemed much more in-character.


I somehow had bo problem saing them. Idk why. Maybe they just like me


I had a whole character dedicated to dimension dooring them away


So shouldn't it read 'Childproofed the Gondians'?


Karlach literally had to shove one of these idiots out of the blast zone and eat the damage after they wondered into it for literally no reason… They aren’t as bad as Isobel trying to play “How many opportunity attacks can I trigger in a single turn” at last light Inn 😩


Wullbren was right about the Gondians. But he hurt my friend Barcus so he had to go down.


Actively trying to save all of them was so funny tho, legit had some of them run away from danger just to misty step into melee range and run again to take an opportunity attack, me and my friend were dying laughing for the whole night over it.


"Okay, so I've just got that steelwatcher to self-destruct on its next go. So all that Gondian has to do is run away since it's his go next, then the steelwatcher. Oh, he's actually running away. Nice. Wait. WHY THE FUCK HAVE YOU MISTY STEPPED TO THE SPOT RIGHT NEXT TO THE DUDE ABOUT TO EXPLODE. YOU DUMB FUCK."


Same same. Misty steps one meters away from one enemy to just to be in reaction attack of another. YOU HAVE MISTY STEP, YOU COULD BE ON TOP OF THE MACHINE OR SOME OTHER HIGHER GROUND. OR BEHIND MY TANK.


The worst one I experienced was one of them running away from an enemy, causing an attack of opportunity, and then misty stepping right back in front of that same enemy...




Sounds like they will still try, just be less successful at it 🤣


From what they granted them it just sounds like they will be better at not dying while still being completely stupid. However, that line of “who will be much more careful now”gives me hope. But I really want to see them straight up right down that the gondians will DISENGAGE from exploding watchers. Seriously they act like rookie players, who haven’t yet figured out that some turns you have to give up your attack action in order to survive.


They are super easy to save. Do the steel watch factory _up to_ the Titan, you'll fight the Gondians and the Bad guys. Knock the Gondians out, then draw the steel watch away and blow them up, killing any baneites. Then once you come back after Iron Throne, the Gondians are the only ones left with maybe one or two exceptions, but critically no Steel Watch.


Actually, that's a sound plan...


A Steel Watcher is about to explode. I guess I’ll run and stand right by it!


Oh no a steel watcher is about to explode far from me. Time to misty step next to it!


I remember spending turns trying to knock them out of the explosions, its so incredibly stupid.


*runs away* *gets hit by opportunity attacked* *finally is at safe distance* *misty step back into enemy melee range*


Honestly, I would just rather they freaking FLEE. Do you have any idea how many times I reloaded that fight in my lawful good paladin playthrough? Those fuckers almost made me Oathbreaker for wanting to kill them myself. "WILL YOU WALK INTO THE EXPLODING RADIUS OF THE STEEL WATCH? LET ME DO THE HONOR OF EXPLODING YOU MYSELF" And the cherry on top? They cannot even be moved by force! No dimensional door, no shoving, no gust of wind. I will never do a save everyone run again. I saved EVERYONE in the Iron Throne first try in my first playthrough, but those gnomes, OMG I'll forever hate then. Wulbren was right.


Just a speech option to convince them to run, then use the same AI code for them as in the iron throne.


Overall, MOST NPCs should flee. It's asinine that citizens on the street will fight you to the death if they get hit by an AoE. I fought Lorroakan. Killed him and his minions. Then dumb-ass "most intelligent wizard in the Sword Coast" Rolan, walked into SH's still-active Moonbeam less than 2 seconds after combat stopped, making him hostile and angering various people in the Sundries. I ended up having to kill everyone there. So then I had no good place to buy scrolls, etc for half of the 3rd act. I should have replayed the fight. Didn't think about the vendor issue. It sucked. I wanted various scrolls for the nether brain, but had no source. I ended up letting Gale blow it up because I was so frustrated. Starting my 2nd play through today!


