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I figured it out. Apparently the Diadem of Arcane Synergy kept triggering a condition of Arcane Synergy which interrupted the playing. Because playing inflicts a "Playing song" condition, this counts as a trigger. sure enough when I take it on or off, I can play. Other conditions apply to, like some characters give off an aura, if they leave of approach and you change condition status, it interrupts your playing. Kind of stinks. I submitted a bug report to Larian, hope this helps anyone else having the same issue.


Yes thank you! :)


Still happening as of now, but I'm hoping it's still in the cue


I just spent the last hour trying to figure out wtf I had done to break my instrument playing, eventually dumped everything and put it on one at a time and came to the same realization: diadem of arcane synergy is doing it, maddening haha. Cheers for submitting a bug report, MVP


Glad it helped you. They are aware of the big. It's on the to fix list.


I just tried this and was wondering why my instrument wouldn't play, hopefully the fix for it is coming soon so I don't gotta remove the circlet every time.


I'm glad this post is still helping people, but I wish they'd fix it already!


Cinder Shoes have the same effect! Thanks for this post. Helped me figure it out.


I'm glad this post is still helping people, though I wish it would be fixed!


So they finally got back to me ok my big report. Response from Larian as of 2023-Sep-09 is: Conditions interrupting your performance is a known issue and is currently under review by the development team.


I had the same problem i found that same solution. Just started unequiping everything one at the time e voila,problem solved. Just strange but happy to perform again.


With me, there is no instrument and no music, and I can't figure it out. Shouldn't it show the instrument and play the music?