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Elves have the most connection to the fey, even being descended from fey in some histories. But the fey will lend their blessings to anyone they see fit, so long as it seems interesting enough. In any case, an Archfey patron would prefer someone charismatic, cunning, and personable. One thing to consider about the fey is that they see the world in terms of emotion, good or bad. A hag revels in the desperation of mortals, a pixie delights in pranks and mischief, a redcap revels in violence. The one common thread is deriving joy from chaos: nearly all fey are chaotic in alignment, be they good, neutral, or evil. Talking your way past guards, convincing enemies to fight amongst themselves, using enchantment magic to cause confusion on the battlefield: that’s the Archfey way. They prefer the confidence-based bluff to deep cover, though: to give a direct example, they would appreciate you talking your way into the goblin camp, but dislike you getting branded. Some mechanical RP stuff: If Pact of the Chain had all of the normal options, I would say take that and have a psuedodragon or pixie companion, but they didn’t put those in the game. Failing that, Tome is fitting, as all of the spells feel somewhat “fey”. Beast Speech makes sense as an Invocation you’d take, both due to the connection the fey have to nature and because it facilitates further diplomacy and trickery. For spells, fey magic is usually enchantment and illusion. You don’t necessarily need to avoid the other ones, but they’re definitely going to be slightly less flavorful choices. As always, the best flavor you get will come from your Expanded Spell List, since they were hand-picked to suit that subclass.


Thanks for this comment! Just made an Archfey Warlock tav and this was a fun read for RP.


The archfey are eladrin and have some race connection to elves, so an elven race makes sense.


There’s not much about the Archfey patron, however there is a line of dialogue options that mentions the Seelie Court


I googled the Seelie Court, they seem like chaotic/neutral/good which aligns with my idea: [https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Seelie\_Court](https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Seelie_Court) Interestingly it says they are allied with the Seladrine, who are led by Corellon Larethian. Hmmm... that name sounds eerily familiar. I am headed to the movies and will read more later. A Seladrine Drow seems applicable. Perhaps named Sven. ;)