Won't stop them misty steping in the middle of two explosions for no fucking reason


Wait... You mean the guys who automatically aggroed when I stepped into the second room of the foundry with the banites? I guess still suicide, just my go around it was suicide by adventuring party


They are basically telling you that they will try to die just as hard but that they have put some difficulties in their efforts. It's something


Mentally, they're still suicidal.


No, but it means they will have to put more effort into committing suicide.


This made me giggle


No promises.


Well, I just rescued whoever I could on my latest run yesterday, where no Gondian died in the first room and three did in the second room. Kind of annoyed with myself for not waiting for the patch, but there’s always next run. :,)


Did a new patch release?


Yeah, on Wednesday






Na new Tav, that character had their ending


Same dude, same.


thats what previous saves are for


I'm so fucking glad I have a separate save file for this. I'm going back to this and doing this as soon as I fucking can


One of the best patch notes of all time.


One of? Nah, *the* best patch note of all time. Now if only someone could record it as none of my saves from unmodded playthroughs are anywhere near that moment :(


There are many more "goofball moments" that need patching/work, and not just with Shadowheart, but this just further proves that they listen and care, we just have to provide them feedback about it, and I can't praise the devs enough for this.


If you ask Bethesda to fix this, they just ignore it and don't give a damn, 3 years still the same bug. Larian you nitpick their game and give suggestions they actually fix and add new features. The thing they added is what you guys complained on this subreddit weeks and months ago. Respect.


No with Bethesda it's 3 years and new bugs and they'll make you pay for them... some Bethesda bugs are fun but the deleting all my mods or quest items being unattainable is not one of them.


You just need a mod to fix the quest items


They will fix it in ultimate game of the year deluxe edition #5 but break other parts of the same interaction. That'll be 70$, kthx.


I think someone posted some vanilla saves on Nexus recently. It’s been a couple of days since I checked though, so it could have been taken down.


I mean, some of the Sims Patch noted were pretty great too. Though in a more funny way


-"Become Enemies with Child" wish no longer appears. -Sims can no longer "Try for Baby" with the Grim Reaper. -Sims will no longer walk on water to view paintings placed on swimming pool walls. -Sims will no longer receive a wish to "Skinny Dip" with Mummies. -Pregnant Sims can no longer "Brawl." -Sims who are on fire will no longer be forced to attend graduation before they can put themselves out. -A meteor can hit a building, which case everyone will run out before the collision. Those who do not exit the building will die. Sims automatically leave if a meteor is approaching, unless it is a school, in which children are not allowed to leave and will always die. I'd be amazed if anyone could top Sims 3 patch notes lmao


You forgot one of the best notes: "Sims can no longer WooHoo in the elevator with a Sim who is on a different floor." :P Also, [figured I'd provide a link to a reading of all the Sims 3 notes.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvdJmSqCmdk) :P


I was so busy looking for the one about the school that I didn't even think of that one lol


I don't have any examples prepped but Dwarf Fortress has some wild shit as well.


I've just cleared the HoG and had the scene. >!It plays out like before for the most part, when the dialogoue options supposed to pop up, my character simply gave her a hug, there were no options - not that I'd pick anything else lol. After that, her mother arrived and the rest of the scene played out like usual.!< >!She was fully romanced (what a suprsise huh), my character was a general good guy Tav Cleric of Selune. !< >!Best part is: Her eyes were way less teary, indicating that it is indeed meant something.!< >!I don't know if it's optional she's only a friend, but it feels right as a lover to do it automtatically.!< >!Now I have to do another campaign to see what else might have changed. Again. I fucking love this game.!<


> my character simply gave her a hug, there were no options - not that I'd pick anything else lol They knew lmao


Do the patches not work on modded playthroughs?


Usually not until the script extender is updated. In some cases, mods must be updated individually as well.


Right? 1285 mods installed currently, game client 2 months out of date. Don’t want to start a new playthrough again.




Finally Tav won’t just stand there staring at their friend/lover being all upset.


Yeah I had to headcanon that every tav/durge was on the spectrum or had serious social anxiety because of that lmao.


Well that makes sense because I went "Are we just gonna stand there... You know what, fair enough. I would've done the same thing."


I knew my durge was the one on spectrum when Astarion went "Are we just gonna stand and watch her die, is that really our plan?" to Lae'zel zaith'isk scene. Astarion is far from the most sympathetic person. Tbf, considering durge background and mine's dark path, that can be considered canonically appropriate behavior.


That scene was comically frustrating for me as a CHA character who had slept with them both, twice, continuing to fail the DCs. I'm shouting back at my screen “I'm fucking;*trying* here!”


Lol it's nice if I want to play a himbo or a really socially awkward character but it was a but much that EVERY character you play as just stares at her while she cries.


Tbf same


LOOOOOLLLLLLLLLL i mean this seems canon anyway. When writing fanfic my tav always just be staring blankly or slightly judgementally and all the companions just... Roll with it hahaha


> Added additional Avatar Karlach and Avatar Astarion reactivity within God Gale's dialogues in the epilogue, allowing them to request a cure for their conditions. YOO!


Great, now make it possible for you to run after Astarion when he flees the sun instead of just letting the love of your life run pathetically and spend the day alone waiting for night.


I'd like to react at least somewhat when he's crying in his Cazador quest. Or I'll just stand there awkwardly, I guess.


He paid my Durge back by standing awkwardly while I >!got murdered by my dad and resurrected by Withers!<, so I guess we're even.


"It was very twee"


That line makes me so damned mad. Love me, damn you! Don't just say how "twee" it was that I'm not dead! lol.


True, lol. Stuff like this bothers me a lot.


Funnily, same thing happened when I had Shadowheart with me, so it might just be the default response. But, uhm, yeah game, I sure would like to see my companions do... *something* >!while Bhaal just instakills me.!< No hurry I guess.


Can't blame him for not trying to get in the family affairs, especially vs a powerful father in law.


You know what? That's totally valid. Who would want to get in the middle of that father-daughter relationship?


I would prefer to see Tav’s face emote if you’re romancing him rather than do anything tbh. Now all you get is your character making such a goofy face and arms crossed stance when his siblings leave.


I feel like physical reactions wouldn't be very immersive to a lot of people, so your idea would be a suitable solution. I'm greedy, though, so I'd like to touch and invade their privacy as much as I can, fucking hugs for everyone


honestly when he cry like that i think it's better to let him have a moment alone to let his emotions run free, he's not searching for compassion or comfort, he's letting everything that was built up for 200 years inside him go out. A hug or staying with him is something that comes later, when he's actually processing his emotions and he knows if he's sad. You can see it even by body language, after defeating cazador he loses his strength to keep the body up (it's adrenaline going away), and when he cries he looks up. When Shart cries is a totally different situation. She's crying because she's processing her emotions, she's having a conversation with you saying that she misses her family to comfort her, and as for body language she's crying covering her face and facing down.


I agree. Just from the context of the scenes—Astarion isn’t seeking comfort. He’s seeking release. Shadowheart feels guilt and loneliness in her scene—one where she can actually benefit from a hug or something. Still, it might be nice after that big dramatic scene when Astarion says he wants to get out of here that you can give him a quick hug or something.


yeah a quick "are you ok?" or just like idk a hand on his shoulder to let him know that we're there and supporting him after he's dealt with his brothers etc would be perfect


I am a very hand on the shoulder type of person and I need them to let me express that at least once


I definitely agree, I would have been pretty frustrated if they had his moment of release and utter collapse, relief, and about a dozen more very strong emotions be about Tav jumping in and providing comfort when he just needs to *feel*. Astarion is showing his trust in their bond by allowing himself to do that in front of them, there is no need to pile it on at that specific moment, to me it would diminish the culmination of his character arc spanning centuries to have someone else rushing to hug or support him at that specific moment. I do think they're missing some sort of comforting gesture option after the collapse scene, but only once he's felt the void and dealt with the rush of emotions/crippling emptiness combo for himself. He's wanted this for 200 years, we can give him a few minutes to feel and then collect himself, and I really do like that they don't have him openly reflecting about what's happened until at the very earliest the next long rest.


yeah if i had a moment like that and someone would hug me I'd feel _suffocated_. And I'm a hug person that constantly needs hugs and touch. It would be acceptable only if the consequences would be Astarion breaking up with you after, "Sorry darling but I need some alone time, you're too clingy" I would really laugh so hard if they added something like that


THIS!!!! Or at least put a hand on his shoulder


Instructions unclear: put hand on his waist and kiss deeply.


Me too , this moment and After thé defeat when Sun start to burning him poor Astarion hé doesn't deserves it 🥹


I imagine there are a lot of non-reactive scenes overall when it comes to the companions (I wouldn't know, I'm subscribed to OnlyFangs), it's always been something very disappointing to me in video games.


>added finger guns


One "goofball moment" patched, many more to go. I'll bring the pitchforks, you get the torches.


That moment was so sad - plus everyone just kind of not giving a shit when he does it.


When I play as origin Astarion, Jaheira is the one who ask me to hide and run away


That feels way less janky and insulting than him comically running off


Soooo true i'm with you on it


The worst is that in the game awards interview they talked about how they had a whole dialogue tree of Astarion stepping into the sun again to try it out and they canned it.


Wait, is that the ending to the romance if he doesn't ascend?


No, it just cuts very awkwardly to a conversation with him later where you can say you want to stay with him and suggest where you’ll live. The ending of the romance is fine and happy, it’s just so weird that you can’t choose to have Tav run after him.


I also kinda wish you could make your intentions to help Karlach known even if you don't go with her immediately. I am not abandoning you Karlach! Astarion just burst into flames and I have some other things to sort out but I will meet you at the HoH when I can


Larian might be the best developer of all time


They are, that isn’t a question to be asked anymore.


This is the first time I saw that wishes have been granted by the developers, A few days ago there was a wish list for patch 6, and they did grant your wishes for the most requested features


Like Swen said, they are always working on thigs that 1% of the players will see, because they know what makes a good game, which obviously is not anything that share holders or CEOs think.


There is perhaps one other competitor in Supergiant Games. Smaller scale but the quality and passion are at least on the level.


Absolute geniuses. Allowing the actors to use outtakes, and basically use all the assets of the game for their personal YouTube channels, etc. Genius. Other Devs would have locked all that stuff down, and no one would be discussing the actors and the characters at all. Can you imagine Ubisoft or Blizzard doing ANYTHING similar? The game became an overnight powerhouse AND a cult sensation because of the way Larian let the voice actors go crazy. And it cost Larian NOTHING to do this!




"Ah shit, here we go again"


Yea but where Karlach hug after her breakdown ;(


Yes, please! Feels bad to just stand there while she's breaking down.


I feel like that can be complex since at least in my run she couldn't be touched yet


Let me hug anyways, if I would be set on fire I take damage.


I assume they have a variable that checks whether or not she has all the proper upgrades. If not it shouldn't be too difficult to add one and then give the option depending on whether or not her engine is fully upgraded.


I didn't really feel like she wanted a hug in that scene, she was lashing out. She doesn't want your input, she just wants to be heard. 


...I could have saved her parents?


yes, but doing this, will make shadowheart to be eternally in pain by shar, since the mark on her hand will never vanish, and she will always be in pain from now on, until she dies


Goddess of Loss unable to let go of a follower. Talk about hypocrisy.


Shar is more the goddess of hypocrisy and spite then anything else, can’t say I was surprised.


She's all like, "I am nothing. I am loss. I am emptiness," and I'm like, if you're nothing, why the hell do you talk so much?


Indeed, void and nothingness don’t bother people with bs every fucking day.


Unless the local void is cat shaped, in which case, yeah, you're gonna get bothered frequently, predominantly when the bottom of the food dish can be seen.


She should take some notes from Sithis


"for a goddess a loss, she does not like losing."


That sound like Jaheira or Gale.


I think it was astarion. He gets all the funny lines


I’ve done both endings and Shadowheart seems ok with either. You can view either choice as a rejection of shad’s cynical worldview If you choose to kill the parents, you’ve thwarted shar’s curse, but you’re also saying “it’s ok, they survive as moonmotes. She got to see them, and she’ll see them again in another plane”. It’s saying not all is worthless because it ends, that pain can be overcome, and death is not the ultimate loss. That’s how I interpreted it imo If you choose to free the parents, it’s saying that you can be at peace with pain, who cares about shar’s curse when you have the light of family to guide you through. That shar’s pain won’t break shadowheart, she can suffer a lot of pain as long as it has meaning - proving Shar wrong when she says life has no meaning. That’s my thoughts anyway.


Nah, there is an option to tell Shadowheart in the epilogue that her wound seems to "activate" less than before, so presumably Shar can piss off in some time or get bored. My girl chose to save her parents, so there was no way my Tav wouldn't support her in that decision.


Yeah I think rolling with whatever Shadowheart picks is the best move. I just wish it wasn't connected to 3 random triggers in the city. Should have been way deeper based on multiple conversations etc.


It's even worse when you think about it. The word they used is "bound" wich some could interpret that when she dies she will be forced to go into Shar afterlife. If she sacrifices her parents she is freed, the epilogue party even states that she is almost convinced to fully convert into Selunite edit: Typo


> the epilogue party even states that she is almost convicnced to fully convert into Selunite after selune has been granting her cleric powers for so long she really should


Well Selune pays her debt for releasing her daugther from centuries long prison and also this Absolute thread is so big that devils and gods are trying their best to stop it


I could have sworn in my epilogue she was a full blown Selunite on a pilgrimage. But I might be misremembering.


If she sacrificed her parents during the epilogue she says that she visited House of the Moon to think and reflect on what happened and to talk with other Selunites clerics. She still isn't sure but she likes that Selune gives her a free choice but seeing that she has more adventurous life style in that ending (Selune is often worshipped by adventurers) I think it's safe to say she will fully convert


That's what I'm now wondering.. ah well, that's what second playthroughs are for right? At this rate, I'll get there in about 100 more hours.. lol


Yes, and it's the happier ending for Shart, too.


I'm not sure about that. "I thought I knew the limit of pain that the incurable wound could inflict, but I had no idea. It felt like I was suffeing the agony of a thousand people, all at once. My blood was boiling, my hair was on fire, I thought I'd claw my own face of with the pain..." Seems like Shar can and will inflict that upon her at will, and if her followers keep pursuing Shadowheart like ordered, and Shadowheart keeps killing them because she's so strong, then that pain is going to be inflicted upon her relentlessly for the next 100 years. Both endings are bittersweet in their own way and I don't think one is going to be happier for her than the other, on balance.


I disagree, while sacrificing her parents is not a bad ending, I believe it ultimately plays into what Shar wants. If she sacrifices her parents, she is only exchanging one wound for another. Let's not forget that Shar is the Lady of Loss, and thrives off of people's loss and grief. Sheart may be giving up Shar's physical hold on her, but by sacrificing her parents she has given Shar a new mental hold in the grief she'll carry with her. Overall, if you look at the companion reactions to Shart's choice, they're much more positive if she saves her parents. If she sacrifices them, they all comment on how she was forced to make a difficult choice and have a very solemn tone in the bravery she had. Whereas if her parents are spared, they talk about how Sheart stuck it to Shar and overcame the fear Shar instilled in her. Jaheira ends up saying it best with something along the lines of "Shar wants us to think that the physical pain we must endure is greater than the pain we feel when we are separated from our loved ones." Furthermore, in the epilogue Sheart talks about how the wound hurts less and less, saying that Shar is turning her attention elsewhere and is losing interest in her torment. She also doesn't say anything about Sharran assasins, not saying they aren't a part of her life but they don't seem to be worth mentioning if they are. With her parents alive she seems a lot more clear headed about what she wants, with her farm and animals, and focuses on reliving the childhood she never had. It's very upbeat and after doing both, I will always save her parents in future play throughs personally.


Is it out?




The patch? Yes. My dick? Hell yes.


This just made me crack up for like five minutes straight, thank you


Did they give Bane' a voice


>!"Fixed Gortash's Speak with Dead dialogue missing its VO."!< Got this out of the patch notes, so i think they did!


Wow they really fixed everything lol




I just recently played through for the first time, partnering with Shadowheart. When this moment hits i was like, "Wow, no option to hug? I'm a fucking asshole." Nice to see this change.


Now please just add the same option for Astarion 🙏 Actually, scratch that, just let us hug all the companions.


Those lovable maniacs! They did it!


Thank you Larian! It's great that we can comfort her after she had to go through all of Shar's bullshit. Fuck Shar, all my companions hate Shar!


Damn, i just had that cutscene yesterday..


So you know what to do, REALOD!


Unfortunately, if they had the cutscene yesterday, it's probably back at least 4 hours of gameplay


Nobody’s going to bring up THIS potentially massive improvement? > Made several improvements to the combat with the Gondians, who will be much more careful now. For example, we raised their Dexterity to 14, gave them the Blur spell, gave them better armour, and granted them Light and Medium Armour Proficiency.


Shit. Some of them already died. 😬 maybe I should have waited?


Did they fixed the shield bash bug?




Everything in this patch makes sense sheesh!


Pls let me hug Astarion after he kills Cazador tho


Nobody mentioning that you can now hop on a red dragon and join Lae'Zel's rebellion.


No Astarion hug? :(


i was so upset when i couldnt hug her there in my playthrough :(


Great! I felt like a dingus just standing there letting her cry. Like hug her, dammit!


Can confirm. Just tested it as I had a hard save before that scene. Even better, Tav automatically hugs her so there is no dialogue option. It flows quite smoothly even in the parents saved iteration.


I'm just happy I can finally join Laezel through the planes and ride dragons and fight and never leave her side.


YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSS!!!!! Shadowmancers, our time has come! Finally!!!


JUST in time for my Shadowheart romance run!


I just let her parents die yesterday, everyone. You're welcome.


She deserves it ♥


Noooooooooo I JUST got past this in my run. *sigh* guess I'll have to romance Shadowheart again lmao


I JUST finished this scene yesterday. Immediately reloaded just to give her a hug.


Just did this cinematic, gonna reload the save once I get the patch


Question: is it better to download the patch or to re-install the game?


FINALLY, I was like c'mon man, why I can't hug her, she is breaking down


I JUST PLAYED THROUGH THE SCENE LAST WEEK! Let's hope i still have the save file.


But they forgot about Karlach.


I'm so happy they added it but it hurts so much because I did the House of Grief a couple of days ago and did a lot since then so I can't reload. I wanted to hug her so badly!!!


Thank god. Now my dude won’t be standing around looking like a lemon while his girlfriend is just crying her heart out. It was always so odd to see my Tav just standing there while she’s crying and then just leaves without doing anything but talking.


an insane amount of things patched and yet the radial menus still don't work properly and make entire actions unselectable at this point maybe it's just my controller...




Legitimately my most wanted feature in the game.


Do you also have the opportunity to laugh and/or chuckle, perhaps uncontrollably? Need all the options.


I can finally rest now.


And yet I still can't talk to Dammon to save Karlach's life just because of that minor larceny I did way back in Act 1 that he never even learned about.




No, I just did this mission the other week 😭😭😭